GUILTY - Tammy Moorer trial for Kidnapping Heather Elvis, 8 Oct 2018 #1

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and mentioning Tammy being pregnant was a way for the defense to plant the seed among the potential jurors as to who did Sidney REALLY bought that pregnancy test for on the night of Heather's kidnapping and murder.

YES!! One of their moves to make themselves feel intelligent.

I'm so tempted to drive in from Ohio to sit in on this trial. My family would think I was nuts but you guys understand, I'm sure.
Hello WS friends. I know so many of us followed this when it happened, and I’ve been gone from WS for awhile, but now Im back and ill be here following along with you all.

Justice for Heather has been a long time coming, but it *is* coming.

I am anxious to see what dramatics “the Mrs” tries to get herself out of this. I have a sneaking suspicion that she will absolutely panic when she sees all her dirty laundry being aired. She has handled it thus far by lying and obfuscating details, but she can’t do that anymore once it’s all out there.

See you Monday, everyone!
YES!! One of their moves to make themselves feel intelligent.

I'm so tempted to drive in from Ohio to sit in on this trial. My family would think I was nuts but you guys understand, I'm sure.
I understand absolutely your desire to travel to the trial. There is an upcoming trial clear across the country that I want to attend. Websleuthers understand these things.
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I have a tweeter bookmarked & just looked to see if she mentioned anything about the trial. Nothing... I'll keep an eye out on her site.
But I'm sure someone here will post a link - & I have no problem posting the tweets for the beginning of the day to post the tweets. And keeponsearching I'm 7 hours ahead - I'll be here in the morning part! :)
I'm happy to assist with the tweets, Niner! I can do the afternoon tweets so you can retire and get a good nights sleep! :D

YES!! One of their moves to make themselves feel intelligent.

I'm so tempted to drive in from Ohio to sit in on this trial. My family would think I was nuts but you guys understand, I'm sure.
Oh we totally understand alright, spiritseeker31! My family think I'm nuts. Getting up at 3am in the morning to assist with the tweets when a trial is in progress makes them think I've lost the plot. Them: "Why so early?" Me: "Because I'm on twitter duty" Family: "WTH is twitter duty?" After explaining they're like...

On a serious note: This trial is long overdue! I'll be here as long as it takes to see that justice is served for Heather! The toll this has taken on the Elvis family and all that knew and loved Heather is huge and not something anyone should have to go through. :( My thoughts are with them always.
Thanks to everyone who is going to keep us informed Monday. I no longer live in Myrtle Beach but always look for any comments. Any time I see news about remains found I watch it (guess it sounds kinda creepy) but hoping there can some closure for the Elvis family and the rest of us. There were remains found here in Florida along Hwy 429 (near Apopka). I actually pulled up a map to see if it could possibly be on the route from MB to Disney..
@Niner - I found the following links in the "Sidney Moorer on trial for the kidnapping of Heather Elvis - June 23, 2016" thread. They may or may not help, we'll have to wait and see, I guess!

WBTW News 13 (@WBTWNews13) | Twitter
Lisa Gresci (@Lisa_Gresci) | Twitter
Kaitlin Stansell (@kaitlinstansell) | Twitter (@wmbfnews) | Twitter
Elizabeth Townsend (@tsn_etownsend) | Twitter
Abbey O'Brien (@abbeyobrien) | Twitter
Meghan Miller (@Meghan_WBTW) | Twitter

IF the tweets are coming in fast and furious in the morning sessions lol, I'll be glad to share the load as I'll be here following along anyway, just yell out if you need assistance! :D

EDIT: Fixed the links!! (Took two edits to get links right lol...copying and pasting is NOT working. Those links should all start with h t t p s // twitter . com *no spaces* but they won't budge for some silly reason ugh, sorry. Okay figured it out--the first link no longer works, no twitter account, so have deleted it. The others all work :D)
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Well - thanks for ALL those twitters! I'll check them out & see if anyone tweeted re her trial coming up.
Thanks a bunch - and I will definitely give a shout out if I need help. I guess we will have to "see" who is tweeting - and if there are more than 2 or 3 or more - I'll definitely give a shout out to you!
okay checked out the list: - doesn't exist anymore

WBTW News 13 (@WBTWNews13) | Twitter - nothing regarding retrial

Lisa Gresci (@Lisa_Gresci) | Twitter - no mention of retrial

Kaitlin Stansell (@kaitlinstansell) | Twitter - this is the one I have bookmarked, but no mention of retrial. (@wmbfnews) | Twitter - they did mention the Supreme Court decision, but it's a news type channel, so maybe a reporter from there will be tweeting. Ah - I see Meghan Miller (last one on this list) is tweeting.

Elizabeth Townsend (@tsn_etownsend) | Twitter - seems she just re-tweets other people's tweets

Abbey O'Brien (@abbeyobrien) | Twitter - looks like all she does is retweet traffic reports.

Meghan Miller (@Meghan_WBTW) | Twitter - she did mention retrial. I'll bookmark this one too.
@Niner << am loving this new feature!! :D

Thanks for the above--I'll bookmark the one's you've mentioned too. If you come across any others let me know please and I'll do the same. Come Monday, I think we'll be well and truly ready for "twitter duty"
Oh I might have to close the blinds and pretend I'm not home Monday. Long time waiting on this one!
That's the way!! Us Websleuthers "gotta do what we gotta do!!!!"

Yes I love that feature too @UndiscoveredTruth ! Neat, eh?
It is very cool indeed! I only learnt of this feature last's probably not a new feature to alot around here now but it takes me awhile to learn new things! LOL

Back on topic! :D

Found another twitter account!

Nicole Boone‏ @WBTW_NicoleB Oct 1
Sidney and Tammy Moorer cases to be heard by different judges, SC Supreme Court ruling says

Thanks to everyone who is going to keep us informed Monday. I no longer live in Myrtle Beach but always look for any comments. Any time I see news about remains found I watch it (guess it sounds kinda creepy) but hoping there can some closure for the Elvis family and the rest of us. There were remains found here in Florida along Hwy 429 (near Apopka). I actually pulled up a map to see if it could possibly be on the route from MB to Disney..
@BAH -- Sorry, I was meaning to respond to your post earlier but got somewhat distracted. It doesn't sound creepy to us on websleuths..yes, it may and most likely does sound creepy to those who're not familiar with what we do, but don't let it worry you. Most of us, if not all of us are always on the lookout for any news related to missing people and if remains are found, we will check out the news, articles, everything. Regarding the remains found in Florida, along Hway 429. Were they found on the route from MB to Disney? Any further news? TIA
Thanks to everyone who is going to keep us informed Monday. I no longer live in Myrtle Beach but always look for any comments. Any time I see news about remains found I watch it (guess it sounds kinda creepy) but hoping there can some closure for the Elvis family and the rest of us. There were remains found here in Florida along Hwy 429 (near Apopka). I actually pulled up a map to see if it could possibly be on the route from MB to Disney..

I posted that Unidentified remains in Apopka and I immediately thought of Heather but didn't want to sound crazy and point it out, believe me, every unidentified remains between Myrtle Beach and Orlando I always imagine could be Heather.

And as far as showing up at trial, I was so tempted to make a "family trip" to Mrytle Beach during Sidney's murder trial. Hahaha. I would love to be there next week and just sit there and watch the Mrs. squirm before the judge. I have seen enough of her in court during Sidney's two trials. I wonder if she's going to interrupt proceedings and "want to speak to the judge" like she did during Sidney's trials.

I will be here Monday with bells on like the rest of you. I may give up my entire time on WS and watch the trial unfold as I have done in the past.

Thank you to the fine state of South Carolina for allowing cameras and media in the courtroom!

Prayers and strength to the Elvis family as you all prepare for next week.

Here is the Apopka thread regarding the remains found: FL - FL - Apopka, Skeletonized, Marden Road, 28 Sept 2018
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