GUILTY - Tammy Moorer trial for Kidnapping Heather Elvis, 8 Oct 2018 - #9

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Based on that one thing would you acquit this defendant of the charges in light of all the other evidence you would have heard? Was this the most important evidence of the trial? The one thing that's a "get out of jail free" card?

No, it's not the most important evidence or a get-out-of-jail-free card. But it does make me wonder, that the last most significant thing that they had to offer was to help the defense. It was a rebuttal, and they did not give an explanation or another rebuttal as to why they were doing such. So they are going into closing arguments and going to use it to something that they didn't have an expert come in and testify to perhaps. That is my problem with it.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong please, but looking at the dates/times on TM's posts for the night Heather disappeared, it doesn't look like Tammy has proven she was posting on FB at the "right" times anyway, even if she did change stuff, unless we believe her about DST. I DO think she changed some stuff because some comments from her friends appear before the timestamp on the posts (in at least one instance), but I'm still not seeing how this proves what she thinks it does. I'm also confused at this point what the jury has actually seen of her Facebook.

One thing is CLEAR from this case. Facebook is no alibi.

This (bolded for emphasis)

Something is up with her FB posts from the night they took Heather. If I hover over the date on her timeline, I get one date and time, but if I open the post up in a new tab and hover over the date, there is a one hour difference. It is not like that on her newer posts. She is switching time zones or something.

and this.

Yes. If you open up a post in a new window (by clicking the date or a picture post), the time changes (hover on date) by one hour.

TM knows how to manipulate Facebook very well. She has made posts private vs. public. She has turned her page off completely at times and scrubs posts on the regular.

Right now, all her posts are public. She wants us to see them. She wants us to see specific ones. No one typically does that. If she was so concerned about being harassed, she would only allow known friends to view her page and posts. Or, get off of Facebook completely. Further, she has public commenting turned off. She obviously doesn't want anyone commenting on her page.

Another manipulation that you could possibly do is change the timezone on your computer, then load a Facebook post and time will alter according to the time zone. Then, screenshot the post and it will appear to be posted at a different time.
Personally, I think they will find her guilty. No way will it be a mistrial. I believe it was only a mistrial in Sidney's kidnapping case because the defense attorney had a friend on the jury and, I believe, that friend and another is what caused the mistrial. If that weren't the case, I believe he would have been found guilty, too.

Here is some info on what the jury did in deliberations for Sid:
Mistrial declared in trial for Sidney Moorer, charged with kidnapping of Heather Elvis

I'm with you, JersyGirl. I think they'll find her guilty!!
Maybe I should go back and rewatch the rebuttal witness. I felt like he exhibited how easy it was for someone (who didn't know how to do it), to easily change the date. TM has never come across to me as someone who is very educated or smart, so showing how easy it was to do, seemed like a good thing.

If a date can be changed, then can't it also to used to explain away any of the 18th's postings)

He said the times could not be changed. Therefore what is the significance of changing it another day if it was a rebuttal on specifically the night of the murder.? Perhaps I'm just sick minded and I just cannot get it right now and I need help. Hopefully the jurors will get help from each other just like you guys will help me understand why I am up so upset with this.
I feel like she DID make all her Facebook public (or mostly public) for this trial. I scrolled through her Facebook the other day, and I had all kinds of feels - I felt sorry for her children, and I was freaked out about how "normal" she seemed. I started to feel empathy! I quickly shut that down. I'm like, "Girl, think about Heather's family." The point is, she is manipulative, in my opinion. I'm able to shut down any sort of empathy for her, but I'm not sure about others...
From today, it sounds like the State is going with the pregnancy test found at Heather's home was the one they bought at WM.

Does somebody have a link to the testimony that match the UPC from the Walmart to the UPC code of what was found in her trash can.?

ETA can somebody refresh my memory of when it was entered into evidence that the UPC codes matched.
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BBM: A friend of Truslow's was on the jury in SM's trial though! Had he not been, I believe SM would have been found "GUILTY". Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think it was 11/2--not hard to believe Truslow's friend was able to sway one other juror either! MOO

"That trial ended in a hung jury after two jurors were unable to reach a guilty verdict."

Moorer's lawyer says family accused him of conspiring with State, requests to be relieved as counsel
How I wish we could change the date & time back to just prior to Heather’s disappearance, so we could all be there to save her.

Or, even better, change the date & time to before Heather & SM ever met at all...have the Tilted Kilt hire a different handyman.

On a more serious note, I’ve read on a few posts that some suspect the M’s might have been involved in the brutal murder of Amber Berbiglia (sp?). Has anyone who has looked into this more called in a tip to Horry County?
The rebuttal witness testifying that the time couldn't be changed lets the jury decide if Tammy's self printed photo showing the time is correct or if it is the State's forensically obtained photo time is correct. Tammy obviously lied about so much other stuff , and provided the photo to dispute the crucial time , I vote the jurors will believe the State
Ha. Talking heads on Law and crime have just said up until today defense were way ahead but they have blown it with TM’ testimony today and have gone way backwards. It was a terrible mistake and NL completely got under her skin!!

Edited to add, her decision to testify didn’t help her today and has hurt her cause.
1. I do not get that little clock when I change dates and times on my posts.
2. It may be a relatively new feature that didn't exist at the time, or she doesn't have that feature on her account yet.
3. She probably totally gets the little clock and Photoshopped it out. HA!

I would love to know when she pulled up FB and printed those? Did she Mention them at all on Friday?
I hope the jury caught her FB lie about not using it in over a year yet she opened her account for the trial and has printed info from it. Sure it was a slip of the tongue but shows how convoluted her thinking is. She just says things, she lies so much that she probably doesn’t even know what the truth is anymore.
Right now, all her posts are public. She wants us to see them. She wants us to see specific ones. No one typically does that. If she was so concerned about being harassed, she would only allow known friends to view her page and posts. Or, get off of Facebook completely. Further, she has public commenting turned off. She obviously doesn't want anyone commenting on her page.

This! I have my FB locked up tight because I was the victim of an assault and was harassed by my attacker and his minions 4 years ago. I absolutely do not want him to have any info about me when he gets out of prison, so I leave NOTHING public. If TM was so afraid of people stalking and harassing her and her family, why have any FB posts visible to the public? ESPECIALLY photos of her kids!
I believe the testimony about the facebook date change was somewhat effective. It showed that a person who was unfamiliar with tech was able to easily change the date on a post. However, as I said before there was a lot of evidence on facebook from day 1 of this case. Really, it is on the legal system to sort this out. Particularly, I think judges should be educated on this fact. The judge allowed into evidence something that was not in discovery, but was printed out by a defendant? The state should have been more prepared for this too. The changing of the post on the tattoo is an important factor in the piece of the puzzle. If you are 'forced' to have a tattoo after you are caught cheating you are making a declaration that you are owned.
Tammy lies IMo:

She said Sidney was making food for all of them - her, Sidney and their son. Actually I think she said “kids”.

At almost 5am. Not breakfast, they’d all stayed up. Not being a Judge-y Joanna or anything but, she expects us to believe her son/kids stayed up all night until sunrise, on a random Wednesday?

Then she managed to work in “my son wasn’t allowed to testify” which was stricken from the record but the jury still heard it. That never shoulda happened.
Here is what one juror said in Sidney's mistrial for kidnapping:
Juror explains mistrial in Sidney Moorer kidnapping case

One juror, however, took time to stop and address how the twelve jury members simply could not come to a unanimous decision.

"If we were not doing a trial on circumstantial evidence, it would have been a much more way for us to sink our teeth into and come up with a proper verdict," the juror explained. "But because of the fact there were so many what-ifs, ‘what if this happened,' ‘what if that happened,' and things of that nature, we were hopelessly deadlocked."

The juror explained that when they first reported to Judge Markley Dennis that they could not reach a unanimous decision, and the judge asked them to deliberate longer, nothing changed. He says after another hour of talking the case over, no one changed their stance on whether they believed Sidney Moorer was guilty of kidnapping Heather Elvis.

The vote was deadlocked at 10 guilty votes and two not guilty votes, according to the juror.

The second time the jury told the judge they could not reach a decision, a mistrial was declared.
That is the very first time I heard that. I had wondered all this time, is the box the same brand that Sidney bought at Wal-Mart? And today seemed to say it was. That is HUGE for me.

It would be, but they never bought it up in the trial before. So I was really confused. Who testified is that on the stand that it was the same UPC code?
I am sitting here eating lunch with daughter also came with me today. Cannot believe that they are going to probably get this case today!
Hi Yupikgirl!

Any quick observations from what you saw this morning?

People here are freaking out that the rebuttal witness answered the question of changing time on a FB post incorrectly -- it can be done (easily).
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