GUILTY - Tammy Moorer - trial for Kidnapping Heather Elvis, 8 Oct 2018 *Appeals denied* #11

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It looks like along with the picture of the skull, there are men’s shoes next to it. So looks to be male.

Are they? Anyone know what type shoes these are?

So I'm up to the testimony on "the longest day ever" by BH. I just had to come and tell you all that when I questioned what the point of his testimony was on Twitter in response to the WMBF News lady's tweet... he LIKED MY TWEET. I went to his twitter and his big thing was "Did I at least make the news?" (Paraphrasing.) This guy... let's just say they need some dawn to clean that chair with and then Lysol it.

Edit BC I hit enter too soon: I'm just trying to stay in the WS rules with what I say.
CarolinaAsh, when you come across the video of Christoper Moorer testifying, would you provide a link. I've searched but not been able to find it. Thanks!
I just spent some time looking at TM/SM's facebook photos on their pages, they're lots of them that she uploaded in June 20 2016, right before SM's first kidnapping trial started. Such a tragic thing for her kids - both parents in prison. I just want one of them to confess and tell where they put Heather. Sad! Sad!
I don't really have anything constructive to add at this time, but I keep hoping and hoping that someone cracks since TM is finally where she belongs .. It would be especially nice to have wonderful news in time for the anniversary of Heather's disappearance ... SM knows something .. do the right thing!!!

Happenstance that I ran across this. Unrelated, except for the judge, Markley Dennis. Appears to have a heart...for animals anyway. 15 years for weapons possession, 5 additional (concurrent) for animal abuse, and wishes he could give more. I so wish he could run a fair courtroom for SM's next trial, and have as much compassion for Heather and her family as he has for this dog. (I'm not dissing the poor dog)

Happenstance that I ran across this. Unrelated, except for the judge, Markley Dennis. Appears to have a heart...for animals anyway. 15 years for weapons possession, 5 additional (concurrent) for animal abuse, and wishes he could give more. I so wish he could run a fair courtroom for SM's next trial, and have as much compassion for Heather and her family as he has for this dog. (I'm not dissing the poor dog)

This is my hope as well. I am concerned about how much compassion Heather would get from him judging how he acted toward Prosecutor NL. He seems to be a misogynist. But he did sentence Sidney to ten years for obstruction of justice, so maybe there is hope that a future trial for Sidney's kidnapping charges will be fair.

Will he definitely be the judge if/when Sidney gets retried? I have no idea how that works.

Happenstance that I ran across this. Unrelated, except for the judge, Markley Dennis. Appears to have a heart...for animals anyway. 15 years for weapons possession, 5 additional (concurrent) for animal abuse, and wishes he could give more. I so wish he could run a fair courtroom for SM's next trial, and have as much compassion for Heather and her family as he has for this dog. (I'm not dissing the poor dog)

10 years for obstruction of justice is quite a heavy sentence. however those lies or obstructions stopped the flow of the police investigation.
So, since I know she got a guilty sentence I've been taking my time with the rest of the footage and I am just now ending the Friday where TM started testifying... and it was glorious. Please tell me it gets better...

Oh, you must stay for Act II of Pinocchio! :D

Incidentally, I think her change in demeanor from Friday to Monday was because she spent the weekend reading around the net getting the full blast of how her testiphony was perceived (No, Madam T, few if any bought your fibs nor cared for the attitude).
Oh, you must stay for Act II of Pinocchio! :D

Incidentally, I think her change in demeanor from Friday to Monday was because she spent the weekend reading around the net getting the full blast of how her testiphony was perceived (No, Madam T, few if any bought your fibs nor cared for the attitude).

I will. I am SO tired, and frankly very sick of TM and the case. But. I owe it to Heather, and I will see it through. (And when I hit the end I will celebrate!)
Oh, you must stay for Act II of Pinocchio! :D

Incidentally, I think her change in demeanor from Friday to Monday was because she spent the weekend reading around the net getting the full blast of how her testiphony was perceived (No, Madam T, few if any bought your fibs nor cared for the attitude).

LOL testiphony is perfect!
Oh, you must stay for Act II of Pinocchio! :D

Incidentally, I think her change in demeanor from Friday to Monday was because she spent the weekend reading around the net getting the full blast of how her testiphony was perceived (No, Madam T, few if any bought your fibs nor cared for the attitude).

Hi geevee---love it-- testiphony!!
ETA: i now see bestill beat me to it!
Tammy is currently in a facility to determine where she will be permanently incarcerated. What do they evaluate? Type of crime? Mental Health?? (Got their work cut out there) How dangerous she is to herself, others?? What else?

Also wondering how long the process takes to finish the evaluation.

I get a picture in my mind of Tammy telling anyone and everyone that she didn't do anything. I'm sure the prison staff has heard this all too many times from many other prisoners.

Of course, it won't be known, but it sure would be interesting to hear what her behavior in prison is knowing she has a long sentence to face, unlike her last detention at Reuben Long where there was still hope she could get away with her crime.

Maybe she will be a busy bee working on her appeal and directing her lawyers--and working out of her plastic storage tote once again. And if you don't mind, can I ask would you be surprised to know Tammy says all the answers to prove her innocence are in that very professional looking plastic box. LOL IMO
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OH. MY. LORD. I just started Monday. I can't EVEN with this woman. I am so glad that I wasn't watching this live or there might have been a SCENE in that courtroom. :mad::confused::mad: The fact Nancy had to ask the judge to interfere with her behavior, and the fact she STILL COULDN'T DO IT, is ridiculous.


She doesn't know what River Oaks Drive is. She doesn't know what Longbeard's is. She's heard a lot of lies in that courtroom. Sigh.

EVERYONE KNOWS WHAT RIVER OAKS DRIVE IS!!!!!!! I know you will understand my frustration, she is a lying liar who lies about her lies!!!

I'm probably about to get warned but it will be worth it.

ETA: I may get to this at some point but it turns out she was actually right about FB changing the times on the posts automatically. I just checked mine with images I took on my phone in October and posted immediately and both were an hour off and correspond with DST.
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