***GUILTY***The Verdict Waiting Room #3

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Gerard Baden-Clay was an 'arrogant and stony-faced' inmate on remand in Queensland's Arthur Gorrie Correctional Centre as he awaited trial for his wife's murder, but now faces having 'the crap beat out of him' in maximum security as he is processed as a sentenced prisoner.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...y-faced-head-sci-fi-novels.html#ixzz37WVFfVXb
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Oh my, the girls have visited him in jail :notgood:

From the linked Daily Mail article, an interview with another prisoner:
'He was by no means among the biggest or toughest in B3 [protection] wing, but he had an air of authority and the majority of prisoners respected him.

'I reckon it's because they believed he was guilty, even if he pretended he was not.

'Once I'd seen the photos of the scratches on his cheek, I knew he was guilty.'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...y-faced-head-sci-fi-novels.html#ixzz37WVXnLQw
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Other prisoners RESPECTED him because they believed he was guilty of murdering his wife??? WTF is up with that?
Oh those victim impact statements made me cry. For a beautiful lost angel.
OMG. Guilty. I didn't dare check the verdict. I've been sitting here for hours just worrying but afraid to look.

I am SO relieved, for Allison and her loved ones.
10:02am in my country
I'm sitting with laptop and TV, without breakfast all the time, reading Websleuths and the Guilty-verdict, crying with relief and with sadness,
meanwhile the Fanhansa "Siegerflieger" just is landing in Berlin (count-down, wheels have now placed). An open truck will take the football winning team on board and will drive through Berlin towards the Brandenburger Tor within the fan mile. There are waiting hundreds of thousands of fans. My thoughts are going to Brisbane more than to Berlin though, are going to Allison, her little daughters, her parents, her friends and neighbours and to all the yellow balloons - what a nice ending of a terrible time. - I'm glad, Allison has not been betrayed once more!
Phew! I'm back after having to leave 5 mins before the verdict was read out. What a great result. I'm so glad there is finally some justice for Allison, all the Dickies, friends etc. so annoyed after two years I missed it. So, having not read any of the posts yet, and too impatient to start at the beginning, what did I miss?? Any new evidence? Cars? Roundabout? Accomplices? Bear with me, I'll catch up!
Sorry if this has already been discussed, tried to keep up while working today! Just curious as to whether it is unusual for sentencing to have already occurred? I found it strange that the judge was ready to go with sentencing remarks, usually these are very detailed and sentencing occurs after the fact. Is this different in QLD?
I am relieved with the guilty verdict. Thanks to Todd Fuller and his team! And to many Allison's supporters!
maybe in a tone of perfect politeness, comment on their fashion colour choices? "oh Mr/Mrs BC, I'm SO worried about you...wearing that dark outfit...you must be SO depressed. Would you like me to call your doctor, or an ambulance? You're not going to do anything desperate, are you? Here, would you like to lie down? I'll draw the curtains."

I like it, I could also offer to give "BWANA" a shave with a blunt razor and see if i could do a more botched job than his son , though i suspect I would have to use a garden fork to achieve that
I've a question for any legal beagles out there. In several newscasts that I've watched this evening, they've given details of what the defence team offered the judge before GBC took the stand. If I heard it correctly, the defence basically said that GBC did kill Allison, but it was an accident resulting from a domestic dispute - ie - it was manslaughter!!!! That being the case, they knew that GBC killed Allison, and presumably they had GBC's consent to make such an offer - ie he confessed to killing Allison???? Then, GBC took that stand and continued with the same old BS to support the suicide argument. This doesn't seem to make sense to me. All comments welcome.
Just heard on Nine news that part of TM's interview will be played on A Current Affair
Three grand daughters...

Do you think the BC's realise that the sex of a child is determined by the male?

IMOO I'm so pleased the Dickies are raising three GRAND daughters
I love what Vanessa said about Allison's clothing.

And the way in which Vanessa said those words, was wonderful: "[Allison was] always wearing smart, elegant clothing in all colours ". Seriously, I wanted to stand up and say Go, Vanessa! (and from the reaction of others in court, I don't think I was the only one).
I know!! Why would you go SO public??!! Everyone will recognise her in the street.....my idea of a nightmare!!! But apparently not hers.....she seems to enjoy the attention :facepalm:

It's as if she hasn't connected that people may actually be DISGUSTED with her for what she did by having an affair with Geraaaaaaard........

Money. Pure and simple. She has kids too....
Oh my, the girls have visited him in jail :notgood:

And on channel 7 this afternoon there was a person saying that they will have to visit until the courts decide they are at an age that they can decide to decline visiting him in jail. Family Law is such that a father has a right to a relationship with their children even if he is convicted of murdering their mother. He has to request the visits though. Maybe Alioop knows more on the legal processes here.

From the links that WS's have posted on this thread it seems the judge didn't bother considering this application BECAUSE GBC continued down his path of lies and made no admission to same at any time.

I'm certain other WS's can explain this better.

Channel 9 is currently giving ever more snippets of video footage.

Latest viewed less than 3 mins ago seems to be a sneaky video recording of him in the office stating (AGAIN IN HIS USUALLY UNEXPRESSIVE SAD MEEEEEEE SAD MEEEE VOICE) "Yeah, I'm okay...."

So irritating - his endless expectations for sympathy.

I've a question for any legal beagles out there. In several newscasts that I've watched this evening, they've given details of what the defence team offered the judge before GBC took the stand. If I heard it correctly, the defence basically said that GBC did kill Allison, but it was an accident resulting from a domestic dispute - ie - it was manslaughter!!!! That being the case, they knew that GBC killed Allison, and presumably they had GBC's consent to make such an offer - ie he confessed to killing Allison???? Then, GBC took that stand and continued with the same old BS to support the suicide argument. This doesn't seem to make sense to me. All comments welcome.
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