***GUILTY***The Verdict Waiting Room #3

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I feel a bit bad saying this but I cannot muster an ounce of sympathy for the BC clan. I've tried telling myself that they're his family, of course they support him, but what Olivia did on the witness stand was absolutely disgusting.

With what has already started to come out (eg GBC stealing from Flight Centre) I think my feelings towards that family will be even stronger.

I am so very relieved that the right verdict was reached.
That TM will be on a trashy current affairs show really only highlights just how poor GBC's judgement was in pursuing an affair with her and making plans to leave Allison for her. I know nothing of Allison beyond the impression that her family and friends have given of her, but I strongly believe that had the situation been reversed she would never appear on a show like that to spill the dirt. TM isn't to blame for anything more than knowingly seeing a married man, but it speaks volumes about her character and lack of empathy for Allisons family that she will continue to add to their emotional plight in the name of getting paid.
Today's verdict surprised me, because sometimes it feels in high profile cases that a guilty verdict never comes. The witness impact statements were very emotional! I shed a few tears reading them, before hugging my little girl and having a dance party with her. Cases like these definitely make you appreciate your loved ones even more.
Is the blonde lady J Crane?

I don't know, I just have been very intrigued to what was going to come out as soon as the verdict was handed out and now it seems, there is going to be a post trial circus with all the mistress's, maybe details of the facetime calls to his father, the vacuum, what exactly his patents and sister knew, seems bizarre their blatant ridicule of poor Allison from them, I can not imagine how they had made her feel while she was alive, if how they spoke about her after her death was any indication, I can not imagine how bad they made her feel while she was alive...I really hope people keep that in mind where ever these people go and live now, I can not imagine they will stay in the local area with what has happened now he has been found guilty..
I could be Allison. So many similarities. My ex is just like GBC, the theft from employers etc too. I was terrified. I am and always will be grateful to my friends and family who hid me away and ran interference for me. They were prepared to risk their own lives to protect me and my children. He stalked them, harassed them, involved the police and courts trying to find me. The police and courts couldn't protect me, my family and friends did.

Many women and men have been unlucky enough to fall prey to these freaks.
4 months ago I got out of a 16 month relationship with one.
Allison chose to stay and do the right thing for her marriage and children and paid the ultimate price.
TONIGHT, The Mistress... The Cheating husband... The never before seen videos of lovers Gerard Bayden Clay and Toni McHugh. Inside the office where the affair began. A SPECIAL EDITION of A Current Affair, TONIGHT at 7.00pm on Channel 9.
‪#‎BadenClay‬ ‪#‎ACA9‬

Yes it was a Monopoly GBC.

You lost - and there will be no money to collect.
Same for your friends.
Lets see who else was playing the game.

I don't know, I just have been very intrigued to what was going to come out as soon as the verdict was handed out and now it seems, there is going to be a post trial circus with all the mistress's, maybe details of the facetime calls to his father, the vacuum, what exactly his patents and sister knew, seems bizarre their blatant ridicule of poor Allison from them, I can not imagine how they had made her feel while she was alive, if how they spoke about her after her death was any indication, I can not imagine how bad they made her feel while she was alive...I really hope people keep that in mind where ever these people go and live now, I can not imagine they will stay in the local area with what has happened now he has been found guilty..

At the risk of being 'booed':- remember the lies he told about Allison during the trial, I will bet my last dollar that he told outrageous lies to his mistresses about Allison, and painted HIMself as the victim - that's how his type operate.
I have to say that I've really enjoyed getting to know all of you! I was assigned to this case early on because the other mods were tied up in the Trayvon Martin case. I didn't know what you guys were talking about for the longest time! :waitasec: Then we added Marlywings - our first international moderator. She's been such a joy and even has spelling things differently, like "practise" and "colour". :floorlaugh:

Some of you may remember that I love Australia because my nieces are half-Aussie and live in Sydney with their wonderful mum. To know more about the culture, the slang, and the weather - just to be in touch with people on the other side of the planet - is such a blessing.

Allison, thank you for allowing all of us to make new friends in your name. Rest in peace, gracious lady. We'll see you in heaven someday. :rose:

Beautiful, Kimster :) Thanks for all your work!
And the prosecution team wandered off into the sunset with a knowing smile of a job well done. No fanfare, just the quiet satisfaction of a tremendous task undertaken and completed with aplomb


I would love to be a fly on the wall when Mr Todd Fuller QC and Mr Danny Boyle QC open their mail over the next few days. And probably Justice Byrne too.
I feel a bit bad saying this but I cannot muster an ounce of sympathy for the BC clan. I've tried telling myself that they're his family, of course they support him, but what Olivia did on the witness stand was absolutely disgusting.

With what has already started to come out (eg GBC stealing from Flight Centre) I think my feelings towards that family will be even stronger.

I am so very relieved that the right verdict was reached.

me either and in my opinion they know so much more , more than us , more than the cops , more than the Dickies but there was one big loser today their so called prodigal son justice has prevailed
Wonder if that's why the sentencing was done so quickly

nope, i'm sure that a life sentence for murder in qld is a mandatory sentence, no ifs or buts, 15 years minimum and the defence can't come along with submissions arguing for a lower sentence, therefore they always sentence straight after a verdict comes down, it can be extended for a time longer than 15 years though
I feel a bit bad saying this but I cannot muster an ounce of sympathy for the BC clan. I've tried telling myself that they're his family, of course they support him, but what Olivia did on the witness stand was absolutely disgusting.

With what has already started to come out (eg GBC stealing from Flight Centre) I think my feelings towards that family will be even stronger.

I am so very relieved that the right verdict was reached.

I feel the same way. Before the trial, I hadn't followed much but as the trial wore on I lost any sympathy for the BC's. Maybe their arrogance is denial and I can understand that, but I think it runs deeper. I don't believe Gerard was born this way, he was brought up to be a selfish narcissistic misogynistic liar. There is something so mean and self-interested about the whole family. I think they cultivated Gerard's faults and really believe they are superior.
Many women and men have been unlucky enough to fall prey to these freaks.
4 months ago I got out of a 16 month relationship with one.
Allison chose to stay and do the right thing for her marriage and children and paid the ultimate price.
I'm glad you got out! (Hugs)
Glad to see a verdict reached and what I believe to be the right one.
I think the evidence was weak, but enough of it to prove to me at least he did it. (HD photos of the scratches and leaves in the hair were the key parts)
If they had found the phone (which I think was put to silent and put in a bin somewhere) it would have told a much different story.

Glad to see the jury took their time and worked through everything.
A quick decision would have been questioned by everyone and also given the defense more ground for appeal. (which I am sure they will be doing right now anyway)

At least the daughters will be able to grow up without having to live with the murderer of their mother and be old enough now to make their own decisions when they do have to meet him again.

See you sometime in 203x Gerrard

I always suspected that his family or his mistress had something to do with Allison's phone missing
Now that we start to hear about evidence that was suppressed, a couple of things GBC said on the stand make me think he was deliberately trying to rub the fact in that it was suppressed and couldn't be used against him. For example, when he said he had to work from home because of Allison to which Mr Fuller said no that's because you lost your job - well GBC knew that Fuller couldn't bring up why he wasn't working!

Also when GBC strongly hinted there were more women that hadn't been mentioned - did he say that knowing full well Fuller couldn't expand on it? Taunting him almost?

Sorry, I am doing a terrible job of trying to get across my thoughts!
Think they'll receive post loads of ladies knickers?
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