GUILTY - Wayne Millard Murder Trial - Dellen Millard Charged With Murder - #4

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Think about it for a minute. The position of the gun would have been very awkward for WM. But, if you are left handed DM it’s actually a very natural position. Then just drop the gun and it falls between the bed and the dresser.
It is a little more awkward to point the gun upwards if you believe the bullet traveled a straight line from the gun to its final position. The trajectory of the bullet was not investigated but the comment was made that the bullet was deformed as if it had hit something hard. So perhaps the gun was not pointing upwards, a very comfortable position for a standing left handed person. All just MOO.

I'm not following how it would be comfortable. DM was predominantly left handed and it was WM's left eye that was blown out. That would be the eye on the pillow. WM was rolled on his left. There was a dresser about a foot away.
I'm not following how it would be comfortable. DM was predominantly left handed and it was WM's left eye that was blown out. That would be the eye on the pillow. WM was rolled on his left. There was a dresser about a foot away.
Yes. DM could have stood next to the bed but facing away or in the same direction as WM and shooting backwards if you like.
You are correct ... we have not seen it ...... but I am sure it was in the agreed statement of facts the judge received .... otherwise there is no way any of that phone & cab & cab driver info would ever be allowed by Pillay.

What I miss most of all are the MOB REPORTER videos such as were used in the previous trials. I think it was that Humphries gal reporter who provided them . They showed everything the judge-jury saw. We are flying blind in this trial unless an Adam Carter or Abro decide to read the transcripts and publish it. .
In defence of guys with ambiguously gendered names everywhere, I have to point out that Adrian Humphreys is a dude. :)

We did get the full DM interview from him early, so I appreciate that!
Whats really absurd, is that DM has two M1 convictions where there were no bodies and difficult to know exactly how TB and LB were killed. And yet, here he is again on trial, with a body and the gun DM illegally purchased and because of the lack of evidence recovered by the TPS at the time, it's not going to be an easy verdict. I really thought they would have had more evidence on DM!!!
Then there is...MOO
DM getting frustrated with WM of all the extra costs of the new hanger, that he wanted no part of.
WM getting frustrated with DM clustering the new hanger with none aircraft maintenance items. Plus DM's minions working on none essential projects, such as a barrel incinerator and after that fails purchases a commercial one that they build a trailer for, to make it mobile. I would have to think WM would have seen or heard about. I wonder if WM seen too much and was on to his son's missions?!?!
Heck, DM didn't even care about flying. Planes that is. His licence had expired. Planes are a lot more cost efficient, then helicopters.
I really doubt 5 Maplegate was a happy house to live in.
I have to think we all have a good idea who pulled the trigger. And it must have been a nerve racking day for DM, waiting to get the call, that the housekeeper found his father dead.
I've wondered if the phone was left at Mark's for the explicit purpose of calling Pizza Pizza. I don't think we've heard details about the call that made that order. There is some indication in all three of the murder cases that DM may not have had awareness of how cell phones could be used to track movement. He seemed to understand the idea of tracing a number - the Lucas Bate burner phone for example - but otherwise carted a personal cell phone everywhere and basically built a brick wall of evidence against himself. He either thought he was so clever and bulletproof that he and/or his phones would never even hit the radar, or didn't understand the technology. The latter would be a bit head scratching in 2012 and beyond, but the former suggests something almost as confounding psychologically.

That's such a good point! Why leave his phone if not for an alibi. I'm sure there was at least a landline at the Smich house, and chances are one if not both MS or MM had their own cell phone, there would be NO need to leave a phone.
Look at the situation from the business perspective. He spent most of his life on other things than the family business. All of a sudden he decides to start an MRO service from scratch. That's a low margin business, and the potential payoff is not fantastic. He does that with a huge chunk of his bank. Thin on cash, has to mortgage a few things. did he even ask DM whether DM wants to run that or not? A sure way to lose money. Seems like he had some sort of an idee fixe that he has to restore Millardair. He wasted his life on booze and baby seals (I , personally, love baby seals). All of a sudden he is so enthusiastic about aviation. Nah, just a late life regret about the wasted time, and an attempt to leave a footprint.
Perhaps WM was onto DM's gangster life (we don't really know when it would have begun, there maybe something -plural- neither police nor media are aware of yet) and perhaps WM tried desperately to get DM away from it. If WM suspected DM of criminal dangerous habits, he couldn't speak to anyone, I think. He had to bury these thoughts and fears deep inside himself.
MB? Probably the wrongest ever contact person, he could have found. I imagine, sorry, she would have opened a bottle of wine with him (for her own gratification, don't understand me wrong!) and would have told WM, what a failure he was as a father. Of course only MOO.
Another close relative? Non-existent, as far as we know.
EG? Maybe, as WM's partner she knew a little bit, but certainly not his worse worries.
Friends out of the Aviation business and Animal rights activists - surely not a single one of them would have been a suitable intimate contact person.
Probably WM had to think of his son's future all alone, with no help. Probably DM pretended to agree to his father's plans so as not to stir up distrust and to get enough money, if needed. After all, DM knew best to what he was up to. Better, to leave WM in the dark for the starting time and tell him "Yeah, the helicopter business I'm very interested in" or similar.
So I think, since 2006 -CM's death- 2 men were planning the future life past each other, without discussing the truth and they did, until DM felt the "Dir3n33d" to get rid of his uncomfortable father ASAP. Also possible, because Carl died on Nov 21th, DM thought November would be a "nice" deadline to become the owner of the heritage.

All IMO MOO and only my thoughts (always with a sadness)
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You say that like DM would care about what his own mother wanted. I think you give him a bit too much credit. DM does what is good for DM and I suspect he would let his mother know what she wanted. jmo :)
This is true. But for this trial, I think DM’s interests and his mother’s happen to coincide.

Also, Pillay would have a lot of influence.

FWIW I thought DM enjoyed watching her squirm at the Rowbotham hearing. She had to tell the judge all about her finances and explain why she was still taking money out of Millardair.

I think DM despised both his parents.
Wayne had a love/hate relationship with Carl. He was bitter for decades about his parents’ separation and deeply resented his father for leaving his mothers Bizarre behaviour for a man his age.

Whoa - I read that as Della exhibited bizarre behaviour and so Carl left her for a man. Punctuation omission?
Yes. DM could have stood next to the bed but facing away or in the same direction as WM and shooting backwards if you like.

I wonder if the bed was moved, even a few inches, after the fact. There was no headboard and it looked easy to push or pull. Or maybe the dresser was moved? This was a staging, after all. MOO.
Yes. DM could have stood next to the bed but facing away or in the same direction as WM and shooting backwards if you like.

Seems awkward. This sketch shows the position WM was in 570 NEWS teams up with to provide more local news, more often. - 570 NEWS

and this one shows how much space there was between the bed and dresser Police never examined blood-soaked pillow, key evidence was moved, Millard trial hears | CBC News

I don't think he'd need to squeeze in between the bed and dresser to get into position... I imagine his outstretched arm could reach WM's eye while standing right where that bag sits in the picture you posted here, just in front of the dresser. MOO
That's such a good point! Why leave his phone if not for an alibi. I'm sure there was at least a landline at the Smich house, and chances are one if not both MS or MM had their own cell phone, there would be NO need to leave a phone.
100% alibi-setting.
I cannot think of one other reasonable explanation.
Even the credit card -- in the past we have heard that DM brought/dropped off food to these two, but not once (unless I am recalling incorrectly) has it been heard that he left them a credit card for use.
I don't think he'd need to squeeze in between the bed and dresser to get into position... I imagine his outstretched arm could reach WM's eye while standing right where that bag sits in the picture you posted here, just in front of the dresser. MOO

Sit on the floor, outstretched gun-laden arm pointing up.
Pew, pew.
I don't think he'd need to squeeze in between the bed and dresser to get into position... I imagine his outstretched arm could reach WM's eye while standing right where that bag sits in the picture you posted here, just in front of the dresser. MOO

And are you saying he did this with his left hand?

If we look at the bag (that was apparently moved?) but visualize it moved backwards so the blood on the bag matches up with the blood spot on the carpet, then look at the sketch that shows where WM's left hand is below the blood stream, I can't see that a gun falling from his left hand would have fallen into that bag in what should have been the bag's original (?) position.

(^^ okay, longest sentence in history)
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