Gun Control Debate #4

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Something like 0.0002% of gun crime is licenced firearms in Australia

All guns must be licenced.

BBM, Could you please support that info. with a link if the law states otherwise.
These are licensing requirement laws in the NT.
General licencing requirements

In all cases when applying for a firearms licence, certain basic requirements must be met to qualify for a licence under the Northern Territory Firearms Act. In the case of a person you must:

be of at least 18 years of age (or 12 years of age for a Junior Club Licence)
provide proof that you are a resident of the Northern Territory
provide proof of identity in accordance with requirements under the Financial Transactions Report Act (1988), which is the same standard which banks apply when you open a new account
not be subject to, or not have been subject to a Domestic Violence Order within the last five years
have undertaken an approved Firearm Safety Training Course
be able to meet the safe storage requirements under the Firearms Act & Regulations (see safe storage requirements for further information)
have a genuine reason/need for holding a licence (see genuine reason for further information)

in addition you will be required to disclose any criminal history, or history of mental illness or incapacity, which could affect your fitness to hold a licence.
Maybe we need another Love revolution like back in the 60's, :)

It didn’t happen in a vacuum, imo. [emoji6]

Doesn’t seem to me like it was a particularly peaceful or loving time. ... Although it certainly is an important time in our history.
And that's a war the gun control crowd will lose.

Please define “gun control crowd.” TIA.

Most Americans favor some sort of gun reform, and up to 97 percent of gun owners. (Linked multiple times upthread and in previous threads.)

Do you mean everyone?

Who said it’s a “war”? Is this a threat?
All the mass shooters are on meds. They all pick AR15s which is indicative of their mindset.

I read the other day something like 95% of the school shootings have happened in the last 25 years in America. Whats gone wrong with America?

Anyone being treated, shouldn't have access to firearms.

Who shoots unarmed schoolkids? It must be one of the most cowardice acts possible?

Links, please.

I’ve read nowhere where all shooters are on meds.

And are you aware of just how many Americans are medicated for some kind of psychiatric issue?!

Ha ha ha ...

One in six. So, yeah. [emoji854]
Hi all. I am new to this thread. I have thought about the gun control debate for some time.

In my opinion, an important factor in this debate is fear. Fear drives gun sales. But many of threats are exaggerated.

If one watches the local news (for example in the Metro Detroit area where I live), it is all murder, drive-by-shootings etc.
Because of the 24/7 news, people get the impression that violent crime is worse than ever, but this is not the case.

The coverage of all the school shootings has everyone on edge. They are even practicing the response to mass shootings
at schools now. Thus instilling fear in our children. How big is the threat of being shot in a mass shooting? It is not zero but very small. Probably comparable to the risk of being struck dead by lightning.

Even though the number of people killed by mass shootings is small compared to the number of people killed by other types of murder, such events have a great impact on the country because of the media coverage. Those shootings are an act of terror and are intended to get attention and strike fear.

I do favor common sense gun laws to reduce gun violence and mass shootings. In particular, gun registration without loopholes is important, and to reduce the magnitude of mass shootings I would also support a ban on weapons that are designed to shoot many bullets in a short amount of time. However, there is much resistance against such laws, in part because people are afraid.

Organizations such as the NRA play into this fear. Some people are afraid that the government will take all their guns away, but I do not know of any mainstream politicians that favor a ban on all guns. Also the idea that one would need to accumulate guns in order to fight against a US government that would turn against its people does not seem like a realistic fear in the USA in the year 2018.

Excellent post! Glad you’re here. Welcome.
In the latest school shooting in Florida, the officer was outlining the need for removal of firearms from those under mental health treatment. Theres a starter for you.

Good luck getting your source on what is not made public.

At least 36 school shootings and/or school-related acts of violence have been committed by those taking or withdrawing from psychiatric drugs resulting in 172 wounded and 80 killed (in other school shootings, information about their drug use was never made public)

That's not all though. Thirty-six out of how many?
How can I help you with a source when the data is suppressed?

To deny any relevance is arrogant

If you can't back it up your comment will be read as just your opinion. Just add JMO or MOO to your posts so we know.
The majority of firearm fatality in Australia is suicide. White males cant shoot themselves fast enough. Now they choose hose pipes on exhaust etc.

Suicide in Australia is higher than the road toll.

Thats 3% of 0.06% of licenced firearms used in gun crime in Australia.

only a small proportion, 0.06% of licensed firearms, are stolen in a given year. An even smaller proportion of those firearms are reported to be recovered. About 3% of these stolen weapons are later connected to an actual crime
The USA has always had access to guns. Civil wars, you name it. Less access in the past 25 years to the likes automatic firearms.

Nearly all school mass shootings last 25 years in USA.

Easy access to guns for a start......
The USA has always had access to guns. Civil wars, you name it. Less access in the past 25 years to automatic firearms. Nearly all school shootings last 25 years in USA.

Automatic firearms are not being used in school shootings. Semi-auto assault type rifles however.....
The programme also looked into claims that the Batman movie killer James Holmes, who killed 12 people at a midnight premier cinema screening at Colorado in 2012, was taking the SSRIs sertraline at the time of the murders.


Easy access to guns for a start......

No, no, no. It's never about the guns. /s

Not sarcasm: Look how big this thread has gotten on the very subject of guns. I do wonder what it would like if the majority of websleuths weren't Americans.
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