Gun Control Debate #4

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Samples: GOP Rep. Brian Mast pushing for 60-day 'pause' on sales of AR-15

Recognizing that reality, U.S. Rep. Brian Mast — a Republican combat veteran and longtime NRA member — is working to impose his own deadline on Congress.

Mast told me he will file a bill next week calling for a 60-day, nationwide "pause" on sales of tactical rifles, including the AR-15 used in the school shooting in Parkland, where he previously lived.
67 Republicans With A-Ratings From the NRA Voted for the Florida Gun Bill

There are a lot of ways to gauge the political significance of the gun bill signed by Florida Governor Rick Scott on Friday afternoon. But one number keeps jumping out to us.


According to our analysis, that’s how many Republicans with A ratings from the NRA voted for the package, which includes measures — raising the minimum age for rifle ownership, imposing a waiting period on all gun purchases, delaying sales until background checks are completed — that the NRA vehemently opposes. (We pulled together a spreadsheet that breaks down votes for and against the bill by the lawmaker’s NRA letter grade.)


That’s a lot of daylight between Republicans and the NRA in a state where few GOP officials have dared defy the gun group.
Colorado chapters of Moms Demand Action gun control group nearly doubles in one month

One organization in particular has seen its number of statewide chapters nearly double since the shooting, as Moms Demand Action -- a national non-partisan organization that advocates for stronger laws and policies to reduce gun violence -- has grown from just 12 Colorado chapters before the shooting to 21 in the following weeks.

"The Parkland shooting was just the last straw for a lot of people," said group member Rita Marquez. "For me, it was Sandy Hook five years ago, but there is just shooting after shooting after shooting and no action politically from our politicians and people are sick of it. They've really had it."
But history is so important, Trish... Xo, Rose

Hi rosemadderlake,

You will get no argument from me. History is important. If I thought we could have a discussion on history and still keep it from going too far away from the gun control debate I would be all for it. but that won't happen.

As far as Politivent I can assure you we did everything we could to keep that forum open but it became too difficult. I was literally spending my day dealing with people who just couldn't hold back from calling someone a name. It came down to people to stop name calling/insulting/ bullying other members and posters couldn't stop.

It looked so easy from the outside but on the inside, it was about as easy as trying to get a monkey to build a space shuttle.

Let's take this off the forum discussion so if you want to continue talking please PM me. Thanks
Student walkouts have districts toeing a fine line between policy, rights
Schools work to balance safety and policy with First Amendment rights.

Since the Florida shooting, countless students have staged peaceful rallies and walkouts from classes to support gun violence victims and demand stricter gun laws they say will keep them safer.

But with more student protests planned in the coming weeks — including the big “March for Our Lives” protest March 24 in Washington, D.C. — school officials find themselves walking a fine line, making sure they don’t violate students’ constitutional rights while upholding their own district policies.
New Orleans students organizing March for Our Lives for gun control

“It was inspiring seeing students who are passionate this stand up and saying, ‘OK, that’s it. That’s enough,’” says Benjamin Franklin High School student Olivia Keefe says. “As someone who can’t vote, you feel like there’s nothing you can do.”

Keefe and Ben Franklin student Louise Olivier co-organized the New Orleans March for Our Lives event, joining a national movement and call to action for stronger gun control measures following the Parkland killings. A nationwide school walkout is planned for March 14, and a rally and march is planned for March 24.
Burr, Tillis, McHenry and Meadows hold firm on guns laws after Florida school shooting

Two of the four, Rep. Patrick McHenry, R-Lincoln, and Sen. Thom Tillis, have expressed support for steps to ban bump stocks, devices that increase the speed at which semi-automatic weapons can be fired.

Sen. Richard Burr, McHenry and Tillis also say they back a bill to prompt government agencies to do a better job of reporting people who legally cannot own firearms to a national database used to determine whether to approve a gun sale.
Commentary: We learned how to regulate cars. Why not guns?
No one is going to take your guns away. The Second Amendment is here to stay.

After World War I, drivers were called “remorseless murderers,” hit-and-runs were common, reckless drivers were pulled from their vehicles and beaten by angry crowds.

Demonstrations in the streets paraded piles of wrecked cars down the street with signs like “Follow Me to the Cemetery.”

Bells were rung twice a day in memory of street auto fatalities. The names of children, how they died were read in classrooms.


I’d guess you could see where I’m going with this. Must we wait decades to regulate firearms for the safety of society without abrogating the right to bear them?

Trump’s Gun Plan to Include Encouraging States to Allow Armed School Staff

White House to release plan on Sunday; president to signal support for banning ‘bump stocks’

The White House is expected to release a plan on Sunday that would urge states to consider raising the age to buy certain firearms and would recommend that states allow school staffers to carry concealed weapons, according to White House officials who have been briefed on the proposal.
Lafayette students decide kindness trumps silence, walkouts

I just wanted to share something positive in all this (potential) chaos surrounding the walk-out, lockdowns, and the lives taken in Florida.

My 2nd hour class is a small class. This class usually lends itself well to group discussions. The class mentioned the walk-out, since it would take place during that particular hour. After some student-led discussions, the class remained undecided if they would participate or not, as they are waiting on more information, but one thing was unanimous among the students: they felt as if it wasn't enough.

The students made a class pact: they would complete 17 random acts of kindness between yesterday, and March 14th, the day of the walk-out. They encouraged each other to make the pledge, and approached me about making a form for them to sign up on.

I created a pledge form for the students to sign-up, to signify a promise to themselves to try their best to do 17 random acts of kindness ON CAMPUS. The students even asked for a spot to collect their stories anonymously. I created another form.

Word spread to my other classes today and they all started asking if they can participate.

I'm just super proud of these kids. One student said, "Mrs. Fontenot, if all of your students just in your classes participate, we can do almost 3000 RAK on this campus. I think this is the main way to solve our problems today."
Hi rosemadderlake,

You will get no argument from me. History is important. If I thought we could have a discussion on history and still keep it from going too far away from the gun control debate I would be all for it. but that won't happen.

As far as Politivent I can assure you we did everything we could to keep that forum open but it became too difficult. I was literally spending my day dealing with people who just couldn't hold back from calling someone a name. It came down to people to stop name calling/insulting/ bullying other members and posters couldn't stop.

It looked so easy from the outside but on the inside, it was about as easy as trying to get a monkey to build a space shuttle.

Let's take this off the forum discussion so if you want to continue talking please PM me. Thanks

Thank you Trish!

I'm not sure about Politivent, you know? Damn if you do or don't.
But you did great. You tried. If Politivent could exist without nonstop alert wars maybe it could be stellar. That is key.... Nonstop alert wars...

I understand, and thank you so much.

History is everything, When we acknowledge our past, we see the future.
67 Republicans With A-Ratings From the NRA Voted for the Florida Gun Bill

...Mast an "A" rating). Mast wants to carefully define which firearms would be included in such a ban. <---That sentence. That is how they did the last ban.

This is only one, of the types that they sold, perfectly legal, during the last ban. From what I've read, they credited the drop in mass shooting deaths, in part due to the large magazine ban that was enacted, as well. I do think banning large magazines, in addition to banning removable magazines, and replacing it with a 10 limit, fixed magazine, instead, would really help. The ability to pop those magazines in and out is very easy.



  • bushpostban.jpg
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...Mast an "A" rating). Mast wants to carefully define which firearms would be included in such a ban. <---That sentence. That is how they did the last ban.

This is only one, of the types that they sold, perfectly legal, during the last ban. From what I've read, they credited the drop in mass shooting deaths, in part due to the large magazine ban that was enacted, as well. I do think banning large magazines, in addition to banning removable magazines, and replacing it with a 10 limit, fixed magazine, instead, would really help. The ability to pop those magazines in and out is very easy.


From the story:

“It’s those A-rated Republicans who enabled the bill to decisively overcome the objections of Democrats opposed to the provision that allows select staffers to be armed on school grounds, as well as exclusion of more sweeping reforms, such as universal background checks or a ban on assault-style rifles.”
From the story:

&#8220;It&#8217;s those A-rated Republicans who enabled the bill to decisively overcome the objections of Democrats opposed to the provision that allows select staffers to be armed on school grounds, as well as exclusion of more sweeping reforms, such as universal background checks or a ban on assault-style rifles.&#8221;

They had little to change on the firearms too.

TEC-DC9 variants were banned in the United States, among with other named firearms, in the 1994 Federal Assault Weapon Ban. The TEC-DC9 was used by DK, in Columbine, in 1999. It was the only firearm that was able to be traced to where it came from.

Pre ban semi (TEC-DC9 w/hi cap mag)


Intratec made the AB-10, below, during the ban from 1985-2001. AB-10 means After Ban - 10 years, The differences were the legal, AB-10 didn't have a threaded muzzle/barrel shroud, and was sold with a smaller 10-round magazine, instead of 20- or 32-round magazines.



  • pre ban Tec DC9.jpg
    pre ban Tec DC9.jpg
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  • After ban.jpg
    After ban.jpg
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1. Number of guns manufactured does not equal gun ownership. And guns manufactured is not even at an all time high, according to your source.

2. Nowhere in your other link does it say that crime is at an all time low. Only that the crime rate peaked in 1991. The charts on your link show a clear rise in violent crime for the last five years.

Please try again.
It doesn't have to be like this. It shouldn't be like this. We can change this.


They had little to change on the firearms too.

TEC-DC9 variants were banned in the United States, among with other named firearms, in the 1994 Federal Assault Weapon Ban. The TEC-DC9 was used by DK, in Columbine, in 1999. It was the only firearm that was able to be traced to where it came from.

Pre ban semi (TEC-DC9 w/hi cap mag)


Intratec made the AB-10, below, during the ban from 1985-2001. AB-10 means After Ban - 10 years, The differences were the legal, AB-10 didn't have a threaded muzzle/barrel shroud, and was sold with a smaller 10-round magazine, instead of 20- or 32-round magazines.

It doesn't have to be like this. It shouldn't be like this. We can change this.


Agree. I've talked to the folks who, like us, have semis. We all live in the country, we all have acreage, and we all enjoy collecting and target shooting. One of us keeps their freezer filled with game off their own acreage. We all agreed that we are not the folks that people need to worry about, and, if we'd never had access to them, we'd not ever demanded we had them. If they stop making them tomorrow, we won't roll up into a fetal position. We, however, are law abiding citizens, who purchased our legally. If they want to issue a buy back that would be great, and make it illegal, for current owners, who decide to keep theirs, to sell theirs into the open market.. They must bring them in for the buy back, should they decide to sell their semi, and then buy back semis must be crushed.

Just read this thanks to EuTU;

The Trump administration said Saturday it has taken the first step in the regulatory process to ban bump stocks, probably setting the stage for long legal battles with gun manufacturers while the trigger devices remain on the market.

Semis with trigger devices:
Personally anyone who has a criminal record should not be able to be in posession of firearms.

Break the law in serious crime, too bad
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