Gun Control Debate #6

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Wouldn't a repeal mean no guns for anyone?
I would imagine it could lead to no legal civilian ownership of guns. Only police and military. From reading Justice Stevens opinion piece it appears that's what he is proposing. JMO
no, there are posts that say current gun control measure aren’t working. Maybe charging those legal gun owners that can’t be bothered to secure their guns and ammo and let children from toddler age up with murder charges because they allow the young person access to a deadly weapon would be a start. Seems like letting a young person drink alcohol underage in a bar carries harsher punishment at present

If a toddler has access to a loaded gun, that is not the toddlers fault but the irresponsible parent that has given the toddler such easy access to a loaded weapon. And consequently that parent should be charged with a crime.
The school shooting/s that seem to be the main issue of this debate is a different matter. The shooter in Parkland in this latest incident bought his own weapon didn't he? There were numerous calls to LE about him, but nothing was done. The authorities did nothing when NC threatened to shoot up a school. He had mental issues and was hearing a demonic voice telling him how to do the shooting. Where is the problem and who is really to blame in this picture? Because a mentally ill person can not be held responsible for having a psychotic episode, because they have no control over that.
I would imagine it could lead to no legal civilian ownership of guns. Only police and military. From reading Justice Stevens opinion piece it appears that's what he is proposing. JMO

I doubt that will fly. As I have posted before...I think the world would be better off,but I can't impose my beliefs on the rest of society.
I would imagine it could lead to no legal civilian ownership of guns. Only police and military. From reading Justice Stevens opinion piece it appears that's what he is proposing. JMO

I would think that is where it will lead to eventually.
This is the first time I’ve ever commented here, but I just am so shocked by this. I’m Australian, and the idea of having an under 8’s section on the nra website, or marketing a gun to a 6 year old makes me sick to my stomach. Is it just me, or does that sound so messed up to anyone else? Regardless of whether you believe adults should have unregulated access to guns, surely we can agree that 8 year olds shouldn’t?

It’s refreshing to read a relatively civil discussion about gun control. Most of the other times I’ve seen it discussed has been from a source which leans left or right, and the discussion has gone accordingly, with anyone else with a different opinion getting slammed.

The 6 to 12 year old marketing jumped out for me as well. People tried to regulate the tobacco and alcohol industry for advertising geared toward youths but the NRA not so much. IMO
I doubt that will fly. As I have posted before...I think the world would be better off,but I can't impose my beliefs on the rest of society.

I would like to see gun control advocates work hard for the repeal of the Second Amendment or maybe the amending of the the Second Amendment so that wording is clear and the debate of what it is or isn't would be settled for good. JMO
What I don't understand is why people people believe that taking away the second admendment will cure our gun problem. It is not the legal gun owners doing the murders and reeking havoc on entire communities. Gun reform can be done without doing away with our 2nd admendment rights. The reform needed is ways of getting illegal guns and those that are illegally using them taken off the streets. Ones stealing legal guns need a far harsher sentence than someone stealing a tv from a home. Many, many ways to help get rid of our gun problem while at the same time allowing our 2nd admendment right to protect ourselves from the illegal guns.

Because it has been proven to work in every other developed country in the world. If the problem can be solved without doing away with the Second Amendment, then I suggest gun proponents come up with a plan to end this violence soon. Hint: the solution is not more guns. We have already tried that and it just made the problem worse.

Because if a common sense plan is not implemented soon to end this violence I can see only two possible outcomes. 1. We get some common sense gun control and get this problem under control, or 2. we don't and the problem only gets worse. Until it affects so many people, that they get fed up and vote to repeal the Second Amendment, and start confiscating your guns. This is a democracy and we have a right to do that, and I think we are getting close to that point. You gun owners need to solve this gun violence problem NOW. I don't mean next year, I don't mean you will work on it. The problem needs to be solved NOW. The patience of many Americans is wearing out.
This is the post I was referencing. This person should never have been allowed to purchase a weapon. The FBI and the local police knew he was a problem ~ and they turned a blind eye.

The laws are there, but they are not enforced. They should be. Every single time.

How exactly should he not have had a gun? What are the crimes that made it that he could not have a gun? I have not seen one thing except for RD saying he held a gun or a relative saying he did something or another. So far in the US there has to be actual proof. Not that I do not believe these things, but it has to be adjudicated and it seems no one ever provided any proof.

As far as his mental health, the only thing I know of that disqualifies on mental health is not anything he reached. Or is there information otherwise.
Why is Hogg specifically the spokesperson of a gun control issue in the media? Where are the teachers, principal, students of that school voicing their opinions in the public arena on such an issue ongoingly as well?

Why? Maybe the teachers are busy on evenings and weekends making lesson plans and grading papers and taking classes to further education. Maybe they feel that he is a great spokesperson as are the other ones speaking out. Like Columbine kids and parents.
But i would prefer to hear others opinions and not just his.

There are plenty of others speaking.

And he is an excellent speaker. Do we need the tower of Babel?
Yes, all of those things do happen, and yes some people should not own guns. IMO making new laws is not going to stop the biggest problem of illegal guns and those that use them illegally. I believe the first steps to be made need to be made to get the illegal guns and those using them for crimes off the streets, and enforcing the laws we already have. Maybe then those of us that own guns for protection would not feel as strongly about keeping ours.

Where are those illegal guns coming from? Stolen from unsecured homes, cars, and gun stores .
Why? Maybe the teachers are busy on evenings and weekends making lesson plans and grading papers and taking classes to further education. Maybe they feel that he is a great spokesperson as are the other ones speaking out. Like Columbine kids and parents.

I can't think of anything more important than the issue of what has just recently happened in that school with some 17 people killed. Whether Hogg is a good mouthpiece for everyone else is debatable IMO.
Florida gunman says 'demon voices' told him how to pull off school shooting and police reveal they were called out 39 TIMES to his family home before his mother died last year

School gunman Nikolas Cruz, 19, faces 17 counts of premeditated murder - charges that carry the death penalty in Florida and is held without bail
He told authorities that voices in his head told him how to carry out the shooting
According to his legal team he suffers from autism, depression and has other significant psychological problems
Police were called to his family's home in Parkland, Florida 39 times since 2010
Calls were for a range of reasons including 'mentally ill person,' 'child/elderly abuse,' 'domestic disturbance' and several others.
Cruz's adoptive mother died in November from pneumonia and her husband died years before of a heart attack
Cruz was kicked out of the high school last year for allegedly getting into a fight
A man also reported Cruz to the FBI last year for writing an online post saying he was going to be a shooter
President Trump said in a tweet Thursday morning that there were signs that the shooter was 'mentally disturbed'
A thousand people attended an emotional candlelit vigil at the school last night
Florida gunman says 'demon voices' told him how to pull off school shooting and police reveal they were called out 39 TIMES to his family home before his mother died last year

School gunman Nikolas Cruz, 19, faces 17 counts of premeditated murder - charges that carry the death penalty in Florida and is held without bail
He told authorities that voices in his head told him how to carry out the shooting
According to his legal team he suffers from autism, depression and has other significant psychological problems
Police were called to his family's home in Parkland, Florida 39 times since 2010
Calls were for a range of reasons including 'mentally ill person,' 'child/elderly abuse,' 'domestic disturbance' and several others.
Cruz's adoptive mother died in November from pneumonia and her husband died years before of a heart attack
Cruz was kicked out of the high school last year for allegedly getting into a fight
A man also reported Cruz to the FBI last year for writing an online post saying he was going to be a shooter
President Trump said in a tweet Thursday morning that there were signs that the shooter was 'mentally disturbed'
A thousand people attended an emotional candlelit vigil at the school last night

But somehow he managed to hold a job and show no signs of any issues with the last family with whom he lived.
Why is Hogg specifically the spokesperson of a gun control issue in the media? Where are the teachers, principal, students of that school voicing their opinions in the public arena on such an issue ongoingly as well?

They’re all over the place, specifically, speaking their minds as they please. The teachers, parents, friends, first responders, community — they’re speaking, too.

Might be helpful to all of us if we listen to them, too.
They’re all over the place, specifically, speaking their minds as they please. The teachers, parents, friends, first responders, community — they’re speaking, too.

Might be helpful to all of us if we listen to them, too.
Perhaps those who target Hogg, should try listening to emma Gonzales?
Laura Ingraham loses advertisers after criticizing Parkland student David Hogg

David Hogg took on Fox News' Laura Ingraham and succeeded in getting advertisers to jump ship

Those companies pulling their ads include TripAdvisor, Expedia, Hulu, Johnson & Johnson, Wayfair, Nestlé and Nutrish.

A spokesman for TripAdvisor said the company doesn't "condone the inappropriate comments made by this broadcaster. In our view, these statements focused on a high school student, cross the line of decency. "

In a tweet sent on Wednesday, Ingraham said Hogg had been rejected from four colleges and that he then "whines about it." In response, Hogg mounted a social media campaign to get advertisers to pull their ads from Ingraham's show.

He told NBC News that those fleeing advertisers represented about one-third of those he listed for action.


California State University San Marcos' Hagg, meanwhile, suggested that his campus just might fit the bill for someone trying to change the world. After the Feb. 15 shooting that took the lives of 17 people at his school, Hogg helped to put gun control back in the forefront of national discourse.

It's important for prospective students, administrator Hagg said, "to meet with faculty members and fellow students to see the surroundings and find out if this is the place where someone could continue their advocacy and move the discussion forward."

"It's not just about his education," he said. "It's about his mission."
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