Gun Control Debate #6

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Ew-Laura's holliers.. update

[FONT=&amp]ayer AG announced Saturday that it has stopped advertising on Laura Ingraham's Fox News show, and has no plans to do so in the future.[/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]The pharmaceutical company is at least the 16th company to pull its ads from "The Ingraham Angle" following the host's attack on Parkland shooting survivor David Hogg.[/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]"Bayer US has stopped advertising on Laura Ingraham and we have no plans to resume any time in the future," the company wrote in a tweet[/FONT]

Back to free speech. This is an example of what our "first amendment rigts " do not protect us from.. She used her 1A, and the government didn't say, nor do, anything. However, she is not protected from; being criticized by the public, being mocked by those who disagree with her, and consequences of her using her 1A rights (she has lost advertisers, and she can lose her job based on her comments, if the company so chooses). However, the government won't do anything to her. Some folks mistakenly think that one is thoroughly insulated by the 1A, and can post, or say, anything and not suffer a penalty. This is untrue. We're protected only from the government, no one else.
Do you feel that the kids who protested in support of the Second Amendment should have been allowed to do so?

I do. I have seen other students take off school to march in support of, or against, something, just never to this magnitude. I may not agree with arming teachers, and am still on the fence on some topics, but they have as much right to express themselves as any other student, in this country. It's a sad day when we only support the rights of those we agree with.
I think the kid’s gun control movement is unique because of all the kids dying in school from gun violence and their visceral fear of going to school and never coming home again.

I agree. I don't know of any other time students have organized a protest like this one and they are doing it in an attempt to save their lives. What could be more important?
Found this a surprise read this morning - I did not know Canada had it's own version of the NRA, called NFA for National Firearms Association. They have the same gripes on gun control as the NRA -

The biggest topic of conversation at the show wasn't the push for gun control making headlines in the U.S., but a Canadian bill that would require all firearm vendors to maintain 20-year records of all inventories and sales.


The bill also includes changes to the background check system, requiring RCMP to examine more of a person's history — not just the last five years, as is currently required.

Retailers were previously required to keep records documenting the sale of firearms, until changes introduced by the previous Conservative federal government in 2012.

Clare said the bill will stifle sales at gun shows significantly by requiring vendors to confirm gun licences are valid before every transfer of ownership.

NFA seems to be about gun sales - jmo.
Russian bots are rallying behind embattled Fox News host Laura Ingraham as advertisers dump her show

Russia-linked Twitter accounts are rallying in support of Fox News host Laura Ingraham after she drew scorn for mocking Parkland shooting survivor David Hogg's grades on Twitter.

According to one website that tracks Russian propaganda on Twitter in near-real time, the hashtag #istandwithlaura saw a 2800% jump in 48 hours.

Another website that monitors Russia's disinformation campaign found that @ingrahamangle, @davidhogg11, and @foxnews were among the top six Twitter handles that Russia-linked accounts have tweeted at in the last 24 hours.

Companies have pulled their ads from her show, and& Ingraham announced this weekend she will take a "pre-planned vacation" amid the exodus.
Shooting death of 4-year-old girl highlights scourge of urban gun violence

Can anti-gun violence movement make difference in cities like Miami?

While the victims of the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School have received national media attention and an outpouring of support, victims of every day gun violence in cities like Miami receive far less resources, especially months after the violence.

“There needs to be resources for them. They need trauma recovery centers,” said Megan Hobson, a safety activist and shooting survivor. “There’s a lot of things they’re dealing with in the community and it’s spilling over into their schools, into the corner stores to get to the root of it, gun violence is intersectional issue, when we address that, that’s one way we can go about getting to the root of the problem.”
Mark your calendars: Harrisburg gun control hearings to start April 9

As a student-led push for gun control legislation fuels walkouts, marches and demonstrations across the Lehigh Valley and the nation, a group of Pennsylvania legislators are trying to turn protests into policy.

Some legislators have already taken up the call. Representative Curtis Thomas, a Democrat from Philadelphia, introduced a package of bills that would: Prohibit people under 21 from purchasing semiautomatic weapons; Prevent people with mental illness from receiving gun permits; Prohibit the manufacture, possession or sale of large-capacity magazines, and establish an advisory committee to study gun violence in schools.

Public hearing dates

Hearings on gun safety legislation will be held in Room 140 of the main Capitol building in Harrisburg

April 9: 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

April 10: 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.

April 11: 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.

April 12: to be announced


New York Law Mandates Domestic Abusers Turn Over Guns

On Saturday, New York passed a law requiring that domestic abusers must turn over all guns to the state, not just handguns, as previously stipulated.

The provision sailed through the state assembly and Senate before being signed by Governor Andrew Cuomo.

“New York is once again leading the way to prevent gun violence, and with this common sense reform, break the inextricable link between gun violence and domestic violence,” the governor told CNN.

He cited a report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which found that “intimate partner violence” accounted for more than half of all killings of women in which the circumstances are known.

A gun reform wish list: State advocate speaks for herself

“There are no gun violence prevention organizations who want to confiscate, or are coming after, your guns,” she said in a phone interview. “That’s a gun lobby talking point.”

I called her to learn what gun control advocates do want. I’ve heard plenty from the gun rights crowd about what they claim gun control advocates want.

Brundage said her board includes gun owners. The coalition’s member organizations include gun owners. She said the 15 member organizations only want a series of new laws to slash the body count.

Among the state bills the coalition champions are comprehensive background checks for all sales – except for legacy deals, such as a father selling a gun to his daughter. Polling shows tougher background checks are widely popular among Americans of all political stripes, including respondents who claim membership in the National Rifle Association.

The coalition backs a state “red flag” bill, which would make it possible for people to petition courts to order guns seized when the owners appear a threat to themselves or others.

She said Michigan’s prosecutors need more power to charge parents or guardians when children use guns found in the house to kill or maim.

The coalition opposes state Senate Bill 584 to allow public school staff to carry guns. “There should be no guns in schools beyond law enforcement,” said Brundage, an East Lansing psychologist.

She said she supports a state ban on the sale and possession of assault weapons, the large-magazine semi-automatic rifles used in the recent spate of mass shootings. A federal ban would be even better to assure such weapons aren’t brought in from other states.

A 10-year federal ban was in place through 2004, when Congress declined to renew it.

“We know this saved lives. That’s pretty well agreed upon – except by the gun lobby,” she said.

Local group works to curb gun violence with message of responsibility

But a grassroots organization called Dukes Up Guns Down is hoping to curb those numbers by reaching out to the metro's younger generation. 25-year-old Malcolm Shelby – an Albuquerque native – said he came up with the idea a few years back after some friends of his became victims of gun violence.

Shelby has more than a few personal reasons to want a safer Albuquerque; he is also the father to a 5-year-old girl.

"This is not an anti-gun message. This is a responsibility message," Shelby said. "We want people to be responsible with their weapons. We don't need to lose lives for no reason. Oftentimes confrontations happen, but those confrontations don't need to end in bloodshed."
Students brave long, bumpy road to D.C., and gun law reform in America | Opinion

A little more than a month ago, they were just teenagers, going through the joys, tragedies and the day-to-day dramas of kids from a suburb few outside of the area knew of or had an opinion about.

Now they were irrevocably changed. Some are famous.

Others may never quite recover from their physical or emotional wounds.

All, on some level, are suffering.
Parkland students, others fire back at Ted Nugent for 'no soul' comments

The teen activists did not remain quiet. His comments angered many of the Parkland survivors, including Cameron Kasky.

Kasky took to Twitter in response to Nugent’s comments:

“If only he saw all the tears. If only he had to look into the eyes I’ve looked into. If only he saw what this did to all of us. And here the NRA is, receiving more fear-based donations than ever. Talk about ‘no soul.’ This guy better apologize. Seriously,” Kasky wrote.
Stony Brook students march for gun control, disarmed UPD

“This march is to protest all forms of gun violence,” Durić said. “We’re here in solidarity with the victims of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting, as well as the hundreds of black people who have been shot for crimes such as holding a cell phone or crossing the street.”

YDSA called for Stony Brook’s University Police Department to disarm, pointing out that far more people have been killed due to police-related gun violence than mass shootings in the United States this year.
Free rifle magazines handed out at gun rights rally in Vermont

Gun rights activists gave our free rifle magazines Saturday in Montpelier as Vermont Gov. Phil Scott was poised to sign gun-control proposals into law.

The rally, which drew hundreds of people to the steps of the Statehouse, was a protest against restrictions on gun ownership and a lawsuit fundraiser as Second Amendment advocates vowed to take the fight to the court system if Scott signs the bill into law.

The state Senate on Friday approved raising the legal age for gun purchases, expanding background checks for private gun sales and banning high-capacity magazines and rapid-fire devices known as bump stocks. The state House approved the measure earlier this week.
Package of gun restrictions set to become law in Vermont

A package of gun restrictions is on track to become law in Vermont after the state Senate on Friday approved raising the legal age for gun purchases, expanding background checks for private gun sales and banning high-capacity magazines and rapid-fire devices known as bump stocks.

The measure, which the state House approved this week and Republican Gov. Phil Scott has said he will sign, reflects a remarkable turnaround for a state that has long opposed gun control measures.

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