Gun Control Debate #6

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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hmm. maybe a few more visits are in order...
Is he going to be another Nik Cruz or Lv shooter?

Will we re-read these posts and say the writing was on the wall?

Will we be surprised and astounded if he flips a tad.. it only needs to be a tad, and shoots up some street or venue?
Just for the hell of it?

he believes the students have no souls.. ergo, dehumanised, ergo suitable targets?

It's not such a stretch.. it really is not..
If his precious cult becomes more threatened.. all hell could break loose.

The NRA are the best placed organisation in the USA for anti gov extremist capacity right now..


Ya think?

If I'd said what he said, in front of a thousand or so folks, while waving a couple machine guns in the air, yes, machine guns, then the Secret Service would have likely confiscated my firearms, and banned me from owning anymore, along with ordering a psychiatric eval, yet he gets invited to the white house. He doesn't drink or do drugs so what you see is exactly what you get.
hmm. maybe a few more visits are in order...
Is he going to be another Nik Cruz or Lv shooter?

Will we re-read these posts and say the writing was on the wall?

Will we be surprised and astounded if he flips a tad.. it only needs to be a tad, and shoots up some street or venue?
Just for the hell of it?

he believes the students have no souls.. ergo, dehumanised, ergo suitable targets?

It's not such a stretch.. it really is not..
If his precious cult becomes more threatened.. all hell could break loose.

The NRA are the best placed organisation in the USA for anti gov extremist capacity right now..

He had eight years to start something. Nothing happened. This was his reaction to the political pendulum swing to the left. If you look at American politics we swing like a pendulum. Saw Teddie boy in concert with some friends, back in the late 70s, and forgot about him.He can play guitar, I'll give him that, but, I'd not heard of him in years, until Obama got elected. He's 63 years old, he'd be terrified of going to prison, b/c of all the stuff he's said over the years.
hmm. maybe a few more visits are in order...
Is he going to be another Nik Cruz or Lv shooter?

Will we re-read these posts and say the writing was on the wall?

Will we be surprised and astounded if he flips a tad.. it only needs to be a tad, and shoots up some street or venue?
Just for the hell of it?

he believes the students have no souls.. ergo, dehumanised, ergo suitable targets?

It's not such a stretch.. it really is not..
If his precious cult becomes more threatened.. all hell could break loose.

The NRA are the best placed organisation in the USA for anti gov extremist capacity right now..

Nah, he can say pretty much whatever he wants. It’s his right.

He doesn’t lead a cult of followers, imo. He’s the self-elected President of the idiocracy of one in his head. His superpower is self-aggrandizement.

I’m speculating that his ego makes him an easy target for folks hoping to advance extremist political rhetoric.

At the same time, anyone who thinks they’re “using” him to further a cause like the second amendment will likely find out they’ve been used by Ted to further ... Ted.

Ted’s a house of cards that way.

Sometimes it feels like we're up against the Hydra.

Marvel’s interpretation is kinda spot-on. Who would be Baron Wolfgang von Strucker IRL, I wonder? [emoji6] Would he back a big-business gun lobby?

“I am Baron Strucker, the one who is about to reduce you to a helpless whining shell of a man! Are you ready??” ~ Baron Wolfgang von Strucker


(My geek transformation is now complete. Thanks, sneaks!)
Nah, he can say pretty much whatever he wants. It’s his right.

He doesn’t lead a cult of followers, imo. He’s the self-elected President of the idiocracy of one in his head. His superpower is self-aggrandizement.

I’m speculating that his ego makes him an easy target for folks hoping to advance extremist political rhetoric.

At the same time, anyone who thinks they’re “using” him to further a cause like the second amendment will likely find out they’ve been used by Ted to further ... Ted.

Ted’s a house of cards that way.


Yes, we are pretty free to say what we wan't, w/o being penalized by the government, however we can't make true threats, incite crime, or share obscenity (as defined by the Miller Test / child *advertiser censored*).
Yes, we are pretty free to say what we wan't, w/o being penalized by the government, however we can't make true threats, incite crime, or share obscenity (as defined by the Miller Test / child *advertiser censored*).

I agree.
Ew-Laura's holliers.. update

[FONT=&quot]ayer AG announced Saturday that it has stopped advertising on Laura Ingraham's Fox News show, and has no plans to do so in the future.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]The pharmaceutical company is at least the 16th company to pull its ads from "The Ingraham Angle" following the host's attack on Parkland shooting survivor David Hogg.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"Bayer US has stopped advertising on Laura Ingraham and we have no plans to resume any time in the future," the company wrote in a tweet[/FONT]
Brevard students walk out of class in support of Second Amendment

Deaton, who was wearing a T-shirt that read, "my rights don't end where your feelings begin," said the event was meant to clear up misconceptions about the Second Amendment, not support or oppose any particular political stances.

"It's all over the news right now that all students hate guns. I wanted to show that not all students feel that way," said Zachary Schneider, a junior at Rockledge.

Although organizers said the event was not endorsing any specific political beliefs, many students who participated said they do not support a new law that raised the legal age to purchase guns from a licensed vendor from 18 to 21, and they would support a marshal program to train and arm school staff to respond during an active shooter situation.
75 students out of 1,447.

Daniel Howard, a freshman, compared banning some types of guns to banning spoons because they make people fat, cars because they make people drive drunk or pencils because they make people misspell words.

I wonder how people who complained about their money being wasted and the other students missing class feel about these students.
Brevard students walk out of class in support of Second Amendment

Deaton, who was wearing a T-shirt that read, "my rights don't end where your feelings begin," said the event was meant to clear up misconceptions about the Second Amendment, not support or oppose any particular political stances.

"It's all over the news right now that all students hate guns. I wanted to show that not all students feel that way," said Zachary Schneider, a junior at Rockledge.

Although organizers said the event was not endorsing any specific political beliefs, many students who participated said they do not support a new law that raised the legal age to purchase guns from a licensed vendor from 18 to 21, and they would support a marshal program to train and arm school staff to respond during an active shooter situation.

Thanks for the link. While I have no issue with students protesting shouldn't there be limits? From your link.

Vickie Hickey, principal of Rockledge High School, said the school treated the event exactly like it treated the walkouts that took place March 14. She said both events were completely student-driven.

What if students want to leave class to protest abortion or immigration policy? How about minimum wage or racism? Maybe they want to protest about global warming? Gender inequality? LGBT rights? Student loan costs? Heath care reform?

If students leave class to protest all of these very important issues they wont have much time left to learn anything. JMO.

(I have seen several particularly vitriolic attacks during the night on Twitter)

On Feb. 20, Ben Kelly emailed a Tampa Bay Times reporter, unsolicited, with a then-shocking statement about Hogg and González. “Both kids in the picture are not students here but actors that travel to various crisis when they happen,” he said in the email.When the Times asked for evidence supporting his claim, Kelly sent an email, still from his official government account, linking to a conspiracy video showing Hogg in a news clip in California as evidence he was a crisis actor. “There is a clip on you tube that shows Mr. Hogg out in California,” Kelly wrote. “(I guess he transferred?)”

ust over two weeks ago, when Gibson was running unopposed for the seat, he said in a since-deleted tweet that “There is nothing about this skinhead lesbian that impresses me and there is nothing that she has to say unless you’re a frothing at the mouth moonbat.” The tweet was referring to González, who is openly bisexual and who has a buzz cut. He also called Hogg a “moron” and a “baldfaced liar.”

n Saturday, Testaverde shared on Facebook a photo of Hogg holding his right fist in the air at the March for Our Lives demonstration. Next to it was a historical photo of Hitler saluting. Below, an image of Hogg wearing a black mourning band was compared to a photo of a Nazi swastika armband. “I knew something was off about this kid,” the post declares.

f more proof was needed that insults and conspiracy theories have mainstream power, Donald Trump Jr. liked two tweets attacking Hogg. In one, conservative TV host Graham Ledger linked an article from Gateway Pundit and suggested Hogg, whose father is a former FBI agent, was “running cover” for his father because the FBI “botched” tracking down the shooter. Trump Jr. liked another tweet peddling the same conspiracy with a post from a far-right website about the “Outspoken Trump-Hating School Shooting Survivor” that doubted Hogg was an actual victim and blamed the “Deep State media” for giving him a platform.

It's a mess.. maybe this vitriol is being magnified by the gun debate or maybe it was always there..?


We can hope, but toddlers shot more people, than terrorists, in 2015, per Brady PSA to Prevent Gun Violence (partial satire in their PSA). Folks seem to trust that their kid won't pick up the firearm they've been told not to bother. They will. Kids are impulsive, and are not programmable.

It's like these t.v. tests, where the parent is completely convinced their kid won't get into a strange car, yet they do when the producer drives up, and asks them to walk over, or the other parents who think their kid would never fall into a Gorilla pit, yet, their kid might jerk loose and chase a pup into the street.

The majority of kids who end up with firearms get them from homes who don't have them put away. Semis are already expensive, and the fallout from not putting them in a place where the kids can't get them, or any other firearm, are both, equally tragic when you have a death as a result of carelessness. They're gonna lose a lot more than that firearm, if their kid gets it and either dies fooling with it, or kills a bunch of other people. Either way, they've lost their child. Life will not ever be the same for them either.

[FONT=&]Parents looking to protect their families don't have to wait until November; they can act right now. By asking if there is a gun in the home where their children play, and making sure their own firearms are locked up with ammunition stored separately.

I learned that you do not ask if there is a gun in the home. You ask where they store the gun,

If they don’t have one, then they will say so. But if you ask if they have one, they can lie and say that they do not
I learned that you do not ask if there is a gun in the home. You ask where they store the gun,

If they don’t have one, then they will say so. But if you ask if they have one, they can lie and say that they do not

Good point. Although, if they feel the need to lie, then something is up to begin with.
Thanks for the link. While I have no issue with students protesting shouldn't there be limits? From your link.

What if students want to leave class to protest abortion or immigration policy? How about minimum wage or racism? Maybe they want to protest about global warming? Gender inequality? LGBT rights? Student loan costs? Heath care reform?

If students leave class to protest all of these very important issues they wont have much time left to learn anything. JMO.

I think the kid’s gun control movement is unique because of all the kids dying in school from gun violence and their visceral fear of going to school and never coming home again.

(I have seen several particularly vitriolic attacks during the night on Twitter)

On Feb. 20, Ben Kelly emailed a Tampa Bay Times reporter, unsolicited, with a then-shocking statement about Hogg and González. “Both kids in the picture are not students here but actors that travel to various crisis when they happen,” he said in the email.When the Times asked for evidence supporting his claim, Kelly sent an email, still from his official government account, linking to a conspiracy video showing Hogg in a news clip in California as evidence he was a crisis actor. “There is a clip on you tube that shows Mr. Hogg out in California,” Kelly wrote. “(I guess he transferred?)”

ust over two weeks ago, when Gibson was running unopposed for the seat, he said in a since-deleted tweet that “There is nothing about this skinhead lesbian that impresses me and there is nothing that she has to say unless you’re a frothing at the mouth moonbat.” The tweet was referring to González, who is openly bisexual and who has a buzz cut. He also called Hogg a “moron” and a “baldfaced liar.”

n Saturday, Testaverde shared on Facebook a photo of Hogg holding his right fist in the air at the March for Our Lives demonstration. Next to it was a historical photo of Hitler saluting. Below, an image of Hogg wearing a black mourning band was compared to a photo of a Nazi swastika armband. “I knew something was off about this kid,” the post declares.

f more proof was needed that insults and conspiracy theories have mainstream power, Donald Trump Jr. liked two tweets attacking Hogg. In one, conservative TV host Graham Ledger linked an article from Gateway Pundit and suggested Hogg, whose father is a former FBI agent, was “running cover” for his father because the FBI “botched” tracking down the shooter. Trump Jr. liked another tweet peddling the same conspiracy with a post from a far-right website about the “Outspoken Trump-Hating School Shooting Survivor” that doubted Hogg was an actual victim and blamed the “Deep State media” for giving him a platform.

It's a mess.. maybe this vitriol is being magnified by the gun debate or maybe it was always there..?

I think that it's always been there but, the politicians have exploited it, to further divide us (just as they use other hotbed topics to divide us).

When did the gun control debate begin in this country?

Some say it started shortly after November 22, 1963 when evidence in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy increased public awareness to the relative lack of control over the sale and possession of firearms in America. Indeed, until 1968, handguns, rifles, shotguns, and ammunition were commonly sold over-the-counter and through mail-order catalogs and magazines to just about any adult anywhere in the nation.

However, America's history of federal and state laws regulating private ownership of firearms goes back much farther. In fact, all the way back to 1791.
The first time I saw the image/photo of Hogg w/ out stretched arm & clenched fist I too thought Hitler. History must be lacking in school these days.

(I have seen several particularly vitriolic attacks during the night on Twitter)

On Feb. 20, Ben Kelly emailed a Tampa Bay Times reporter, unsolicited, with a then-shocking statement about Hogg and González. “Both kids in the picture are not students here but actors that travel to various crisis when they happen,” he said in the email.When the Times asked for evidence supporting his claim, Kelly sent an email, still from his official government account, linking to a conspiracy video showing Hogg in a news clip in California as evidence he was a crisis actor. “There is a clip on you tube that shows Mr. Hogg out in California,” Kelly wrote. “(I guess he transferred?)”

ust over two weeks ago, when Gibson was running unopposed for the seat, he said in a since-deleted tweet that “There is nothing about this skinhead lesbian that impresses me and there is nothing that she has to say unless you’re a frothing at the mouth moonbat.” The tweet was referring to González, who is openly bisexual and who has a buzz cut. He also called Hogg a “moron” and a “baldfaced liar.”

n Saturday, Testaverde shared on Facebook a photo of Hogg holding his right fist in the air at the March for Our Lives demonstration. Next to it was a historical photo of Hitler saluting. Below, an image of Hogg wearing a black mourning band was compared to a photo of a Nazi swastika armband. “I knew something was off about this kid,” the post declares.

f more proof was needed that insults and conspiracy theories have mainstream power, Donald Trump Jr. liked two tweets attacking Hogg. In one, conservative TV host Graham Ledger linked an article from Gateway Pundit and suggested Hogg, whose father is a former FBI agent, was “running cover” for his father because the FBI “botched” tracking down the shooter. Trump Jr. liked another tweet peddling the same conspiracy with a post from a far-right website about the “Outspoken Trump-Hating School Shooting Survivor” that doubted Hogg was an actual victim and blamed the “Deep State media” for giving him a platform.

It's a mess.. maybe this vitriol is being magnified by the gun debate or maybe it was always there..?

(I have seen several particularly vitriolic attacks during the night on Twitter)

On Feb. 20, Ben Kelly emailed a Tampa Bay Times reporter, unsolicited, with a then-shocking statement about Hogg and González. “Both kids in the picture are not students here but actors that travel to various crisis when they happen,” he said in the email.When the Times asked for evidence supporting his claim, Kelly sent an email, still from his official government account, linking to a conspiracy video showing Hogg in a news clip in California as evidence he was a crisis actor. “There is a clip on you tube that shows Mr. Hogg out in California,” Kelly wrote. “(I guess he transferred?)”

ust over two weeks ago, when Gibson was running unopposed for the seat, he said in a since-deleted tweet that “There is nothing about this skinhead lesbian that impresses me and there is nothing that she has to say unless you’re a frothing at the mouth moonbat.” The tweet was referring to González, who is openly bisexual and who has a buzz cut. He also called Hogg a “moron” and a “baldfaced liar.”

n Saturday, Testaverde shared on Facebook a photo of Hogg holding his right fist in the air at the March for Our Lives demonstration. Next to it was a historical photo of Hitler saluting. Below, an image of Hogg wearing a black mourning band was compared to a photo of a Nazi swastika armband. “I knew something was off about this kid,” the post declares.

f more proof was needed that insults and conspiracy theories have mainstream power, Donald Trump Jr. liked two tweets attacking Hogg. In one, conservative TV host Graham Ledger linked an article from Gateway Pundit and suggested Hogg, whose father is a former FBI agent, was “running cover” for his father because the FBI “botched” tracking down the shooter. Trump Jr. liked another tweet peddling the same conspiracy with a post from a far-right website about the “Outspoken Trump-Hating School Shooting Survivor” that doubted Hogg was an actual victim and blamed the “Deep State media” for giving him a platform.

It's a mess.. maybe this vitriol is being magnified by the gun debate or maybe it was always there..?

It was always there. I don't remember it being a well-organized attack on kids before, but the accusations and conspiracy beliefs are nothing new.
I think the kid’s gun control movement is unique because of all the kids dying in school from gun violence and their visceral fear of going to school and never coming home again.

Do you feel that the kids who protested in support of the Second Amendment should have been allowed to do so?
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