Hank C. Jr. (Misty's Brother)

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SS - no I am paraphrasing MC's VSA interview. These are thing she said.

Not wanting to get into an argument here or start one- but it might help avoid some confusion if you cite your source, and quote the material so it is more obvious that you are not just posting your own opinion, text.
Misty really doesn't say much of What SHE was doing. The kids played outside
She cooked dinner she said it took 30 minutes. She put blanket in washer, in dryer I would guess 10 minutes at the very most for both if that. The kids watched a movie.
What all did Misty do that day? They took Haleigh to school came home slept till noon. Where was Ron jr while they slept? Ron jr took a nap so Ron went and got Haleigh. Ron went to work.
If it was my day I would have a whole list of things I did. If the kids watch the same movie over and over does Misty also just sit and watch it over and over?
I would have asked her what she did while kids played outside daytime, inside that evening.
She seems to have the story down pat but very few details really. It is not off the cuff
when hearing the explanation. Maybe she is like a lot of teens and spends her free time on her cell. Who did she talk to? This whole thing really seems to go no where new. Hope TM finds HaLeigh thats my prayer
Misty really doesn't say much of What SHE was doing. The kids played outside
She cooked dinner she said it took 30 minutes. She put blanket in washer, in dryer I would guess 10 minutes at the very most for both if that. The kids watched a movie.
What all did Misty do that day? They took Haleigh to school came home slept till noon. Where was Ron jr while they slept? Ron jr took a nap so Ron went and got Haleigh. Ron went to work.
If it was my day I would have a whole list of things I did. If the kids watch the same movie over and over does Misty also just sit and watch it over and over?
I would have asked her what she did while kids played outside daytime, inside that evening.
She seems to have the story down pat but very few details really. It is not off the cuff
when hearing the explanation. Maybe she is like a lot of teens and spends her free time on her cell. Who did she talk to? This whole thing really seems to go no where new. Hope TM finds HaLeigh thats my prayer

It seems she can account for much of her time doing absolutely nothing.
I would have thrown out some questions to take her off her rehearsed path of the story. Both in the Hypnosis and Voice tests.
"Tell me about the van...." Is almost immediately followed with this description of blood from a dead deer, she thinks it was a deer, don't know what kind of blood it was, so she'll just say deer....

What we all know from the Casey case is that decomp smell lingers, festers in the FL heat, grows, permeates everywhere until someone tells you there was a dead squirrel underneath the vehicle. Didn't that van start to smell? I mean, the feral scent from a deer in the first place is putrefying. I remember walking into the garage after Dad had gone hunting with the boys. They had their deer hanging up in there right after they got home and the smell was so bad in a huge garage that I couldn't use that entrance for months afterward. Deer blood left in the van.......How could anyone drive that vehicle with that smell??????

The gun found in a ditch by Tommy's house, blood in the van......hoo boy. Do not like where my head just went.

Horrible. Just horrible, it appears that someone sat down and made a list of all the things that needed to be explained to LE and made Misty do all the explaining.
Makes me wonder what other red truck might be in play? Misdirection?
Strap it to the top like luggage? Unless it was out of season and he didn't want to attract attention.
It depends on how big the deer was and if he could manage to lug it to the top of a van which I find doubtful. Some hunters are odd creatures. They can prize their kill to the point of ridiculous enough to ruin the inside of a van or like you mentioned...they were out of season.
It depends on how big the deer was and if he could manage to lug it to the top of a van which I find doubtful. Some hunters are odd creatures. They can prize their kill to the point of ridiculous enough to ruin the inside of a van or like you mentioned...they were out of season.

Well, we do know that one of Ron's convictions was for several hunting violations including one for out of season. We also know Ron and Misty had access to and used the van.
It depends on how big the deer was and if he could manage to lug it to the top of a van which I find doubtful. Some hunters are odd creatures. They can prize their kill to the point of ridiculous enough to ruin the inside of a van or like you mentioned...they were out of season.
Or the Croslins were driving down the road and saw some roadkill.... :sick:
I'm going to throw this out here and see what you all think. I'm not real certain exactley how the voice analysis thing works but after watching the video of Misty I am finding it hard to believe she is totaly lying.
Is it possible ( I hope this makes sense) that if someone was to truly believe in their mind that they knew for sure who took Haleigh but did not really have anything to back it , just a firm belief as I see Misty has about cousin Joe and her brother, and then asked the question about if she knew who took Haleigh and she answered no (because she has no proof for sure) would it show on this test that she was being deceptive ? Because as I said before back in her mind she firmly believes it was cousin Jo and her brother but can't come right out and prove it?
LOL I hope that made sense...:)
No, it does make sense. What you are saying is that because she strongly believes it to be J and T, when asked if she knew and answered that she did not...it would be a deception. I would say yes. It would be a lie if she honestly felt they did it.

Like I said earlier, I want to know what part they say she was deceptive and not deceptive because of that factor. She has to know something, but what is it that she knows...or as you said...believe she knows?
Oddly enough, she sounded like she could be telling the truth about her brother and Joe.
I thought it was believable.
Other things she appeared to be hiding things or just rattling off what she has said a thousand times already. I don't know, but I would like to see the actual results of what they felt she was honest about and what they thought she was deceptive about during that session.

The blood, deer, and the van struck me as strange.
Maybe because I don't remember hearing about it before and it is still sinking in.
I don't know quite what to think about it yet.
Do I think her brother may have put a dead deer in the van? He could. Most vans don't have a front end which would hold a dead deer for transport and can't drag it along behind. Where else would he put it?


SS, I viewed all her tests and thought she was believable.
Hearing the Lie D. test, I do think she believes her brother and cousin took Haleigh.

The deer blood in the van is a big coincidence.
The van being moved and scratched the same night.

Let's hope LE was on the ball enough to check out the sale of the red truck, big coincidence too.
Hearing what M. said about their drug use, past sexual assaults and mental states, they should be the #one prime suspects, in my opinion.

I'm thinking of possible reasons why M. is so 'foggy' on what happened and then suddenly wakes-up at 3:00 am. With things being fairly clear until after she ate dinner.
What IF one of these guys put the 'date rape drug' in Misty's dinner glass at 6:00,
knowing she would be knocked out with the intention of molesting the child and possibly Misty also??

It wouldn't take a rocket scientist to use the rape drug on anyone they drink a beverage with. It's used a lot more than people think, in bars and restaurants, remember N. Hollaway?
It takes awhile to go out of your system tho. She would have been very groggy and obviously drugged when she first woke up, imo, and depending on the dose ...could be that way for hours. LE should have noticed. However, since she is saying that Tommy is into pills...a pain pill may wear off after four hours or so. It could also be given in her drink.

LE has stated (not in this case) to watch for changes in behavior of people when looking for a suspect. If Tommy didn't head this far into the drug scene prior to her going missing...it is a clue. It is one of the things LE says to look for like heavy drinking etc.
SS, I viewed all her tests and thought she was believable.
Hearing the Lie D. test, I do think she believes her brother and cousin took Haleigh.

The deer blood in the van is a big coincidence.
The van being moved and scratched the same night.

Let's hope LE was on the ball enough to check out the sale of the red truck, big coincidence too.
Hearing what M. said about their drug use, past sexual assaults and mental states, they should be the #one prime suspects, in my opinion.

I'm thinking of possible reasons why M. is so 'foggy' on what happened and then suddenly wakes-up at 3:00 am. With things being fairly clear until after she ate dinner.What IF one of these guys put the 'date rape drug' in Misty's dinner glass at 6:00,
knowing she would be knocked out with the intention of molesting the child and possibly Misty also??

It wouldn't take a rocket scientist to use the rape drug on anyone they drink a beverage with. It's used a lot more than people think, in bars and restaurants, remember N. Hollaway?

Be all appearences she was just getting off a three day bender of booze and drugs. I suspect that noone would have had to sureptciously put anything in her drink. If they had she would not be lying so badly to cover up what really happened, and probably would have passed a polygraph. No she is covering up some willfull action on her part. The least of which is most likely getting stoned while she was supposed to be caring for the kids. Noone would have had to slip her anything. They just would have had to show up with the materials to party. By all appearences she is what the EMS comunity refers to as "self medicating".
I'm going to throw this out here and see what you all think. I'm not real certain exactley how the voice analysis thing works but after watching the video of Misty I am finding it hard to believe she is totaly lying.
Is it possible ( I hope this makes sense) that if someone was to truly believe in their mind that they knew for sure who took Haleigh but did not really have anything to back it , just a firm belief as I see Misty has about cousin Joe and her brother, and then asked the question about if she knew who took Haleigh and she answered no (because she has no proof for sure) would it show on this test that she was being deceptive ? Because as I said before back in her mind she firmly believes it was cousin Jo and her brother but can't come right out and prove it?
LOL I hope that made sense...:)

MysticRose, this is very much like what I've been thinking. That Misty felt fairly certain it must have been Joe or bro or both, but had no proof, just a gut level feeling. And I thought that, if she did have such a feeling, it would likely cause the tests to show deception.

I still, however, believe my version of SODDI - Some Ornery Dad Did It; i.e., regardless of who actually abducted Haliegh, RC was the one who planned, premeditated and orchestrated the abduction and the cover up. Supposing I were polygraphed and asked, "Do you know who took Haleigh?", I'd have to answer no. But I'd be surprised if the tester said "no deception", because my gut feeling is so strong.

This post is my opinion only. Do not confuse with facts.
It depends on how big the deer was and if he could manage to lug it to the top of a van which I find doubtful. Some hunters are odd creatures. They can prize their kill to the point of ridiculous enough to ruin the inside of a van or like you mentioned...they were out of season.

Very very true - I know a lot of deer hunters....I also know of a lot of peeps who've accidentally hit them with thier vehicles (my own parents incuded, I've come close myself). If someone did accidentally hit one - and they were out driving alone (and survived the impact themselves) - and were determined for whatever reason to keep it rather than leave it - they prolly wouldn't be able to toss the poor thing over the van by themselves - and the easiest thing to do *would be to drag the poor critter inside the van......{ick}

Then again, it'll be easy for LE to go over that van forensically - and if there is/was blood there - find remnants (hopefully) and determine whether it was human (hope not :( ) or deer.
Makes me wonder what other red truck might be in play? Misdirection?

I haven't seen any updates yet for the red rose and the red truck. I'm still trying to read though stilettos.

I thought about this last night while I was waiting for sleep after laying down for the night.

The interview tapes we are seeing have been edited. But in the parts we see, MC mentions Crystal's family (child support issues) the red truck and her brother as possibly having something to do with the abduction of Haleigh.

There has been mention that Crystals mother was seen in the early days with a red truck. (I haven't seen a link to validate that but I haven't gone and looked at all the pics) so that would potentially tie the red truck into MC's theory that CS's family had something to do with Haleigh.

Then she supports her theory about her brother in that "he done something to me" (not her exact words).

As for the red rose I'm clueless.

Sorry it that's rambling but I was trying to put my thoughts together as I typed. Hope it made sense of how I have interpreted what she's kind of talking about...

Everyone likes links to support assertions so here is where I figured out the tapes have been edited:
Kat, it is Ronald's mother, TN, who has a red truck.
Did they ever locate that sex offender that went missing around the same time as Haleigh?I still don't think Misty did it.
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