Hank Croslin Sr Arrested 11/24/09

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If LE didn't want that particular information revealed, they need to take it up with NG and AH... They are the two that brought it to the forefront that night on her show....
Reading the transcript, Neither AH nor NG said LE told them any of that info.

So, no, I still do not believe anyone in LE told AH that Haleigh was dead. He says "people inside the investigation", I believe he is talking about Tim M. He says, he talked to Tim M. earlier. At no point does he mentions LE.

LE has repeatedly stated that none of the evidence they have points to the fact Haleigh is dead. As I have said before, maybe Tim M. should consult w/ LE about what evidence he has that shows Haleigh is dead. I will bet that doesn't happen because, imo, Tim M. has no such evidence.
I'm trying to work Hank Sr into this discussion, but I have to admit I'm failing miserably..........how is Hank tied to what AH might have said on NG?
I respect you and your opinion.

Even so we have this statement from Sheriff Hardy himself coming to the public CAUTIONING us about the media.

link : http://www.pcso.us/2009-8-17-a

snip~Sheriff Hardy realizes the importance of keeping the public involved in this case, and appreciates all of the leads that have been provided. Every lead that is provided is acted on by investigators. Sheriff Hardy cautions that because there are many who claim to be valid media outlets, that citizens should be careful not to fall into the trap of believing, or by accident spreading, the untrue and unreliable claims and assumptions of many bloggers who claim to be knowledgeable in the case. He also urges anyone that is assisting, or who wants to assist, to be cautious to stay within the bounds of their authority as they pursue their activities.~ end snip

Further he states that his aim is to assure the public, but mainly Haleighs family that they are actively pursuing leads.
snip~Sheriff Hardy wants to assure the public, but mainly Haleigh’s family, that we will continue to aggressively pursue this case and that we welcome the assistance of all Law Enforcement agencies or any other expert, including air, water, and ground searchers, that can assist in bringing Haleigh home. ~ end snip

I continue to believe that Law Enforcement are serving the family of Haleigh Cummings first and although they value the media's help in keeping the public informed, it is not the public that they are serving or informing first, it is Haleigh's family.

As I have stated before LE needs to take it up with AH and NG...In reference to myself and my opinion concerning Haleigh. I have believed she was no longer present on this earthly plain ever since I heard his first plea..... NG and AH did not have any influence on my thoughts about the subject.
I don't know about anywhere else but in NC you could take an oral test. I believe they still do this.

In my home state, Pennsylvania, it's an oral exam too. But in Arizona where I call home now, it's a written exam. Besides, regardless what type of exam is given, when it comes to government issues there are always forms to fill out as well as an eye chart test for driver's license.
IMO, some one who is illiterate would have a difficult time running the course of the bureaucracy boilerplate with official paperwork.
But I have to say, the slipshod way things are run in this country now-a- days, anything can happen.
On my eye test years ago, I was issued a license even though I was told I needed glasses to drive. The clerk said, with a straight face, well, you still have one good eye. EEEEEK!
We don't know what RC was doing, none of us were there. I mean how much time passed before the 911 call and Law Enforcement's arrival?

Ronald believed Haleigh was afraid of the dark, he said so over and over that he knew his child and she wouldn't leave the trailer, heck even Crystal said Haleigh was afraid of the dark. It was after 3 in the morning, What should he have done?

For starters, demand answers from the girlfriend who was suppose to be watching his children. Ronald heard from his own ears that Misty was not being truthful about the situation, remember the bed? Then, he could have confronted her about those lies that night in front of LE but didn't. Why didn't he? One would think that would have been valuable information to have during those first hours into the investigation.

His behavior that night during the 911 call has never seemed right. If you come home at 3:00 in the morning and your child is missing the first phase of emotions are normally shock and that deep fear which kicks you in the pit of your stomach. Yet, Ronald is irate, exhibits verbal abuse toward Misty, and threatens to handle this his own way. Rather than shock and desperation Ronald had emotions of anger and retribution, but why? Why wasn't that anger directed at his girlfriend who he knew was lieing.

Novice Seeker
For starters, demand answers from the girlfriend who was suppose to be watching his children. Ronald heard from his own ears that Misty was not being truthful about the situation, remember the bed? Then, he could have confronted her about those lies that night in front of LE but didn't. Why didn't he? One would think that would have been valuable information to have during those first hours into the investigation.

His behavior that night during the 911 call has never seemed right. If you come home at 3:00 in the morning and your child is missing the first phase of emotions are normally shock and that deep fear which kicks you in the pit of your stomach. Yet, Ronald is irate, exhibits verbal abuse toward Misty, and threatens to handle this his own way. Rather than shock and desperation Ronald had emotions of anger and retribution, but why? Why wasn't that anger directed at his girlfriend who he knew was lieing.

Novice Seeker
Remember what about the bed?

Also the last few sentences are contradictory, if he was verbally abusing Misty then his anger was directed toward her. :waitasec: If I thought someone had taken my child I would be in shock, but also explosively angry, scared and POed. I imagine I would run a gamut of emotions.
In my home state, Pennsylvania, it's an oral exam too. But in Arizona where I call home now, it's a written exam. Besides, regardless what type of exam is given, when it comes to government issues there are always forms to fill out as well as an eye chart test for driver's license.
IMO, some one who is illiterate would have a difficult time running the course of the bureaucracy boilerplate with official paperwork.
But I have to say, the slipshod way things are run in this country now-a- days, anything can happen.
On my eye test years ago, I was issued a license even though I was told I needed glasses to drive. The clerk said, with a straight face, well, you still have one good eye. EEEEEK!
No, NC has a written exam, but if you can not read you can request an oral exam. Reading an eye chart is not really reading, it just letters not words. The only thing I have to write to get my license is to sign my name. :)
If I thought it might help me find my child? I would in a heartbeat. Desperation is a powerful thing.

IMHO.. Ron C did not marry Misty because he needed her to help find his child...I will agree he has used some extremely desperate measure to keep the truth from being revealed.
Ok, but I'm STILL confused how this is about Hank Sr. I'm not attempting to cause difficulties here, but I'm truly getting lost in this, if there is a connection.
No, NC has a written exam, but if you can not read you can request an oral exam. Reading an eye chart is not really reading, it just letters not words. The only thing I have to write to get my license is to sign my name. :)

Thanks for the update in NC, curvecuti.
But I believe you do have to read an eye chart, you have to repeat the letters that appear on the chart. If you can't read, you don't know what the letters are to read them from the chart.
All you wrote, was your signature? On an application for a new or renewed license, I had to write my home address and read and check yes or no to a list of questions regarding my residence in the state along with listing the name of my auto insurance company.
But, as you pointed out, if an oral test can be administered, I suppose the personal information paperwork can be given orally too.
Still, to me it seems strange to give legal permission to someone who can not read or write to drive. How do they read the traffic signs they encounter along a route?
Thanks for the update in NC, curvecuti.
But I believe you do have to read an eye chart, you have to repeat the letters that appear on the chart. If you can't read, you don't know what the letters are to read them from the chart.
All you wrote, was your signature? On an application for a new or renewed license, I had to write my home address and read and check yes or no to a list of questions regarding my residence in the state along with listing the name of my auto insurance company.
But, as you pointed out, if an oral test can be administered, I suppose the personal information paperwork can be given orally too.
Still, to me it seems strange to give legal permission to someone who can not read or write to drive. How do they read the traffic signs they encounter along a route?
Sorry, not trying to argue a point, but I worked for an eye Dr. after high school and you do not have to be able to read to repeat the letters on an eye chart. They are not words. Most people know their letters, they just can't string them together to form words. Like my kid she can tell you all the letters in a word she does not know. Most traffic signs are illustrated, such as a school or ped. xing or merging traffic. The speed limit and Hwys signs are numbers with a letter for n,s,e,w. As I said prior, in NC once ya get 'em all you have to write is signing your name, all the other info. is in the comp. She asks if it is all correct, if so great, if not, she updates it.
Thanks for the update in NC, curvecuti.
But I believe you do have to read an eye chart, you have to repeat the letters that appear on the chart. If you can't read, you don't know what the letters are to read them from the chart.
All you wrote, was your signature? On an application for a new or renewed license, I had to write my home address and read and check yes or no to a list of questions regarding my residence in the state along with listing the name of my auto insurance company.
But, as you pointed out, if an oral test can be administered, I suppose the personal information paperwork can be given orally too.
Still, to me it seems strange to give legal permission to someone who can not read or write to drive. How do they read the traffic signs they encounter along a route?
I cannot believe you're having this conversation...I had the exact same one with my kids last night!! We couldn't get past the road signs. I know that oral exams are given...so maybe they learn the shapes of the signs? Still won't help them following directions or when they have to enter/exit a highway.
IMHO.. Ron C did not marry Misty because he needed her to help find his child...I will agree he has used some extremely desperate measure to keep the truth from being revealed.
No offense but that is not in agreement w/ what I said. I was speaking of me marrying the last person to see my child, when I said desperation is a powerful thing.

And what truth are you speaking of here that he is desperate to keep? We do not know the truth in this case yet.
His family denies he was doctor shopping and said that physicians with the Family Medical Group in Palatka, referred him to a pain clinic in Gainesville, and that the doctors all knew what he was taking “because they had prescribed it,” said Chelsea. Clinic doctors could not be reached for comment.
“If he did anything, he had no idea it was illegal,” said Lindsay. “He can’t read or write, so anything he may have signed with doctors, he didn’t know what it was.”"

So what we have here is Lindsy making an excuse for her Father-in-law, perhaps in anticipation of the upcoming legal issues he'll be facing. What we don't have here is any definitive proof that he can neither read nor write, and while I pay attention to what family members might say, I also weigh in the defensive aspect of why they might say it.
I wonder what truth lies in Lisa and Hank Sr signing those emancipation papers to allow their underaged daughter to marry a man who legally could have been charged with a crime against their daughter. Is it really only to the interpretation of the parent whether their child is being victimized? Does Hank really believe that in signing those papers, he helped his child in the best way possible?
I haven't heard anything out of Hank's mouth to indicate he had any knowlege or takes a stance on anything. He appears totally non-committal in regards to talking about any of his family. He even says he is afraid they will be angry if does something, so he doesn't. At least that is what he says about Misty. He also did this with the fight with rc. He doesn't want to get her upset. I wonder why. Who's really in control here?
There is so much co-dendency and addiction going on with all these players, it is difficult to get any facts or correct information.

I am willing to bet that most of the facts any of them gave is a total distortion of time or place. For all we know Misty may have still been partying on Monday and had not even returned home till late. She lies so easily and RC supports her lies...go figure.

The simplest scenario is likely the best one. Haleigh was harmed by either R or M. One is covering for the other....not due to love but to avoid jail/and or loss of other child.
That is incorrect.
Quote from Chelsea from an Art Harris interview:

Two days before Haleigh turned up missing last February, a drunk driver with no insurance smashed into the used car Timmy and Chelsea had just bought days earlier. Hank, Sr., her father in law wound up in the hospital in Gainesville, Fla., she says, and didn’t come home until after Haleigh vanished, on crutches, pins in his leg and a lot of pain.


I didn't realize it was Hank Sr that was in their vehicle when it was involved in the car accident. Was anyone else in the vehicle besides Hank Sr? I would still verify his admission and discharge dates with hospital personnel if I could to ensure Hank Sr's alibi for Monday night is airtight.

If it is true Lisa and Hank Sr were in Gaineville together Monday night they both have an alibi and neither one were at Tommy's house watching what was going on.

"What Chelsea does know is that the day Haleigh was reported missing, cousin Joe split for Tennessee; she was beyond exhaustion. &#8220;We&#8217;d just left Gainesville, dropping (Misty&#8217;s mother) Lisa off to be with Hank at the hospital. I&#8217;d been up late trying to figure out insurance claims for our car that was wrecked, dealing with an injured father in law and then, we go to sleep and about 4 a.m., and I get a phone call.&#8221;

I wonder if Timmy drove with Chelsea and Lisa in the blue van to Gainesville hospital Monday, how long this round trip would take, and when they left and returned home? Maybe Timmy asked Misty to babysit his children while they drove Lisa to Gainesville to stay with her husband?

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