Hannah Graham: Body Recovered, 18 Oct, 2014 **Awaiting Forensic Confirmation** #5

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I wonder if they're looking for the hyoid bone? It's not a very big bone (less that an inch), and isn't connected to any other bones in the body. Could it still be somewhere in the streambed, or could it have been carried away by one of the vultures?

I was thinking that maybe the dogs were brought in to search for bones - since reports are that the remains were "scattered" - it's very likely that parts could have been pulled away by animals so maybe they're just trying to make sure that they've collected everything???
As far as this not being a good place to hide a body--I disagree. it is an abandoned home with surrounding property...Remember the movie--KISS THE GIRLS????---just tie them up and let the critters at em--said by FBI agent in the movie--this location is not visible to the road--leaving the body in the open aids in decomposition--body is open to the elements--open to critters--vultures and other small animals---we have bobcats in Iowa--and open to bugs--all these things contribute to decay of the flesh and the scattering of small bones...remember how little Caylee's bones were scattered ??
I have been one all along that was fairly certain that these remains found were of Hannah. For several days now I have held firm to that belief, but I have to admit that I am now beginning to have doubts that they are of her. I recall that Chief Longo, in his press conference announcing the find, made comment that this case was "complex", and I think we all understand that it is, but I don't see where making positive identification of remains would be more complex in this case than in countless others, even taking the somewhat unexpected, for me anyway, decomposition into account. We know beyond reasonable doubt that she had dental records that almost surely were in LE's possession before the remains were found. The office of the ME can issue releases stating that this case has no higher priority than others, but I frankly just don't believe that. This is a case with what almost everyone now suspects is a serial killer maybe several times over and it is getting national coverage. No way is identifying these remains not being given highest priority, imo. The lack of any release confirming that the remains are Hannah's leaves me now seriously wondering if they are someone else's altogether, or at the very least, Hannah's plus someone else's. Or, as someone else has pondered, that the pants or other things found do not belong to the remains. As always, JMO
They received 4000 tips in the first 5 weeks...so that is about 114 tips a day. However, they also said that most tips came in during the first week or two of the case, so by the time the tips about the buzzards came in, they were likely receiving much less than 114 tips a day. I find it hard to believe they did not have multiple people whose job was to only go through tips. I don't believe they were overwhelmed, as they were even telling the media that tips were slowing down. I think they thought the buzzard tip was just a suggestion.

Sorry, this may be posted elsewhere, but what about the post that mentioned a friend of a friend who had been taken to the park by someone claiming to be a taxi driver? IF that story was true and IF it was called in as a tip, then I would expect that the proximity of Walnut Creek Park to the TWO tips about buzzards down the road should have raised concern on the part of the people checking tips.

I guess the question would be WHEN was the tip about the taxi driver called in (if indeed it was)?
Is it possible that the remains have been identified and that info has not been released to the public yet? Could they be wanting to release a written statement that includes the above along with charges filed against JM? Thanks in advance (TIA)
Rainfall data: (Also of note, the week before the discovery of human remains, we had VERY heavy rains/downpours, it was Wednesday, Oct. 15 to be exact. I distinctly remember b/c I was driving in it and couldn't see on the freeway)

Source: http://www.srh.noaa.gov/data/LWX/HYMLWX

BUT date the local reported buzzards was Oct. 6th...hmm.

Black vultures seen October 5th
Well, the problem with the neighbor saying "bad smell" is that turkey vultures don't fool with bodies that have started the putrification stage.

So the time frame doesn't add up from when the buzzards were seen to when the neighbors smelled odor.

My main point is I think we can disregard the neighbor's statement about closing the windows because it doesn't fit the time line.

Unless there are multiple bodies. Then it could.
Is it possible that the remains have been identified and that info has not been released to the public yet? Could they be wanting to release a written statement that includes the above along with charges filed against JM? Thanks in advance (TIA)

Certainly possible, but I would doubt it, as charges may not even be filed against JLM right away. This is still a very active investigation. JMO
BBM this ties into the hypotheses shared by quite a few people on WS that JLM is a narcissist.

Crime never pays.Each time you get away with it, the chances of getting caught the next time, goes up even further.

Im starting to wonder now if he wasnt addicted to that feeling of almost but not quite getting caught in the act and thats what caused him to be so brazen in picking up his victims from public areas with cameras, with MH's shirt being left in plain sight on a bush, and in his running from police.

One last thrill before the game is up for this incredibly sick individual?

If that theory is correct, then I wonder how LE can use it their advantage in this search?

Good post. And the search continues his thrills. I personally think it's all an addiction; killing, raping, etc. Like all addictions you need more and more (violence, risk, whatever) to get that high again.
I believe it is Hannah and they're just be extra cautious and thorough. On the question of dental ID, I wonder if it's more difficult if the person has perfect teeth. No fillings or weirdly twisted teeth. If you had two people with perfect teeth, is it more difficult to match to x-rays? There'd be nothing particularly unique to judge them by.
To FindHG and Heroine- I have been reading your very informative posts for days. Ye are excellent sleuths. Thanks for the insight, I look and enjoy your posts , also thank you to Bessie who does do much for everyone here.

IMO-I think they have found HG but are holding off to the public perhaps because of other undisclosed findings too, who knows??? But I wish the best for everyone involved and hope they can find comfort and peace.

Thank you, but I'm a newbie here compared to Heroine. bessie has my deepest gratitude, too.

It seems the more answers they may be getting from the searches the deeper this gets. I believe it when LE states it's a "complex" investigation with a lot of work left to be done.
Sorry, this may be posted elsewhere, but what about the post that mentioned a friend of a friend who had been taken to the park by someone claiming to be a taxi driver? IF that story was true and IF it was called in as a tip, then I would expect that the proximity of Walnut Creek Park to the TWO tips about buzzards down the road should have raised concern on the part of the people checking tips.

I guess the question would be WHEN was the tip about the taxi driver called in (if indeed it was)?

Just remember- JLM wasn't pretending to be a taxi driver , he actually was a taxi driver,that would give him a degree of instant credibility to most people.
I honestly would disregard the comment about the smell from the neighbors. We go "mudding" and wet mud can smell HORRIBLE. Also, decaying leaves, etc. Plenty of things in nature smell similar to decomposition.

I think her body/the body/the bodies were far enough in the woods that no one smelled her/them.

From what I remember of the article quoting the "neighbors" about the smell, the names of the neighbors quoted matches the names of the owners of a property just outside the portion of Old Lynchburg Road that was closed off. My guess is the media were there outside the barricade, hungry for information, and the "neighbors" came out to see what was up, and the media interviewed them and used that colorfully descriptive quote about the vultures and the smell even though their property isn't anywhere near enough to smell anything that was where the as-of-yet-unidentified remains were found.

With that said, given my growing worry about the delay in identification, perhaps there is something to find much nearer to the "neighbors".
I'm not sure there are multiple bodies. The LE guy who found the body was very open (too open) in that interview. I think he would have slipped something about another body. He seemed pretty certain about the skull and bones (with the long vertebrate) and it being in once piece. I think that's definitely one body. I'm just not sure anymore if that's Hannah? Why is it taking so long?
We are all sitting around here thinking of this stuff...I just don't think JM thinks about it that much. I don't think he's all that smart with regard to forensic issues.

He hunts, captures, kills and dumps. Yeah he might keep something. He might dump in areas he is familiar with and drive by. But to me and I'm not always right, he just does his thing like he has for years and figured he would not be caught like has has not been for years.

What caught him was the video.
Then they got his DNA....and now he's officially linked.

Had it not been for the video we would have no ID on the DNA and he would still be out there.

I wish they would hurry on the ID for HG, but there's really no reason to rush so much since he has been charged for 2005. Now he is stuck in jail..he's not going anywhere anytime soon.

To me they really should search everything/everywhere out there. Either way it solidifies things against him if/when remains are ID as HG.

I don't think they would call her dad out there for nothing.

BBM. I think that is an over-simplification. I think some girls (Fairfax, Liberty) might say there's more, like Rape, beating, and maybe torture.

And leaving out that he's living out his fantasies with live victims, there are still many opportunities to get caught in each of those stages. He was on Video and they weren't even looking at him. He was a (expletive) reflection.

To FindHG and Heroine- I have been reading your very informative posts for days. Ye are excellent sleuths. Thanks for the insight, I look and enjoy your posts , also thank you to Bessie who does do much for everyone here.

IMO-I think they have found HG but are holding off to the public perhaps because of other undisclosed findings too, who knows??? But I wish the best for everyone involved and hope they can find comfort and peace.

Why thank you! It's nice to know my posts are appreciated. And as for FindHG, she is indeed a great sleuth and always so informative. I agree about Bessie as well, she has a hard job to do, keeping us all in line and she does it with style and grace! A great mod she is!
Sorry, this may be posted elsewhere, but what about the post that mentioned a friend of a friend who had been taken to the park by someone claiming to be a taxi driver? IF that story was true and IF it was called in as a tip, then I would expect that the proximity of Walnut Creek Park to the TWO tips about buzzards down the road should have raised concern on the part of the people checking tips.

I guess the question would be WHEN was the tip about the taxi driver called in (if indeed it was)?

That story was posted by EHE. I read the story as though it was originally reported 5 years ago when it happened, but she is again working with law enforcement.
Thank you, but I'm a newbie here compared to Heroine. bessie has my deepest gratitude, too.

It seems the more answers they may be getting from the searches the deeper this gets. I believe it when LE states it's a "complex" investigation with a lot of work left to be done.

A great newbie you are, FindHG! :) You have made half as many posts as me and you have only been here since sept. I've been here since 2009, I joined when the farmville murders happened. I come and go, if a case strikes my interest I come back.
I was thinking that maybe the dogs were brought in to search for bones - since reports are that the remains were "scattered" - it's very likely that parts could have been pulled away by animals so maybe they're just trying to make sure that they've collected everything???

Could be-I thought specifically about the hyoid bone, because that bone sometimes fractures in a strangulation, and JLM attempted to strangle the 2005 Fairfax victim (allegedly).
Could be-I thought specifically about the hyoid bone, because that bone sometimes fractures in a strangulation, and JLM attempted to strangle the 2005 Fairfax victim (allegedly).

Interesting, indeed

If it is Hannah , it could give them COD
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