Hannah Graham: Body Recovered, 18 Oct, 2014 **Awaiting Forensic Confirmation** #5

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The other thing, what happened close to the home he moved away from to OL Rd? That seems like it would be good to know, though I don't want to know, but LE should, I hope?
Are you speculating that he was part of or witnessed some sort of violent or traumatic act? I've wondered the same, myself. I'd expect it would have occurred earlier, rather than later, in his adolescence, if there is any such event.

As for the timing of his move to the Ponderosa address, wasn't it that he moved there with his mother after his parents divorced? I believe there was mention of a stepfather, but I don't know at what point he entered the picture, if there was/is one at all.

As usual, I need to go back and check . . .
I've seen it in the Times, Telegraph and on BBC news every day.... http://www.bbc.co.uk/search?q=hannah graham

That is under US/Canada, but I take it back... I just realised I have gotten reliant on WS and twitter for my news! I have the #HannahGraham tag loaded all day and have seen nothing from the British media but the DM and one tweet from Sky News when the remains were found :eek:
Buzzard Bashing, Men know little about women's fashion but summarize it easily (tight), and what the heck is Yik-Yak?

Yik Yak is an anonymous social media app. It is available for iOS and Android and it allows people to anonymously create and view posts within a 1.5 mile radius[citation needed] depending on how many other users are nearby. It differs from other anonymous sharing apps such as PostSecret and Whisper in that it is intended for sharing primarily with those in close proximity to the user, potentially making it more intimate and relevant for people reading the posts.[1] All users have the ability to contribute to the stream by writing, responding, and up voting or down voting yaks.


Perhaps the reason we have not found Hannah's top is he took it off and took it with him. He may have had a certain pattern of completely undressing his victims not all abductors do.
Perhaps the reason we have not found Hannah's top is he took it off and took it with him. He may have had a certain pattern of completely undressing his victims not all abductors do.

I have felt that he had her shirt from day 1! Oh and I just had to use this little guy...:bananalama:...I thought it was a perfect fit for you! You can tell I have nothing better to do...lol
I think it's Hannah, maybe because I want it to be. I admit I thought the people who were initially saying maybe it was someone else were wrong, but at this point I'm starting to doubt myself. Perhaps it's taking this long because they know it's not Hannah and they're trying to determine who it is. Did they have dental records for Alexis?

chief longo is very careful. he would not have led the press conference he did unless he was POSITIVE. releasing info to the public is not top priority right now; LE alerted the parents. that's what matters, above all. and they're focusing on creating a case.
But the big guns were brought in to FIND Hannah's body. Search efforts were huge. Were they this extensive with Alexis or Samantha? Or even Morgan?

AFAIK Alexis and Samantha haven't been found and I don't know if they were considered committed by a serial criminal. I didn't follow Morgan's case so others here can answer that but I am under the impression there was a search but the weather wasn't the greatest at that time. Linking Morgan to Fairfax let authorities know this criminal would probably strike again and that they should be prepared.

IMO the urgency to find Hannah was in hopes of finding something more to work with than they had with Morgan, ie bones. The sooner they found Hannah, the more forensic evidence they could use in a case against JM.
Grasping at straws again...what if they are trying to lull the media hype so it doesn't affect the jury pool in Fairfax? Maybe the are hoping the general public (not us!) will just assume Hannah has been found and go back to their regular lives (while we sit in angst!). Obviously, they HAVE to tell us something, but I'm wondering if they want to make sure they can get an unbiased jury in Fairfax, which is causing this ordeal to be complex.

Ya, I realize this is far fetched, but so is every single other explanation we are coming up with for not having an ID yet.
I have felt that he had her shirt from day 1! Oh and I just had to use this little guy...:bananalama:...I thought it was a perfect fit for you! You can tell I have nothing better to do...lol

Right??!?! I think that's WHY they were able to charge him with abduction and intent to defile. Remember they searched his car and apartment, got the forensics back then announced those charges and he knew what they'd find it's why he fled to Texas.
In the context of what appears to us locals as a massive, ongoing search involving multiple agencies, it's reported today (10/23) that search dogs are being employed along Old Lynchburg Road... which is still closed.

This tells me that this was JM's --I hate even typing this next part, but there is no other way to say it--dumping ground. Just how many are there?

JM is an evil monster. Thank goodness he was caught on CCV or he'd still be raping and killing victims.
Idk about everyone else but I have thought of HG every day since she went missing. At first I thought she may have just been spending time with a boyfriend or something. Then I texted my friend who is a grad student at UVA, who knows her from mutual friends. She told me HG didn't have a boyfriend and wasn't talking to anyone that anyone knew of. I asked her if she knew if HG had a tinder (dating app) account, she said she wasn't sure. I thought that could've been a reason she went to McGradys (i've sent this into the tip line already, back on day 2) I just can not get HG or her family out of my mind, I hope they identify the remains tomorrow before the weekend.
I have a friend who know HG. She wasn't one to be into that. She just drank, she wasn't into drug according to her friends but yes I think all of us are VERY curious to know why she went to McGradys and then to downtown mall. LE knows why she went to McGradys. Its all on the cell phone records but they won't say till trial. The fact Longo said "she clearly lost her way" not buying it. She was a soph not a freshman.

Thanks fellow Hokie! Early on I had speculated that she appeared to know exactly where she was going- she was quickly walking with purpose- I think if she was lost once on the mall, she would have sat down or paused to call a friend or ask for directions or something similar... Then several people that knew C'Ville well said college students rarely go to the mall area- they usually attend parties, and even though she was a sophomore, she probably wouldn't be familiar with that area. I still find that hard to believe- what do your UVA friends say about being familiar with the mall as students?
That all sounds like possibilities in this case. I will say I find it intriguing that they are now saying that it could possibly be a dumping ground, but we know there must be a reason for them to believe that. IMO
I would think that if the parents were notified that the remains are HG, they would let neighbors in Alexandria know. The neighbors in Alexandria still have the yellow ribbons out. Girls on Hannah's old softball team aren't sure if she is really deceased. I continue to pray for all the family and friends of the missing ladies.
AFAIK Alexis and Samantha haven't been found and I don't know if they were considered committed by a serial criminal. I didn't follow Morgan's case so others here can answer that but I am under the impression there was a search but the weather wasn't the greatest at that time. Linking Morgan to Fairfax let authorities know this criminal would probably strike again and that they should be prepared.

IMO the urgency to find Hannah was in hopes of finding something more to work with than they had with Morgan, ie bones. The sooner they found Hannah, the more forensic evidence they could use in a case against JM.

I can not speak for Samantha Clarke, but the search efforts for Alexis were not as huge because police found her blood,fingernail and eyelash in RAT trailer shortly after she went missing. Therefore it was considered a struggle. The police searched privately. In hundreds for her but the public didn't know about it. As far as Morgan, there was one huge search in mid November. I remember maybe a thousand people searched for a weekend. They literally had no leads on Morgan at first until someone told she got in a cab but after that, thats all till they found her shirt (which was linked to the Fairfax rape in 05) then the remains call came in 2 weeks later. The search for Hannah has been huge because I think police were afraid MH killer struck again and we needed to find her ASAP
so many serial killers have a 'special' place to stash their victims if they can
bundy, long island, gacy's
this just might be jlm's ???
Very glad you posted that. I know anything's possible. But the speculations re various drugs just do not seem to fit the HG picture, IMO. I'd put money on that one. But I know, anything's possible. Thanks. Had to get that off my chest.

Also seems like even it was drug-related, she would be going with a friend, not alone... When I was in college, we definitely traveled and spent weekend nights in groups- not as much because we were thinking of safety, but because we did things in groups, rarely alone except classes or work.
I have been a lurker for quite sometime. I have been trying to get approved to bring something to light that I have not seen any of you discuss.
There is another girl missing in Albemarle county that went missing on July 17th. She is 17 years old and was wearing black pants. This girl seems
to have fell through the cracks because when calling APD or ASD (Sheriff's), both are referring back to the other and have no knowledge of this girl.
When calling the missing kids info, as of October 17th she is still considered missing. Just because black pants were at the crime scene does not
mean it is Hannah IMO. Here is a link to the missing girl. http://www.missingkids.com/poster/USVA/VA14-1574/1#poster
Thanks fellow Hokie! Early on I had speculated that she appeared to know exactly where she was going- she was quickly walking with purpose- I think if she was lost once on the mall, she would have sat down or paused to call a friend or ask for directions or something similar... Then several people that knew C'Ville well said college students rarely go to the mall area- they usually attend parties, and even though she was a sophomore, she probably wouldn't be familiar with that area. I still find that hard to believe- what do your UVA friends say about being familiar with the mall as students?

She told me that none of HG friends knew why she was down there cause students usually do not go down to the mall, its not a hang out area for the students but my friend told me that she (my friend) was close to the 14th and wertland area around 1 am that night and it was packed outside, tons and tons of people out because UVA had just won a huge football game earlier that day and it was one of the first weekends back. My friend did not see HG in the wertland area (if you remember HG supposedly sent a text at 1:20 AM saying she was lost around that area) but my friend said HG would have known where she was even if drunk and she was lost at 14th and wertland b/c its right near a bunch of good restaurants and first years walk to those restaurants when they get tired of campus food.
Thanks fellow Hokie! Early on I had speculated that she appeared to know exactly where she was going- she was quickly walking with purpose- I think if she was lost once on the mall, she would have sat down or paused to call a friend or ask for directions or something similar... Then several people that knew C'Ville well said college students rarely go to the mall area- they usually attend parties, and even though she was a sophomore, she probably wouldn't be familiar with that area. I still find that hard to believe- what do your UVA friends say about being familiar with the mall as students?

I'm not a VA resident but I'd like to share my knowledge of the area. My daughter is a second year student at UVA, in the marching band. Her dad and I have taken her to the downtown mall for dinner almost every tine we've been down there to just visit or to visit and see a football game. When her siblings went to visit or see a game they also went to the mall. So while my daughter wouldn't go there alone, or with friends, to hang out, (they go to The Corner) she does have a decent amount of experience with the area. While there are many places to eat in C'Ville in other typical malls, the downtown mall is very quaint, has many shops, and a lot of dining places.

When school starts UVA has a pep rally at the downtown mall, it's called Paint the Town Orange. Football fans and students are encouraged to attend wearing orange. So Hannah could have gone to that the last two years and had some knowledge of the mall even if she had never been there with her family.
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