Happenings of December 26

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Sorry your theory is way to far out there for me. There is no evidence to support that Patsy was some crazy religious fanatic. Religious? Yes, crazy religious? Based on what?

Sorry your critique is way too far out for me. There is no evidence I said Patsy was some crazy religious fanatic. Based on what?
Sorry your critique is way too far out for me. There is no evidence I said Patsy was some crazy religious fanatic. Based on what?

In the ligature thread you implied JBR was a sacrifice, if someone sacrificed their child I'm pretty sure they would fit into the crazy religious fanatic category. Plus the other religious ramblings you have made.
1.the offering of animal, plant, or human life or of some material possession to a deity, as in propitiation or homage.
2.the person, animal, or thing so offered.
3.the surrender or destruction of something prized or desirable for the sake of something considered as having a higher or more pressing claim.
4.the thing so surrendered or devoted.
5.a loss incurred in selling something below its value.
The garrote strangulation makes me think of sacrifice also, unless it is staging. Those are my two main theories as to why a parent would deliberately do this to their daughter. As for religion, there is nothing religious about brutally strangling a six year old girl to death. Nothing Christian at least. When I think of sacrifice I think of both parents being involved and I think the source of it is evil, not religious. Some people can outwardly pretend to be highly religious/christian but it is front. It is a purposeful front to conceal something else, something darker. When I think of the Ramsey's and everything we know of the strange circumstances of this murder, I think of purposeful sacrifice, with both parents involved. Evil intent. Hidden motives much deeper than a father trying to protect himself. And the sexual molestation goes right along with it. I am not talking about mental illness, but the deliberate murder as part of a prescribed ritual. Instead of religion, think anti-religion, acts that are done with the intent to be an affront to God.
Based on what? What makes you think John and Patsy would ritually sacrifice their beloved daughter? Evil intent? What evidence supports these allegations. The accidental death and cover up was the main theory in the beginning. It was speculated by several LE that it was an accident/cover up. Now it's moved to a satanic sacrifice? I find that absolutely ludicrous.
Did they find books, or Web searches on how to sacrifice your child? This is just such a bizarre conclusion to draw, moo
Based on what? What makes you think John and Patsy would ritually sacrifice their beloved daughter? Evil intent? What evidence supports these allegations. The accidental death and cover up was the main theory in the beginning. It was speculated by several LE that it was an accident/cover up. Now it's moved to a satanic sacrifice? I find that absolutely ludicrous.

Based on thoughts I have long held about this crime. I may be setting myself up for ridicule for expressing them from people like you but I don't care. I have many theories about the crime and one of them is that the parents were hiding a dark secret. You are not ready to hear it and to explain it to you would be like throwing pearls before swine, so I shall not explain it to you. Maybe to someone else.
Based on what? What makes you think John and Patsy would ritually sacrifice their beloved daughter? Evil intent? What evidence supports these allegations. The accidental death and cover up was the main theory in the beginning. It was speculated by several LE that it was an accident/cover up. Now it's moved to a satanic sacrifice? I find that absolutely ludicrous.

I agree. The ritual sacrifice theories are really out there. Like the WM3. No proof of that whatsoever of anything even like that.

It was a brutal killing. I don't think there is any cover up. I think the evidence shows that there was no cover up but as for satanic cults, That is one that I just completely dismiss without merit.
Based on what? What makes you think John and Patsy would ritually sacrifice their beloved daughter? Evil intent? What evidence supports these allegations. The accidental death and cover up was the main theory in the beginning. It was speculated by several LE that it was an accident/cover up. Now it's moved to a satanic sacrifice? I find that absolutely ludicrous.

The garrote strangulation makes me think of sacrifice also, unless it is staging. Those are my two main theories as to why a parent would deliberately do this to their daughter. As for religion, there is nothing religious about brutally strangling a six year old girl to death. Nothing Christian at least. When I think of sacrifice I think of both parents being involved and I think the source of it is evil, not religious. Some people can outwardly pretend to be highly religious/christian but it is front. It is a purposeful front to conceal something else, something darker. When I think of the Ramsey's and everything we know of the strange circumstances of this murder, I think of purposeful sacrifice, with both parents involved. Evil intent. Hidden motives much deeper than a father trying to protect himself. And the sexual molestation goes right along with it. I am not talking about mental illness, but the deliberate murder as part of a prescribed ritual. Instead of religion, think anti-religion, acts that are done with the intent to be an affront to God.

It is not staging if one was actually strangled with the article. There is no staging here that I have found. And in looking at other brutal crimes, Like the one that Mama posted yesterday about Bonny Clarke, It was eerily similar.
It was a crime in which at child was brutalized and murdered. To me it is that simple.
Yeah I'm not following how the conclusion of ritual religious sacrifice was reached...
The Santanic Panic the hit West Memphis was insane, but the rumors were being fed, le believed it, people assummed they were right.

I have never seen anyone close to this case that has investigated it come up with the sacrificial lamb theory. I can't wrap my mind around an apparently normal family, with no history of abuse are suddenly going to sacrifice their daughter. Especially when absolutely no evidence surpports this.
Yeah I'm not following how the conclusion of ritual religious sacrifice was reached...

I don't buy into the theory either. However the idea that because the strangulation killed her it wasn't staging is absurd. The two things are certainly not mutually exclusive.

The scene was staged to imply a sexual deviant "intruder" (who started out as a for ransom kidnapper, who was too incompetent to realize that kidnapping includes removing the Kindapee from their home, and forgot to bring his own writing supplies and has both a writing style and handwriting remarkably similar to PR ... but I digress), killed her.

While there is no question that this murder was, legally, premeditated, I don't think it was premeditated in the way we generally think of. As in for weeks, hours or even minutes ahead of the "event" anyone planned to murder JB. However, once the event did happen, which I think was the head blow inflicted, either by Patsy or Burke, then the only recourse In Patsy's mind was to finish it and stage it.

After all, how does the picture perfect mommy explain that she just "accidently" bashed her picture perfect little girl in the head? Or, giving her the benefit of the doubt, that her picture perfect little boy did it? Either way, it just won't do.

Just like Jeffrey MacDonald walking into his 18 month old daughters bedroom and stabbing her over 40 times with an icepick because he had aleady murdered her mother and sister and saw no other option, I think Patsy viewed her actions as "no other option." Unlike some people I have absolutely no problem seeing her doing just that. Did she have regrets and feel grief as well? God, I hope so. But I don't think any grief or sadness or horror would stop her from doing what she felt she had to do to maintain her lifestyle.
Lindy Chamberlain was accused of sacrificing her daughter, the proof? *Azaria owned a black dress and her name supposedly meant sacrifice to the wilderness, it actually means blessed of god. Blood in the car turned out not to be blood.
Based on what? What makes you think John and Patsy would ritually sacrifice their beloved daughter? Evil intent? What evidence supports these allegations. The accidental death and cover up was the main theory in the beginning. It was speculated by several LE that it was an accident/cover up. Now it's moved to a satanic sacrifice? I find that absolutely ludicrous.

You misstate my ideas and then citicize your own mistatement.
What are your idea's? I am basing my comments on your post. If I have misinterpreted them, I'm sorry. You make several religion based comments. Post your theory if you don't mind, maybe it will clear up my confusion Tia.
you did it again. My comments are not religion based. They are based on the practice of the scientific method.
Based on thoughts I have long held about this crime. I may be setting myself up for ridicule for expressing them from people like you but I don't care. I have many theories about the crime and one of them is that the parents were hiding a dark secret. You are not ready to hear it and to explain it to you would be like throwing pearls before swine, so I shall not explain it to you. Maybe to someone else.

I'd love to hear it:)

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Sorry your theory is way to far out there for me. There is no evidence to support that Patsy was some crazy religious fanatic. Religious? Yes, crazy religious? Based on what?

I have to agree with this. I see nothing in Patsy's history that is fanatical as far as her religious faith. Like many Southerners with a strong Christian background, the way she speaks about Jesus, etc. is fairly typical. I don't think she was crazy either. Personality disorder? Probably. Over-the-top Stage Mother with dreams of fame for her daughter? Definitely. Affected by meds she was on since her chemo. Very likely. But I cannot attribute any part she may have played in this crime/coverup to religious fanaticism.

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