Has any doubt crept in to your 100% guilty belief?

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I 100% believe Casey is guilty and George was NOT involved.

However, I read her jailhouse letters yesterday, and I am wondering if this was some kind of Andrea Yates sitation. Has anyone else read the letters and what did they think of them?

She talks about God ALOT and constantly quotes from Scripture. She talks about how it is good that Caylee isn't here so she would not have to suffer w a bad family (or something to that effect). She sounds completely off the wall in the letters. They are SOO weird.

She sounds happy, smiley faces, etc., and she seems like she is completely dissociated from reality. Even in December when they have found Caylee, she is there talking about peanut butter.

I don't know - is she acting? Is she mental? I can't believe she cannot not be mental -she has to be. Who lies like that? Something is wrong. Doesn't excuse what she did and she probably doesn't meet the definition of legal insanity -which would require her to not know it was wrong. But she has to be clinically ill.

I would be interested to hear what others think of the letters. What do others make of all of the religious references? I assume that they maybe were not introduced in trial for hearsay reasons (I guess they would not be a statement against interest to get around hearsay rules, if the defense wanted to offer them in).

What's odd is that Jesse Grund said today that he doesn't recognize the current Casey. So, it sounds like she used to be fairly normal. However, the mother nagged her a lot. Maybe she did have a mental breakdown of some sort. But what about her competency reviews....wouldn't they have picked up something amiss?
I never had a doubt and hope that some depressed, down and out individual in the area corners her in a swampy, wooded area and well...I don't want to get in trouble.

The disgust is far reaching and extending to the men and women who decided her fate.

Florida Chili Restaurant Bans Casey Anthony Jurors

Thursday, July 7, 2011, by Paula Forbes




No doubt she is 100% guilty. She is just an evil person. All about me! me me me !

Why couldn't Casey come out about an ACCIDENT ? I'll tell you why ... there was evidence of chloroform in Caylee's system and if she reported the location of the body, she'd be in Lowell CI convicted of 1st degree murder.

I also am thinking it was an accidental drowning, while she was busy doing her thing, and I also agree she could not call the police, because the chloroform stays in the system for awhile, and she had been giving it to her for awhile. I remember one of her friends saying that the little girl would sleep on a couch in the same room that they were drinking in partying, and never wake up, so she had to cover her tracks, I do not believe for one minute that her father had anything to do with it, I think her leagl team cooked up a lot of fiction, and in the end made it very difficult for the jurrors, I hope when Mr, H. B. likes what he sees everytime he looks in the mirror!! I also think that Saturday when the court was closed, that was her team also making sure that the insanity was thrown out, so she would not be sent to a mental hospital for the rest of her life, they played a very dirty hand!! I think her mother lying was so she would not get the death penalty, but LWOP, her lies once again have come back to haunt her, I hope her Dr is ready to give her many, many pills, because she is going to need them just to function on a daily bases, I believe that they will lose their son, he is damaged but not as bad as them!! I hope he gets help and can move on with his life!!

Why couldn't Casey come out about an ACCIDENT ? I'll tell you why ... there was evidence of chloroform in Caylee's system and if she reported the location of the body, she'd be in Lowell CI convicted of 1st degree murder.

exactly. and they obfuscated, throwing in the pool drowning bit. Yes, 100% of the people who have children drown call 9-11. She couldn't because it was a chloroform overdose...IMHO
I also am thinking it was an accidental drowning, while she was busy doing her thing, and I also agree she could not call the police, because the chloroform stays in the system for awhile, and she had been giving it to her for awhile. I remember one of her friends saying that the little girl would sleep on a couch in the same room that they were drinking in partying, and never wake up, so she had to cover her tracks, I do not believe for one minute that her father had anything to do with it, I think her leagl team cooked up a lot of fiction, and in the end made it very difficult for the jurrors, I hope when Mr, H. B. likes what he sees everytime he looks in the mirror!! I also think that Saturday when the court was closed, that was her team also making sure that the insanity was thrown out, so she would not be sent to a mental hospital for the rest of her life, they played a very dirty hand!! I think her mother lying was so she would not get the death penalty, but LWOP, her lies once again have come back to haunt her, I hope her Dr is ready to give her many, many pills, because she is going to need them just to function on a daily bases, I believe that they will lose their son, he is damaged but not as bad as them!! I hope he gets help and can move on with his life!!

Interesting....I never thought of the combination of pool drowning AND the chloroform connection.
one thing that has long baffled me is the two different arrangements of casey's bedroom. To wit:


crime scene photo


defense photo

this different pics are amazing. Did you discover this??? Take it to cnn !this is huge
Guilty. She taped papertowels with chloroform on them to Caylee's face.
Dosage: not known, just put a splash onto a rag
Time: several minutes probably
Available: not known
Certainty: good
Notes: If you tape the rag over your mouth so that you get knocked
out, you should die as you continue getting the stuff into your lungs.

100% guilty. Pinellas Co. jurors failed Caylee by not listening to the evidence and doing the job entrusted in them. This was a dark day for our Justice System.
No doubt whatsoever.

The Defense just raised a half-finger of doubt and the Jury blew it out of proportion because they didn't understand the word "reasonable."

There is not one shred of evidence that Caylee drowned, and no way to prove or disprove it. That is not reasonable doubt.

The odor of death was in the car that had been missing so long the day Cindy called 911. End of story. Casey had the car and the child. The other people she lied about to Cindy and the police did not exist.

The place in the woods was an pet graveyard. Casey didn't even bother to bury her daughter - too much trouble. Doesn't anyone think that George would have at least buried his granddaughter? OMG - that is reasonable, at least. But this child was in a garbage bag - Casey and George would both have to be completely bonkers to leave her in that state. I vote that Casey fits that description just fine alone.

(And no, blaming it on Cindy doesn't work either - Casey is an adult. People with nagging mothers or fathers don't have a good reason to kill their children, sorry. :( JMO )

What part of that the Jury didn't understand, I have no idea.
I 100% believe Casey is guilty and George was NOT involved.

However, I read her jailhouse letters yesterday, and I am wondering if this was some kind of Andrea Yates sitation. Has anyone else read the letters and what did they think of them?

She talks about God ALOT and constantly quotes from Scripture. She talks about how it is good that Caylee isn't here so she would not have to suffer w a bad family (or something to that effect). She sounds completely off the wall in the letters. They are SOO weird.

She sounds happy, smiley faces, etc., and she seems like she is completely dissociated from reality. Even in December when they have found Caylee, she is there talking about peanut butter.

I don't know - is she acting? Is she mental? I can't believe she cannot not be mental -she has to be. Who lies like that? Something is wrong. Doesn't excuse what she did and she probably doesn't meet the definition of legal insanity -which would require her to not know it was wrong. But she has to be clinically ill.

I would be interested to hear what others think of the letters. What do others make of all of the religious references? I assume that they maybe were not introduced in trial for hearsay reasons (I guess they would not be a statement against interest to get around hearsay rules, if the defense wanted to offer them in).

The religion was her simply mirroring Cookie I believe. Cookie was very religious and casey is a chameleon. The rest is probably arrested development. She had no responsibilities in life and was very immature for her age. Just my thought. And actually I think in her own way she was happy in jail. She said in letters it was the first time she was free and independent. No more Caylee, no more pretending to work or worrying about $ I'm sure she got sick of it eventually but in the 1st year she was content to just babble to a friend in letters and think about her celebrity. I don't think she's insane. She just has a personality disorder. All this is strictly opinion. Thanks for sharing your :eek:).

Btw when I read her letters it was the only time I felt a sliver of compassion for her. She seemed so clueless, alone and I knew robin was using her. She seemed not to get the severity of her situation. Of course I quickly snapped out of it but for a few seconds....anyway I regret that now even after watching her gloat in court. I saw her sociopathy. My sympathy was for a girl about to spend LWOP or DP before she had a chance to figure herself out. In that moment I could see where cindy would have messed her up mentally. I see now casey messed herself up by being nonproductive. .I see her now clearly as evil and selfish. She doesn't give a chit who she hurt and she has now been rewarded for it. Her ego will know no bounds. We will NOT be seeing a religious and demure grateful Casey. We will see narcissim in its highest state. Ugh
no doubt whatsoever..ICA 100% Guilty
(and I held out till Caylee's remains were found)
and by the way..totally off subject...but I don't think she'll breed again because that would mean attention away from her.
I think this all happened because Caylee was now the object of her parents affection..not her!!!!
strikes me that she searched for chloroform to either 1) just check it out since it was on tony's my space (innocent reason), 2) to drug her child since she had no babysitter (more guilty) or 3) to kill her (most guilty)

so, since she deleted the searches it's got to be either 2 or 3

The LE saw it exactly as you had.

When truely the most plausible is number one.(which is supported with evidence) Added in the fact that Caylee is indeed dead , Had Casey told LE she looked up the information and for what it wouldnt have made an impact on what LE thought at all.

So in theory it may or may not be the truth , and the writer looking up the hitman for the novel , and his wife is missing will find himself with the exact same outcome of LE investigation that Casey Anthony found herself in relating to the search.

Right or wrong whatever the search was for in LE mind there was only ever one reason. The same would be true for the writer.

The plausible could be number 1, except that the searcher looked for "how to make chloroform". Nobody curious about a internet picture joking about date rape with the caption "Win Her Over With Chloroform" would find a reason to investigate how to make the compound.

This tells me, as it did LE, that number 2 or 3 are truly the most logical, especially when paired with the high concentration of chloroform in the trunk. And again, the fact that Cindy went to such great lengths to falsely claim the searches for herself seals the deal. JMO.
I'll never believe that Caylee drowned or died in any accident in 2 hours time after Casey got back to the house at 2 then left at 4. The only drowning I'd believe would be that Caylee was knocked out and put into the pool during the night in hopes that George would find her out there the next morning and Cindy would be blamed for leaving the ladder up, making her the unfit one. The only answer would be that George lied and did not see Casey and Caylee leave at 1:00.
Major thefts going on, fights with being accused of unfit parent, talk of getting custody, being jobless was about to be discovered (if it hadn't already happened), George locking up the gas, etc. yet Caylee dies in some accident that resulted in instant death that needed no calls for help.... yeah right. Casey didn't even call 911 either. Caylee getting out and drowning from a ladder that only cindy would have left there would give Casey some satisfaction that cindy is irresponsible and not needed to be covered up at all.
I guess we will never know for sure

but we are sure 31 days went by and she did nothing
if you hit a car and dont report it for 31 days your going to be in big trouble

she was the mother, she did not contact police if it was accicdent she should of been charged with something more then lying to police
I'll never believe that Caylee drowned or died in any accident in 2 hours time after Casey got back to the house at 2 then left at 4. The only drowning I'd believe would be that Caylee was knocked out and put into the pool during the night in hopes that George would find her out there the next morning and Cindy would be blamed for leaving the ladder up, making her the unfit one. The only answer would be that George lied and did not see Casey and Caylee leave at 1:00.
Major thefts going on, fights with being accused of unfit parent, talk of getting custody, being jobless was about to be discovered (if it hadn't already happened), George locking up the gas, etc. yet Caylee dies in some accident that resulted in instant death that needed no calls for help.... yeah right. Casey didn't even call 911 either. Caylee getting out and drowning from a ladder that only cindy would have left there would give Casey some satisfaction that cindy is irresponsible and not needed to be covered up at all.

Excellent post txsvicki. :clap:
The only doubt I've had is after reading this post on another thread just now:
[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6887926&postcount=102"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - List - What didn't the jury hear?[/ame]

It suggested to me that Casey was so busy making phone calls to TonE, AH and JG for moral support and to mitigating her fear of her mother and her confusion about how to proceed (move out) that Caylee slipped out and got into the pool and drowned. That would explain the frenzied calls to her mother, and then her brain kicking in to overdrive about how to spin the accident. (the 90-minute silence on her phone) Then of course she tried to make it look like a murder (always lying and/or blaming someone else).

She was so intent on getting on with her life, tired of being tied down, tired of being broke, tired of stealing, and especially upset that day about the previous night's catfight with her mother that she wasn't paying attention to Caylee. That would explain why no one thought of her as a bad mother because she wasn't a bad mother as far as physically taking care of her (I know some people disagree with me on that).

And we could have gotten 2nd or 3rd degree if the jury had been able to (be forced to) think about the above timeline (see post at link)

I still think she's a narcissistic sociopath. She spiraled beyond that to the psychopath spectrum after Caylee died.
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