Has any doubt crept in to your 100% guilty belief?

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No, no doubts, and that is what is bothering me. If I could agree with the jury that it wasn't proven, if I could believe that it really was an accident or even that it was all or almost all George's fault, then I wouldn't feel so frustrated. I wouldn't have to feel that Casey had gotten away with and actually possibly even rewarded for murder. If I could really believe the defense's story, I'd feel SO much better. But I don't believe it.

It really bothers me that our "justice system" is so flimsy that some "wild card" jurors can let a guilty person go OR wrongly lock up someone who should go free or get a light sentence.
the only thing I doubt is our legal system, wherein an atty like JB puts on one of the most outlandishly improbable case's imaginable, and a jury goes for it in a rush to judgement that truly defies common sense.

that is cause for doubt.
No - None At All! Now that my anger is receding and while I am still shocked, horrified and truly dismayed at the verdict, I am more convinced than ever of ICA's guilt.
The jury was asked to use their "common sense" in determining the facts and in reaching their conclusion. I used mine in doing the same and as a result have no doubt whatsoever that Casey Anthony killed her child.
The only doubt I've had is after reading this post on another thread just now:
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - List - What didn't the jury hear?

It suggested to me that Casey was so busy making phone calls to TonE, AH and JG for moral support and to mitigating her fear of her mother and her confusion about how to proceed (move out) that Caylee slipped out and got into the pool and drowned. That would explain the frenzied calls to her mother, and then her brain kicking in to overdrive about how to spin the accident. (the 90-minute silence on her phone) Then of course she tried to make it look like a murder (always lying and/or blaming someone else).

She was so intent on getting on with her life, tired of being tied down, tired of being broke, tired of stealing, and especially upset that day about the previous night's catfight with her mother that she wasn't paying attention to Caylee. That would explain why no one thought of her as a bad mother because she wasn't a bad mother as far as physically taking care of her (I know some people disagree with me on that).

And we could have gotten 2nd or 3rd degree if the jury had been able to (be forced to) think about the above timeline (see post at link)

I still think she's a narcissistic sociopath. She spiraled beyond that to the psychopath spectrum after Caylee died.

That is so interesting, and I'm glad you shared it. She certainly did stack up some calls during those hours. It looks like the death occurred after the call to Jessie.

So, in order for this to have been an accident, George would have been gone (I guess he was at work when the call to Jessie was made). KC would have gone back to the house with Caylee.

I suppose then, KC decided after not reaching anyone that she would stage a murder with duct tape.

But... if she were to stage a murder with duct tape, would she have affixed a heart shaped sticker? She surely wouldn't have wanted a mother's touch to bve found on a cold-blooded killer's duct tape.

Also, wouldn't KC have faked concern for her daughter somewhere during that time?

This scenario also does not explain the chloroform, death, and shovel searches, and the high level of chloroform found in her car.
Since I first heard the 31 days and the mother didn't even report it, I knew there was something awfully wrong. No, I haven't change my mind that she is 100% guilty. I did change my mind about her degree of evil after the trial...she's even more evil than I thought...
I hadn't watched HLN (ie, Nancy Grace, JVM, Dr Drew, et al) until this trial, mainly because HLN carried it live. I watched MOST of the trial in raw video form (with no Casey cam lol) on my 'puter before and after work.

Of course I've read threads on WS like mad for the past three years, but can claim I was uninfluenced by talking heads. If there was any influence at all, it was from many regular Caylee Anthony thread posters. This whole site, and especially the Caylee section, has some of the best, fairest and reasonable minds I've encountered on the net.

That said, in spite of never watching Nancy Grace go on about Tot Mom, I felt deeply in my gut that Casey Anthony was responsible for the death of Caylee. I thought this the moment I heard that a child had been "missing" for 31 days.

Over the last three years, I've read WS but not followed in great depth the articles, the pre trial stuff. But when the actual trial started, I was a daily communicant, and got very sucked in.

As the state presented it's case, I only grew more firm in my conviction ICA was responsible for Caylee's death. I grew LESS convinced than ever that the death penalty was appropriate, even first degree murder.

I saw more "evidence" of how absolutely CHILLING ICA is, and never thought for a second that the jury would gloss over the state's case and start quoting Jose Baez and River Cruz in their apologias to the press!!!!

I am still in shock at the verdict. I believe the jurors did what they believed was right. So did the Anthony bunch, so doing what you believe is right is not impressive to me.

I am back to where I started, now. Casey Anthony is responsible for the death of her daughter, she is grossly disturbed by personality disorder, her family are run of the mill everyday crazies doing their "thing" in the media spotlight, and had nothing to do with the death of Caylee. I don't even thing George and Cindy "created" Casey, but they certainly poured Miracle Gro on her sociopathy instead of getting her help a long time ago.

I have serious doubts that Joe and Mary America (a jury of your peers) is educated (yes, I mean educated) enough to follow the increasingly complex nature of evidence. I can't see how we can "stop" the way defense attorneys do their thing, either. I was embarrassed for Baez and team, I mean really embarrassed for them!! Yet . . . they turned the state's case on it's ear and neutralized it in the minds of the jury. I still struggle to make sense of HOW they did that, without casting aspersions on their character or intelligence. The system is meant to work without uber-intelligent edumacated jurors.

In my struggle to understand, I've searched out and found many other trials that ended in acquittal in the face of "obvious" evidence of guilt. This ain't the first, and won't be the last.

It goes to show that we see what we are looking for. And I saw GUILT. The jury did the right thing, by seeing INNOCENCE first. How they STAYED with INNOCENCE is what I doubt I'll ever understand lol :)
I will say that Casey's reaction did give me pause. She almost seemed so greatful and relieved that they believed her, like she felt that they thought she was a good person as the whole world thought she was evil. She wasn't smug about it.

George and Cindy's reaction though looked like they were shocked and disgusted that she got away with it.

Dr. Lillian Glass, the body language expert, said on the Websleuth radio program yesterday that Cindy's body language showed that she was unhappy with the verdict. Apparently Dr. Glass feels that Cindy is also a narcissist, and she wanted to be able to garner attention and sympathy because her granddaughter was dead and her daughter was in jail. With Casey out and about, most of the attention will be on her, not Cindy. I have always felt that Cindy was the key to the whole mess. I had nothing solid..............just a gut feeling about Cindy that always creeped me out.:nerves:
Dr. Lillian Glass, the body language expert, said on the Websleuth radio program yesterday that Cindy's body language showed that she was unhappy with the verdict. Apparently Dr. Glass feels that Cindy is also a narcissist, and she wanted to be able to garner attention and sympathy because her granddaughter was dead and her daughter was in jail. With Casey out and about, most of the attention will be on her, not Cindy. I have always felt that Cindy was the key to the whole mess. I had nothing solid..............just a gut feeling about Cindy that always creeped me out.:nerves:

Cindy at least knew where ICA was when she was in jail, but now she'll always be wondering where ICA is. ICA will spend the rest of her life punishing her parents, I guarantee.
Dr. Lillian Glass, the body language expert, said on the Websleuth radio program yesterday that Cindy's body language showed that she was unhappy with the verdict. Apparently Dr. Glass feels that Cindy is also a narcissist, and she wanted to be able to garner attention and sympathy because her granddaughter was dead and her daughter was in jail. With Casey out and about, most of the attention will be on her, not Cindy. I have always felt that Cindy was the key to the whole mess. I had nothing solid..............just a gut feeling about Cindy that always creeped me out.:nerves:
Well then, maybe Cindy shouldn't have lied on the stand!!!
I don't have a single doubt, reasonable or otherwise. I don't actually blame the jurors, nor do I think that the jurors owe answers to anyone. They were pressed into service by the state of FL and I can only assume that they came to their verdict with honest intentions. The person required to answer for this situation is and always has been Casey Anthony. Even if you take guilt and innocence out of the equasion, my belief is that when a woman's toddler child ends up in a garbage bag dumped in the swamp, that woman has some explaining to do! Especially when that woman failed to report the child missing and did not show any intention of doing so.
Regardless of what Mr. Baez and company would have us believe, it was never the media that made CA look guilty IMO. Ms. Anthony made herself look guilty by her actions at the time of her child's disappearance. I never once fell in line with the defense theory because at that point CA had been caught in so many lies that she had zero credibility.
I don't know what's ahead for the Anthony family but I doubt that the story will end here.
I agree that both the DT and the A's were simply trying to save ICA from the DP ... Neither side ever dared to dream that ICA would be found NG ... Crystal clear, it was a given. CA and JB were shocked by the verdict.

My common sense suggests even stronger than ever before that ICA is guilty 100% ... Without a shadow of a doubt.

The conspiracy theorists and history re-inventors are working overtime to cloud, distract, divert but it helps me focus more clearly on the original facts not the new fantasy.
Can someone tell me,
how sure are we that that is actually Caylee's skeleton?
is it 100%


or something else?
Nope. She did it and got away with it, and she's happy about it.

I just hope she doesn't even make enough to pay her tax lien. I hope Zenaida Gonzales gets a huge verdict, that Tim Miller sues her, that the county sues her and that Cindy goes to prison for perjury. I hope Casey never has another friend in her life and that she can't get a job and ends up stealing again and gets enough felonies that she goes to prison for life as a habitual criminal.

Bitter much? Nah. Not me.:mad:
Shes the female OJ. Her bad doings aint over folks. It aint over!! I know she will pay for this. This country is too pissed to let this go.

The only thing that has changed for me is how much GUILT on Cindys part. Unreal.
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