Has any doubt crept in to your 100% guilty belief?

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I'll agree with others: I initially didn't want to believe it. I mean, who wants to think someone did this to such a cute baby...let alone the baby's own mother.

But what clinched it for me? Well, a few things: 1.) If someone unrelated to the family killed that child, why on earth would they drop the body less than a mile from the family home - anybody with a passing interest in true crime can tell you that is a smoking gun. 2.) The car smell.

But what really did it for me was, the text messages between KC and those boyfriends. She's always all frustrated about not being able to go out. TL ends one of the messages "bella mia" and the next week she's got a "bella vita" tattoo and we're not supposed to think it's fishy?

We haven't heard the last of this. At some level KC knows she is guilty as sin and I predict she'll do something to land herself right back up in prison. Especially once she gets out of jail and realizes pretty much the entire world thinks she's guilty.
I was 100% sure Casey was guilty of premeditated murder the day I found this site and read the excellent 31 day calendar.

But, a speck of doubt has entered my mind now, anyone else?

My doubt has come from:

1) Something fishy about GA & LA

2) I don't ascribe to "All Defense Teams are Devils" theories. That affection by the defense team displayed to Casey after the verdict. It was genuine. They honesty believe she didn't murder Caylee. It's like they all know the real truth.

I am now about 80% sure, and it's bugging the heck out of me.

No. No doubt has crept into my mind. I think GA and CA wanted to keep their daughter from getting the death penalty or life in prison. I think they did lie about some things.

I don't think all defense lawyers are devils. I understand they have their job to do. However, I disagree about them not knowing. I think they know. The childish jumping back and forth between feet by DS at the bar afterward was not done because she knew ICA was innocent, IMO. It was because they won the case.

I still think ICA killed her child. I don't know if it was premeditated, but I don't think justice was served yesterday. However, I know it WILL be.

I am positive she is a sociopath with a lot of mental issues, some genetic, some from the way she was raised. I feel sorry for her in some ways. I do think she loved Caylee. But I think something caused her to snap.

I don't think anyone else had anything to do with Caylee's death. I don't think it was an accident, although I wish I could.
Guilty. This was a miscarriage of justice. This trial was so public that I think our justice system took a hit in front of the entire world.
I am 100% sure that ICA was responsible for her daughter's death. I go back & forth between premediation and manslaughter. I do not believe it was an accident. IMO Caylee died as a direct result of ICA's actions. There was no reason to hide the body unless she feared that the cause of death would be discovered. Watching ICA's behavior, I am convinced that she was not afraid of her parents. Look how she talked to them. She would have relished all of the attention as a mother whose child had died.

Add in the partying, the lies, the wild goose chases that she took LE on, the jailhouse calls and videos, the smell of death, the chloroform searches, the evidence of chloroform and decomposition in the trunk, and no concern whatsoever about Caylee.

She is a sociopath IMO, and I cannot understand how she was found not guilty by this jury. It makes me sick.
I do believe that there is Child Negligent that resulted to the death of this child.
I do believe that Cindy and George are just "parents" that was just used and abused on this case.
I do believe that Lee A knows more than anyone on this case IMO. Why? First thing i read was he erased digital informations from Casey's laptop, wants to retrieve her cellphone..
I was 100% sure Casey was guilty of premeditated murder the day I found this site and read the excellent 31 day calendar.

But, a speck of doubt has entered my mind now, anyone else?

My doubt has come from:

1) Something fishy about GA & LA

2) I don't ascribe to "All Defense Teams are Devils" theories. That affection by the defense team displayed to Casey after the verdict. It was genuine. They honesty believe she didn't murder Caylee. It's like they all know the real truth.

I am now about 80% sure, and it's bugging the heck out of me.
The truth they all know and the win they are celebrating is that they got a Guilty person off. I say this because a few months ago I learned for a fact from someone on OJ Defense Team that they did all in fact know he was GUILTY!!!
All of the Anthony's are liars- George and Lee included.:snooty: Doesn't mean George knew or had anything to do with this murder!
No... no doubt.

I've come to terms with the NG verdict though. I don't believe in God.. but I believe that things happen for a reason.. The powers that be felt Casey deserved a second chance... for whatever reason.

Casey got lucky.. she got a second chance, something that most people do not get. DON'T SCREW IT UP. I had better see good things come from her.
If not, well... the powers that be will make sure she'll end up like OJ.
To me, we have to separate the actions that go to murder and exclude the actions that could also apply to a dysfunctional accident cover-up. For purposes of analysis only. I think this is exactly what the jury did. It also hit me that the only possibilities are:
1. murder 1, she planned it
2. manslaughter, she chloroformed her and she od'd
3. or a true accident are the only three likely possibilities.

The only real evidence of murder 1 was the duct tape and the chloroform searches, right? With Kronk moving the body, the LE not getting the body sooner, and GA's duct tape without her fingerprints...there's your doubt.

The searches are another story. She can claim the "chloroform" search related to Tony's my space. But the "neck-breaking" and "killing with household items" can not reasonably be explained in any way shape or form.
Re: the fingerprints, I've said this often now, and I'm going to say it again: I talked directly to a criminalist in April and asked him that very question the answer is: after 6 months, and the tape being underwater, there wouldn't be fingerprints. Water is extremely destructive. So therefore, doesn't mean Casey's fingerprints weren't there- it means they were destroyed!!!
Guilty. This was a miscarriage of justice. This trial was so public that I think our justice system took a hit in front of the entire world.

I agree. I dont like the idea of a sociopath roaming the streets of Florida.
Casey Anthony has now learned that she can do whatever she likes and get away with it if she tells enough lies and connects the lies all together with more lies.

Cindy Anthony has also learned that she can get her criminal daughter out of trouble by telling lies and connecting the lies together with more lies.

Do I believe Casey Anthony is responsible for the death of her daugher? YES. There is no doubt in my mind.
No change..100% guilty I believe was proven to be 1st degree murder...but cannot for the life of me figure out these 12 no convicting on a lesser charge.
I believe she is guilty and I guess I could understand if one or two jurors found reasonable doubt, ie, if they said perhaps it was the case that there was an accident in Casey (not George)'s prescence and she panicked and hid the body. I could see a few buying that scenario. But I cannot fathom all 12 buying it. And I absolutely cannot fathom how they could buy the defense scenario of an accidental drowning and George being involved. I think it is disingenuous if anyone says that they believe she is actually innocent which I took the alternative juror to say he believed for all intents and purposes.
Right. Though then we also have to remember the jurors were not in a vaccuum absent common sense. The could have legally chosen to believe the state in the absense of having every single strand of DNA, every moment in the duct tape's travels...and connecting some random meter reader to manipulatng a skull is more plausible than KC having taped her and dumped her? No way. They navigated it in the Scott Peterson case with far greater ease. Heck, they navigated it in the OJ case and, IIRC, some of the jurors came forward years later basically admitting they knew he was guilty, but ah, the times called for the aqcuittal of a black celebrity.

I hear you, about the common sense. I think this is my point..the fact that the body was duct taped could have happened from 1) a murder or 2) an accident she was trying to hide. Because of the time lapsed, the fact that Kronk disturbed the remains (not necessarily maliciously), the weather/animals....it wasn't proven that the duct tape was obviously used to strangle or murder. therefore the whole duct tape issue was irrelevant.
I believe she is guilty and I guess I could understand if one or two jurors found reasonable doubt, ie, if they said perhaps it was the case that there was an accident in Casey (not George)'s prescence and she panicked and hid the body. I could see a few buying that scenario. But I cannot fathom all 12 buying it. And I absolutely cannot fathom how they could buy the defense scenario of an accidental drowning and George being involved. I think it is disingenuous if anyone says that they believe she is actually innocent which I took the alternative juror to say he believed for all intents and purposes.

I agree...how could they ALL agree so readily? Judging from that alternative, it sounds like he had no clue about what he was doing or hearing. I think it was just a bunch of very simple minded people who bonded together immediately since they were all from the same place and got bussed out of town. And, they didn't want to stay any longer. It was much easier to just let her off than to intellectually analyze everything.

But you may notice....they don't ever say it's a drowning do they. they are careful to use the word "accident"....which could be anything i suppose
It also seems to be the case that the jury too pretty much every witness and accused them of lying, including such witnesses like the tow truck guy who really had no incentive to lie at all. Accirding to the jury, 20 or 30 people committed perjury.

I found it funny when baez argued that point accusing everyone of perjury, again I could see one or two buying it. But all 12? and If this alternate is any indication so many witnesses lied on the stand?
The jury made a huge mistake in not finding her guilty of murder 1 in my opinion. Their verdict has not caused me to change my mind at all. I am dumbfounded that they were able to discredit all of the state's evidence. When you take the evidence and couple it with the lies, the 31 days (which I fully believe would have been a far greater number had Cindy not tracked Casey down), and the method in which Caylee was disposed of, it just screams murder to me. I don't understand this jury. It seems to me that they didn't take into account the 31 days, the decomp in the trunk and the fact that the 31 days were only 31 because Cindy apprehended Casey.
I still have no doubt. None at all. In my mind, at least, common sense continues to prevail.
Not once ounce of doubt in my mind. I have never, once doubted her guilt. Never for even a second.

The defense drilled into the juror's head that you cannot convict if you have a tiny bit of doubt, that was WRONG - these people had no concept of reasonable doubt and didn't get that clarified before rendering their verdict.

They did the opposite of what they were supposed to. They went with their own personal judgements and feelings rather than the evidence presented to them.
One thing that has haunted me for awhile now, has been the timing of finding Caylee's remains. I always thought it a bit odd, though probably a coincidence, that CA & GA were in LA doing the LK show at the time the body was found. I don't know why, but my hinky meter went up and I always wondered if that was "planned." Just a vibe I got.

One other thing was when ICA said to CA "What do you mean you don't know what my involvement was?" Something about the way she said that haunts me to this day.

I know that something happened to Caylee, and "someone else" may have been involved in helping her cover it up.

I will never understand though, her sitting in jail for three years if the whole thing was an accident.

I feel that ICA's family had covered up and covered over her lies for years, and I think either GA or LA was involved in doing that same thing with Caylee's body. Just a hunch, no proof whatsoever.

I still feel she is guilty, but someone else helped her. WHO??
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