Has the case fizzled a bit?

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They SHOULD all be held accountable.


May SuperDave’s book sell like hotcakes (and I hope there’s a line or two about ML in it. The dash to Thailand for JMK was surreal. Didn’t she even read the true bill?!)

I second the thank you to long time posters. Invaluable.
They SHOULD all be held accountable.

Yes, SuperDave they should...

Look at the lives they ruined, and I am just going to name a few.

1. Santa Bill
2. Janet McReyonds
3. Fleet White
4. Priscilla White
5. Steve Thomas--a dedicated detective who "laid down his badge," due to the corruption in the DA's office.

Those are five people that I can think of whose lives were disrupted and ruined.


May SuperDave’s book sell like hotcakes (and I hope there’s a line or two about ML in it. The dash to Thailand for JMK was surreal. Didn’t she even read the true bill?!)

I second the thank you to long time posters. Invaluable.

BBM: I would like to thank in particular these long time posters: KoldKase, SuperDave, madeliene, LindaNJ, RiverRat, and Tricia for being our inspiration to keep going. It's been a long road, but we are still standing.

I have made great friends here discussing the case. In particular and in no special order: Chelly, FrayedKnot, Venom, LindaNJ, and redheadedgal. You guys have made this journey worth going on. Thank you!

I love hearing the new theories, because it reminds me of things I have forgotten.

ETA: I knew I would forget some folks, I didn't do it on purpose! DeeDee and cynic, you guys are true heroes for JBR...


May SuperDave’s book sell like hotcakes (and I hope there’s a line or two about ML in it. The dash to Thailand for JMK was surreal. Didn’t she even read the true bill?!)

I second the thank you to long time posters. Invaluable.

RBBM: SuperDave could write a whole book on the misdeeds of ML. I hope his book sells too. I want to read it!

Thank you questfortrue, you have really inspired me to help seek the truth about what happened to JBR!

To quote Sherlock Holmes: I may be on the side of the angels... But don't think for one second that I am one of them.

I was just having some fun.
But like Tezi said, thank you to the older members here and their well thought of posts.

BBM: I would like to thank in particular these long time posters: KoldKase, SuperDave, madeliene, LindaNJ, RiverRat, and Tricia for being our inspiration to keep going. It's been a long road, but we are still standing.

I have made great friends here discussing the case. In particular and in no special order: Chelly, FrayedKnot, Venom, and LindaNJ. You guys have made this journey worth going on. Thank you!

I love hearing the new theories, because it reminds me of things I have forgotten.

ETA: I knew I would forget some folks, I didn't do it on purpose! DeeDee and cynic, you guys are true heroes for JBR...


I feel like a dog with a 16 year old bone I can't stop gnawing!

I've made some great friends too and consider you one of them
I feel like a dog with a 16 year old bone I can't stop gnawing!

I've made some great friends too and consider you one of them

I am crying, thinking of all we have been through trying to find the truth..

The day that the announcement came that the GJ did issue two indictments was a very hard day for me. I had always felt deep down that the GJ did do the right thing, but that Hunter buried it. I wanted to feel vindicated in my own heart, but that vindication has not come. All that has come is sadness. Sadness for JonBenet, sadness for all of the lives that Hunter, Lacy, and Team Ramsey destroyed.

I am very passionate about this case, and Linda7NJ, I consider you one of the greatest friends I have met here. There are times when we disagree, but we always seem to werk it out. We listen to each other (or at least we comprehend what each of us is saying), and we always laugh...That's one of the best things here! :blowkiss:


BBM: I would like to thank in particular these long time posters: KoldKase, SuperDave, madeliene, LindaNJ, RiverRat, and Tricia for being our inspiration to keep going. It's been a long road, but we are still standing.

I have made great friends here discussing the case. In particular and in no special order: Chelly, FrayedKnot, Venom, LindaNJ, and redheadedgal. You guys have made this journey worth going on. Thank you!

I love hearing the new theories, because it reminds me of things I have forgotten.

ETA: I knew I would forget some folks, I didn't do it on purpose! DeeDee and cynic, you guys are true heroes for JBR...


Awe, you rock, Tezi. I'm more of a long-time lurker/reader. I tend to actually post when I read some crazy stuff being posted and feel a need to get in there. You guys are the heroes for JBR.

This case has gripped me since the first moment I heard of it. And living in Atlanta at the time, there were plenty of insiders who provided insight into the dynamics of that family and not just the sanitized version provided by Patsy's posed Christmas cards.

I, of course have no intimate personal knowledge of the Ramseys, but served on several organizations which had members in the Ramsey's social circle and although it is gossip and here-say, I can say with confidence that the overall impression I got was that even amongst their peers, the Ramseys were suspect and they were not welcomed back into their previous social circle.

Again, I am not as well-versed as many of you and not a regular poster here, but I read voraciously everything I can related to JBR. So I appreciate the efforts of those of you who do all the hard work.

Awe, you rock, Tezi. I'm more of a long-time lurker/reader. I tend to actually post when I read some crazy stuff being posted and feel a need to get in there. You guys are the heroes for JBR.

This case has gripped me since the first moment I heard of it. And living in Atlanta at the time, there were plenty of insiders who provided insight into the dynamics of that family and not just the sanitized version provided by Patsy's posed Christmas cards.

I, of course have no intimate personal knowledge of the Ramseys, but served on several organizations which had members in the Ramsey's social circle and although it is gossip and here-say, I can say with confidence that the overall impression I got was that even amongst their peers, the Ramseys were suspect and they were not welcomed back into their previous social circle.

Again, I am not as well-versed as many of you and not a regular poster here, but I read voraciously everything I can related to JBR. So I appreciate the efforts of those of you who do all the hard work.


I'm not surprised they became social pariahs, they threw everyone they knew under the bus as suspects.

Even if they hadn't, I'm fairly sure that a lot of people had long felt there was something a bit "off" about the Ramsey lifestyle.

Awe, you rock, Tezi. I'm more of a long-time lurker/reader. I tend to actually post when I read some crazy stuff being posted and feel a need to get in there. You guys are the heroes for JBR.

This case has gripped me since the first moment I heard of it. And living in Atlanta at the time, there were plenty of insiders who provided insight into the dynamics of that family and not just the sanitized version provided by Patsy's posed Christmas cards.

I, of course have no intimate personal knowledge of the Ramseys, but served on several organizations which had members in the Ramsey's social circle and although it is gossip and here-say, I can say with confidence that the overall impression I got was that even amongst their peers, the Ramseys were suspect and they were not welcomed back into their previous social circle.

Again, I am not as well-versed as many of you and not a regular poster here, but I read voraciously everything I can related to JBR. So I appreciate the efforts of those of you who do all the hard work.


RBBM: Like you, I have heard a few things that were not in the sanitized version of the Christmas letter. After all these years, I still feel sorry for Patsy in a way. She was under pressure to be the perfect wife and mother. I think JR put a lot of pressure on her. In no way do I excuse her actions and those actions of Team Ramsey.

I don't think they were welcome back with "Lunch Bunch" in Atlanta and I know in Boulder, they had very few friends left. Heck, they threw everyone and their goldfish under the bus. Seriously, what could they expect from their friends?

And I think you rock, FrayedKnot!

I'm not surprised they became social pariahs, they threw everyone they knew under the bus as suspects.

Even if they hadn't, I'm fairly sure that a lot of people had long felt there was something a bit "off" about the Ramsey lifestyle.


RBBM: I have a friend who was acquainted with Patsy before the murder, and that's exactly how she described her. A bit "off." Funny, you should mention that...LOL


I just got word that my school is closed tomorrow because an anonymous lady who said she lives in the neighborhood called our head of school to say her 33-year-old bipolar son is missing and has a gun. Also, she was vague but said she was particularly concerned about the cleaning crew who comes in the evenings being targeted as well as the little ones in the morning.

Sorry for the OT but I am just sick at heart. I hate that my little ones have to live in a world so evil.

I just got word that my school is closed tomorrow because an anonymous lady who said she lives in the neighborhood called our head of school to say her 33-year-old bipolar son is missing and has a gun. Also, she was vague but said she was particularly concerned about the cleaning crew who comes in the evenings being targeted as well as the little ones in the morning.

Sorry for the OT but I am just sick at heart. I hate that my little ones have to live in a world so evil.

I am so sorry. Please stay safe.

I hate that my grandbabies have to grow up in this evil world...I hate the fact that all little ones have to live in this world.


Please keep us posted.
I am so sorry. Please stay safe.

I hate that my grandbabies have to grow up in this evil world...I hate the fact that all little ones have to live in this world.


Please keep us posted.

I know. We are only six weeks into school and many of our children are only JUST beginning to normalize. And this kind of terror is exactly what they DON'T need. Police say they will keep us posted. Thank goodness we had warning and no babies were shot.
I know. We are only six weeks into school and many of our children are only JUST beginning to normalize. And this kind of terror is exactly what they DON'T need. Police say they will keep us posted. Thank goodness we had warning and no babies were shot.

I hope that everyone stays safe. It's a shame what our world is coming to.

I just got word that my school is closed tomorrow because an anonymous lady who said she lives in the neighborhood called our head of school to say her 33-year-old bipolar son is missing and has a gun. Also, she was vague but said she was particularly concerned about the cleaning crew who comes in the evenings being targeted as well as the little ones in the morning.

Sorry for the OT but I am just sick at heart. I hate that my little ones have to live in a world so evil.

Arghhhh! I hope they find him before he hurts anyone or himself:(

Stay safe...
BBM: I would like to thank in particular these long time posters: KoldKase, SuperDave, madeliene, LindaNJ, RiverRat, and Tricia for being our inspiration to keep going. It's been a long road, but we are still standing.

I have made great friends here discussing the case. In particular and in no special order: Chelly, FrayedKnot, Venom, LindaNJ, and redheadedgal. You guys have made this journey worth going on. Thank you!

I love hearing the new theories, because it reminds me of things I have forgotten.

ETA: I knew I would forget some folks, I didn't do it on purpose! DeeDee and cynic, you guys are true heroes for JBR...


:loveyou: to you and everyone too !!!
Big group hug....come on... Everyone huddle together


May SuperDave’s book sell like hotcakes (and I hope there’s a line or two about ML in it. The dash to Thailand for JMK was surreal. Didn’t she even read the true bill?!)

I second the thank you to long time posters. Invaluable.

"A LINE or two??" questfortrue, does the word "barbecue" mean anything to you?

Here's a preview:

I think that Mary Lacy saw Patsy, a wealthy, successful mother and identified with her. She saw this successful, lovely lady being grilled by a bunch of macho male cops and that was it. She actually chastised Tom Haney for being too tough on Patsy during the '98 interviews. WHAT?! Number one, Haney was using by-the-book techniques. Two, if you look at the tape, he's being perfectly calm! No threats, no intimidation. He's very calmly giving her a chance to explain the evidence. Patsy is the one cursing and jumping around and acting like she's got a scorpion in her panties! What was LACY watching?! Tom Haney is one of the finest homicide detectives in the entire Rocky Mountain area, if not the country. His record speaks for itself. And here's this assistant DA, who at that time I don't think had ever tried a murder case in her entire career, and to my knowledge still hasn't, telling him he was too tough for using absolutely STANDARD interrogation techniques that the greenest rookie on the beat would know! Haney's general feeling was, "who the hell does she think SHE is?" Later on, she had the unmitigated gall to tell the cops that because they were men, they couldn't understand a woman's mindset. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! That may or may not be true, but it's a hell of a way to decide guilt or innocence! She makes her predecessor look like Rudy Giuliani.


By the time [Karr] was back in the US, his relatives had established he was nowhere near Boulder, his story had collapsed, and Mary Lacy was on the defensive. She shouldn't have been, because this should not have happened. Her conduct violated the most basic elements of procedure that a first-year law student would know. It was clear to many that she was a pro-Ramsey partisan and was trying to give them a gift. There should have been a recall election. She should have been forced to resign. The case should have been taken over by capable professionals. But none of that happened, because after ten years nobody gave a damn.
"A LINE or two??" questfortrue, does the word "barbecue" mean anything to you?

Here's a preview:

I think that Mary Lacy saw Patsy, a wealthy, successful mother and identified with her. She saw this successful, lovely lady being grilled by a bunch of macho male cops and that was it. She actually chastised Tom Haney for being too tough on Patsy during the '98 interviews. WHAT?! Number one, Haney was using by-the-book techniques. Two, if you look at the tape, he's being perfectly calm! No threats, no intimidation. He's very calmly giving her a chance to explain the evidence. Patsy is the one cursing and jumping around and acting like she's got a scorpion in her panties! What was LACY watching?! Tom Haney is one of the finest homicide detectives in the entire Rocky Mountain area, if not the country. His record speaks for itself. And here's this assistant DA, who at that time I don't think had ever tried a murder case in her entire career, and to my knowledge still hasn't, telling him he was too tough for using absolutely STANDARD interrogation techniques that the greenest rookie on the beat would know! Haney's general feeling was, "who the hell does she think SHE is?" Later on, she had the unmitigated gall to tell the cops that because they were men, they couldn't understand a woman's mindset. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! That may or may not be true, but it's a hell of a way to decide guilt or innocence! She makes her predecessor look like Rudy Giuliani.


By the time [Karr] was back in the US, his relatives had established he was nowhere near Boulder, his story had collapsed, and Mary Lacy was on the defensive. She shouldn't have been, because this should not have happened. Her conduct violated the most basic elements of procedure that a first-year law student would know. It was clear to many that she was a pro-Ramsey partisan and was trying to give them a gift. There should have been a recall election. She should have been forced to resign. The case should have been taken over by capable professionals. But none of that happened, because after ten years nobody gave a damn.

SuperDave, excellent, just excellent...

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