Has The Defense Changed Your Mind About ICA's Guilt?

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Has the defense changed your mind about ICA's guilt?

  • Yes

    Votes: 43 6.0%
  • No

    Votes: 408 56.6%
  • Waste. Huge waste.

    Votes: 270 37.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
The abuse excuse..???
I was sexually abused and all my children are still living....!!!!!!!!!
IF they can prove Casey was SA at some point in her life, then and ONLY then will I believe it.
The DT hasn't changed my mind about her guilt, BUT they have convinced me that the death penalty is an appropriate sentence for her.

ITA...at first I figured LWOP would be best since it was her freedom w/o Caylee in tow...now, since this revelation of Baez' opening statement, which I do believe he has crossed a fine ethics line for he has no proof, she cannot be rehabilitated for that tale of desperation, she did herself in..I truly hope Baez just helped sign her death warrant..and now I believe it is well deserved...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
Disassociating, is similar to PTSS (Post traumatic stress syndrome) called dissociative disorder and of course there may also be far more wrong here with her, as mental illnesses are like that. One leads to another.


Some people with Dissociative Disorders have a tendency toward self-persecution, self-sabotage, and even violence (both self-inflicted and outwardly directed).

This part of the defense is not going to hold up under scrutiny, it may tug a few heart strings for now. She obviously has more mental disease and disorder than anyone here can fathom, but will it legally absolve her of responsibility?

And how has the defense team prepared a case to absolve KC of responsibility? It doesn't seem like it unless I've missed an insanity plea. Playing on heartstrings won't do much but get her LWOP.
I certainly still believe she is guilty. I also believe that Jose is an idiot. Why has he chosen this bizarre sham of a defense, instead of taking the easier option?
Such as.....Caylee's death was a tragic accident, and Casey, knowing that her parents would blame her, and terrified of their reaction, panicked and tried to cover up the truth. In the immediate moments after the accident she was in a state of distress and was not thinking clearly and that is when she formed the idea of staging a kidnapping. She knew kidnapping victims are often bound and gagged, so she attempted this with duct tape, which was all she could find at the time. Yes, three pieces was overdoing it but her hands were shaking, she was sobbing and terribly upset, hence the sloppy and excessive application. She did put a heart sticker on there and make sure Caylee had her blankie, because she was a good mum, and she loved Caylee so much. After dumping her body, she tried to appear as normal as possible, as she couldn't bear the thought of telling her parents what had transpired. She threw herself into her social life in an effort to take her mind off this terrible event, as she just din't know how to cope with it..................I know it's a load of carp, but surely baez would have had more chance of planting the seed of reasonable doubt in at least one jurors mind, then with the ridiculous, convoluted story he has offered up? Casey is going to have grounds to appeal because of this tall tale.

I think yours was the exact right story to tell. Perhaps not been able to lead them to the body because it still would tell the tail of Chloroform... But I too think JB went WAY, WAY over board with that stupid story. If she's innocent, pigs can fly! And IMO, the only accident was the body being found. Had it not been found every A would have been still claiming there were sightings of a live Caylee every single day.
I am now more certain she is guilty and a horrible psychopath that should not be out on the street ever again. I am fascinated by her facial expressions, as a way to manipulate the jury. I hope they study her in the years to come. If she walks, I will be devastated by our legal system, just as I was when OJ got away with murder. Look at all the lives ruined and the mind games she has played....devastating to everyone she has come in contact with. Just wait, her DT is gonna experience it if she doesn't get her mistrial or acquittal. She is definitely running the show, and sucked JB in immediately. I do think he is sick of her now, and is just looking out for himself.
From the beginning I thought she was guilty. I was at least 99.9% sure, certainly not enough for a reasonable doubt. Now, more than ever, I see guilty, guilty, guilty all over her. Sometimes I wonder if JB wasn't there to help, especially when he comes out with all his accusations against George.

I don't care if she was sexually abused by an entire army, Caylee didn't abuse her. The sexual abuse claim doesn't wash with me. Murder is murder when one murders an innocent, defenseless child.

If George or Lee was the abuser why not kill one of them? Nope, not buying it, Mister Baez.
No, and but he77 NO. I was watching JB's opening statement again last night and let me tell ya that KC....what a little actress! When JB gets to the part where he says he is going to tell the jury what happened to Caylee and then proceeds to tell the jury that Caylee died by accident in the family swimming pool on June 16, 2008, right after he says this the camera cuts to KC and you can actually see CM elbow her, as if to say "now, that's your cue...cry now"...and by golly KC starts to try and make herself cry. She could barely squeeze any real tears out. If fact I don't know that I ever saw a real tear...but she gave it her all and tried to cry. What a performance. Geesh!

around the 16:09 mark

oh my god i hope the jury saw that these dA are evil
The defense didn't change my mind at all about ICA's guilt. I do have to say that I am on the fence about the molestation story. I also watched GA's face while JB was giving his opening statement, and he was looking down a little bit but I could still see his eyes. He looked like he was deep in thought and a little scared. I don't know if anyone remembers this, but in one of the first jailhouse videos, ICA states "don't worry, I didn't tell them everything" or something to that affect. Does anyone remember this, or does anyone have a link to that video? Right after JB brought this whole issue up, that was the first thing that came to my mind. However, true or not, it does not explain ICA's actions or make her innocent, IMO. I also do not believe for one second that GA nor RK had anything at all to do with poor Caylees death. IMO, the defense just shot themselves in the foot and made it worse for ICA!!
I already posted and voted - and am just watching Friday's testimony and had another thought.

The DT has changed my mind - but not about ICA's guilt - but I now know that I am solidly:great: in favor of the DP.
oh my god i hope the jury saw that these dA are evil

around the 16:09 mark

I tried around the 16:12 mark, so this is good too, around here.
However, over and over I replayed this tape and cannot see what others are suggesting here.

The lawyer next to her, did sit up straighter then he had, and his chair then bounced a bit, but I don't see that as being suggested here, " giving CA a cue to cry"
That's a stretch I think, and perhaps proves that people will only see what they wish to see.

I did call my husband in as another set of eyes and he said, he can't see it either only the lawyer sitting up or looking up at that point himself.

Perhaps someone heard this first on NG Show and followed suit in "seeing" this?
The defense didn't change my mind at all about ICA's guilt. I do have to say that I am on the fence about the molestation story. I also watched GA's face while JB was giving his opening statement, and he was looking down a little bit but I could still see his eyes. He looked like he was deep in thought and a little scared. I don't know if anyone remembers this, but in one of the first jailhouse videos, ICA states "don't worry, I didn't tell them everything" or something to that affect. Does anyone remember this, or does anyone have a link to that video? Right after JB brought this whole issue up, that was the first thing that came to my mind. However, true or not, it does not explain ICA's actions or make her innocent, IMO. I also do not believe for one second that GA nor RK had anything at all to do with poor Caylees death. IMO, the defense just shot themselves in the foot and made it worse for ICA!!

IMO, The "I didn't tell them anything" was about Cindy choking ICA on Father's Day when all hell broke loose about ICA stealing her grandparents money.
You could very well be right, Mary. I had forgotten about that incident. There is so many different theories that have been thrown by the family that my head is spinning trying to keep them all straight. Thank you for reminding me about that :)
IF I were without knowledge about the case, it
would put me on the fence after listening to Mallory Parker speak.
I think that she and Lee really loved their little niece and are
still grieving for her.
If JB would have presented the accidental drowning story I might have kind of bought it, without knowing all the other details. Even when he brought in the sex abuse story I may have bought that, too, if I didn't know it came from a confirmed liar. But by the time he put GA there and hiding the body and RK coming along and stealing the body and hiding it again, let's just say that is when the storyline jumped the shark.
I have never been a fan of the death penalty. But as Jose was doing opening statements I kept thinking give her death and strap Jose in next to her.

I have not been overly sympathetic towards the Anthony's but my hear broke for both of them and I actually cried. What kind of monster can sit there and fake tears. Even though she looked like she was crying I didnt see a tear.

What kind of person can agree to this as a defense and watch it played out?

No it has not changed my mind as to her guilt. In fact I am now all in for her to get death!
I found the defense's opening statements to be very powerful. I also noticed that GA's testimony showed a lot of signs of dishonesty. When asked some questions he immediately broke eye contact, which is a significant sign that someone is lying. Additionally, GA responded to some questions with "I did not," which is another indicator of dishonesty. People who are being honest and sincere are more likely to say, "I didn't," and use contractions. People who are being dishonest also try to "dance" around any questions that they think might expose their lies by trying to evade or avoid answering a direct question with long explanations. GA did all of these things when asked if he molested KC and the whole duct tape/gas can questioning. I tune in to watch proceedings when I'm able and every time GA is on the stand I notice these dishonesty cues coming from him.
I found the defense's opening statements to be very powerful. I also noticed that GA's testimony showed a lot of signs of dishonesty. When asked some questions he immediately broke eye contact, which is a significant sign that someone is lying. Additionally, GA responded to some questions with "I did not," which is another indicator of dishonesty. People who are being honest and sincere are more likely to say, "I didn't," and use contractions. People who are being dishonest also try to "dance" around any questions that they think might expose their lies by trying to evade or avoid answering a direct question with long explanations. GA did all of these things when asked if he molested KC and the whole duct tape/gas can questioning. I tune in to watch proceedings when I'm able and every time GA is on the stand I notice these dishonesty cues coming from him.

I respectfully disagree ... old school body language signs can be thrown out the door here. "Never" is a key word, rather than "no" ... frowning of the forehead is a sign. looking down used to be avoidance - can't be if he is looking down at a picture of Caylee can it?

I have a friend looking at it over the weekend, can't wait to see her findings :)

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