Has The Defense Changed Your Mind About ICA's Guilt?

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Has the defense changed your mind about ICA's guilt?

  • Yes

    Votes: 43 6.0%
  • No

    Votes: 408 56.6%
  • Waste. Huge waste.

    Votes: 270 37.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
If I was on that jury, I'd be wondering why ICA weather it was an "accident" or Murder (Which It was) shows NO emotion whatsoever either way.

ALL the witnesses stated that Casey never mentioned Caylee to them, never mentioned that she needed help finding Caylee, never appeared worried or upset, never saw her cry....... etc..NOTHING.

No man or woman goes on like it's just another day for them when they know a loved one is dead or missing.
If I was on that jury, I'd be wondering why ICA weather it was an "accident" or Murder (Which It was) shows NO emotion whatsoever either way.

ALL the witnesses stated that Casey never mentioned Caylee to them, never mentioned that she needed help finding Caylee, never appeared worried or upset, never saw her cry....... etc..NOTHING.

No man or woman goes on like it's just another day for them when they know a loved one is dead or missing.

"When someone is sociopathic or psychopathic, they don't experience the same kinds of feelings you and I do. About 1/20 of the U.S. population is a sociopath. They could kill you deader than dead and go to work, have lunch with the wife and go to the ball game with very little behavioral change...inside (heart, breathing, pupil dilation) and on the outside with their gestures and nonverbals"

I only started following this case recently and had not watched any of the videos etc. I just spent the last two hours watching everything on youtube and it broke my heart. The video where Caylee was with Grandpa had me balling my eyes out :(

This women needs to be burned at the stake. All the lies and partying makes me physically ill and there is no doubt in my mind that she killed this beautiful little girl. I want to vent more, but I would be banned for it

With great respect I must say ,if you only watched for two hours ,you have not come close to watching everything on the case on the youtube.
I think it would take closer to two weeks. There is alot to get through.
No, and but he77 NO. I was watching JB's opening statement again last night and let me tell ya that KC....what a little actress! When JB gets to the part where he says he is going to tell the jury what happened to Caylee and then proceeds to tell the jury that Caylee died by accident in the family swimming pool on June 16, 2008, right after he says this the camera cuts to KC and you can actually see CM elbow her, as if to say "now, that's your cue...cry now"...and by golly KC starts to try and make herself cry. She could barely squeeze any real tears out. If fact I don't know that I ever saw a real tear...but she gave it her all and tried to cry. What a performance. Geesh!

around the 16:09 mark

I certainly still believe she is guilty. I also believe that Jose is an idiot. Why has he chosen this bizarre sham of a defense, instead of taking the easier option?
Such as.....Caylee's death was a tragic accident, and Casey, knowing that her parents would blame her, and terrified of their reaction, panicked and tried to cover up the truth. In the immediate moments after the accident she was in a state of distress and was not thinking clearly and that is when she formed the idea of staging a kidnapping. She knew kidnapping victims are often bound and gagged, so she attempted this with duct tape, which was all she could find at the time. Yes, three pieces was overdoing it but her hands were shaking, she was sobbing and terribly upset, hence the sloppy and excessive application. She did put a heart sticker on there and make sure Caylee had her blankie, because she was a good mum, and she loved Caylee so much. After dumping her body, she tried to appear as normal as possible, as she couldn't bear the thought of telling her parents what had transpired. She threw herself into her social life in an effort to take her mind off this terrible event, as she just din't know how to cope with it..................I know it's a load of carp, but surely baez would have had more chance of planting the seed of reasonable doubt in at least one jurors mind, then with the ridiculous, convoluted story he has offered up? Casey is going to have grounds to appeal because of this tall tale.

BBM...ITA and that is something I was expecting but I got whacked with that BS tale of desperation....:maddening:

Notice, in Baez's opening, ICA still has not taken any responsibility for Caylee'd death, she left it right in her fathers lap with his accomplice RK...hogwash to the fullest...

I truly hope Baez just signed ICA's death warrant for it will fall short. He left a gapping hole and will not be able to recover from his incredulous opening. He lost credibility with that opening...the audacity to hurt the grandparents more than they have been with this tale of desperation. Is this the circus CMason promised???:loser:

When the forensics come in, the State will show that flurry of calls ICA made to her parents this fateful day, June 16, 2008...if GA was there when Caylee allegedly died in the pool, why then the calls to him and her mother? If Caylee drowned in the pool, why allow his daughter to face death? Why didn't anyone call 911 or perform CPR? This doesn't fit the evidence and once those jurors get all the facts we might just see a recommendation for death. She's reprehensible, dispicable, horrible beast...she doesn't deserve the title 'tot mom', nor does she deserve to be called human...I was wanting this beast to get LWOP but now I would like her to get death, for this beast will never change...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
The parents have the love they felt for their daughter and it caused them to do anything to save their murderous child...so that doesn't say reasonable doubt to me, what I doubt is that an attorney that worked so hard to get his license is ready to sacrifice his career, such as it is, to save the likes of Casey Anthony...that gives me reasonable doubt of his sanity.

I think the jury is thinking wtf is he doing, not to mention jumping up and down like a whack-a-mole objecting to everything, the more he objects the more the jury wonders why he needs to do so, makes KC look as guilty as she really is.

Above BBM

I actually jumped when JB was doing his dramatic reinacting job of GA holding a dead Caylee and yelling at KC. You know the part...."WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?" ...he freaking scared the crap out of me! I cannot imagine being in that jury box, being a couple feet from him when that happened. I hope no one has a heart condition!

In the words of the great Ricky Ricardo.........the defense has some 'splainin to do.......but good spin, I will give them that. The truth of what happened is probably stranger than the story the defense just wove.....

My DH held my hand during the defense's opening statement. The molestation read like my biography and I think I am still a little freaked out by that. OTOH.....my DH did not follow this case closely and is always my personal devil's advocate.....He watched the opening and told me he believes the molestation occured based on body language of GA and CA, but he doesn't buy anything else........that is a good confirmation to me that my instincts are not totally thrown off. Doesn't change my position of guilt at all - yet......we'll see, it's gonna be a bumpy ride.............
There's a LOT of discovery that's available to view,without the slant of media.
That's what I've based my opinion on .

Discovery is not evidence. The majority of discovery is never presented at trial. Discovery can and does contain much hearsay. You can ask questions in depositions that you could never ask in court. Discovery is more like "research" to try to determine the facts.

For trail purposes, the only evidence is evidence that is presented to the jury.

I was only commenting on on testimony/evidence presented at trial. Because whatever our personal opinions may be, the jury has to base their decisions on the evidence presented at trial.
Not my mind, but it concerns me about the jury because of something said on HLN. Robin Meade was reporting this morning about the trial and said, "Yeah there's some doubt being placed in the minds of jurors because that one girl rode in the backseat and didn't smell a thing!"
BBM...ITA and that is something I was expecting but I got whacked with that BS tale of desperation....:maddening:

Notice, in Baez's opening, ICA still has not taken any responsibility for Caylee'd death, she left it right in her fathers lap with his accomplice RK...hogwash to the fullest...

I truly hope Baez just signed ICA's death warrant for it will fall short. He left a gapping hole and will not be able to recover from his incredulous opening. He lost credibility with that opening...the audacity to hurt the grandparents more than they have been with this tale of desperation. Is this the circus CMason promised???:loser:

When the forensics come in, the State will show that flurry of calls ICA made to her parents this fateful day, June 16, 2008...if GA was there when Caylee allegedly died in the pool, why then the calls to him and her mother? If Caylee drowned in the pool, why allow his daughter to face death? Why didn't anyone call 911 or perform CPR? This doesn't fit the evidence and once those jurors get all the facts we might just see a recommendation for death. She's reprehensible, dispicable, horrible beast...she doesn't deserve the title 'tot mom', nor does she deserve to be called human...I was wanting this beast to get LWOP but now I would like her to get death, for this beast will never change...JMHO

Justice for Caylee

Yup, in their creative account, Casey is innocent as a lamb. They even managed to implicate Cindy. It was she who left out the pool ladder. Poor little Casey has done absolutely no wrong whatsoever, even the police are in on the conspiracy. Even her stupidity and lies are her parents fault.

Then when it begins to dawn on her that George is NOT going to go along with the story, she gets mad, even panicky. Now what are they gonna do?

I cannot wait to hear the hard evidence come into testimony, or however you put it...this is my first trial:blushing:
Not my mind, but it concerns me about the jury because of something said on HLN. Robin Meade was reporting this morning about the trial and said, "Yeah there's some doubt being placed in the minds of jurors because that one girl rode in the backseat and didn't smell a thing!"

Really? But wasn`t that before Caylee "went missing"? They need to clear this up.
does anyone know of a feed that shows a split screen or seomthing with casey's reactions? the one I'm on is ridiculous
The defense theories in no way changed my mind who murdered this child. It only strengthens what Casey Anythony is, a sociopath. Its everyone else's fault, her family, the police, the FBI, Roy Cronk, cadaver dogs. and on and on. The ultimate sociopath - blame the victim. It's Caylee fault for drowning.
I just watched the end of the day where Casey looked pizzed. I do see her say, "what do I do now?"

I always said she was guilty of killing Caylee, you understand...but that was because I could find no reason why she was not guilty(after reading the docs).

I am so sickened by her now. Knowing how she has completely pulled back from the nanny story, when we all went "through that" "with her."

I mean, you can see her for exactly what she is and I think that-more than anything is what is making it hard for me to watch this trial. I know I am looking at a true sociopath.

A 100% victimizer who blames her victims. I cannot get over the fact that they still want to say "even an accident" was NOT Casey's fault. No, no no! She could not be a good mom to Caylee that day...because why? Because George molested her? No...Jose made sure to ask JoJo how clever Caylee WAS and it is was, because she is gone...

So, it was her self that caused her death. I just cannot stop the rising anger inside at the dishonor and disgrace Casey and JOSE and CM wish to visit on Caylee Marie...and all to save Casey.

I was reminded tonight by a WS, the jury will decide this case using the EVIDENCE. And, in the last clip of the trial today, HHJP says out loud the defense has offered NO EVIDENCE from their opening statement.

We heard it repeated for eleven days: can you put aside what you may hear and render your decision based soley on the evidence and the law as I give it to you?

If these jurors are prepared to do that, Casey was right "she is screwed."


Perhaps the jury will have a bit of sympathy for Casey now and it only takes one person , since she more then likely has been abused sexually, although we don't know exactly by whom.
It explains moreso to me, the mental illness she suffers from or what i have always seen as evident, a dissassociation from what we'd call normal human feelings.

Disassociating, is similar to PTSS (Post traumatic stress syndrome) called dissociative disorder and of course there may also be far more wrong here with her, as mental illnesses are like that. One leads to another.

Although she is likely someone who was abused sexually, and suffers emotionally and mentally, I still think the preponderance of circumstantial evidence points to Casey and not to her father., but I haven't heard their side yet or their evidence to point to G.A.

The gas can didn't do it for me.

I hope Casey gets mental health help, in the same way that the Texas mom who drowned her 5 children in a bathtub did and not the Death penalty.

I don't believe in the death penalty because no one is God and only God has the right to take another's life.

Two wrongs do not make a right.

snipped from link:

Some people with Dissociative Disorders have a tendency toward self-persecution, self-sabotage, and even violence (both self-inflicted and outwardly directed).
Yes, instead of being 100% certain KC is guilty, I'm now 1000% certain.
The DT hasn't changed my mind about her guilt, BUT they have convinced me that the death penalty is an appropriate sentence for her.
With great respect I must say ,if you only watched for two hours ,you have not come close to watching everything on the case on the youtube.
I think it would take closer to two weeks. There is alot to get through.

Sorry I should have said the main videos not everything lol
No I am more convinced than ever that this is 1rst degree murder

Oh and if George helped why did he call detectives over to tell them he thought Casey was lying?

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