Has the top-level perpetrator been arrested?

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Has the top-level perpetrator been arrested?

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 10.0%
  • No

    Votes: 46 65.7%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 17 24.3%

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As a Pensacola native for over 60 years, my guess is that it is all over. Until the full details of all the business are revealed there will always be questions. IMO I do not think that most people really understand how a strip club or Pay here car lot operates.

What do you mean to say? That they are legitimate businesses under the right ownership? I think most people understand that. But we also understand that Operation Dual Identity (an FBI operation) uncovered 17 perps in Northern Florida involved in stolen cars and a market "void" was created. We also know that strip clubs include "shady characters" as Billings' ex-wife made very clear. We also know that Billings financed the floor plan and ALL inventory of Hispanic American Auto Sales. We also know that Gonzales had worked for Hondaland, owned by the same owner of Hispanic American Auto Sales. We know that Gonzales was an operative in the Billings' murder. We know that PLW had financial problems, but no connection to the Billings. There's much more that we "know". As for waiting until further notice, what is the purpose of a sleuthing site if we just "wait"?
However, what REAL evidence is there that anything in the Billing's past caused their murder?
My doubt comes from LE's refusal to consider other motives besides robbery and insistance upon not investigating the Billings family. I also think it's strange that the family hired a lawyer to protect the reputations of the victims. That's very unusual IMO. If a member of my family was murdered, I wouldn't want to hinder the investigation by hiring a lawyer to influence what the police do or say. I'd want the police to get to the truth.

You think owning a strip club 20 some years ago is relevant....
It very well could be relevant. It's certainly a glimpse into morality. It's not just the strip club that I consider on the fringe. Add low level used car business and high interest loan companies to the list, which is merely steps above loan shark IMO.

....and is a fringe business?
Absolutely! Have you no clue what happens at a strip club? I'm not just talking about prostitution. It's an endless list of shady. Owners of strip clubs know what's happening. They're involved in what's happening too.

....Wild speculation is the only thing Morgan piqued at the beginning of this case imo.
I was speculating before he even held a news conference. Nothing about what happened made any sense. People don't go into a house to rob a place and accidently execute the owners --- all within 4 minutes. That alone told me it was more than a robbery gone bad.

....Considering the past and personality of JR, this was some grandiose plot to feed his ego with robbery as the main goal. Frankly, the silliness of plotting for a month, getting many others involved, and the ninja outfits, screams amateur and moronic to me. I can't see anyone "top-level" paying these fools to do this, or anyone with a high level of criminal experience doing a murder for hire in such a large (stupid) dramatic way.
They might have been picked to be scapegoats.

It's not over at all. There's much more to this case.
I believe there is more to this case. I just don't believe the police are investigating it any further than robbery. They've repeated said as much during news briefings.

What do you mean to say? That they are legitimate businesses under the right ownership? I think most people understand that.
I think you and Billy are on the same page with this. I think Billy meant that people don't realize how shady those types of businesses are.

But we also understand that Operation Dual Identity (an FBI operation) uncovered 17 perps in Northern Florida involved in stolen cars and a market "void" was created. We also know that strip clubs include "shady characters" as Billings' ex-wife made very clear. We also know that Billings financed the floor plan and ALL inventory of Hispanic American Auto Sales. We also know that Gonzales had worked for Hondaland, owned by the same owner of Hispanic American Auto Sales. We know that Gonzales was an operative in the Billings' murder. We know that PLW had financial problems, but no connection to the Billings. There's much more that we "know".
I'd go farther to say that there is much more that we don't know. ;)
My doubt comes from LE's refusal to consider other motives besides robbery and insistance upon not investigating the Billings family. I also think it's strange that the family hired a lawyer to protect the reputations of the victims. That's very unusual IMO. If a member of my family was murdered, I wouldn't want to hinder the investigation by hiring a lawyer to influence what the police do or say. I'd want the police to get to the truth.

It very well could be relevant. It's certainly a glimpse into morality. It's not just the strip club that I consider on the fringe. Add low level used car business and high interest loan companies to the list, which is merely steps above loan shark IMO.

Absolutely! Have you no clue what happens at a strip club? I'm not just talking about prostitution. It's an endless list of shady. Owners of strip clubs know what's happening. They're involved in what's happening too.

I was speculating before he even held a news conference. Nothing about what happened made any sense. People don't go into a house to rob a place and accidently execute the owners --- all within 4 minutes. That alone told me it was more than a robbery gone bad.

They might have been picked to be scapegoats.

I believe there is more to this case. I just don't believe the police are investigating it any further than robbery. They've repeated said as much during news briefings.

I think you and Billy are on the same page with this. I think Billy meant that people don't realize how shady those types of businesses are.

I'd go farther to say that there is much more that we don't know. ;)

The moment Morgan went to the "it really don't matter what the motive was, the bad guys are behind bars" card, we knew the fix was in. We won't know what the real motive is for a host of reasons.

There is a big piece of the equation missing, and the silence is deafening. Morgan shot his mouth off about "the humdinger" of a story and was informed by feds later that he had screwed up. He didn't see the big picture and had to eat crow and say it was just a robbery.

Somehow, somewhere, there is something to do with federal law enforcement, intelligence agency, or organized crime. Something bigger going on that warrents silence. We will never know.
Somehow, somewhere, there is something to do with federal law enforcement, intelligence agency, or organized crime. Something bigger going on that warrents silence. We will never know.
I'm not buying the CIA. The CIA woudnt' do a headline murder.

Of those choices, I'll go with the following scenario:

During a federal law enforcement investigation into organized crime, perhaps they caught Billings red handed and he flipped to be an undercover snitch. Someone caught wind of it and had these low lifes play scapegoat. But the organized crime wouldn't be mafia. The mafia would send your friend to have dinner with you first. It would have to be a different organized crime group.
I really don't see anything wrong with Sheriff Morgan using the term "humdinger." At first, I thought it was a little odd. However, now that we have 7 of these murderers in jail and have dug up their background, I would agree that this is a humdinger.

As many of you know, this is Sheriff Morgan’s’ first term as our Sheriff. He has been almost immediately thrown into the national spotlight. He took the responsibility of finding these murders and did it in a great way. He handled himself during the media frenzy that ensued in a manner in which made not only the people of Escambia County proud of him, but he also gained respect from people all over this country. During the entire process he gave credit to the people in his department, which is one of the biggest signs of a real leader.

It's really interesting to me that people are under the impression the sheriffs office has been paid to keep quiet and just drop the whole investigation into the Billings' business practices. I’m thinking they're either satisfied that the Billings' businesses and their associates are not relevant to this crime or they're still investigating. Either way, I really don't think they're obligated to let us know at this point and it would not be in the best interests to do so.

I believe that if the Billings' and their business dealings turn out to have lead to their death that eventually we will find out.

Or maybe, just maybe, the silence is deafening because there isn't anything left to say.
I have been told by more than one local that Lpatrick worked for a crime boss who now resides in another state, but operates a syndicate that includes hand picked public officials in Santa Rosa county. Just rumors - But if you think about it an operation that transports cars and other "goods" back and forth from Mexico and Costa Rica, probably has more than Tice or even Billings involved in it.
I can't understand how Sumner was solicited into this. He had a really good business going with 5th Dimension. He's mentioned in some out of state blogs as a "go to" guy for quality work in the "pimping rides" business. What could have been so profitable? Certainly not one "hit". Donnie Stallworth gives up his military career and pension, for what? A sixteen year old kid wants to make his name? And be part of what? Somebody promised something HUGE. And ya know what? They all knew Gonzales couldn't deliver the cash. They all knew the Billings weren't holding that much cash. They all knew Wiggins was broke, or real close to it. No, there's no way the real "mastermind" has been arrested or bailed out. No way.
Seems like the top level perp has fled to a country that does not extradite to the US and is known as a drug exporting country. The timing of the Sheriff ending his comments and the timing of allegedly when HCT left the US are awfully close to be a coincidence. Why can't we talk about this guy? Everything that Outzen has reported has been proven in the national media. DT and HTC have tried to stop everyone from talking about them and threatening lawsuits, but it seems it was a rouse so that HCT could flee the country. Delete me from you website, but at least I will sleep tonight with a good conscience.

Below snippet:

HCT the used-car dealer that The Daily Beast exclusively reported as central to an investigation into whether the deaths of Byrd and Melanie Billings were murders for hire, has left the Pensacola area and cannot be found, according to an informed source.

Source: http://www.thedailybeast.com/blogs-and-stories/2009-07-31/florida-murders-suspect-missing/
Wow! Thanks for sharing that! I've been a mushroom in the dark until now!
Not your fault that you were in the dark. WS has deleted all posted related to HCT because DT (ex-wife of HCT) contacted WS and threatened to them. I'm sure my post will be deleted soon. Perhaps if we were allowed to post all along about HCT, LE might have been able to catch him before he fled the country.
not your fault that you were in the dark. Ws has deleted all posted related to hct because dt (ex-wife of hct) contacted ws and threatened to them. I'm sure my post will be deleted soon. Perhaps if we were allowed to post all along about hct, le might have been able to catch him before he fled the country.
We may learn that Tice is the betrayer, betrayed.
IMHO - and just a hunch.
Agreed ;) But we always on the same page linda :blowkiss:

I also believe he is up to his eyeballs in this case.After reading the newsweek article sure seems like he is involved.
I can't believe he actually caome back!!!!! (Holding my breath)

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