Have The Anthony's been told Something?

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I think it's funny that there are so many "Zanny" camp people all ready to jump on Beba when there is also a Zenaida listed on MS whose nickname is "Nany" in fact, from her pictures, it looks like what she is called all the time. IIRC, she is also from the Orlando area and she actually matches the physical description of "Zanny" given by Casey... unfortunately she also has at least one child and possibly a second (both boys -- I couldn't tell, one might have been her SO's child).

Please don't start harassing this woman too. Look at her page if you have to but don't harass her or she'll go private just like Beba did.
I don't expect him too!
I sent the links to FBi also & OCSO

I was thinking last night ,the calmness in Casey ,her family and the seeking donations.
Do you think ,someone is asking for a ransom for Caylee ???
I have the worst feeling someone is .

Did you read this? This is from the Media Update 12 on the OCSO website.

We are requesting that any reference regarding the location to call in tips be sent to www.cfcrimeline.com where the caller can click on Caylee’s photo and provide the information the caller feels is pertinent. We have made this request previously, but continue to see the telephone number advertised. We are making this request because the telephone lines are receiving calls that are clearly not regarding any viable tips, but are speculative and assisting sleuths who are offering their ideas, and occasionally it is also mistaken for the particular programs call-in line. Anyone wanting to provide monetary assistance can donate to Crimeline.

Real tips could be getting lost because of "speculative and assisting sleuths" offering their ideas. I know you think you are helping but you are just giving them more stuff to sift through and if someone GENUINELY KNOWS what is going on, it will be harder if not impossible to find in the mess. There are an average of 800-1,000 WSers on here daily, if we all sent in our ideas and tips they'd NEVER get any real work done.
I don't expect him too!
I sent the links to FBi also & OCSO

I was thinking last night ,the calmness in Casey ,her family and the seeking donations.
Do you think ,someone is asking for a ransom for Caylee ???
I have the worst feeling someone is .

Casey is "calm" because Casey is delusional. She lies - and she believes her own lies. She is like a rat in a trap. Nobody is asking for ransom for Caylee, in my opinion - if they were, all they'd have to do is say "Look what we found!" and come forward and collected the $250,000 reward. That's a LOT of money, AND they would be heroes.
Casey is "calm" because Casey is delusional. She lies - and she believes her own lies. She is like a rat in a trap. Nobody is asking for ransom for Caylee, in my opinion - if they were, all they'd have to do is say "Look what we found!" and come forward and collected the $250,000 reward. That's a LOT of money, AND they would be heroes.

I have to laugh at the ransom thoughts. Even Padilla offered 225,000 reward with no strings and now an additional 50,000 out of his pocket. There is no ransom because there is no live Caylee. If there were any thought that there was a live Caylee, LE would be out asking for leads and investigating. Seems they are working hard to find the last piece of the puzzle to me - the body.

I figure it very simply this way, they have only released information pertaining to the current charges. They are holding much more which we have gotten snippets of via leaks. Several interviews with investigators and the Sheriff have made it quite clear they are certain she is no longer with us.
I have to laugh at the ransom thoughts. Even Padilla offered 225,000 reward with no strings and now an additional 50,000 out of his pocket. There is no ransom because there is no live Caylee. If there were any thought that there was a live Caylee, LE would be out asking for leads and investigating. Seems they are working hard to find the last piece of the puzzle to me - the body.

I figure it very simply this way, they have only released information pertaining to the current charges. They are holding much more which we have gotten snippets of via leaks. Several interviews with investigators and the Sheriff have made it quite clear they are certain she is no longer with us.

No sense in letting your opponent, the defense, know your game plan before you go to war. Might as well keep everything under wraps until they actually have to
No sense in letting your opponent, the defense, know your game plan before you go to war. Might as well keep everything under wraps until they actually have to

That is what I think they are exactly doing. Being strategic in a sense to keep pressure on the family. I get the sense that they know the family knows a lot more. I don't buy into the fluff we hear about the grandparents and their new defense lawyer. All you have to do is look at the fact that they hired a defense attorney. I think Lee needs one too, not sure if he is part of the pact with the new lawyer.

Law enforcement has time. Plenty of time. They don't need to rush anything and they don't need to feed us the facts in the deck of cards they hold. Wanting a quick resolution, and impatience in situations like this is one of those things, as an outside observer, that has been created by the docudrama and serious sitcoms on crime over the years. Some people think wars are won in 2 hours, and crimes are solved in 1 hour - and I am including commercial time.
Lee looks pretty downtrodden here.

Real tips could be getting lost because of "speculative and assisting sleuths" offering their ideas. I know you think you are helping but you are just giving them more stuff to sift through and if someone GENUINELY KNOWS what is going on, it will be harder if not impossible to find in the mess. There are an average of 800-1,000 WSers on here daily, if we all sent in our ideas and tips they'd NEVER get any real work done.
They aren't really getting many real tips or leads, imo. So yes...the piles they are wading through consist of theories, speculation, and planted false leads. I would hate to be in their shoes trying to make sense of any of it.

Things at WS have changed dramatically with the addition of this case as to how we work together here on things. Normally, we would discuss possible leads/tips, debate them, decifer them, and then decide if it was a lead worthy of LE's time before one person (usually Christine because of her relationship with LE) was asked to send it in. This way, we were being respectful of their time and earned their respect plus how they perceived WSers as a whole. We have all worked hard to build up a reputation here of not being just another sleuth site and tried to act accordingly. I am afraid we have lost that because in this case people decided to jump the gun so many, many times. At one point, someone was actually discussing calling Yuri Melich in the middle of the night! :doh:

And no...I don't think the A family has been told anything.
They aren't really getting many real tips or leads, imo. So yes...the piles they are wading through consist of theories, speculation, and planted false leads. I would hate to be in their shoes trying to make sense of any of it.

Things at WS have changed dramatically with the addition of this case as to how we work together here on things. Normally, we would discuss possible leads/tips, debate them, decifer them, and then decide if it was a lead worthy of LE's time before one person (usually Christine because of her relationship with LE) was asked to send it in. This way, we were being respectful of their time and earned their respect plus how they perceived WSers as a whole. We have all worked hard to build up a reputation here of not being just another sleuth site and tried to act accordingly. I am afraid we have lost that because in this case people decided to jump the gun so many, many times. At one point, someone was actually discussing calling Yuri Melich in the middle of the night! :doh:

And no...I don't think the A family has been told anything.

You're just jealous! ;)
The tape said she didn't have any kids. what you and others found had kids. That might be one of the reasons the police don't consider her.

Untrue. On the 400 page document, she stated that her children would be living with her. Jazmin and Michelle.

On the myspace, it shows pictures of children she calls my girls, with their names.
They aren't really getting many real tips or leads, imo. So yes...the piles they are wading through consist of theories, speculation, and planted false leads. I would hate to be in their shoes trying to make sense of any of it.

Things at WS have changed dramatically with the addition of this case as to how we work together here on things. Normally, we would discuss possible leads/tips, debate them, decifer them, and then decide if it was a lead worthy of LE's time before one person (usually Christine because of her relationship with LE) was asked to send it in. This way, we were being respectful of their time and earned their respect plus how they perceived WSers as a whole. We have all worked hard to build up a reputation here of not being just another sleuth site and tried to act accordingly. I am afraid we have lost that because in this case people decided to jump the gun so many, many times. At one point, someone was actually discussing calling Yuri Melich in the middle of the night! :doh:

And no...I don't think the A family has been told anything.

Yep, that's why you're one of my favs...people like you are the reason I hang out here...I try to find where you are posting and go there.......thanks for trying to keep us on course.....along with a few others and T and the mods, of course.....keep it up:hand:.....(just my thoughts)
They aren't really getting many real tips or leads, imo. So yes...the piles they are wading through consist of theories, speculation, and planted false leads. I would hate to be in their shoes trying to make sense of any of it.

Things at WS have changed dramatically with the addition of this case as to how we work together here on things. Normally, we would discuss possible leads/tips, debate them, decifer them, and then decide if it was a lead worthy of LE's time before one person (usually Christine because of her relationship with LE) was asked to send it in. This way, we were being respectful of their time and earned their respect plus how they perceived WSers as a whole. We have all worked hard to build up a reputation here of not being just another sleuth site and tried to act accordingly. I am afraid we have lost that because in this case people decided to jump the gun so many, many times. At one point, someone was actually discussing calling Yuri Melich in the middle of the night! :doh:

And no...I don't think the A family has been told anything.

That is why I am here. That being perfectly stated above, there is no way I would forward or notify LE of anything prior to requesting "old timers" (Needed better word) here WS'ers, review, concur, agree and everything else that needs to be done. Tricia's approval would be best since this after all is her baby so to speak. WS reputation has and is a good one and I do not want to see it run through the mud...NAH CA probably just hasn't got to the laundry this week.
I honestly doubt it. They knew that Zanny existed they talked to her. They questioned her. They showed pictures of her to Casey and Casey didn't even know it was her. You're being as naive as Cindy George and Lee.

Real tips could be getting lost because of "speculative and assisting sleuths" offering their ideas. I know you think you are helping but you are just giving them more stuff to sift through and if someone GENUINELY KNOWS what is going on, it will be harder if not impossible to find in the mess. There are an average of 800-1,000 WSers on here daily, if we all sent in our ideas and tips they'd NEVER get any real work done.

They aren't really getting many real tips or leads, imo. So yes...the piles they are wading through consist of theories, speculation, and planted false leads. I would hate to be in their shoes trying to make sense of any of it.

Things at WS have changed dramatically with the addition of this case as to how we work together here on things. Normally, we would discuss possible leads/tips, debate them, decifer them, and then decide if it was a lead worthy of LE's time before one person (usually Christine because of her relationship with LE) was asked to send it in. This way, we were being respectful of their time and earned their respect plus how they perceived WSers as a whole. We have all worked hard to build up a reputation here of not being just another sleuth site and tried to act accordingly. I am afraid we have lost that because in this case people decided to jump the gun so many, many times. At one point, someone was actually discussing calling Yuri Melich in the middle of the night!

Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you!!!

I wish people would take heed to these comments.... I am not an "old timer" but I do have some common sense!! Jumpingthegunitis is really affecting this forum!!
I don't think the Anthony's were told anything. First I think the reason JB went to the home last night is possibly the other businesses in the building are irritated due to the protesters (possibly) or he had something else going on that day so couldn't meet with her during the day. I think the BG's may have been there due to the speculation that KC could be arrested at anytime. I think her attorney and family is aware that the public is growing tired of all the lies and want this case resolved now! IMO
Untrue. On the 400 page document, she stated that her children would be living with her. Jazmin and Michelle.

On the myspace, it shows pictures of children she calls my girls, with their names.

It is in part 7 of the tapes where KC is asked if the babysitter has children and her response was no.
George was parked and all over Orlando. That was on earlier news.

Cadaver dogs were out tonite.

I started a thread for that.

I'm sure the new attorney is trying to squash all the negative attention by getting George out and about so it seems they are doing something to help find Caylee since they are insisting she's still alive. He needs something to publicize their efforts if he is indeed doing a national campaign to vindicate them IMO.
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