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Who do you think is responsible for Baby Lisa being missing

  • mom

    Votes: 223 49.4%
  • dad

    Votes: 2 0.4%
  • mom and dad

    Votes: 76 16.9%

    Votes: 31 6.9%
  • I have no idea

    Votes: 119 26.4%

  • Total voters
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Monday 10/24 - lawyer releasing website & Facebook page information, yet the most recent photo of Lisa who is reported as 30lbs, 2" 6' isn't used?

June 2007, a local police officer said he had nothing with the disappearance of his girlfriend Jessie Davis & their unborn daughter named Chloe.
"For much of the period leading to the discovery of the body, local law enforcement told the news media that Cutts was not a suspect, or even a "person of interest" Link A few days after his statement to local media, he led police to their remains while Tim Miller of Equusearch, his team & local volunteers were searching in an area at 20+ miles away on that day. - this was in a time span of about 10 days.

It is wrong that I would like lawyers for either side, be truthful?
Still firmly Team Parents. I just don't believe it. I keep hearing that this or that is not logical. Do they think criminals read a handbook of rules? Bead people, the kind that take children are not like the rest of us. They don't always reason anything out. They just do.

Stop playing odds and look for LISA!
This is my first post ever. I hope I don't get flamed.

I voted that I don't know, because that's the truth but I am actually leaning toward SODDI. I know, I know, it RARELY happens and statistics show that it's usually the parents....BUT just because it's a one in a million chance that I will win the lottery doesn't mean that I won't...

She seems nervous and guilty. Yeah, I would too. You go from your normal life to being under a microscope. Also, I'm sure she feels horribly guilty that her baby got taken from her crib while she was passed out drunk in bed.

The witnesses are swaying it for me, to be honest. And the phones. Why would she need to get rid of the phones? It just seems like an odd detail for DB to fabricate.

Hey, I could be wrong, but I just try to imagine MY life and what people would dig up about me.

I sure do hope they find her...

WELCOME!!! I am new too. No flames yet! Just think twice and post once!
This is my first post ever. I hope I don't get flamed.

I voted that I don't know, because that's the truth but I am actually leaning toward SODDI. I know, I know, it RARELY happens and statistics show that it's usually the parents....BUT just because it's a one in a million chance that I will win the lottery doesn't mean that I won't...

She seems nervous and guilty. Yeah, I would too. You go from your normal life to being under a microscope. Also, I'm sure she feels horribly guilty that her baby got taken from her crib while she was passed out drunk in bed.

The witnesses are swaying it for me, to be honest. And the phones. Why would she need to get rid of the phones? It just seems like an odd detail for DB to fabricate.

Hey, I could be wrong, but I just try to imagine MY life and what people would dig up about me.

I sure do hope they find her...

Welcome to Websleuths, sterlingrat77!!

I also voted that I don't know. One thing I do know is that if DB and/or JI were put on trial today and I was on the jury, I would not be able to convict them based on what we know right now. However, it is entirely possible that LE has hard evidence that we don't know about yet.

I do think if one parent is responsible for Lisa's disappearance then both parents are. I don't buy this as being all mom if it is an inside job.
I really have questions as to whether this was a conspiracy between JI and DB and that the whole day was a setup to make it look like a kidnapping later that night.*
Serious questions that need to be answered to solve this case:
JI Activities
What time did JI go off to work that night?
How long was it known he was working late that night?
Was he working alone that night and what was the nature of the work?*
Is he self employed or was he dispatched to the location he was working by a company?
Why did it take him so many hours to do the job (i.e., supposed to be home by 10 took til 4)?
Does he have an alibi as to when he left the work site and if he was there the whole time?
What time did JI actually get home?
What did he do exactly when he got home and how long did it take to call 911?
DB Activities
When was the last time someone other than JI or DB saw the baby?
Did the neighbor see or hear baby Lisa that night BD said she put her to bed at 6:40?
Who was watching the kids when DB was shopping that afternoon with her brother?
Did DB let the neighbor in the house or were they outside all evening?
Why was she afraid to go out back to look in the yard?
Too many coincidences as to JI being away all night and DB not seeing the baby and getting blackout drunk. *If she is a regular drinker, it is highly unlikely that 5 glasses of wine over an evening and night will cause blackout conditions in an experienced drinker, especially with wine.* What baby with a cough will sleep that long without being fussy or needing to being checked on? *What mother would leave a sick baby alone for so many hours?* You can’t get that drunk so fast on wine, yet she never thought to check on the baby while she was getting buzzed?
Who is to say JI did not take the baby with him when he left, or come back from work at some point?* That would give a good 10-12 hours for him to do something with her.* Who’s to say he did not come home and take the baby from the back yard or the bedroom while DB was out front*distracting attention.
I had not posted previosly about this case, but have thought alot about it. I think that mommy may have given Lisa cough medicine and Lisa died from it. Cough medicine is not to be given to toddlers and infants under the age of 2 because of its numbing effect on infants, they forget to breathe. I don't think the mom meant too do it. I believe it was an accident. She may have been given to much considering the mom was drinking. Most moms bring sick toddlers into their bedroom to keep an eye on them and also to not wake others in the house up. I think daddy knows what happened and helped cover it up. He seems in shock and mom seems sad with guilt.
I really have questions as to whether this was a conspiracy between JI and DB and that the whole day was a setup to make it look like a kidnapping later that night.*
Serious questions that need to be answered to solve this case:
JI Activities
What time did JI go off to work that night?
How long was it known he was working late that night?
Was he working alone that night and what was the nature of the work?*
Is he self employed or was he dispatched to the location he was working by a company?
Why did it take him so many hours to do the job (i.e., supposed to be home by 10 took til 4)?
Does he have an alibi as to when he left the work site and if he was there the whole time?
What time did JI actually get home?
What did he do exactly when he got home and how long did it take to call 911?
DB Activities
When was the last time someone other than JI or DB saw the baby?
Did the neighbor see or hear baby Lisa that night BD said she put her to bed at 6:40?
Who was watching the kids when DB was shopping that afternoon with her brother?
Did DB let the neighbor in the house or were they outside all evening?
Why was she afraid to go out back to look in the yard?
Too many coincidences as to JI being away all night and DB not seeing the baby and getting blackout drunk. *If she is a regular drinker, it is highly unlikely that 5 glasses of wine over an evening and night will cause blackout conditions in an experienced drinker, especially with wine.* What baby with a cough will sleep that long without being fussy or needing to being checked on? *What mother would leave a sick baby alone for so many hours?* You can’t get that drunk so fast on wine, yet she never thought to check on the baby while she was getting buzzed?
Who is to say JI did not take the baby with him when he left, or come back from work at some point?* That would give a good 10-12 hours for him to do something with her.* Who’s to say he did not come home and take the baby from the back yard or the bedroom while DB was out front*distracting attention.

JI went to work at 5:40pm. He was supposed to be done around 10pm. The job took longer than he thought. LE has surveillance footage of him AT WORK the whole time. No holes there...(from what I understand) The 911 call was made at 4:04am. He got home a little before 4. Again, LE has his whereabouts for the time he was gone, he was doing an electrical job at a starbucks.

Not much has been released about the neighbor and whether they saw Lisa or not. There were pics taken at a b-day party on the 2nd of Oct. So if they neighbor didn't see her, then family did. And I imagine when LE questioned the other children, that question was asked.

The neighbor has a 4 year old that was watching a movie with the other 2 kids while they visited and had wine.

The shopping trip with her brother was before JI went to work that night. We can assume he was with the kids.

Being afraid to go in the backyard: Many people see a big problem with this. I don't. You've just discovered your baby is missing. It's 4 am. If your baby is in the backyard and isn't back there crying in the grass/dirt because she was cold, what would you think had happened?? I wouldn't want to go back there either. At that moment I think her fears were coming to the surface and TO ME, this kind of points to her innocence, not guilt...

Nothing has pointed to her having a "drinking problem". I never drink. Well, rarely. 5 glasses of wine and i would be RIPPED. And because I don't drink much, I WOULD get drunk, fast.

Not all mothers are the same. She had a baby monitor. Lisa had a slight cold. As a mother of 3, this happens a lot and frankly, sometimes "checking on the baby" wakes them up. Better to just leave her be and get some rest rather than constantly checking on her...

I hope this post did not come off as poopy or anything, I just wanted to answer some things. It's just info that I have gleaned from reading a lot about this.
Still firmly Team Parents. I just don't believe it. I keep hearing that this or that is not logically. Do they think criminals read a handbook of rules? Bead people, the kind that take children are not like the rest of us. They don't always reason anything out. They just do.

Stop playing odds and look for LISA!
This is what keeps me hanging onto the fence. I keep remembering Richard Allen Davis who took Polly Klaas - walked right into her home and snatched her during a slumber party, with her mother home! You just never know. Though some days I slide off the fence, I find myself climbing right back on. I just hope Lisa is found alive and well very soon.

This is what keeps me hanging onto the fence. I keep remembering Richard Allen Davis who took Polly Klaas - walked right into her home and snatched her during a slumber party, with her mother home! You just never know. Though some days I slide off the fence, I find myself climbing right back on. I just hope Lisa is found alive and well very soon.


Yep. Jessica Lunsford was stolen by a crazy neighbor out of her house at night, With people there and kept her in his house. Yes I know these are not babies but it is a much bigger risk to take a larger child than an infant. Most babies no matter what you do will stay asleep, you can move them anywhere.

I really believe some person wanted her, did not care about risk or anything else and went and got her.

I really believe some person wanted her, did not care about risk or anything else and went and got her.

Well they certainly timed it with perfection. First night Dad is working late, then he is held up for an additional 6 hours. Mom is drunk, doesn't check on the baby for hours and then passes out, possibly leaving the doors unlocked. None of the cell phones are working. This "kidnapper" hit the freaking jackpot.
In all honesty, I was firmly on the fence until this latest People magazine article. Shoddy tabloid-ish reporting aside, the direct quote from DB that she "wasn't worried" that her husband was 6 hours late is what did it for me.

This is the first I'd heard that JI was supposed to be home around 10 or so. That's huge to me.

Granted, being passed out face down in a puddle of drool could be the reason for not being "worried," but I'm still not sure if I believe DB really was that drunk.

I can, however, empathize with what it's like to be without a phone and have no idea where your husband is. I remember back when I was living with my first love and he used to work the late shift at a restaurant... and then go out with his "work friends" after for half the night. Years later, I'm smart enough to know he was up to no good. But at the time (and long before people carried around cell phones), it was the worst feeling of helplessness to not know where he was and not be able to call and find out. I remember that watching the clock at 3am - panicked and oscillating between fear of car accidents and extreme anger and rage - feeling of helplessness like it was yesterday. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

And now DB is making sure we know that she wasn't worried in the least that she expected her hubby 6 hours before he came home. Why is it so important for us to know that? Plus, wouldn't it be entirely normal to be worried? OR, for the jealous types, assume the worst and think he was out with someone else? Or, for most of us rational women out there, go back and forth between both scenarios?

I'm not purporting to know what happened in that house... But I just know that feeling all too well. Scared that your hubby may have been in an accident. Frustrated that you can't call to find out. Fearful that something's happened; unable to sleep as you watch the minutes tick by... Flying through rages that he might be with someone else... snooping online to see what you might find in his browser history... etc etc etc. I just imagine being pushed to a breaking point, and then add a screaming sick baby on top of it. Maybe add a five year old who won't stay in bed, and (perhaps?) a skittish kitten that you thought was a good idea earlier, who has now clawed the drapes and peed on the carpet (still not sure how I feel about that kitten though).

JMO - but if someone was going to uncharacteristically snap that night, the stage was definitely set.

been there done that my friend..I hated those nights!!
The bold is mine.
JI went to work at 5:40pm. He was supposed to be done around 10pm. The job took longer than he thought. LE has surveillance footage of him AT WORK the whole time. No holes there...(from what I understand) The 911 call was made at 4:04am. He got home a little before 4. Again, LE has his whereabouts for the time he was gone, he was doing an electrical job at a starbucks.
From what I know so far, this is pretty accurate. Though as an aside, if I expected my husband home by 10:00, I'd give him two hours before I panicked and called 911. Nothing to do with anything, just saying.
Not much has been released about the neighbor and whether they saw Lisa or not. There were pics taken at a b-day party on the 2nd of Oct. So if they neighbor didn't see her, then family did. And I imagine when LE questioned the other children, that question was asked.
I hope the neighbour is cooperating with LE. I imagine so. She has stayed away from the media - good for her.
The neighbor has a 4 year old that was watching a movie with the other 2 kids while they visited and had wine.
Yes, enough wine that DB can't recall when she put Lisa to bed that night or saw her last.
The shopping trip with her brother was before JI went to work that night. We can assume he was with the kids.
Being afraid to go in the backyard: Many people see a big problem with this. I don't. You've just discovered your baby is missing. It's 4 am. If your baby is in the backyard and isn't back there crying in the grass/dirt because she was cold, what would you think had happened?? I wouldn't want to go back there either. At that moment I think her fears were coming to the surface and TO ME, this kind of points to her innocence, not guilt...
This makes DB sound like she was more concerned with herself than her baby's welfare. I'd rush into a burning building to save my baby, even if I didn't hear him screaming, or even if I knew in my heart he was dead, I couldn't just leave him in there. What if Lisa was knocked out back there? Or injured and coulnd't cry out? What kind of parent sits on their *advertiser censored* when their helpless infant is in trouble? It doesn't make DB appear more guilty or innocent, just a mother I'm glad I wasn't saddled with.
Nothing has pointed to her having a "drinking problem". I never drink. Well, rarely. 5 glasses of wine and i would be RIPPED. And because I don't drink much, I WOULD get drunk, fast.
DB said she drinks 3-4 times a week, and was plastered the night Lisa was abducted. To me, that's a drinking problem. Now, I don't know if she gets drunk those other nights, but she's not a rare drinker by any means.
Not all mothers are the same.
She had a baby monitor. Lisa had a slight cold. As a mother of 3, this happens a lot and frankly, sometimes "checking on the baby" wakes them up. Better to just leave her be and get some rest rather than constantly checking on her...
That's true. I can remember when I saw my baby last. I'd wager most mothers can. I don't think highly of those who can't, especially if it's because they were plastered. And the baby monitor is irrelevant because it's possible DB was too drunk to pay attention to it.
I hope this post did not come off as poopy or anything, I just wanted to answer some things. It's just info that I have gleaned from reading a lot about this.
It didn't at all.

All the above are just my opinions. of course. Like I said, I'm on the fence, it's possible that a stranger took Lisa, but just from what DB has said herself, her mothering, at least that night, was God awful.

Doesn't mean she deserved to have her baby kidnapped, but having her baby kidnapped doesn't mean she was a good mother that night, either.

I will say this though, I probably, as a parent have made dumb decisions that put my son at risk. Thank God my baby was never abducted. I'm sure people would be saying the same things about me that I'm saying about DB.

Still firmly Team Parents. I just don't believe it. I keep hearing that this or that is not logical. Do they think criminals read a handbook of rules? Bead people, the kind that take children are not like the rest of us. They don't always reason anything out. They just do.

Stop playing odds and look for LISA!

If they would look for Lisa and help LE instead of getting their hair done .....

Too many coincidences as to JI being away all night and DB not seeing the baby and getting blackout drunk. What baby with a cough will sleep that long without being fussy or needing to being checked on? *What mother would leave a sick baby alone for so many hours?* You can’t get that drunk so fast on wine, yet she never thought to check on the baby while she was getting buzzed?
This is the point that sticks with me as well. What mother doesn't check on a sick baby for 1, 2, 3, 4 hours while she's right there at the house, just visiting with a friend? She evidently wasn't blackout drunk for that entire time. Several hours leading up to being drunk with not one time popping her head in the door and making sure she's breathing????? I call bull on that one. Even a crappy parent would do that much. Even with a baby monitor - if you didn't hear anything at all for hours on end, you'd at least go in and make sure you turned the dang thing on correctly!

DB was out front distracting attention.
the kitten would have been a great distraction.

one last thought -- even if what she says is true and she went almost 10 hrs without checking on a sick baby - with nobody hearing BL cry, cough, or whatever.... how can you not say at least in one interview, "I should have checked on her" or "I wish I'd have checked on her" or something about feeling like its your fault - for not being a "Good" mother.
been there done that my friend..I hated those nights!!

Me too, April Showers and SyraKelly. Been more than 30 years but you never forget that feeling. Makes my blood run cold just to read about it happening to some other young mother.

I was all about the mother being guilty or at least knowing what happened somehow, but now I'm on the fence. The cadaver dog hit at first nailed her guilt, but then I saw that NY lawer on GMA and it was stated (not sure if it is a fact) the hit was for "a decomposing of human remains and it could have been something as simple as fingernail clippings"?
Being afraid to go in the backyard: Many people see a big problem with this. I don't. You've just discovered your baby is missing. It's 4 am. If your baby is in the backyard and isn't back there crying in the grass/dirt because she was cold, what would you think had happened?? I wouldn't want to go back there either. At that moment I think her fears were coming to the surface and TO ME, this kind of points to her innocence, not guilt...


Snipped by me for space only.

IF my child were missing, my 10 month old, 10 year old, 10 day old, I dont care, I would have been all over the place searching. IMHO this shows guilt to me. I would have not only been through my entire yard with or without the police but I would have had the police called on me because I would have bashed down neighbors doors and pushed my way into their homes in search of my child. Nothing, not the dark, the cold, the heat, what i might see and what I might not would have kept me from looking for my child. MOO
In all honesty, I was firmly on the fence until this latest People magazine article. Shoddy tabloid-ish reporting aside, the direct quote from DB that she "wasn't worried" that her husband was 6 hours late is what did it for me.

This is the first I'd heard that JI was supposed to be home around 10 or so. That's huge to me.

Granted, being passed out face down in a puddle of drool could be the reason for not being "worried," but I'm still not sure if I believe DB really was that drunk.

I can, however, empathize with what it's like to be without a phone and have no idea where your husband is. I remember back when I was living with my first love and he used to work the late shift at a restaurant... and then go out with his "work friends" after for half the night. Years later, I'm smart enough to know he was up to no good. But at the time (and long before people carried around cell phones), it was the worst feeling of helplessness to not know where he was and not be able to call and find out. I remember that watching the clock at 3am - panicked and oscillating between fear of car accidents and extreme anger and rage - feeling of helplessness like it was yesterday. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

And now DB is making sure we know that she wasn't worried in the least that she expected her hubby 6 hours before he came home. Why is it so important for us to know that? Plus, wouldn't it be entirely normal to be worried? OR, for the jealous types, assume the worst and think he was out with someone else? Or, for most of us rational women out there, go back and forth between both scenarios?

I'm not purporting to know what happened in that house... But I just know that feeling all too well. Scared that your hubby may have been in an accident. Frustrated that you can't call to find out. Fearful that something's happened; unable to sleep as you watch the minutes tick by... Flying through rages that he might be with someone else... snooping online to see what you might find in his browser history... etc etc etc. I just imagine being pushed to a breaking point, and then add a screaming sick baby on top of it. Maybe add a five year old who won't stay in bed, and (perhaps?) a skittish kitten that you thought was a good idea earlier, who has now clawed the drapes and peed on the carpet (still not sure how I feel about that kitten though).

JMO - but if someone was going to uncharacteristically snap that night, the stage was definitely set.

Same here with hearing he was supposed to be home that early. When and where did that come out.

Also, we dont know they had no phones.. and IF they didnt, there is always a neighbor who's house you can run to to use their phone, she found one to drink with, I am sure she could have found one to lend her a phone.. JMO
That thought has CERTAINLY crossed my mind. Or the 4 year old visitor, and the mother freaked and got rid of baby Lisa while Deborah was in a drunken stupor.


I think there's also a good chance the kids did something with the cell phones, completely unrelated to what happened to the baby. I think those kids were in there for HOURS alone, with the moms occasionally walking to the kitchen for another glass of wine.


Interesting. I know my daughter loved playing with phones when she was tiny. My sister's kids did too. She used to give her old cell phone to her son to play with. If the phones were NON-FUNCTIONAL (farfetched, but maybe true?) and outgoing calls (except 911) could not be made, the kids may have been playing with them. 3 kids. 3 phones. Hmmm. If they were found later, Deb or Jeremy could have hidden them to keep from APPEARING to have lied.
HOW on earth did the stars happen to line up so well in the kidnapper's favor (dad working nights, drunk mom, etc.)that they were able to come in and steal this baby?

So confused...

At the risk of oversimplifying it, the kidnapping may have occurred BECAUSE the "start were lined up" in this way. In essence, a "Perfect Storm." If the lights HAD been out, or the door HAD been locked, or Jeremy HAD been home, or there had been NO drinking, it might NOT have happened. EVEN if the perpetrator is a random stranger. Basically, s/he got really, really lucky.
I went from 'the fence' to 'mom did it'. I dunno what she did, but, she did something. What pushed me off the fence was when she was asked if she was drunk enough to black out and she said "it's possible."

Oh come on! You would know if you were that drunk. You wouldn't say "it's possible." When was their first appearance? I don't recall, but, I bet if you were 'black out drunk' you'd be feeling and looking, and, smelling like that for days.

Makes no sense.

So, yea, anyway. I fell off the fence. :crazy:

I don't drink. I wake up early, go to work, come home and tend to family and home, and MAYBE sit down to watch a little TV before bed. I often wake up with the TV still on, and lights on, an hour or two later. Occasionally, my SO will be there, turn off the TV and lights, and when I wake up, I am "confused" for a moment, since I do NOT recall turning off the TV or lights, how the program ended, or ANYTHING. However, if I DID drink, I might assume I had done these things in a "blackout" state. How do you KNOW if you blacked out or not? Maybe a "drinker" (past or present) can clarify this. A blackout is a memory lapse, yes? So how do you know you had one?
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