HCPD contacts Florida LE about skeletal remains that were found

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That is a very good point, Victory. I was hoping that LE could track down the woman mentioned in Tammy's DIS blog who made Disney stuff for her in the hopes she could identify the sheet involved in the Volusia remains probe.

IIRC, I saw on some old screen shots from Facebook that she either had a friend or liked a page with the name Disnee Quilter or something like that.
IIRC, I saw on some old screen shots from Facebook that she either had a friend or liked a page with the name Disnee Quilter or something like that.

That is her FB friend but just someone who also loves Disney but isn't local.The person who made things for her is local, from what I could see of her comments.

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Found the following information concerning Prosecutor in Tammy and Sidney trial. Prosecutor is requesting a seal on any discovery. Updated 10/7. I may be wrong but I do believe that these remains could be Heather Elvis's.

I hope you're right, lonetraveler. I don't know why, but something about all the bits and pieces we've heard since Livesay's taken over this case makes me feel confident she will secure a conviction. She "seems" very capable, but I have nothing to base that on. Just a gut feeling and MOO and all that.
I have been debating whether to post the following thought I had weeks ago about this because it is a horrible thought but because I think it could be a possibility, I decided to post. I apologize because it is graphic.

That being said, it occurred to me that the reason why there may not be a dental comparison made is because the teeth may have been removed to hinder IDing the remains. May be one of the reasons the Volusia remains have been hard to identify. Maybe now the remains have finally been determined in another way to in fact be Heather and now abuse of a corpse could be added to Tammy's murder charge and sealed.

I hope I am not right.

I really think that TM knew several different ways to make an ID difficult. I do too but I'm not a killer and I really think that TM would put to use everything she knows. Regarding the MM sheets,if this is Heather, I think there could be a couple of reasons for using those sheets. I think that they could have been rushing and grabbed what was close by or something more TM's style. In TM's world, she is the boss and she knows everything. She is all about finding ways to get around anything that keeps her from getting what she wants. The financial stuff is a good example of that and if you try to get in her way, she'll sue you or in Heather's case, kill you. If this is Heather, I don't think they were rushing. I think in TM's mind, she decided that Heather would end up in FL because Heather tweeted that she needed to be there and couldn't stand the distance. She may have used the MM sheet on purpose because hey, it's FL and MM stuff is everywhere. But she would also make ID as difficult as possible. JMO

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She talked about someone who made custom Disney items including things like pillowcases. If someone made her pillowcases, I would think that they may have also made sheets.

Here is a post I made in August about the homemade MM stuff. At the link you will find TM's original post about the lady who made MM stuff for her.

This quote was written by TM above a picture of her daughter. If this lady made homemade Disney items (including pillowcases) for TM, I wonder if she made homemade Disney sheets like the one found with the unidentified body in this thread? Sorry if this has been brought up but I just came across this again when I was going through pics of SM & TM's family, trips, house and Disney Themed Camper:

See the banners in this picture? A very good friend I met through Dis made these. She has made the kids t shirts, pillowcases, etc over the years. She is fantastic and the attention to detail is the best I've ever seen. If you need personalized Disney stuff let me know and I will give you her information. She is the best!

Here's TM's Disney Dream Cruise thread from October 2012:

Regarding the pillowcases--a lot of people have these made when they're going on cruises. They have the characters on board sign them at character meets or even leave them with guest relations to get signatures.

It's possible she would have matching sheets made as well, but having the pillowcases made doesn't necessarily mean she would have also had sheets made.
Or maybe it's just taking forever for the public to get the results.

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Motherof5, many times the Silence speaks much louder than words, imo.. I am even more confident now that the remains located in FL are those of HE due to the prosecutor filing the motion to seal info, combined with the defense filing a motion for a speedy trial... jmo

<sniped from article & BBM>

In her motion, Livesay asks the court for a hearing date to argue for the motion to be sealed. A hearing date had not been scheduled as of press time.
&#8220;The State will ask for an Order of this Court to file a motion under seal, effectively restricting access to said motion to the Court and parties of this case,&#8221; the motion continues. &#8220;This motion is made on behalf of the State with the intent of preserving the integrity of a fair and impartial jury and to ensure a fair and impartial trial for both parties.&#8221;

On Sept. 19, defense attorney Greg McCollum, who&#8217;s representing Tammy Moorer, filed a motion seeking a speedy trial
&#8220;Given the prejudicial effects that Defendant may encounter considering the increased media surrounding Defendant&#8217;s case, Defendant hereby invokes all of her speedy trial rights,&#8221; the motion says. &#8220;Such request is made in an effort to avoid these negative effects. Therefore, Defendant respectfully requests that this Court set Defendant&#8217;s case for trial.&#8221;
Oceanblueeyes made an interesting post in Heather Graham's thread last week, which reminded me about this thread/case.

From this post:


"During the Anthony case I researched the profile between female and male murderers and how they react differently in choosing the disposal site.

Women more often will discard the victim close to where they live and they usually will leave them above ground. If it is their child they have killed they usually will swaddle them in blankets and place them inside of bags.

However, male murderers tend to take the body a much further distance away from the original abduction site.


Also, I came across this, similar to what oceanblueeyes posted; I'm sure there are other cases like this:

"FRANKFORT, Ky. &#8212; After the murder, the body was swaddled in bed sheets and a Mickey Mouse blanket. It was placed in a van, driven far from any road in rural Henry County and dumped in a narrow creek bed, just as another July day was dawning."


So, could these remains be that of a child?
I have never heard of not ID-ing a body because of an upcoming criminal case due to a gag order. Seriously?! What possible cause would they have to withhold the information from the public and family?! Ridiculous to even think they would put a grieving family through such a thing! Prosecutors and defense lawyers are not monsters and they would not prevent the family from burying their darling daughter for the sake of any case.
I have never heard of not ID-ing a body because of an upcoming criminal case due to a gag order. Seriously?! What possible cause would they have to withhold the information from the public and family?! Ridiculous to even think they would put a grieving family through such a thing! Prosecutors and defense lawyers are not monsters and they would not prevent the family from burying their darling daughter for the sake of any case.

Absolutely -- and if they had determined whose body it was (that is, if they had a profile against which they could compare the DNA, as they do with HE), a death certificate would have been issued, which is a matter of public record.
I found the news interesting this morning. The center for missing persons will be here in North Myrtle Beach on their 'tour' -- and will be featuring Sack M and Brittanee D -- no mention of Heather. Now - I get that there are two people in jail charged with Murder - but without finding her - does she get removed from the CMP's missing persons list? I'm not sure how that works - but did find it odd there was no mention of her.
I realize it's hard to believe LE might be telling the truth, but if they really don't know yet whether this UID is or isn't Heather, then it all makes sense.
I found the news interesting this morning. The center for missing persons will be here in North Myrtle Beach on their 'tour' -- and will be featuring Sack M and Brittanee D -- no mention of Heather. Now - I get that there are two people in jail charged with Murder - but without finding her - does she get removed from the CMP's missing persons list? I'm not sure how that works - but did find it odd there was no mention of her.
I also find it odd neither her family or LE is actively still conducting physical searches for her. Basically silent..I think they know it's her.
I found the news interesting this morning. The center for missing persons will be here in North Myrtle Beach on their 'tour' -- and will be featuring Sack M and Brittanee D -- no mention of Heather. Now - I get that there are two people in jail charged with Murder - but without finding her - does she get removed from the CMP's missing persons list? I'm not sure how that works - but did find it odd there was no mention of her.

Where is this news article?

On The Center for Missing Children website, I don't even see Zack or Heather.

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Motherof5, many times the Silence speaks much louder than words, imo.. I am even more confident now that the remains located in FL are those of HE due to the prosecutor filing the motion to seal info, combined with the defense filing a motion for a speedy trial... jmo

<sniped from article & BBM>

In her motion, Livesay asks the court for a hearing date to argue for the motion to be sealed. A hearing date had not been scheduled as of press time.
“The State will ask for an Order of this Court to file a motion under seal, effectively restricting access to said motion to the Court and parties of this case,” the motion continues. “This motion is made on behalf of the State with the intent of preserving the integrity of a fair and impartial jury and to ensure a fair and impartial trial for both parties.”

On Sept. 19, defense attorney Greg McCollum, who’s representing Tammy Moorer, filed a motion seeking a speedy trial
“Given the prejudicial effects that Defendant may encounter considering the increased media surrounding Defendant’s case, Defendant hereby invokes all of her speedy trial rights,” the motion says. “Such request is made in an effort to avoid these negative effects. Therefore, Defendant respectfully requests that this Court set Defendant’s case for trial.”

The quote,"Silence is the loudest scream" is all I'm thinking right now.

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I have never heard of not ID-ing a body because of an upcoming criminal case due to a gag order. Seriously?! What possible cause would they have to withhold the information from the public and family?! Ridiculous to even think they would put a grieving family through such a thing! Prosecutors and defense lawyers are not monsters and they would not prevent the family from burying their darling daughter for the sake of any case.


Citing a judge's gag order, investigators Thursday would not release the identity of human remains found this week in Amador County, but the sister of Ripon's Mary Morino Starkey, who vanished in June 2005, said the find raised her hopes.
"I have to be patient and wait," said Loretta Morino, who is resigned to the possibility that her sister is dead.

Investigators planned to release the identity Thursday, but instead, spokesman Sgt. Chris Stevens said he learned of a gag order issued by San Joaquin County Superior Court Judge Bernard Garber that prevents him from talking about the case.
I think the Florida authorities would say if they knew the ID of the remains. They are not bound by the South Carolina Court's gag order. If it is Heather, the Defense Counsel would have the right to all the specifics of the findings (cause of death, any pertinent information). Failure of the State to disclose this information to the Defense could cause a mistrial. I believe they really don't know are at a minimum aren't sure of the results. If it is Heather, it will be disclosed prior to trial. Hopefully, the North Texas authorities can resolve the matter.
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