Heart-Shaped Sticker On Tape Over Caylee's Mouth

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This is so sick and to me shows malice.

The Winnie The Pooh blanket was all that was around the house. She didn't go shopping for a cute blanket to wrap her dead daughter in.

The heart sticker shows she really was figuring things out, to stop what you are doing and take a sticker off of a sheet of other stickers.
KC is doomed for life and I hope they do bring the DP, but even if they don't she will suffer.
I can't see Lifetime doing a movie now, it's way too sick:(
Does anyone have a link to her Photobucket?

(I said nigh impossible.)

Because malice aforethought is a key element that must be proved beyond a reasonable doubt for both murder one and murder two. These alleged items of evidence provide the defense with an incredibly strong and intuitely obvious argument against malice aforethought.

That's begging the question -- basically restating the question as an answer. It is not obvious to me how the two items make it "nigh impossible" to prove malice aforethought and, therefore, how they can be used to argue against malice aforethought.
Could you break it down for me?
Not so fast: Casey has never even admitted to knowing what happened to Caylee. She's continued with the storyline that she "dropped Caylee off with the nanny and then never saw her again." Which means that the only way to logically get to the argument you want to jockey down the field is for Casey to admit she knows what happened to Caylee - that she did love her, that it was an accident, etc. - and she can't very well do that now, months and months later. No juror will ever believe a word of that rationale since it only comes at this juncture in the murder investigation.

Not to mention the fact that even planned, intentional killings sometimes go awry, meaning that evidence/things can become a part of the murder/murder scene even if the killer never intended them to be. Since Casey doesn't appear to possess too much maturity or intelligence, I can easily see this happening in regards to her plan re: murdering her daughter Caylee.

The point has been and remains that no matter what storyline the defense goes with, prosecutors cannot turn hearts and Winnie the Pooh into evidence that supports malice aforethought. In other words, hearts and Winnie the Pooh represents evidence that works against their claim of a premeditated murder.
Ok watch CA in her court video or when she see's kc at the jail " she touches her lips then put her hand to her heart as to "sign I love you" Its a family thing!!!! omg!!!!!!!!
It didn't stay stuck. If you read the document detailing the evidence, it clearly says that investigators found a residue on the duct tape in the perfect shape of a heart. A heart sticker that matched that shape had been found in the woods.

Thanks, I didn't get a chance to check out the documents yet, my one year old woke up from her nap, just as I was about to start reading.
be a good little girl and let mommy put this on you...look Caylee it's pretty...it has a heart on it...

I am sorry but thats what I see in my imagination

So do I....
The doc doesn't provide us with enough information on the tape to know if it wraps entirely around the head, or not. It could be from ear-to-ear, or just the cheeks and mouth (pinning some hair beneath).

These docs are obviously not the full forensic investigation report which would have many details about the tape and its placement. What we have is a casual observer's notes and a partial list of evidences from the crime scene. We may get more... or not.

NO NO NO, new universal rule, it is not alright to duct tape any child's mouth under any circumstances ever. The humiliation alone would be enough. We are talking about abuse of power in the worst way here. It's terrible. It's what people do to people when they want them silenced. It is wrong.

IMO, if anyone does not agree with me on this, they should go have their head examined.
If those are the same clothes she had on in the pictures with the grandfather then do you think george was lying about seeing them the next day? maybe to cover up that the family had had a major fight. if not for the neighbor, we wouldnt know about the fight, right? cuz the family didnt tell it, did they?
That's begging the question -- basically restating the question as an answer. It is not obvious to me how the two items make it "nigh impossible" to prove malice aforethought and, therefore, how they can be used to argue against malice aforethought.
Could you break it down for me?

It's simple. Proving malice aforethought is central to proving murder two. Yet prosecutors claim premeditation as well. So they have four elements to prove; i.e., intent (wilful), planning, deliberation and malice aforethought.

However, from the evidence we know of, they cannot prove any of these elements. And now we are given hearts and Winnie the Pooh, which certainly does not support the most basic element, i.e., malice aforethought.

Not only do hearts and Winnie the Pooh not support it, they work strongly against it. And that's at a lower murder two level.

Net, this evidence is extremely favorable to the defense, not the State.
The point has been and remains that no matter what storyline the defense goes with, prosecutors cannot turn hearts and Winnie the Pooh into evidence that supports malice aforethought. In other words, hearts and Winnie the Pooh represents evidence that works against their claim of a premeditated murder.

Susan Smith left items that her children loved with them in the car before she drove it in the water. Still didnt mean she didnt kill her children.
I don't know about you guys but I don't think you put tape on the mouth of an already dead person - what is the point if the person is dead? You put tape over the mouth of someone you want to keep from SCREAMING while you KILL them or hurt them in some way - that is cruel and full of malice. The sticker was an after thought after she died - the blanket and other items were things she had with her and she just buried her with everything else.

That is cruel and that woman is a monster. I have never hated anyone more.

* I corrected my post - the documents do say the tape was NOt around the head but that each corner of the tape was stuck to her hair on each side of her head.
The point has been and remains that no matter what storyline the defense goes with, prosecutors cannot turn hearts and Winnie the Pooh into evidence that supports malice aforethought. In other words, hearts and Winnie the Pooh represents evidence that works against their claim of a premeditated murder.

I disagree with you, but that's the beauty of WS: we can agree to disagree here.
Well if she is that much of a sicko, I hope that she did take a picture and I hope that LE has found it because that alone, with no other evidence at all would have me voting guilty if I was on the jury.

Oh, I agree. If there is a picture the evidence would be overwelming and put Casey away for good, I would think. The reason I say I hope it's not true is because if she were sick enough to do something like that, I cannot even imagine the torture Caylee may have endured. For Caylee's sake...I hope it isn't true.
Sorry, as NG says, you dont "accidently" look up chloroform etc etc, use it on your kid, duct tape her mouth, let her in a trunk for days, and dump her like trash! KC knew what she was doing and it will be proven it was no accident She did it with intent AND malice.
I'm sorry if this has already been brought up, but didn't they find other stickers as well? Could it have been possible that she not only placed stickers on the duct tape but on Caylee's body as well?

This is like a horror movie, only it's real. I cannot get over how disgusting it all is- and I still don't believe KC is mentally ill. A sociopath, definitely possible, but mentally ill? I think she is just truly among the most cruel and evil people of this world if it is proven she has done all of this.

No accident....what person that accidently killed someone would go looking for a sheet of stickers to place on their victim. She planned this whole thing out and to know that the last video of Caylee at the nursing home would be the last one ever taken of her. She was an absolutely precious child.
On NG a few nights ago they referred to the "return" on the search of the house.. i.e. what they pulled out of the house. Have we seen that document yet? Lord, I hope LE got their hands on that sticker sheet...
Why would this work in favor of pre-med? I am not seeing that from the bit I have seen. I better start reading and see what is going on lol. I'll check back after work thanks for any info.

Because she put duct tape on a two year old babe's mouth. Who does that? Is this common practice? Am I the one who's nuts? This deed alone shows someone who was dominating a weaker vessel. Caylee was a little girl, a beautiful little girl. Who and why would someone think it was o.k. to duct tape her mouth shut? Nothing to me even matters after that. Caylee will have a voice. No child should be treated like that even when they live to tell about it.

My flood gates just opened.
I don't know about you guys but I don't think wrapping duct tape around a little girls head and yes it was said her hair had to be cut to remove the tape, that tells me the tape went around her head into her hair. I don't think you put tape on the mouth of an already dead person - what is the point if the person is dead? You put tape over the mouth of someone you want to keep from SCREAMING while you KILL them or hurt them in some way - that is cruel and full of malice. The sticker was an after thought after she died - the blanket and other items were things she had with her and she just buried her with everything else.

That is cruel and that woman is a monster. I have never hated anyone more.

Same here Mendara - except Scott P maybe!

As for the blanket....I don't think it's a big deal and IMO it certainly doesn't help the defense. I believe it's what she had available to her at the time (that Winnie the Pooh pattern is available at Target). Afterall, that's what Caylee's room was decorated in, as others have stated.

It's possible that Casey left Caylee after the fight on the 15th (like LP has stated) and that she just grabbed a bag and threw some pull-ups, a few clothes, etc in the backpack and grabbed a blanket to take in the car with her for Caylee. It was what happened after she left the house that I don't want to think about.

LP said on NG one night that there was a hotel worker that saw someone in a white sunfire that fit Casey's description yapping on her cell phone that night, but he didn't see a child in the car. :waitasec:
It's simple. Proving malice aforethought is central to proving murder two. Yet prosecutors claim premeditation as well. So they have four elements to prove; i.e., intent (wilful), planning, deliberation and malice aforethought.

However, from the evidence we know of, they cannot prove any of these elements. And now we are given hearts and Winnie the Pooh, which certainly does not support the most basic element, i.e., malice aforethought.

Not only do hearts and Winnie the Pooh not support it, they work strongly against it. And that's at a lower murder two level.

Net, this evidence is extremely favorable to the defense, not the State.

We shall see about this at trial (if there even is one).
The jury is going to have to be supplied with barf bags once the State lays out their case. Good luck to Baez and his big named experts.
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