TX - Heidi Broussard, 33 Found Deceased, & Margo Carey, 2 weeks, Found Alive Austin, 12 Dec 2019 #6

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But if HB had known MF had "delivered" wouldn't she be alarmed she didn't have her baby with her as she was supposedly breastfeeding? I mean it's not like she lived around the corner to get back in time for nursing, right. How would she get around her baby not being with her?

It sounded like MF reconnected with Carissa only after HB disappeared, tells her she had a baby on Dec 1st. Did she send a pic of "Luna" to Carissa? Had Carissa seen HB's baby? I'm sure MF couldn't send the pic she had of Margo to HB o_O So, maybe MF was still wearing her baby prothesis when she arrived at HB's and used the "labour ruse." How often did Carissa talk to HB? Maybe they spoke last when baby M was born.

Now if that hasn't totally messed with your head, I don't know what will :p And no, I have no clue how MF pulled this off.
According to what Carissa said in the podcast last night, MF might have had the benefit of living closer to MB and because of her lack of family responsibilities (no children), it was possible for her to be local and more involved than friends that lived in LA.

Carissa I believe is in LA and her personal situation with multiple children and step children most likely made it not easy for her to get to TX, but she did stay in contact with HB. Carissa did state that she had planned to be in TX the weekend that HB disappeared. The other thing that came through in the Carissa interview IMO was that MF was a manipulator and did a good job of maintaining contact with a good number of HB friends and family. I do think its interesting that of the people interviewed about MF so far that Carissa (who had known MF for as long as HB) was not close to MF and was somewhat surprised when initially she was reconnected with MF.
Just a comment on the KHOU's title "I talk to Maygen every day" -- a friend of HB (CN) interviewed by J4J Thursday night said she was part of the childhood group that attended church camp with HB and suspect MF 24 years ago.

CN said that although she kept in contact with HB, she had not talked to MF in several years but since HB went missing, she had talked to the suspect every day. Again, she was not in contact with MF prior to HB missing.

Any idea who reached out to who? I would expect that MF would be the one reaching out, likely in an effort to figure out what people close to Heidi were hearing and thinking.
Just a comment on the KHOU's title "I talk to Maygen every day" -- a friend of HB (CN) interviewed by J4J Thursday night said she was part of the childhood group that attended church camp with HB and suspect MF 24 years ago.

CN said that although she kept in contact with HB, she had not talked to MF in several years but since HB went missing, she had talked to the suspect every day. Again, she was not in contact with MF prior to HB missing.
Yes, this was an interesting aspect of the relationship between MF and CN. But, CN did express surprise in the interview about HF reaching out to her about the HB situation. CN also confirmed that HF was the last person to connect with HB via phone/text with their discussion about breast feeding issues. It appears HF worked hard to manipulate all the people surrounding HB according to what we heard on the podcast last night.
Any idea who reached out to who? I would expect that MF would be the one reaching out, likely in an effort to figure out what people close to Heidi were hearing and thinking.
Yes, CN said that HF reached out to her and that she had not had ongoing contact with HF over the years as they were not close. My recollection was that CN dropped briefly from the call last night at various points to take other calls and this happened the first time when she realised that the house being raided was where HF lived. These drops in the conversation IMO impacted the flow of conversation and the questions about HF in particular. CN was discussing HF relationship history with her when she left the conversation at one point and so the discussion was a bit disjointed. But, CN was clear that HB was close to HF but that HF and CN were not close, even though they all met at the same time at camp.
IIRC the first LE PC was Tuesday.
For the record I don't believe for a minute LE had the video then because I believe MSM reported they were canvassing the apartments on Wednesday. Besides the Detective said all avenues being persued and had not cleared anyone as POI.

I don't trust DM as I've just seen too much garbage through the years. I truly believe LE worked tips through friends and also someone close to MF notified CPS about the baby.
Besides I became rather close with KHOU today and that's what they said their source said. I trust their reporting on this case.

The Daily Mail was reporting what another news source reported (ABC 13 - there is a link to it in the DM story) so it isn't the Daily Mail coming up with this information on their own. As far as I know, ABC 13's coverage of the story has been pretty good throughout the case.

Friend of mom found dead in car trunk taken to Austin to face charge

Video at Broussard's Austin apartment complex captured her getting into Fieramusca's car willingly on Dec. 12, the day she went missing, said sources. Margot was with her. They were old friends.​
I think the 'help me I'm in labor' lure scenario is out because the mutual friend Caressa says that she thought that MF gave birth to the phantom baby Luna around Dec 1 at a birth center so I assume if Caressa thought that so did Heidi.

Been trying to catch up, so forgive me if this was already said... If that is true and this is a story others have heard, as well, this would really make a good case for premeditation. MOO

I'm heart broken for Heidi's family. It's hard not to lose a little faith in humanity after something like this. Who can you trust these days, really? We need mental health reform in this country desperately. Again, MOO, but there must have been something else going on here mentally. (Recent miscarriage, desperation to save a relationship, straight up jealousy?). :(
Just listening to friends describe her, Heidi reminds me quite a bit of Shanann. Great personality, loved by everyone, worked around the clock to provide for and take care of her children.

Obviously not that I know either personally, but we spend so much time on these cases that it starts to feel like we do, doesn’t it?
Absolutely! I give the HB friends credit for making their friend come alive to all of those that care but didn't know HB! The HB parents I believe called their daughter 'magical' and I think this captures her spirit as well as her strength. HB was a survivor who worked hard to take care of her children, largely on her own.

CN who spoke for hours about her friend last night on the podcast said that HB always believed the best in people and also believed in never holding a grudge.

The stories from her customers at the Cracker Barrel today showed also that she touched any number of people that she met in unique ways and she was loved and cared for by folks that knew her.

HB will be deeply missed by her children, her family and those that knew her.
Any idea who reached out to who? I would expect that MF would be the one reaching out, likely in an effort to figure out what people close to Heidi were hearing and thinking.

Yes, this was an interesting aspect of the relationship between MF and CN. But, CN did express surprise in the interview about HF reaching out to her about the HB situation. CN also confirmed that HF was the last person to connect with HB via phone/text with their discussion about breast feeding issues. It appears HF worked hard to manipulate all the people surrounding HB according to what we heard on the podcast last night.

I believe some would argue that suspect MF is a master manipulator -- just ask Tim Miller!

When Tim finally got MF off the phone after 45 minutes-- telling her he had another phone call, she asked him if it was OK if she called him again if she had anything more to share about HB!

After listening to Tim, it appears to me that MF was set on making SC the main suspect for the disappearance of HB and their baby.

Yes, CN said that HF reached out to her and that she had not had ongoing contact with HF over the years as they were not close. My recollection was that CN dropped briefly from the call last night at various points to take other calls and this happened the first time when she realised that the house being raided was where HF lived. These drops in the conversation IMO impacted the flow of conversation and the questions about HF in particular. CN was discussing HF relationship history with her when she left the conversation at one point and so the discussion was a bit disjointed. But, CN was clear that HB was close to HF but that HF and CN were not close, even though they all met at the same time at camp.
Just to be clear -- is the suspect in your post HF?
Just spitballing here, but I also find it interesting that the police used the word ‘lead’ instead of ‘tip’ here in this People article in the sentence “Detective Brad Herries said at Friday’s press conference it was “a lead” that prompted police to search Fieramusca’s property Thursday evening.”

The ABA disseminated materials on criminal prosecutions a few years ago, and defined ‘tip’ as a third-party identification of witnesses or evidence and a “lead” as evidence located by authorities that proves existing evidence or provides direction to further the investigation. I need to see if I can find that. May just be overly semantic.

Another interesting comment on the "lead" in this case:

Tony Plohetski‏Verified account @tplohetski
Austin police detective: Police got many tips in case, which were investigated fully. Lead was generated in Harris County.

12:20 PM - 20 Dec 2019 from Austin, TX
The Daily Mail was reporting what another news source reported (ABC 13 - there is a link to it in the DM story) so it isn't the Daily Mail coming up with this information on their own. As far as I know, ABC 13's coverage of the story has been pretty good throughout the case.

Friend of mom found dead in car trunk taken to Austin to face charge

Video at Broussard's Austin apartment complex captured her getting into Fieramusca's car willingly on Dec. 12, the day she went missing, said sources. Margot was with her. They were old friends.​
If it's true, it's even harder to understand the information about Heidi's purse being in her own car, and the apartment door being open, and she presumably had her phone with her too at that stage. Hmm.
The Daily Mail was reporting what another news source reported (ABC 13 - there is a link to it in the DM story) so it isn't the Daily Mail coming up with this information on their own. As far as I know, ABC 13's coverage of the story has been pretty good throughout the case.

Friend of mom found dead in car trunk taken to Austin to face charge

Video at Broussard's Austin apartment complex captured her getting into Fieramusca's car willingly on Dec. 12, the day she went missing, said sources. Margot was with her. They were old friends.​

I guess it might have appeared that she went willingly but I personally can't imagine going anywhere "willingly" while at the same time leaving my door ajar and important belongings behind, especially things a newborn would need.

That said, it does clear up the question, at least in my mind, whether she was alive when she left her apartment.
If it's true, it's even harder to understand the information about Heidi's purse being in her own car, and the apartment door being open, and she presumably had her phone with her too at that stage. Hmm.

Agree - there is a lot doesn't make sense here.

Also if you are attempting to stage the abduction scene, it is a very strange staging.
I guess it might have appeared that she went willingly but I personally can't imagine going anywhere "willingly" while at the same time leaving my door ajar and important belongings behind, especially things a newborn would need.

That said, it does clear up the question, at least in my mind, whether she was alive when she left her apartment.

Possible scenario:

Magen is visiting, and invites Heidi over to see the new baby. Maybe she says the baby is still in care at birth centre, or something? Or someone is home watching the baby, and she wants Heidi to come see her... OR whatever excuse she used....

Then, as Heidi is slowly getting herself and her newborn ready to go along, Megan fakes getting a phone call, and acts shocked and worried...." We need to hurry, my baby is in the ER, she's not breathing, HURRY,...."

anything to get Heidi to hurry and jump in her car...forgetting to grab her purse...

? Or something like that...
This is exactly how long my best friend and I have known one another. We met in sixth grade and have been joined at the hip since. We’ve seen each other through tragedies, miscarriages, weddings, childbirth and guys (who come and go, sometimes literally) and that is what kills me the worst here.

When it’s a stranger, you can say: “well, wackos exist,” and when it’s a partner, we say “Domestic violence is a problem;” but when it’s your best friend?! It’s just incomprehensible to me.

This is what I’m struggling with too. I also met my best friend 24 years ago when I was 11 at church camp.

I just helped her get out of an abusive relationship. She had a stillborn baby. We have been through so much together in 24 years that she’s more my sister than my sisters are.

Any case like this is a betrayal. We’ve seen friends, mother in laws and others take babies. But your lifelong best friend? Murders you and takes your baby? I can’t even.

I said it could even be hyperthyroid or Graves disease earlier. Do a search for Graves Disease then press images. The only thing is her eyes wouldn't probably change back to normal without health care. I do think self-medicating is possible, maybe just for the fun of it.

Untreated PCOS also occurred to me.

I personally think LE had seen the video prior to the press conference. They seemed absolutely certain that Heidi and Margot had returned home from dropping the older child off at school prior to their disappearance (versus the car returning without them). After the PC, her mom made a comment to a reporter essentially saying that whatever happened to them, it happened at that apartment. I don’t know how LE would know either of those things unless they had video. Obviously, there’s no way for us to know whether they did or didn’t... but I don’t think a video of HB & MC willingly getting into a car with her best friend’s would have been enough probable cause for LE to obtain a search warrant, IMO. Perhaps they were canvassing the apartment complex hoping to obtain more footage (or evidence of a suspected accomplice, etc) to secure the warrant. The tip gave LE the probable cause they needed to issue the warrant, which resulted in the discovery of HB’s body.

In the grand scheme of things, I guess it really doesn’t matter when they knew HB & MC left the apartment with MF. LE almost always refuses to acknowledge when they have a specific POI because it doesn’t benefit the investigation to do so. If they had mentioned the video during the PC, MF would have likely gone to great lengths to dispose of her body and she might’ve never been found. The important thing is that they found it.

It might very well matter when they knew who they left with. If Heidi was killed within an hour then it likely doesn’t matter.

But if she was alive for several hours or a couple days? What if the opportunity to save Heidi existed and they missed it?
Law enforcement sources told ABC13 Fieramusca was adamant the baby was hers. Neighbors and her former attorney said Fieramusca appeared to be pregnant recently. Authorities have not found another baby.


Video at Broussard's Austin apartment complex captured her getting into Fieramusca's car willingly on Dec. 12, the day she went missing, said sources. Margot was with her. They were old friends.


Investigators told ABC News they feared foul play from the start because one child was missing and one was left behind. Officials said the presumption is that if a mother were to run away voluntarily, she would either take both children or leave both behind. This particular situation was suspicious immediately.
Friend of mom found dead in car trunk taken to Austin to face charge
I apologize if this information has already been posted. This thread blew up quickly and i’m Way behind but have been trying to keep up with media releases And new information.
It might very well matter when they knew who they left with. If Heidi was killed within an hour then it likely doesn’t matter.
But if she was alive for several hours or a couple days? What if the opportunity to save Heidi existed and they missed it?

That is sad to think about. My gut feeling though is that Heidi was killed almost immediately. I think the overwhelming goal was to 'be a mommy.' She wanted that baby, really desperately.

That other mom had to go, and quickly, in my opinion. I really don't think she was alive more than an hour. :(
That is sad to think about. My gut feeling though is that Heidi was killed almost immediately. I think the overwhelming goal was to 'be a mommy.' She wanted that baby, really desperately.

That other mom had to go, and quickly, in my opinion. I really don't think she was alive more than an hour. :(

I really, truly hope you are right. I always hope that's the case. The ones where there was time to save them haunt me the most. Polly Klaas... Jessica Lunsford...
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