TX - Heidi Broussard, 33 Found Deceased, & Margo Carey, 2 weeks, Found Alive Austin, 12 Dec 2019 #6

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She is a victim, and we are discussing her being a victim of murder, and Shane is NOT a suspect and should be considered a victim as well considering it was his gf/fiance and the mother of 2 of his children.

Most cases that I have followed, allowing discussion and sleuthing of victim's and their families is not usually allowed. I am not sure why this is continuing at this point now that we actually have a suspect and it's NOT Shane and LE has said the same.
We are continuing this discussion with regard to DV as people on this thread like to stir the pot !! I have reported some of these culprits and hopefully they will get a time out as I am sick to death of you people that are trying to get this thread closed. Heidi has been murdered ! Shane did not do it ! S T O P
@HayLouise said:
BREAKING OVERNIGHT: The investigation into missing Austin mom Heidi Broussard and her infant daughter Margot is now focused on this home in Harris County, near Houston. CBS Austin has learned two people are in custody

Source: People in custody in Harris Co. linked to missing Austin mom & baby case

I think this 2 AM tweet was responsible for bad headlines at CBS Austin today re. two persons in custody. As far as we know -- it never happened and only MF is in custody.

CBS Austin‏Verified account @cbsaustin

BREAKING OVERNIGHT: The investigation into missing Austin mom Heidi Broussard and her infant daughter Margot is now focused on this home in Harris County, near Houston. CBS Austin has learned two people are in custody ^^bbm



2:14 AM - 20 Dec 2019
I personally think LE had seen the video prior to the press conference. They seemed absolutely certain that Heidi and Margot had returned home from dropping the older child off at school prior to their disappearance (versus the car returning without them). After the PC, her mom made a comment to a reporter essentially saying that whatever happened to them, it happened at that apartment. I don’t know how LE would know either of those things unless they had video. Obviously, there’s no way for us to know whether they did or didn’t... but I don’t think a video of HB & MC willingly getting into a car with her best friend’s would have been enough probable cause for LE to obtain a search warrant, IMO. Perhaps they were canvassing the apartment complex hoping to obtain more footage (or evidence of a suspected accomplice, etc) to secure the warrant. The tip gave LE the probable cause they needed to issue the warrant, which resulted in the discovery of HB’s body.

In the grand scheme of things, I guess it really doesn’t matter when they knew HB & MC left the apartment with MF. LE almost always refuses to acknowledge when they have a specific POI because it doesn’t benefit the investigation to do so. If they had mentioned the video during the PC, MF would have likely gone to great lengths to dispose of her body and she might’ve never been found. The important thing is that they found it.
Well, if you've read the last few pages, we're all past that now and are planning @MassGuy's impeachment before he becomes President.

We sure hope you will vote. Thank you and have a nice day. :)
Ha! As we all know, the best way to end a discussion, is to open it back up again by complaining about said discussion.

Works every time.
So much can change in 8 years! She was a 25-year-old wedding planner back then. No comparison to her 33-year-old murderer self of today.
If there were any substance abuse on board that can change a person's personality, demeanor and lose impulse control. Not to mention critical thinking skills. Poor Hedi trying to manage the unimaginable and unmanageable. We will take and manage the rest of it from here in the Justice department of Texas. #Justice4Hedi
Just spitballing here, but I also find it interesting that the police used the word ‘lead’ instead of ‘tip’ here in this People article in the sentence “Detective Brad Herries said at Friday’s press conference it was “a lead” that prompted police to search Fieramusca’s property Thursday evening.”

The ABA disseminated materials on criminal prosecutions a few years ago, and defined ‘tip’ as a third-party identification of witnesses or evidence and a “lead” as evidence located by authorities that proves existing evidence or provides direction to further the investigation. I need to see if I can find that. May just be overly semantic.
The children will feel the loss of Heidi the most. SC is right about one thing-- Some Mothers are Amazing. Heidi was a loving mother. This is going to be a very hard holiday season for all Heidi's loved ones.

Good Night Friends.
Some former free tenant is a co-owner.

I think the other woman (KG) had a job and was a few leaps above MF as co-owner vs freeloader.

Michelle Choi‏Verified account @MichelleKHOU
A neighbor who lives a few houses down says this man bought this two story house w/ another woman few yrs ago, was single, then his new g/f moved in about 1-2 yrs ago. Says both him & g/f are nice, quiet, folks who keep to themselves. But nothing suspicious. #khou11 #htownrush

6:05 AM - 20 Dec 2019 from Houston, TX

Michelle Choi‏Verified account @MichelleKHOU
Just spoke w/ a next door neighbor, who tells me a man in his 30’s has lived in this home for 4-5yrs w/ his girlfriend, no kids. He says he saw a swarm of law enforcement searching through a silver car parked in the backyard, a woman was taken into custody. #khou11 #htownrush


5:51 AM - 20 Dec 2019
I think the other woman (KG) had a job and was a few leaps above MF as co-owner vs freeloader.

Michelle Choi‏Verified account @MichelleKHOU
A neighbor who lives a few houses down says this man bought this two story house w/ another woman few yrs ago, was single, then his new g/f moved in about 1-2 yrs ago. Says both him & g/f are nice, quiet, folks who keep to themselves. But nothing suspicious. #khou11 #htownrush

6:05 AM - 20 Dec 2019 from Houston, TX

Michelle Choi‏Verified account @MichelleKHOU
Just spoke w/ a next door neighbor, who tells me a man in his 30’s has lived in this home for 4-5yrs w/ his girlfriend, no kids. He says he saw a swarm of law enforcement searching through a silver car parked in the backyard, a woman was taken into custody. #khou11 #htownrush


5:51 AM - 20 Dec 2019
I know. I was just being sarcastic.

With that, time for nighty nights. Night all.
Just spitballing here, but I also find it interesting that the police used the word ‘lead’ instead of ‘tip’ here in this People article in the sentence “Detective Brad Herries said at Friday’s press conference it was “a lead” that prompted police to search Fieramusca’s property Thursday evening.”

The ABA disseminated materials on criminal prosecutions a few years ago, and defined ‘tip’ as a third-party identification of witnesses or evidence and a “lead” as evidence located by authorities that proves existing evidence or provides direction to further the investigation. I need to see if I can find that. May just be overly semantic.
Nope, I don’t think you’re being overly semantic. I think that’s relevant, and a solid observation.

If someone called it in, or offered it up to them, I’m sure they would have said “tip.”

The only way I think that could be wrong, is if another agency informed them of a “tip,” and they viewed that as a lead.

But I might be overdoing it. Regardless, I think you’re right.
Just spitballing here, but I also find it interesting that the police used the word ‘lead’ instead of ‘tip’ here in this People article in the sentence “Detective Brad Herries said at Friday’s press conference it was “a lead” that prompted police to search Fieramusca’s property Thursday evening.”

The ABA disseminated materials on criminal prosecutions a few years ago, and defined ‘tip’ as a third-party identification of witnesses or evidence and a “lead” as evidence located by authorities that proves existing evidence or provides direction to further the investigation. I need to see if I can find that. May just be overly semantic.

I think the lead given to LE was by an agency such as CPS that was asked to do a welfare check on a suspicious custodian with a newborn. (MF is no mother). I believe that the request came from a family member.

MF and HB were nearly lifetime friends and I believe MF's family knew and were also close to HB. They were probably devastated that this beautiful friend and new mother went missing along with her infant. They were gone without a trace.

I think the 'help me I'm in labor' lure scenario is out because the mutual friend Caressa says that she thought that MF gave birth to the phantom baby Luna around Dec 1 at a birth center so I assume if Caressa thought that so did Heidi.
But if HB had known MF had "delivered" wouldn't she be alarmed she didn't have her baby with her as she was supposedly breastfeeding? I mean it's not like she lived around the corner to get back in time for nursing, right. How would she get around her baby not being with her?

It sounded like MF reconnected with Carissa only after HB disappeared, tells her she had a baby on Dec 1st. Did she send a pic of "Luna" to Carissa? Had Carissa seen HB's baby? I'm sure MF couldn't send the pic she had of Margo to HB o_O So, maybe MF was still wearing her baby prothesis when she arrived at HB's and used the "labour ruse." How often did Carissa talk to HB? Maybe they spoke last when baby M was born.

Now if that hasn't totally messed with your head, I don't know what will :p And no, I have no clue how MF pulled this off.
After a very long night watching this story unfold, then working all day, I had no time to read any updates on the thread. But I can’t sleep, nor get this case, or this little girl, out of my mind. So, I wrote her a letter that she surely will never see. And I’m posting it for no other reason than I just feel like doing it right now. Here goes.

My open letter to Margo Broussard.

You’ve certainly been through the ringer, little lady.

You are too young to understand, but at the age of one month you have been through a deeper trauma than most adults will ever endure.

People will continue to make choices for you that you will not be not be a party to, as you are too young to actually give consent.

I really hope you will grow up with your brother and stepsister, and maybe eventually more siblings in a blended family.

But, you may instead grow up with strangers who will love you as their very own. They will become your family.

Either way, you will eventually have questions. At age 16 or 18 or 21, or maybe when you give birth to your own child, you will want to know who you are and how you got to where you are. Someone will tell you the story of your kidnapping and why your mother is deceased. You will mourn for the loss of her, and for a life you never had or knew. You will wonder why the people who should have protected you from this evil did not. You will wonder who made certain choices, and why. You will want to understand what failed. And that’s okay. You are allowed to question. This is your life story and you deserve to know it.

You will learn that that this world can be an ugly place, where a life you never knew was ripped away in the worst possible way.

But you will also read and learn your story, and you will know that you were loved by strangers across the world - who rooted for your survival when the most likely ending was that you would not survive.

Mostly I want you to know this. The circumstances of the first month of your life do NOT define you as a person. You are exactly who you are meant to be, and who you will become is because you are YOU. The sum of ALL of your experiences.

Be well, little Margo.
Go on and live the full life you were meant to live.
Last edited:
For those that didn't listed to the J for Justice podcast last night here is an article:

'I talk to Magen every day' | Heidi Broussard's friend shocked at charges

I hear the comments here on the nature of the HB and SC relationship and its ups and downs as just being a characteristic of their dynamic as they were on/off for years and often didn't live together. HB based on what her friend said worked hard over the years to support herself and her children.

The reality is that the HB/SC relationship played out over nearly 10 years, 2 children and the HB and SC were not married even though they appeared to be living together at the time of HB death.

The HB/SC relationship was by all accounts unhealthy psychologically and was upsetting to HB friends based on the interview last night. It was hard for friends to truly understand the ups/downs of the relationships as HB hid many of the details from her friends and SC worked over time to isolate HB from her friends (classic DV tactic)

HB, according to her friends, didn't believe in holding grudges and she believed the best in people, including SC. I think this is all well and good however until the other partner takes advantage of those aspects in a relationship as it appears, according to friends that SC this to HC did for many years. In the J for Justice interview it was disclosed that SC would go on benders (drugs/alcohol), not be financially responsible and wasn't a co-parent with any consistency. I guess a partner can accept these issues but when the issues in the relationship veer off to the other partner isolating their partner from friends and family and going down the path of dragging down the partner and playing on self esteem, intelligence and confidence, to me its hard to support much of what goes on in the relationship and it seems like the friend we heard from last night might just agree.

According to the friend that spoke last night SC was highly manipulative and really worked hard to drag down HB as a person and as a Mom and he was enabled in his behaviour by his father, Ty, who routinely used money to smooth over situations created by his son.

HB according to her friend worked around the clock, all while taking care of her children, to provide a home and food etc. HB paid a big price IMO for maintaining the relationship with SC and her friends say that over time SC never changed and his treatment became more and more abusive psychologically over the years. According to her friend, HB worked really hard to be able to afford her small apt. in Austin as it allowed her to put her beloved son in a school that by all accounts was excellent.

I just hope CPS does right by the 2 children and that the 2 children don't become another tragic aspect of this horrific case.


Just a comment on the KHOU's title "I talk to Maygen every day" -- a friend of HB (CN) interviewed by J4J Thursday night said she was part of the childhood group that attended church camp with HB and suspect MF 24 years ago.

CN said that although she kept in contact with HB, she had not talked to MF in several years but since HB went missing, she had talked to the suspect every day. Again, she was not in contact with MF prior to HB missing.
For those that didn't listed to the J for Justice podcast last night here is an article:

'I talk to Magen every day' | Heidi Broussard's friend shocked at charges

I hear the comments here on the nature of the HB and SC relationship and its ups and downs as just being a characteristic of their dynamic as they were on/off for years and often didn't live together. HB based on what her friend said worked hard over the years to support herself and her children.

The reality is that the HB/SC relationship played out over nearly 10 years, 2 children and the reality is that HB and SC were not married even though they appeared to be living together at the time of HB death. SC is an unwed father of 3 children (2 with HB and 1 with a woman believed to be his ex-wife).

The HB/SC relationship was by all accounts unhealthy psychologically and was upsetting to HB friends based on the interview last night. It was hard for friends to truly understand the ups/downs of the relationships as HB hid many of the details from her friends and SC worked over time to isolate HB from her friends (classic DV tactic)

HB, according to her friends, didn't believe in holding grudges and she believed the best in people, including SC. I think this is all well and good however until the other partner takes advantage of those aspects in a relationship as it appears, according to friends that SC this to HC did for many years. In the J for Justice interview it was disclosed that SC would go on benders (drugs/alcohol), not be financially responsible and wasn't a co-parent with any consistency. I guess a partner can accept these issues but when the issues in the relationship veer off to the other partner isolating their partner from friends and family and going down the path of dragging down the partner and playing on self esteem, intelligence and confidence, to me its hard to support much of what goes on in the relationship and it seems like the friend we heard from last night might just agree.

According to the friend that spoke last night SC was highly manipulative and really worked hard to drag down HB as a person and as a Mom and he was enabled in his behaviour by his father, Ty, who routinely used money to smooth over situations created by his son.

HB according to her friend worked around the clock, all while taking care of her children, to provide a home and food etc. HB paid a big price IMO for maintaining the relationship with SC and her friends say that over time SC never changed and his treatment became more and more abusive psychologically over the years. According to her friend, HB worked really hard to be able to afford her small apt. in Austin as it allowed her to put her beloved son in a school that by all accounts was excellent.

I just hope CPS does right by the 2 children and that the 2 children don't become another tragic aspect of this horrific case.


Just listening to friends describe her, Heidi reminds me quite a bit of Shanann. Great personality, loved by everyone, worked around the clock to provide for and take care of her children.

Obviously not that I know either personally, but we spend so much time on these cases that it starts to feel like we do, doesn’t it?
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