FEATURED Help Find Marvin "Rusty" Holderman/ Police Reached out to Websleuths, 2008?

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I've broadened the search perameters so much that I'm going on 6 hours reviewing the same results lol I think the 1st UID sent in is the best result I've seen.

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For what it's worth, my hubby has red hair very similar to Rusty's (as shown in the NamUs photo,) and his eyelashes are pale to the point of being white. They're extremely difficult to see in most photos.

A lot of redheads in my family too. Not all have such red brows and lashes though, so it seems rare to me to see it in lashes and brows as well as facial hair.
I blew up that pic and I see broken lashes on the upper right lid of the UID. That seems consistent with the condition I noted and also seems consistent with skin conditions, etc.

Thankfully DNA and fingerprints are available in both Rusty and the CA UID. Why there are no dentals but there is DNA for Rusty I do not know. Perhaps the DNA includes familial DNA?
Our first pass at locating Rusty has been forward to Detective Hess. Included is every link from this thread up to this point. If any new leads are identified, please post them and we can send updated information. I have requested feedback, so hopefully I will get a response once Detective Hess has had the time to go through each unidentified person.

Good job, team! :cheer:
Were they able to confirm Rusty was the one cashing his most recent checks?
Were they able to confirm Rusty was the one cashing his most recent checks?
This is what has me concerned. I am also having a hard time with tht UID tht resembles him so much. Where was he for 7 years, if tht is him? It's our best result but it's not a perfect match. I've seen some that may resemble him but they're before the missing date.

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This is what has me concerned. I am also having a hard time with tht UID tht resembles him so much. Where was he for 7 years, if tht is him? It's our best result but it's not a perfect match. I've seen some that may resemble him but they're before the missing date.
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I would broaden the search unless they have actually credible witnesses who saw him. Unless they can confirm he was the ones cashing the recent checks, it's possible someone else was. Those checks were a big chunk of change.
Also, I've also considered he might have ended up as a John Doe in an institution.
As far as I learned, there have been no recent check cashings. It stopped in 2008/2009, depending on which resource you read.
I would broaden the search unless they have actually credible witnesses who saw him. Unless they can confirm he was the ones cashing the recent checks, it's possible someone else was. Those checks were a big chunk of change.
Also, I've also considered he might have ended up as a John Doe in an institution.
I started the search in 2004. Because I saw that year as an arrest. I'm going to figure out which ones are even a possibility. This is why I wanted to know when he started getting the checks. I had extremely broad search perameters. Over 200 UID lol it was too broad but I am not done. I just didn't want to miss one bc I narrowed it down too much. That would really be ugh, if he's here and I'm searching all around his info, which is entirely possible. I have morgue photos stuck in my head. I'm going to break for a little bit.

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Just some questions...
Was Rusty residing on the streets near the historic downtown area of Kissimmee?
Kissimmee Amtrak station located in the heart of the historic district would've taken Rusty anywhere. Does Amtrak keep ticket records that far back?
Hmmm, he was homeless, so where was the check addressed? What bank was he using?? Did any homeless shelters, or homeless people remember him? Was he homeless when he started getting the checks? How did he even know he had a trust? Was he in contact with family at all? In contact with family when he was homeless? Did he have a social worker? An attorney? Ever stay in motel/hotels? Was he ever admitted to a hospital, or rehab? Could he be in one now?

If the courts are saying he is deceased, are they only saying that because it's been over so many years, and having no contact? What basis are they using to say he is deceased? If there is verifiable proof he is no longer living, that narrows our search somewhat. With getting $1000 a month, theorically he could have gotten on a bus, or train, and be anywhere. If his ties in Kississme were strong, as in something was keeping him in a certain area, then maybe he didn't leave that area at all. His ties to his family obviously weren't strong, but that doesn't mean he didn't have strong ties in other aspects.

This is an awfully long time to be missing, and I don't know what was done at the time he stopped cashing the checks. Was anything done to confirm HE cashed checks? How many years was he homeless before failing off radar? Even the homeless have friends, a social worker, homeless shelter worker, local business workers that notice they aren't around. Unless the homeless is nomadic, and not in one place very long.

Just a note to the skin cancer UID, most red headed people have very fair complexion, and thus more vulnerable to skin burn, leading to skin cancer. Without the UID having tattoos, I don't think that's him.

Someone earlier said where would he be buried if someone robbed him for the money....who said he would be buried? Look how many current cases of missing people on this site alone, and several that lots of details are known about their last movements, habits, etc, and yet, even if a suspect has been arrested, no body. I can't answer where all the missing bodies are, because I don't know! But I know it happens! Gators and other wildlife are also plentiful in FL, and it's possible the body will never be found.
... I can't answer where all the missing bodies are, because I don't know! But I know it happens! Gators and other wildlife are also plentiful in FL, and it's possible the body will never be found.


"In San Bernardino, at least, there was a lot of work to be done. From 1908 to 2008, this fenced-off cemetery was a burial spot for about 7,000 people, many unidentified or destitute or both. Because they were anonymous – and often victims of crime – many graves represent unresolved police cases.

"But as Capt. Kevin Lacy of the San Bernardino Sheriff-Coroner’s office said, “We didn’t have the manpower or the resources” to track down each person."

But, we can't let this discourage us.
Just a note to the skin cancer UID, most red headed people have very fair complexion, and thus more vulnerable to skin burn, leading to skin cancer. Without the UID having tattoos, I don't think that's him.

Do we know for sure that the UID had no tattoos, or were tattoos just not listed, leading us to assume he had no tattoos? Perhaps that questions will be answered when the investigating officer looks at this potential match.
Hmmm, he was homeless, so where was the check addressed? What bank was he using?? Did any homeless shelters, or homeless people remember him? Was he homeless when he started getting the checks? How did he even know he had a trust? Was he in contact with family at all? In contact with family when he was homeless? Did he have a social worker? An attorney? Ever stay in motel/hotels? Was he ever admitted to a hospital, or rehab? Could he be in one now?

If the courts are saying he is deceased, are they only saying that because it's been over so many years, and having no contact? What basis are they using to say he is deceased? If there is verifiable proof he is no longer living, that narrows our search somewhat. With getting $1000 a month, theorically he could have gotten on a bus, or train, and be anywhere. If his ties in Kississme were strong, as in something was keeping him in a certain area, then maybe he didn't leave that area at all. His ties to his family obviously weren't strong, but that doesn't mean he didn't have strong ties in other aspects.

This is an awfully long time to be missing, and I don't know what was done at the time he stopped cashing the checks. Was anything done to confirm HE cashed checks? How many years was he homeless before failing off radar? Even the homeless have friends, a social worker, homeless shelter worker, local business workers that notice they aren't around. Unless the homeless is nomadic, and not in one place very long.

Just a note to the skin cancer UID, most red headed people have very fair complexion, and thus more vulnerable to skin burn, leading to skin cancer. Without the UID having tattoos, I don't think that's him.

Someone earlier said where would he be buried if someone robbed him for the money....who said he would be buried? Look how many current cases of missing people on this site alone, and several that lots of details are known about their last movements, habits, etc, and yet, even if a suspect has been arrested, no body. I can't answer where all the missing bodies are, because I don't know! But I know it happens! Gators and other wildlife are also plentiful in FL, and it's possible the body will never be found.
All good questions. My opinion is that if the courts are going to declare someone deceased they need to do their due diligence first, which would include answering all of these basic questions. I don't know if that's the case, however.

Two of his sons have petitioned to acquire the remaining uncollected portion of his trust. I'm sure that's what has sparked interest into his whereabouts, so I hope it is a thorough investigation. He may very well be deceased, but he could just as easily be alive. There are homeless people in nearly every major city in this country, as well as the adjacent countries. If someone falls off the radar by choice but is still alive, do we have the right to just declare them dead and take their belongings? No.

How does one narrow down the scope before finally giving up on searching? How long must they "actively" search for someone before they can declare them deceased? What is required before a person can be declared deceased?
He could very well still be alive, just incapacitated or unable to communicate who he is. He's only 65
Just a personal note. I have Scottish in my family. I have strawberry blond hair. Much to my chagrin my brows and lashes are blond. I have to apply mascara and light brow color otherwise I look like a ghost!

I'm really impressed with all the hard work here. I'd be shocked if the UID wasn't a match. It looks pretty damn close to me!
The two possible sets of remains I found that could possibly be him have DNA profiles, so if it were a match, they'd have hit. Interestingly, one had a peacock, the other had a "bird", both in the same area. Bummer.
Just a personal note. I have Scottish in my family. I have strawberry blond hair. Much to my chagrin my brows and lashes are blond. I have to apply mascara and light brow color otherwise I look like a ghost!

My redhead hubby and his sister have eyebrows that are so pale that when they were young children, his grandmother (who didn't have great eyesight) angrily asked his mother why she'd shaved her grandkids' eyebrows off. :lol:
My redhead hubby and his sister have eyebrows that are so pale that when they were young children, his grandmother (who didn't have great eyesight) angrily asked his mother why she'd shaved her grandkids' eyebrows off. :lol:
I've always heard redheads don't turn grey? They might get more streaks of white than grey. Here's a pic of an older man with red hair to show what I mean: https://theheartthrills.wordpress.com/tag/afghanistan/#jp-carousel-6554

IMO the homeless man in the video is not Rusty.

It depends on how red the hair is. If the person's hair is a bright red (like the gentleman in the example, it won't turn grey). Otherwise, the red can lighten, it can turn a yellowish faded red, or it can turn white.

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