HI - Lauren Crossan, 18, dies in fall from hotel balcony, Maui, 12 Jan 2004

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Accident??!! An 18 year old girl falls naked from the balcony of two men whom she had never met before and it's an accident? The evidence shows no sign of sexual assault? Probably because she managed to wriggle away from her tormentors for a moment and chose to jump rather than be raped - or she was pushed or thrown.
What do you want to bet those two young men beat it back to California ASAP?

Her family back home in NJ are in shock... so far away and helpless to do anything but sit by the phone :(

This is a very sad story
OK. My hinky meter's going with this one:

Young women are vain, she certainly would not commit suicide in the nude in a public place so far from home. Suicide is out for me.

These young men claim they fell asleep early in the night??? Excuse me, I have PARTIED in my time, and I stayed up until no more fun was to be had. Well into the wee hours of the morning! What young men will fall asleep with a night of partying ahead of them while on vacation in Hawaii with some cute girl in their room? And BOTH of them fall asleep? No way!! Absolutely not!!!!

This girl's parents must be devastated. Think of the trust they placed in others when their daughter flew across the ocean on that fateful trip. I hope some fur flies on this one!
I don't believe this was an "accident" either. The police need to continue investigating these "young men". I hope they haven't released them to leave the state! Sounds like probably partying that got "out of control" and these guys had plenty of time to come up with a "cover up story" to tell the cops. Wonder if anyone in any of the adjoining rooms heard anything? I, too, feel very sad for the girls parents being so far away and thinking their daughter was going to be going away for a week and having a great time in Maui. The Hyatt in Maui is a wonderful hotel (I have been there many times over the years) and I am sure the owner and employees are also very saddened by this very tragic event.
Do you think this was an accident like what if she had to puke and leaned her head over the balcony and got dizzy and fell? Doesn't explain why she was naked with two "sleeping" boys. I'd be curious to know where the clothes were found, were the ripped, stretched out, etc. Who else partied with them that night. Girls usually travel in at least twos. This is such bull. Who served them alcohol? Did the boys also consume alcohol. Were date rape drugs involved. ARen't there some that cannot be detected? Hmmm.....
gsquared said:

Accident??!! An 18 year old girl falls naked from the balcony of two men whom she had never met before and it's an accident? The evidence shows no sign of sexual assault? Probably because she managed to wriggle away from her tormentors for a moment and chose to jump rather than be raped - or she was pushed or thrown.
You are right on target with my thoughts. Sorry, but you can't get me to believe that this was an accident with the girl being naked...
Casshew said:
What do you want to bet those two young men beat it back to California ASAP?

This is a very sad story
I bet they left pronto. It would not surprise me if the girl passed out, to awaken to see that her clothes had been removed, and she was trying to escape. Unfortunately, I just don't see how they are going to be able to prove anything--unless one of the guy turns on the other. However, I highly doubt this will ever happen.
I've been concerned about this case. After all, rails are there; very few people fall off those hotel floors. She is young, she voluntarily went to their room, it was undoubtedly for sex.
I doubt anything happened. If she changed her mind, the two men might simply have told her ''too late to say no, now'' but they would have been unlikely to throw her off the balcony. And I can't quite imagine that even a slightly inebriated 18 year old girl not knowing its best to just lie there and stare at the ceiling while waiting for them to finish with her than to go traipsing around a hotel balcony.
Its very disturbing, but I don't see it as suicide and I can't quite see two young men tossing her out the window without having had sex with her first. Can't see any reason for tossing her out the window anyway. Hotels have cameras police would know which room she was in, the two boys are registered at the hotel. Doesn't seem a sensible murder plot.
Toth said:
I've been concerned about this case. After all, rails are there; very few people fall off those hotel floors. She is young, she voluntarily went to their room, it was undoubtedly for sex.
I doubt anything happened. If she changed her mind, the two men might simply have told her ''too late to say no, now'' but they would have been unlikely to throw her off the balcony. And I can't quite imagine that even a slightly inebriated 18 year old girl not knowing its best to just lie there and stare at the ceiling while waiting for them to finish with her than to go traipsing around a hotel balcony.
Its very disturbing, but I don't see it as suicide and I can't quite see two young men tossing her out the window without having had sex with her first. Can't see any reason for tossing her out the window anyway. Hotels have cameras police would know which room she was in, the two boys are registered at the hotel. Doesn't seem a sensible murder plot.
Couldn't the young girl have gone up to the hotel room to continue the party and have more drinks? What if she was already drunk when she entered the room? What if she passed out on the bed, only to wake up with her clothes removed and she panicked? Being disoriented and trying to get away, couldn't she have run out on the balcony while being chased by the boys? There is no way that I believe this is an accident or suicide. The boys know more, but I highly doubt the true story will ever come to light.
I am not sure how to make that link show up so if anyone wants to read an update on this you can go to www.mauinews.com and click under local news and there are a couple of articles. One states an attorney has joined the investigation into the cheerleaders death. It provides a recent update.
The news article said those rails were so high one would have to climb over them. There's something very strange going on here; it doesn't add up. I wonder if she was drugged--some of those date rape drugs leave the body very quickly.
Just speculating here...but if this girl had been drinking, is it possible she could have been showing off by climbing onto the rails to do some type of pyramid type stunt. It would be stupid, I know, but I also know I was a pretty stupid teenager.
jat said:
Just speculating here...but if this girl had been drinking, is it possible she could have been showing off by climbing onto the rails to do some type of pyramid type stunt. It would be stupid, I know, but I also know I was a pretty stupid teenager.

But naked??? This is one really disturbing death, I hope those boys cough up some real answers.
nanandjim said:
Couldn't the young girl have gone up to the hotel room to continue the party and have more drinks? What if she was already drunk when she entered the room? What if she passed out on the bed, only to wake up with her clothes removed and she panicked?
She was not drunk, she was not 'tipsy'; she merely had been drinking.

I doubt that she would have panicked at waking up naked; she didn't go to that room for any purpose that involved not getting naked.
Somehow, it seems VERY strange that two young men would notice that the naked girl is gone but fail to notice that she left behind her clothing and her handbag.

I'm sure most forum members are aware that the two young men were more interested in her body than her clothing, but its a bit hard to understand their having been so unconcerned with the departure of the girl in the first place much less her departure while naked. It appears they had several hours during which they could have altered the crime scene.

Perhaps this is the "entertainment" that they really had in mind for her all along?
Seems strange to do it from their own room though. And why would two weirdoes want to throw her off the balcony without her having been used first.
jat said:
Just speculating here...but if this girl had been drinking, is it possible she could have been showing off by climbing onto the rails to do some type of pyramid type stunt. It would be stupid, I know, but I also know I was a pretty stupid teenager.
I don't think she intended to demonstrate her abilities while naked and vertical on a ninth floor railing; she went there to demonstrate her abilities while naked and horizontal on a ninth floor bed.

I think what may have happened is that she was not sufficiently skilled in such a situation and did not realize that once she had enjoyed the attentions of one of the young men she was not able to decline the attentions of the other young man. Alcohol, exhaustion or inexperience may have all combined to induce her to make an unwise decision regarding the attentions of the second man and he may have reacted more violently and in a different manner than would normally be expected in such circumstances. Rather than rape, he threw her out!
Toth said:
Rather than rape, he threw her out!
I know there are forensic techniques to determine with some degree of certainty if she were thrown outward from the balcony or toppled off it, but I imagine that takes time and there is a zone of uncertainty about such things anyway.

I just can't come up with any other scenario. The two men may have decided to 'hang together' on this. It appears she only had sex with one of them and may have been too inexperienced to know that in such a situation her consent to one is a consent to each of them or there may be trouble.

I can't see her geting out of the bed and 'thinking the balcony was the way to the bathroom' or 'taking her own life because one of them just told her he has aids'. She went with two men to their hotel room but had sex with only one of them. Thats risky behavior. She may not have known that. Or she may have thought the risk was solely sexual. It appears she may have had seven seconds to regret her decision to say no to the second man.
Toth said:
...I doubt that she would have panicked at waking up naked; she didn't go to that room for any purpose that involved not getting naked.
I remember when I was a teenager. I was very trusting and naive. I could see this young girl being invited to the boys' room. Perhaps, she was just going to have fun and did find one of the boys cute. However, I just can't see this girl going to the room, thinking that she would have sex with one of them in front of the other one. Sorry, I just don't buy it. I can believe that they did slip something into her drink which made her pass out. Then, they undressed her. I just don't believe this girl is going to willingly get naked in front of two strangers.

Or, maybe she went to the room after being invited there by one guy, without knowing that another guy was already in the room. I might be afraid to go to a room alone with two guys, unless I brought a friend along. Now that I think about it, I would probably be afraid to go to a hotel room alone with one guy. But they were in Paradise, which may have caused her to let her guard down.

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