HOA Injunction limiting protestors-DENIED!

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In the news tonight, a reporter wondered what would happen at the HOA meeting tonight.

In the news tonight, a reporter wondered what would happen at the HOA meeting tonight.


With the Florida Sunshine law- the media can go in there- they can't speak thou........by the way, does this HOA have a web site, allot of them do, should have the adjenda for tonight and then the minutes later on in the week
I'd be po'd if I had some of that trashy caravan parked on my street too. Some of those people look crazy! Note to protesters here: you're going to be on camera, please wear bras if you need them and for pity sake, put your teeth in.

I can't believe that there isn't some way of blocking the street from at least the hours of 9pm to 7am. Makes me glad that I live in a gated community; we OWN the streets.
I do respect the rights of the protestors, but I think many of them overstepped their bounds. I wish they would stop all the name-calling and yelling, and by no means should they bring children or pets there. I feel sorry for the neighbors having to put up with this behavior, too. I hate saying that the A's should confine themselves to inside or the back yard, because that is their right to be in their own yard... but they obviously can't ignore the protestors, so the judge should have set a time limit on the protesting, say from noon until 9 p.m. Maybe the A's can't afford a lawn service.
As to the vigils, that is their right as well, as long as it doesn't get out of hand. You cannot be in favor of one, and disagree with the other, if it's about freedom of speech. IMO.
Good. Just hope the protesters act like adults. And leave the small children home, please?
I'd be po'd if I had some of that trashy caravan parked on my street too. Some of those people look crazy! Note to protesters here: you're going to be on camera, please wear bras if you need them and for pity sake, put your teeth in.

I can't believe that there isn't some way of blocking the street from at least the hours of 9pm to 7am. Makes me glad that I live in a gated community; we OWN the streets.

hahahahahah..........put yor teeth in :)

I live in a gated community- with a HOA and I HATE IT.......i can tell you this- if this was going on in my gated community- every old person here would be beating the crap out of every protester.....I mean that. Some of these people really do think they "own" the streets.

My husband and I live a very quiet life, we don't get into other's business....my son, who is in the service came to vist last week- had not seen him in a year....the gossip was that I had some boy living here with my 18 year old daughter. As if!
Karen Wonsetler - the attorney for Chickasaw Oaks Phase 3 homeowners association - said she plans to ask a judge again to issue an injunction to move the protesters several hundred feet away from the Anthony house.

Tonight, association members plan to hand out notices to protesters at the Anthony house about a hearing scheduled for Monday to consider the injunction.

This is the association's attempt to notify the protesters about the request -- a requirement under Florida law. A judge denied the injunction Tuesday, saying there wasn't any notice given to the protesters.

hahahahahah..........put yor teeth in :)

I live in a gated community- with a HOA and I HATE IT.......i can tell you this- if this was going on in my gated community- every old person here would be beating the crap out of every protester.....I mean that. Some of these people really do think they "own" the streets.

My husband and I live a very quiet life, we don't get into other's business....my son, who is in the service came to vist last week- had not seen him in a year....the gossip was that I had some boy living here with my 18 year old daughter. As if!

You Rock!!! The minute someone showed up at my parent's home the shot gun would come out!
I gotta say...she, and her beautiful St. Bernard, were my favorite protesters. It was cruel, in my eyes, for Lee to dump the poor dogs water. Easy to pick on a sweet dog, I guess...:furious:

Sure! If you've got no cojones, pick on the quiet woman with the sweet dog.
I really don't think Cindy needs to be outside doing "yard work" at all, given the situation. Lets get real here......did she really need to walk out the other night at like 11:00 with the hammer to fix those no trespassing signs? No!

This family has NO SHAME........none. IGNORE the posters....they will go away. If the Anthony family would stop there freak show, nobody would show up to watch it.

The disrespect they are showing there beautiful little grandaughter is beyond anything I could put into words.

With all that has been going on, somehow this family has managed to make it about THEM......at this point, the family is not even pretending anymore to show any concern of even trying to find this baby, not that they did much from day one anyways.

George needs to go off to work everyday, Cindy needs to go back to her job, Lee needs to go back to his job, and Casey can just sit at home, day in and day out by herself.

Ditto! They need to take their anger out on their daughter, I would..oh yeah.
Princess Rose makes two great points: (1) Anthony's should avoid all contact with the public and (2) get someone else to do the lawn work. If Cindy HAS to do weekly weeding in the front yard, I'd suggest she do it in the early morning hours when the protestors aren't around. It would be very respectful if the protestors carried their signs and merely walked rather than standing around and waiting for an opportunity to scream at the Anthonys. While I'd personally love to scream at Casey, it wouldn't do a @#$%^ bit of good!
OT/ hey i knew an ivyroses from renderosity.com !
Apparently, whoever wrote this order is allowing her to do so and if she does do so, they are not enforcing it. CaseyLand must be fun.

Yes, I thought I also read that she is not allowed to cruise the Net. But, she is doing so.
Yeah, now I remember, the woman did say the police had already said she could stay. Lee apparently disagreed so he folded up her sign and tried to throw is away with the thingie holding it up. She just sat there peacefully. Wonder why he dumped the dog's water. Oh well, dog wasn't going to fight him over it. REALLY sweet, polite dog.

Better behaved than most of the humans.
Or you could be like me, liveeee way out in the country, with a private road to my house, and if you want to cross the field, I am sure Mr. Bull would love to entertain you.

Condo. Private cul-de-sac. Guard station. Locked buildings.
I would like to hear your Mastiff say "yo, Lee, you just dumped my water, you " with a British accent.

Princess Rose makes two great points: (1) Anthony's should avoid all contact with the public and (2) get someone else to do the lawn work. If Cindy HAS to do weekly weeding in the front yard, I'd suggest she do it in the early morning hours when the protestors aren't around. It would be very respectful if the protestors carried their signs and merely walked rather than standing around and waiting for an opportunity to scream at the Anthonys. While I'd personally love to scream at Casey, it wouldn't do a @#$%^ bit of good!

If I was CA, I might have offered protestors brownies and lemonade, from the get-go.

Do good to those who malign you. It will drive them crazy!
I'd be po'd if I had some of that trashy caravan parked on my street too. Some of those people look crazy! Note to protesters here: you're going to be on camera, please wear bras if you need them and for pity sake, put your teeth in.

I can't believe that there isn't some way of blocking the street from at least the hours of 9pm to 7am. Makes me glad that I live in a gated community; we OWN the streets.

It is a public street so the only people that could legally block it would be LE and after the judge's ruling today, I don't see that happening.

Some other people brought up the incident of Lee and the peaceful protester with the beautiful dog. Lee had already been told by LE that they could not make the lady move because she was not breaking any law nor was she trespassing. Lee did not like that answer so he pitched a hissy fit and took the law into his own hands by trying to destroy her sign and dumping the poor dog's water out while yaking about the rules of the HOA. What B**S**!.

When Cindy and George hammer in their "No Trespassing" signs in the ground and then string tape around the stretch of grass between the road and sidewalk they are basically doing the same thing because they have been told that it is a "public easement". What is it with this family that they seem to think that the law applies to everyone but THEM. Seems they only want the law enforced if it is going to benefit them....otherwise they ignore it. They scream about Casey's constitutional right to bail while at the same time they want the rights of protesters stopped. I really wish Lee had been charged with destroying personel property or something for what he did with that sign. His behavior that day is a prime example of why many in the public are FED UP with the Anthony's attitude! I am not the type of person to go to the Anthony's and protest but if that is what others want to do then so be it. I just wish that they would do it in a peaceful manner so as not to disturb the neighbors. Still, I wonder how many of those neighbors complaining about the protesters might also be the same neighbors that gladly took money from the various media groups for allowing them to set up their tents on their lawns. :rolleyes: JMO
Karen Wonsetler - the attorney for Chickasaw Oaks Phase 3 homeowners association - said she plans to ask a judge again to issue an injunction to move the protesters several hundred feet away from the Anthony house.

Tonight, association members plan to hand out notices to protesters at the Anthony house about a hearing scheduled for Monday to consider the injunction.

This is the association's attempt to notify the protesters about the request -- a requirement under Florida law. A judge denied the injunction Tuesday, saying there wasn't any notice given to the protesters.


In past cases didn't the families or org's representing them coordinate vigils,
press conferences, etc outside of the home area? KK, your post just adds another example of how the Anthonys want everyone else to do their job.

The home owner association shouldn't have to be involved in this, the Anthonys should have taken advise given to them early on.

Mistruths, misspoken.....MISGUIDED.

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