HOA Injunction limiting protestors-DENIED!

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IF there is specific laws to protest (regarding time, and manner) then yes. They can restrict certain things in normal ordinances.
Does the HOA have jurisdiction over public sidewalks and public streets? If so, then they should be maintaining and repairing them as necessary.
This is not an organized protest. These are individuals who are showing up to protest a condition they feel is wrong. THe majority are NOT yelling and screaming. Some are and I feel they are out of line. That does not give the HOA (who does NOT own the public sidewalk) the right to limit the legal rights of those who are not being obnoxious. And, obnoxious or not, GA does not have the right to push or shove anyone on property that he has already been told is not his.

Move the protesters down the block and all the issues are resolved. It's a solution that should make all parties happy unless their hatred over-rules their common sense.
In the interest of public safety and for the peace of the neighborhood, I hope the judge rules for the HOA. No one is trying to take away the protester's right to free speech, they're just asking that it move down the block to a vacant lot. It will make for a safer situation all the way around, I don't know why anyone would object to that.
Who owns said vacant lot? Is it public property? I would also request that the prayer vigil be moved as I seriously doubt anyone got a permit for that SCHEDULED meeting and they are blocking the sidewalks in the photos of those people.

If 10 or 12 protesters can be banned, why can't a crowd of 20--30?
Move the protesters down the block and all the issues are resolved. It's a solution that should make all parties happy unless their hatred over-rules their common sense.
Move the prayer vigil to an appropriate venue instead of a private driveway where they are spilling over and blocking the sidewalk. If they want to ban one assembly, they should ban them all - otherwise, they are giving the Anthony family another FREE PASS against the law.I am sure many many more vehicles are clogging the streets from the "prayer vigil," or LET'S SUPPORT CASEY assembly. Casey has already been given a free pass by letting her stay in a home where there was a concealed weapon. George and Cindy were given free passes when no one arrested them for blocking public property and claiming it as their own. Casey has been given free passes for 6 hours a day to spend at her attorneys office doing god know's what. Baez and his body guards were given free passes from exceeding the speed limit on 408. When do the free passes for this family end?
Does the HOA have jurisdiction over public sidewalks and public streets? If so, then they should be maintaining and repairing them as necessary.

They have absolutely no control over public sidewalks and roadways. They only have power over the members in the association and can bind them accordingly with agreed upon and voted upon rules in their particular charter.
Yeah and what about Little Dude too...............

i don't think anyone was worried about Little Dude. he was going about things that right way. if everyone did that, nothing could be said about the protesters because they would be following the protesting guidelines--which would be even more satisfying, because then no one would have a reason to complain.

it would still get on the anthonys' nerves to see 100 peaceful people sitting near or on their 'property', but oh well. they'd have to deal with it.

people like that woman the other night with the car-arm kid just make it easier for the anthonys to look like victims.

some people just didn't follow the rules, like Little Dude.

you rock, all you Little Dudes of the world. i wish he would come to WS.:)
Move the protesters down the block and all the issues are resolved. It's a solution that should make all parties happy unless their hatred over-rules their common sense.
That makes no sense. Why not move them to Texas? The fact is they are protesting Casey and Co. and it make absolutely no sense to move the protest....which would in kind change it's effectiveness. If they are breaking the law arrest them, otherwise leave them alone. Casey exercising her constitutional rights is upsetting a lot of people as well but no one is petitioning to have her put back into jail or limit her attorney visits. You cannot start messing with the first amendment just because it is inconvenient or unpleasant for some people. No way should they have a right to tell protesters where they have to stand ON PUBLIC PROPERTY.
George now "feels sorry" for the media and protesters. They are destroying his family :boohoo:


Casey is destroying your family George

Sorry, that says it all. It isn't the media who "lost" or "doesn't remember" when or where she saw your granddaughter last. It is not the media's responsibility to look for your granddaughter when you do not. Thousands of people have looked for Caylee. What have you done, George - handed out some flyers? Have you posted flyers all over town? If it wasn't the for media, people wouldn't give a damn about Caylee. It was your wife who jumped in front of every micriphone she could find and call people names. Your family was a thin veneer before this happened. Now it is cradcking. If your family is being destroyed, how do you explain the divorce proceedings on the books from a couple of years ago? The media didn't cause that.
Move the prayer vigil to an appropriate venue instead of a private driveway where they are spilling over and blocking the sidewalk. If they want to ban one assembly, they should ban them all - otherwise, they are giving the Anthony family another FREE PASS against the law.I am sure many many more vehicles are clogging the streets from the "prayer vigil," or LET'S SUPPORT CASEY assembly. Casey has already been given a free pass by letting her stay in a home where there was a concealed weapon. George and Cindy were given free passes when no one arrested them for blocking public property and claiming it as their own. Casey has been given free passes for 6 hours a day to spend at her attorneys office doing god know's what. Baez and his body guards were given free passes from exceeding the speed limit on 408. When do the free passes for this family end?

let's not forget the free pass for casey, who was emailing a person under 17...

and i believe casey has the 'right' to meet with her lawyer, but was given the free pass when she wanted to stay later...and later...and then was way past the time she should have been home. they let that go, too.

in my opinion, they've also been given an unofficial free pass to sit on their lazy rumps while everyone does their part to find caylee.

it seems we disagree on the protesting issue a bit, but i'm with you that the anthonys don't deserve any more truly special treatment.
As a person who recognizes that the Anthony family have rights and the wider community have a reasonable expectation of a peaceful neighborhood, let me just say that it's not about sympathizing with the Anthony family over Caylee.

While individuals do have a right to protest, you can't say that the so-called protesters at the front of the Anthony home have been entirely reasonable. Shouting profanities, abuse, carrying offensive signs and trying to incite a confrontation is pretty good grounds for an injunction.
The right to assemble has limitations in time and manner if law exists for such, but to be honest first amendment rights are limited very little and this case is very interesting to me because I don't see any precedent beyond Madsen on individual rights to demonstrate or protest. Any ruling from the judge will be scrutinized heavily. It is an unfortunate thing of course, but rights for one can trump the rights for all and that is the way the constitution is. I see no relative Florida law the judge can use. He may rule however he feels but he may rule and open up the fiasco to the ACLU on challenge. Again, Madsen which ironically comes from Florida went to the supreme court and even in that final decision, protesters need only abide by a 36 foot rule from a private residence of an abortion worker. That would be worthless in this case and initially in Madsen they ruled on a 300 foot buffer which the Supreme Court pretty much said was unconstitutional even in the case of private residences, albeit the decision was rather narrow to abortion worker residences and abortion clinics.

I am watching this closely to see how the injunction is ruled upon. Not only would the judge have to agree to move the protesters a block or more away which is well beyond the 300ft the supreme court ruled against, but he would have to violate "so-called" rights of other folks living around that area. Either way, it is interesting and I think the judge took the easy route in the first ruling basically saying that the protesters were not notified of the hearing. That was to buy time in a difficult decision methinks. Since this is individual action of demonstration and protest, there is no way the HOA could notify each and every "potential" demonstrator before a hearing (there is no petition requirement) so the actions by the HOA of handing out notices is fruitless endeavor imo.

Somehow I don't think throwing leaflets at people is "serving" them under the law. I agree it is fruitless and meaningless unless the HOA has jurisdiction over the property the protesters are on. Handing them out to people in their cars is even more fruitless - they are on a public street. jmo
Sorry, that says it all. It isn't the media who "lost" or "doesn't remember" when or where she saw your granddaughter last. It is not the media's responsibility to look for your granddaughter when you do not. Thousands of people have looked for Caylee. What have you done, George - handed out some flyers? Have you posted flyers all over town? If it wasn't the for media, people wouldn't give a damn about Caylee. It was your wife who jumped in front of every micriphone she could find and call people names. Your family was a thin veneer before this happened. Now it is cradcking. If your family is being destroyed, how do you explain the divorce proceedings on the books from a couple of years ago? The media didn't cause that.

The sad unspoken thing in this circus is that the Anthony family is blessed with the most highly publicized missing child's case in recent history, yet the fail to realize just how valuable that publicity is or how many other missing children are neglected by the continued parade of fantasy. Meanwhile they bring the circus to the neighborhood, within their rights, yet want to push for restricting the first amendment rights to protesters, and subsequently spend their time looking to shut down websites. Fascinating but disturbing turn of events.
As a person who recognizes that the Anthony family have rights and the wider community have a reasonable expectation of a peaceful neighborhood, let me just say that it's not about sympathizing with the Anthony family over Caylee.

While individuals do have a right to protest, you can't say that the so-called protesters at the front of the Anthony home have been entirely reasonable. Shouting profanities, abuse, carrying offensive signs and trying to incite a confrontation is pretty good grounds for an injunction.

Can you tell me what the woman with the dog and the sign was doing? Not all the protesters are unreasonable. Offensive signs don't violate any laws.
The sad unspoken thing in this circus is that the Anthony family is blessed with the most highly publicized missing child's case in recent history, yet the fail to realize just how valuable that publicity is or how many other missing children are neglected by the continued parade of fantasy. Meanwhile they bring the circus to the neighborhood, within their rights, yet want to push for restricting the first amendment rights to protesters, and subsequently spend their time looking to shut down websites. Fascinating but disturbing turn of events.

Not to mention that they try to BULLY their way through everything. They've been given breaks. They do not have to respond to the protesters. I venture to guess that the protesters would leave if the Anthonys did not respond to them. The Anthonys have the power to stop all this yet they just want their own way.
In the interest of public safety and for the peace of the neighborhood, I hope the judge rules for the HOA. No one is trying to take away the protester's right to free speech, they're just asking that it move down the block to a vacant lot. It will make for a safer situation all the way around, I don't know why anyone would object to that.
WShat purpose would it serve for individual people to go to a vacant lot that is probably private property? Would the Anthonys see any of the signs? Obviously, the protesters have done nothing to break the law or they would have been arrested. George, on the other hand was told that the right of way is NOT his property and to remove the signs. But he keeps putting them up. I haven't seen a priotester shove one of the Anthonys, have you? I have seen George lay his hands on THREE SEPARATE PEOPLE in TWO SEPARATE incidences. Seems that the problems lie with teh Anthony's not obeying the law, not the protesters.
Would the A's be complaining if they had a 100 people in their front yard, at midnight, chanting "Free Casey, Casey's Innocent"? Don't think so. The HOA still might, but doubt the A's would. They would be fighting that injunction to allow them to stay.
Can you tell me what the woman with the dog and the sign was doing? Not all the protesters are unreasonable. Offensive signs don't violate any laws.

Perhaps not, however cumulatively their actions are sufficient grounds for an injunction. From what I have read, it appears that the injunction may be approved as written notifications have been supplied to the 'protesters' in accordance with Florida law if that satisfies the Judge then so be it.
I don't see what purpose is being served by the protesters where they are now. If they object to the laws that allow Casey to be bonded out of jail, take the protest to the court house.....and hurry, before George hurts someone.
In the interest of public safety and for the peace of the neighborhood, I hope the judge rules for the HOA. No one is trying to take away the protester's right to free speech, they're just asking that it move down the block to a vacant lot. It will make for a safer situation all the way around, I don't know why anyone would object to that.

I took a friend's daughter to an abortion clinic a few years ago. Protesters were on the sidewalk screaming all kinds of nasty things through the window. They were within their rights. My friend's daughter was horribly upset and emotionally distraught over it. The protesters could not come into the parking lot, so they confined their obscenities to the public sidewalk which happened to be right outside the room where the abortions took place. Cindy and George have a buffer of their yard. I haven't seen a picture of the protesters tresspassing at all.

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