Holland - Multiple people injured in Tram shooting, possible terrorism, Utrecht, 18 March 2019

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It's been a very rough week in the field of world terrorism. We had Christchurch, then we have Amsterdam, then yesterday Italy had a Senegal bus driver torch a school bus full of 51 children. All in the name of terrorism.
Thankfully it ended well for the kids in the schoolbus,thanks to a student from Egypt..so I read :)
Verdachte Gökmen T. had schulden en zou woning kwijtraken

Gökmen T., the suspect of the attack in Utrecht, was in debt and at risk of losing his home. This is apparent from recent court documents in the possession of RTL Nieuws. He would also be engaged and was planning to get married soon.

T. was arrested last week after the attack in Utrecht in which three people died and five others were injured. But this was not the first time that T. came into contact with the justice system.

T. had to appear before the police judge three weeks ago because of a burglary at a bicycle shop in Utrecht. At that hearing T. declared that he lived alone, lived on benefit and had debts because of outstanding traffic fines.

It also became clear that in case of a possible prison sentence he would lose his home.

T.'s lawyer asked the judge, during the session three-weeks ago, to take these circumstances into account. Nevertheless, the judge sentenced him to four months' imprisonment for burglary and theft of money from the shop's cash register. The judge did not consider a community service penalty to be appropriate in view of the fact that T. had often appeared before a judge already.

According to T.'s lawyer, things went better for her client than in the period before. "My client is currently in an upward phase. He is engaged and is about to get married. His personal circumstances are now many times better than in the past," she told the judge.

Before the judge, T. denied to be involved in the burglary. Although he was in a car that was used in the burglary, he only declared that he had joined later.

According to the police, T.'s clothing and shoes were recognised on camera images, but his lawyer found the camera images 'not so clear'. The lawyer appealed against the decision. RTL Nieuws approached her, but she did not want to respond.


I wonder if they manage to trace the lucky bride.
Gewonde man (74) na aanslag Utrecht overleden

UTRECHT - One of the persons who were injured during the shooting in a tram in Utrecht has died. That was announced on Thursday.

A 74-year-old man from De Meern in Utrecht-West has died. Three others died during the attack. Another five others, including the man who has died in the meantime, were injured.


RIP so sad.
The 74-year-old man who died today after being seriously injured during the attack in Utrecht, was not on the tram. The man was hit by several bullets on the 24 Oktoberplein while he was sitting in his car.

Zoon slachtoffer aanslag Utrecht: 'Hij heeft zo veel pijn geleden'

Son of victim Utrecht attack: 'He suffered so much pain.'

"With a heavy heart I unfortunately have to announce that my father passed away this afternoon". Michael Hoveling writes it in a public message on Facebook. His 74-year-old father is the fourth victim of the shooting in a tram in Utrecht.

The Public Prosecution announced today that the 74-year-old man died of his injuries in the hospital.

"What this man has been through in the past eleven days is horrible," Michael writes. "He has suffered so much pain in these days, it is indescribable. Today we have freed him from this pain, however difficult it may be for us."

There is still one seriously injured victim in the hospital, a 20 year old woman from Utrecht. A 21-year-old woman from Nieuwegein who was seriously injured was discharged from hospital this week.

"As so many know, my father was always positive in life and he was a gourmand, he loved good food and good candy", Michael continues. "The bullets made it necessary to remove all the intestines, both large and small, and the rectum. This would mean that my father could never eat again and would have to to live 24 hours a day with tubes in his body, he would not have been mobile either."

"I have saved him from this suffering, which has cost me so much effort, I am totally exhausted."

The funeral will take place in private, Michael writes. There will be a register of condolence for everyone to express their support. Michael concludes: "Rest gently dad. I love you very much, although I did not tell you that enough."

Advocaat slachtoffer Utrecht reageert op Gökmen T.

Lawyer Sébas Diekstra, assisting the father of Roos Verschuur, the young woman who was shot dead, has responded to the message that appeared today on Twitter. Peter R. De Vries shared the message that the terrorist suspect would have been radicalized in prison.

The lawyer has indicated that he does not want to respond to the message in terms of content. Sébas Diekstra did have, on behalf of Roos' father, a message to the minister: He wants "immediate maximum disclosure about what happened around the suspect in the period leading up to the attack and how this information was shared with the various parties." This reaction comes after Peter R. de Vries shared a message on Twitter about Gökmen T.

Text Peter R. de Vries:

"A very reliable source reports to me that Gökmen T., the perpetrator of the attack in Utrecht, was seriously radicalised there shortly before his release from prison and that four detainees reported this, That is why in the work hall a altercation took place with a prison officer. T. wanted to pray on his prayer mat in the work-hall - against the rules. He thought that he had too little time for this and that it was too noisy to pray. He had an exchange of words about this with a guard - named Joop - and then headbutted him.

As a disciplinary measure, Gökmen T. was placed in isolation, according to the source. During that measure he was released by the Court. The headbutt was not reported during the court session. Nor was this reported to the police. Four detainees reported separately that T. was radicalising and made disturbing statements.

The Ministry of Justice and Security does not want to comment on this story at all. The same applies to the Lelystad prison where T. stayed."

Lawyer victim Utrecht demands ministerial statement

Lawyer Sébas Diekstra, who assists the father of the shot Roos Verschuur, has responded to the tip that appeared today on Twitter. Peter R. shared the message that the terrorism suspect would have been radicalized in prison.

The lawyer has indicated that he does not want to respond to the message in terms of content. Sébas did, on behalf of Roos' father, have a message to the minister: "He wants" immediate maximum openness about what happened around the suspect in the run-up to the attack and how this information was shared with the various parties." This reaction comes after Peter R. de Vries on Twitter shared a message about Gökmen T.
Advocaat slachtoffer Utrecht eist verklaring minister

See that it is already posted by Zazara (TY) , but I am not going to delete this because I am so very angry and this could AGAIN easily be prevented!!
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Tramschutter Gökmen T. mishandelde gevangenisbewaarder

Tram shooter Gökmen T. assaulted prison guard

Tram shooter Gökmen T., the suspect of the attack on the 24 Oktoberplein in Utrecht, has even more to answer for than was already known.
Just before the deadly shooting in and around a tram, he also assaulted a prison guard. He was given a 'disciplinary punishment' for this.

That is what Minister Grapperhaus (Justice and Security) writes to the House of Representatives. "I have been informed that T. has behaved aggressively towards an employee. Aggression against personnel is never tolerated." On 8 March, a report was filed about the assault by the employee concerned. The CDA minister reports that he is unable to make any further statements in the interests of the investigation.

On 18 March, four people were killed in the attack in Utrecht. Gökmen T has to appear in court on 1 July on suspicion of multiple murder and manslaughter with a terrorist aim.

T. has a long history when it comes to criminal offences. In the past he also had to appear for spitting on a policeman, rape, attempted manslaughter and burglary in a truck. Until the beginning of this year he was in pre-trial detention because he is suspected of rape, which took place in the summer of 2017.

PVV leader Wilders calls it 'unbelievable' that T. was released so quickly. "On 1 March he is released. Unbelievable. On 18 March he shoots four innocent people,'' according to the PVV'er. He concludes that Grapperhaus has to resign.

PvdA Member of Parliament Kuiken can hardly believe that T. walked on the street so soon after a report was made. "This man should never have walked there, if he did, information about him has not been properly shared." Kuiken concludes that the terrible attack could have been prevented. "No matter how painful that may be. The minister is awaiting a lively debate.''


This is a bit confusing. An attack on a prison guard was mentioned earlier, but this would not have been reported. So this was yet another attack?
This is a bit confusing. An attack on a prison guard was mentioned earlier, but this would not have been reported. So this was yet another attack?

According to NOS he assaulted the guard on Februari 25th, was released 4 days later on March 1st, and shot the people in the tram on March 18th.

Aanslagpleger Gökmen T. mishandelde cipier vlak voor vrijlating

I'm just over here shaking my head. Not thinking very highly of the justice system in The Netherlands, this and other cases (Anne Faber, Anne de Ruyter de Wildt, and more) combined. Lots of debating and talking going on over there, but when are they going to start locking the bad guys (male/female) up?! MOO


ETA: timeline from link:

August 24, 2017: Gökmen T. is arrested for the rape of his girlfriend.

September 21, 2017: Court suspends the detention, subject to conditions.

November 18, 2017: T. held for healing, released.

September 13, 2018: T. arrested for burglary, released.

October 15, 2018: T. arrested for theft, released.

January 4, 2019: T. gets locked up again because he does not adhere to conditions.

February 25, 2019: T. assaults prison worker.

February 27, 2019: T. asks again for detention suspension.

March 1, 2019: The Court of Justice releases him under certain conditions.

March 18, 2019: T. commits attack on tram in Utrecht, four dead.
65 rechercheurs werken nog elke dag aan onderzoek aanslag Utrecht

65 policemen continue working daily on the investigation into the tram attack

Every day 65 members of the police continue working on the investigation into Gökmen T., the man who carried out an attack on a tram in Utrecht on 18 March. This was announced this morning by acting Chief Prosecutor Rutger Jeuken.

The city council of Utrecht was updated this morning for the first time during an extra information meeting about the attack on 18 March. Mayor Jan van Zanen, together with the police and the Public Prosecutor's Office, told how they proceeded during the 'very sad event'.

On 18 March, 37-year-old Gökmen T. opened fire in a tram on the 24 Oktoberplein in the city. Four people were killed. Many others were injured.

T. is suspected of multiple murder, or manslaughter, with a terrorist intent. In addition, the Public Prosecution Service suspects him of attempted murder and threats with a terrorist intent. T. has already confessed, but still at least 65 police officers are working on the case every day, under the direction of two public prosecutors.

"It is an exceptional investigation," a spokesman of the Public Prosecution Service tells RTL News. "We try to get a better picture of the timeline of the shooting incident, but we also investigate every day what exactly was T's motive and purpose. If that turns out to be terrorist indeed, this will mean a heavier punishment for T."

The city council had a lot of questions during this first meeting this morning, but didn't always get answers. For instance, what was written on that note that would have been found in T.'s getaway car and what did T. say in his interrogations with the police? Jeuken did not answer 'in the interest of the investigation'.
Mayor Van Zanen didn't want to tell u how the victims are doing. "Out of respect for the next of kin, we no longer give any information about this," he explained. Jeuken did indicate that the victims will have a private information meeting with the Public Prosecution Service in June, when they will receive more information about the latest state of affairs.

T. will have to appear in court for the first time on 1 July in a pro forma hearing, the case will not be dealt with in terms of content at that date.

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Tram shooter Utrecht left a letter with his name and address in escape car.

The note that the Utrecht tram gunner Gökmen Tanis left in his getaway car was an announcement from the Public Prosecution Service (OM) about the prosecution of the rape case in which he is a suspect. This letter allowed the police to quickly identify Tanis as a suspect in the attack. This is reported by well-informed sources near the Public Prosecution Service.

On 18 March, during the attack on the 24 Oktoberplein in Utrecht, Tanis shot four people, two others were seriously injured. After the shooting in the tram, Tanis fled. He got into a Renault Clio, abandoned by a witness who had fled, and took off. A little later, the car was spotted by bystanders in the district of Ondiep. The car was parked there with the engine running at the Tichelaarslaan.

On the dashboard, to the right of the driver's seat, a note was stuck prominently. On it was a handwritten text, confirmed by eyewitnesses and investigation sources: 'For my Muslim friends. Allahu Akbar'. For the Public Prosecution this text is one of the reasons to think that Tanis had a terrorist motive.

According to sources around the investigation the piece of paper found is a torn-off letter from the Public Prosecution, addressed to Tanis. In the letter, the Public Prosecution writes that the rape case in which he is a suspect will be dealt with in the summer of 2019 at the District Court in Utrecht. The Ministry of Justice suspects him of raping his girlfriend Angelique in the night of 10 to 11 July 2017.

After detectives removed the paper from the car, they saw the name of Tanis and his address on the paper. His name was run through the systems by the detective team in no time at all. The photo in the police system looked like the images that came in from the security cameras in the tram at that moment.

Police officers who knew Tanis personally confirmed that it was Tanis. The police and the OM then decided to release Tanis's name and photo, after which a gigantic manhunt started. A few hours later he was arrested in a house on the Oudenoord by a heavily armed police team.

Part of the investigation also concerns the question whether Tanis was radicalised prior to the attack. The investigation team received tips that Tanis had attended home meetings of the Turkish radical Islamic Kaplan movement. It is still unclear whether Tanis actually attended and to what extent these meetings contributed to his possible radicalisation. Minister of Justice Grapperhaus (CDA) is investigating possible earlier signs of Tanis' radicalisation. The Minister also looked into whether he had been radicalised in the prison in Lelystad.

Tanis was only barely at liberty at the time of the attack. He was arrested at the end of August 2017, more than a month after the rape was said to have taken place. On 21 September 2017, his pre-trial detention was suspended and he was released under certain conditions.

After a year, it turned out that he did not comply with these conditions, because he did not cooperate with a personality investigation. On 4 January 2019 he was detained again. On appeal it was decided that he could still await his trial in freedom, as a result of which he was released on 1 March. Recently it became clear that Tanis assaulted a prison guard in the prison in Lelystad on 24 February.

The Public Prosecution, through spokesman Ties Kortmann, has indicated that it cannot answer questions from this website about the note. "The only thing we can say is that given the content of the note, the Public Prosecution takes a terrorist motive into account." Tanis's lawyer has been asked for comment, but does not want to react.

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Tram shooter Utrecht left a letter with his name and address in escape car.

The note that the Utrecht tram gunner Gökmen Tanis left in his getaway car was an announcement from the Public Prosecution Service (OM) about the prosecution of the rape case in which he is a suspect. This letter allowed the police to quickly identify Tanis as a suspect in the attack. This is reported by well-informed sources near the Public Prosecution Service.

On 18 March, during the attack on the 24 Oktoberplein in Utrecht, Tanis shot four people, two others were seriously injured. After the shooting in the tram, Tanis fled. He got into a Renault Clio, abandoned by a witness who had fled, and took off. A little later, the car was spotted by bystanders in the district of Ondiep. The car was parked there with the engine running at the Tichelaarslaan.

On the dashboard, to the right of the driver's seat, a note was stuck prominently. On it was a handwritten text, confirmed by eyewitnesses and investigation sources: 'For my Muslim friends. Allahu Akbar'. For the Public Prosecution this text is one of the reasons to think that Tanis had a terrorist motive.

According to sources around the investigation the piece of paper found is a torn-off letter from the Public Prosecution, addressed to Tanis. In the letter, the Public Prosecution writes that the rape case in which he is a suspect will be dealt with in the summer of 2019 at the District Court in Utrecht. The Ministry of Justice suspects him of raping his girlfriend Angelique in the night of 10 to 11 July 2017.

After detectives removed the paper from the car, they saw the name of Tanis and his address on the paper. His name was run through the systems by the detective team in no time at all. The photo in the police system looked like the images that came in from the security cameras in the tram at that moment.

Police officers who knew Tanis personally confirmed that it was Tanis. The police and the OM then decided to release Tanis's name and photo, after which a gigantic manhunt started. A few hours later he was arrested in a house on the Oudenoord by a heavily armed police team.

Part of the investigation also concerns the question whether Tanis was radicalised prior to the attack. The investigation team received tips that Tanis had attended home meetings of the Turkish radical Islamic Kaplan movement. It is still unclear whether Tanis actually attended and to what extent these meetings contributed to his possible radicalisation. Minister of Justice Grapperhaus (CDA) is investigating possible earlier signs of Tanis' radicalisation. The Minister also looked into whether he had been radicalised in the prison in Lelystad.

Tanis was only barely at liberty at the time of the attack. He was arrested at the end of August 2017, more than a month after the rape was said to have taken place. On 21 September 2017, his pre-trial detention was suspended and he was released under certain conditions.

After a year, it turned out that he did not comply with these conditions, because he did not cooperate with a personality investigation. On 4 January 2019 he was detained again. On appeal it was decided that he could still await his trial in freedom, as a result of which he was released on 1 March. Recently it became clear that Tanis assaulted a prison guard in the prison in Lelystad on 24 February.

The Public Prosecution, through spokesman Ties Kortmann, has indicated that it cannot answer questions from this website about the note. "The only thing we can say is that given the content of the note, the Public Prosecution takes a terrorist motive into account." Tanis's lawyer has been asked for comment, but does not want to react.

So, that was the 'note' that was mentioned earlier by a witness,plus it had his name and address on it??!
Not many brain cells left,by all the drugs abuse,imo
So, that was the 'note' that was mentioned earlier by a witness,plus it had his name and address on it??!
Not many brain cells left,by all the drugs abuse,imo

Jihadist terrorists leave an ID to make sure the world knows that they were the ones who did this. But then they either perish or flee and hide.
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At least one life spared due to malfunctioning weapon of Gökmen Tanis

At least one life was spared during the trauma attack in Utrecht on 18 March, when the weapon of suspect Gökmen Tanis failed to discharge. Tanis held his semi-automatic firearm close to a passenger and wanted to fire when the weapon failed. Then he left the tram, reloaded his weapon and opened fire again.

Several investigative sources involved in investigation October (as the investigation into the trauma attack is called) confirm to this newspaper that Tanis's weapon was malfunctioning. The passenger on whom Tanis held his weapon when it failed was a man on his way to his first working day at the huge NS bicycle parking facility at Utrecht CS. He was employed by Rataplan, an organisation that tries to help people with a disadvantage on the labour market back into work. It never came to a working day in the bicycle shed. The man has been severely traumatised by the events in the tram. Rataplan confirms that the man is no longer working for Rataplan.

A total of four people lost their lives during the trauma and two people were seriously injured. On Monday 1 July, the court case against Tanis will start.

Tanis opened fire on the passengers of the rear part of the tram on 18 March in a tram that was on its way to Utrecht CS at stop 24 Oktoberplein. In a period of less than half a minute he shot three people. When Tanis pointed his gun at a new victim at a short distance and fired, the gun refused. In the meantime, tram passengers had already pulled the emergency brake and the tram had come to a standstill, in the middle of the 24 Oktoberplein. After the doors opened, Tanis jumped out of the tram, reloaded his weapon and opened fire on motorists. One more person was killed.

Verdachte aanslag Utrecht verplicht aanwezig in rechtbank

Gökmen T. is obliged to be present at the first non-substantive hearing of his case on 1 July. T. is suspected of a terrorist attack in Utrecht, in which four people lost their lives in March.

The defendant has previously indicated that he does not want to be present at the pro forma hearing, but if necessary he will be taken to court against his will, the Midden-Nederland district court has ruled.

The court considers it important to be able to speak with the suspect about the progress of his criminal case. He is suspected of, among other things, multiple murder or manslaughter with a terrorist objective.

During the pro forma hearing, the state of the investigation, the pre-trial detention of the suspect and the further planning of the handling of the criminal case will be addressed.


Apparently, this problem stems from the fact that T. no longer wants a defence counsel. The situation may arise that neither the lawyer (because he is no longer representing) nor the accused (because he has no defense counsel) will be present.

Gökmen T. wil zijn advocaat niet meer, OM erkent problemen rond verdediging

Gökmen T., the man who is suspected of having committed an attack in a tram in Utrecht on 18 March, no longer wants his current lawyer. The Public Prosecution recognizes that there are problems with his defense.

André Seebregts, the lawyer who has assisted him so far, has indicated to the examining magistrate that he has to resign as defence counsel. De Telegraaf and 6Inside report this on the basis of various sources. RTL News has also received this confirmation from sources.

Gökmen T.'s lawyer has stated that he is unable to respond to the case. According to De Telegraaf, the examining magistrate would have asked him to remain available in the background.

Gökmen T. lacht nabestaanden in gezicht uit

Gökmen T. is laughing in the face of relatives

UTRECHT - At the very end of the court session it became too much for him. René Verschuur, father of the 19-year-old Rose, who died in March in the attack on the tram in Utrecht, shouted to the suspect Gökmen T.: "Coward! Pig! He killed my daughter!"

The 37-year-old suspect didn't care. He disappeared after the first hearing in his criminal case as he had come in: with a little smile around his mouth, his hands tightly tied to a belt around his waist. His words, "You are worth less than..." were lost in the turmoil.

Gökmen T. was seemingly totally indifferent. He didn't want to be there, but had to go to court. Court president Ruud Velhuisen hinted that his arrival hadn't gone without a hitch. In the auditorium, the T., who was handcuffed, was surrounded by three big police officers.

"I'm not a democrat. I don't know your laws and regulations. I don't acknowledge the court," Gökmen T. started immediately. He refused to be assisted by a lawyer: "I don't understand why you keep asking about that."

Because these were serious suspicions, the president of the court patiently explained to him. "We want to make sure that you see the consequences of your choice." Gökmen T.: "These are not suspicions. I have confessed, haven't I?"

He has not done much more than that so far. In court he erupted in a rant about muslims who would have been killed by Dutch soldiers all over the world. "Do you really think we wouldn't do anything in return? I won't let anyone mock our faith. I want to show that you are not made of diamonds, and we are not made of sand. If I had 1000 lives, I would give them all for Allah." He also pointed out to the court that "democracy is only 250 years old. Shariah has been around since Adam."

He did not answer the questions of court president Ruud Veldhuisen, or he answered them with a counter-question. Veldhuisen: "Who are you that you thought you could shoot people on the tram?" Gökmen T.: "Who are you that you are allowed to kill muslims?"

He behaved rudely towards chairman Veldhuisen, addressed him with 'you' and 'yoh', and always tried to manipulate the conversation. "Why don't you tell me what was on the silencer of my weapon?" What that was, was kept lingering during the session.

However, the public prosecutors told what was on the note that was found after the attack in the stolen car in which T. fled: "I do this because of my faith. You kill muslims. Allah is great." For the time being the Public Prosecutor's Office assumes murder with a terrorist purpose.

Justice is also prosecuting him for raping an ex-girlfriend. When, after the attack, it became known that he was still walking around free, there was great indignation. Had Gökmen T. still been detained, there would not have been any casualties on the tram that day.

The Public Prosecutor's Office insists that it was "a legally correct decision, although with today's knowledge it is a nightmare." According to the public prosecutors, there was nothing to indicate that Gökmen T. intended to do what he did on 18 March.

At the beginning of August, T. will go to the Pieter Baan Centre to investigate his mental faculties. The substantive handling of the criminal case will probably be early next year. It is not yet clear whether the court will officially appoint a lawyer to assist Gökmen T..

This week, the case against Gökmen T was brought before the court in substance.

I quote a tweet by court reporter Saskia Belleman of today:

Saskia Belleman on Twitter

Gökmen T. grunts, and spits at the president. " Children of *advertiser censored*! I don't recognize your justice." That's the limit. He's being taken away. "A near miss," chairman of the court Veldhuisen observes. "A special piece of spit." #tramshooter


Gökmen T. even spat at his own lawyer, the court sessions were one big disaster and I really need to summon all my courage to translate the reports. Maybe I will, perhaps I won't. But that one tweet wraps it up perfectly.

The prosecution demands lifelong imprisonment, no TBS treatment.

Saskia Belleman on Twitter

President Veldhuisen asked him [ GT ] to react to the demand. "I piss on all of you, you *advertiser censored* children." Chairman: "That's loud and clear. Anything else?" Gökmen T..: "Greetings to your mother!" Chairman: "I'll consider it." #tramshooter

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Tweets by court reporter Saskia Belleman @SaskiaBelleman
Saskia Belleman on Twitter

The chairman asks for understanding for the restrictive measures taken for public health reasons in court. [ Corona virus ]

The president calls the shooting inside and outside the tram "an unprecedented tragedy", and says that Gökmen T. was "a derailing suspect" during the court hearings.

The president reads the substance of the verdict.

On March 18, 2019, 3 days after the attack in Christchurch, an attack took place in Utrecht that seriously shocked the country, the chairman says. Gökmen T. shot dead people, wounded people, everything under the invocation of Allah.

The way in which the attack took place quickly reminded one of a terrorist motive. The discovery of the weapon with silencer and texts reinforced that impression.

Extensive investigations have taken place, says the chairman. The trial was one of "tremendous emotion". Victims and next of kin made impressive statements.

The president explained the decision to assign a lawyer to the man who did not want legal aid. André Seebregts had to "navigate on his own compass," the president says.

Gökmen T. did nothing to hide his aversion to everything and everyone he categorised as 'democracy'. The chairman is dwelling for a long time on the misconduct of the #tramschutter.

The chairman also says that Gökmen T.'s behaviour caused extra suffering to the victims and next of kin.

As far as the court is concerned, all accusations have been proven. Murder of 4 people with terrorist intent, multiple attempted murder and threats of multiple people, all with terrorist intent.

The chairman now first discusses the claim for damages of the victims and next of kin, and then comes to the sentencing and finally the punishment that Gökmen T. receives.

Will it be life imprisonment, or a long prison sentence with tbs with coercion? That's what the proceedings focused on. The prosecution wants the first, lawyer Seebregts wants the second.

In principle, a life sentence is appropriate for the "horrifying acts," the president says. Gökmen T.'s aim was to incite fear and dismay in society, legitimized by his faith. Now the question of whether Gökmen T. will indeed get that life sentence.

It comes as no surprise that the accused did not show regret or repentance for a single moment. Even during the hearing he did not miss an opportunity to taunt the victim and next of kin, the chairman says.

Gökmen T. radicalised quickly in the time before the attack. The conclusion can only be that the accused stood - and stands - for what he did, the chairman concludes.

The chairman also mentions the view that Gökmen T. himself sketched during interrogations. The prospect of committing further acts of violence in the future in the name of his faith.

The chairman now discusses the - limited - investigation into Gökmen T.'s mental faculties. The experts did not get a complete view of the person of the accused.

The experts stated that Gökmen T.'s faith and his extremist views gave him a foothold in a failed life. The assessment of the experts is adopted by the court. But the court thinks the danger of repetition is high

With the punishment that Gökmen T. receives, the court also wants to deter others who might intend to commit violence.

In principle, therefore, the court sees no room for a punishment other than life imprisonment. It is still not entirely clear whether Gökmen T. will actually get it.

The chairman now discusses the defences that lawyer Seebregts put forward. He pleaded in favour of imposing a long temporary prison sentence in combination with tbs with coercive treatment, because of his lack of mental capacity.

The imposition of life imprisonment is normally unusual when there is a reduction in imputability. But it is not impossible.

So far, the court rejects all defenses of attorney Seebregts.

The experts did see leads for a treatment of Gökmen T., in a forced framework. Because he will not voluntarily participate in a treatment.

The court points to the adjustment of the life sentence since a few years. This is no longer life imprisonment by definition, but is re-examined after about 25 years.

This could mean that Gökmen T. could in theory be released again, even if he is sentenced to life imprisonment. But then he hasn't been treated, and is still a danger.

But those are future uncertain events, says the court. The final defence is also dismissed.

Life imprisonment for #tramshooter Gökmen T.

Lawyer André Seebregts will now discuss with the dean of the Bar Association what he has to do: appeal or not? No consultation with Gökmen T. has been possible so far.


Thinking of the victims and their families today. May Justice give them peace and help recover those who were left behind.

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