Holland - Multiple people injured in Tram shooting, possible terrorism, Utrecht, 18 March 2019

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DNA Solves
I am kinda go -off topic- now,but the health system here is crumbling down.

A confused person has nothing to do with terrorism,this term as Zazara described (very well) are sociopaths or extremist.

I do think that these problems are huger then statistics or reports show.I know this,because I work in the Health Care and many 'incidents' are unreported.

But here,you have some very concerning red flags that make you wonder:
'Quarrel between GGD and GGZ institutions leads to failing care

This is evident from confidential documents held by Het Parool.

The many years of quarrel between the GGD and GGZ institutions has led to inadequate care for Amsterdam psychiatric crisis patients, with possible deaths.

The GGD is a municipal institution that deals with public mental health care, while the private GGZ provides psychiatric care. They have to work together to care for confused people, but from 2014 they are arguing.to read futher>>Ruzie tussen GGD en GGZ-instellingen leidt tot falende zorg - Amsterdam - PAROOL
Also the clinic where the rapist and murderer of Anne Faber stayed>>
Man ontsnapt uit kliniek waar Anne Faber-moordenaar Michael Panhuis ook zat | ThePostOnline
Ruim jaar na haar dood heeft kliniek waar moordenaar van Anne Faber verbleef zaken nog steeds niet op orde
Most 'patients' are not confused,but are rapist,murders.Michael Panhuis was one of them,just like this other coward Gökmen Tanis,he had zero respect for life/woman.

Here in Nl, these morons are getting a low sentence and get so many chances to 'return to society' while traumatized, suicidal
patients in need are put on a waiting list.
So when it comes to mental health care,there is (imo) nothing healthy about...
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Sir, run for your life! Frans Hoogendijk (54) from Zevenhuizen does not hesitate for one moment yesterday morning in Utrecht, gets out of his red Renault Clio and starts running. A little later Gökmen Tanis drives off in his car.

The owner of the most famous car in the Netherlands tells his story a day later in his house in Zevenhuizen. He is still in a state of shock. "It is unbelievable what I have experienced.''

On Monday Frans Hoogendijk, a project manager for Coors - Beyond Interiors, is working on the renovation of the UWV building in Utrecht. He leaves in his car and has to wait for a traffic light on the 24 Oktoberplein. Suddenly he sees the doors of a tram opening and people running away in panic. In his direction. One of the tram's passengers shouts to him 'Sir, run for your life!'

"I thought it was a bomb and jumped out of my car. I left it with the engine running and the door open. Together with the man who had warned me I ran as fast as I could. Behind me I heard some shots from close by.''

They don't stop running until they're around the corner and don't hear shots anymore. My companion was completely panicked, I have calmed him. Then I walked back to see exactly what was going on.'''

The police are now on the spot and the assistance to the victims is in full swing. I had the feeling that I had ended up in a very bad film. I looked at the place where my car was supposed to be, but it was gone. I didn't understand that at all.''

A little later, thanks to testimonies, it becomes clear that suspect Gökmen Tanis drove off with his car. "After that I went with the police to the police station and they asked me a lot about my car. I never had the feeling that they saw me as a suspect. From the beginning it was clear that I have nothing to do with it.''

His red Renault Clio is found elsewhere in Utrecht later that day. Hoogendijk hasn't got his car back yet. The police still need it as part of the investigation. "It is bizarre that my car has played such a big role in this whole story.''

Frans Hoogendijk was brought home by a colleague after making statements at the police station. Today he is still unable to start working. The man from Zevenhuizen has the feeling that he has been very lucky. "A motorist who was also at the traffic lights was hit by a bullet. That could have happened to me too.''

It is the second time in his life that he escaped death in an attack. "I should have been at Brussels Airport in 2016 when bombs exploded there. However, my flight had been cancelled, so I was not in the departure hall. How much good fortune can a person have?"


IMHO this man saved lives while leaving his car with the engine running. He offered the shooter a way out, and the shooter took it, instead of going on a further rampage.

Well done, sir!
What a story!

Familiarities describe 37-year-old Gökmen Tanis from Utrecht as "a snorted madman, a drug dealer and an unstable figure from whom you could have expected a shooting like this morning". Tanis has an extensive criminal record and is known to the police. One of his brothers would be known to the intelligence service AIVD. At first it was thought that Tanis was convicted of attempted homicide, but he was acquitted of that.
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A ticking walking time bomb,who I hope will never walk on the streets again!
Martje Beniest, a neighbor of one of the fatalities of the attack in Utrecht, has started a crowdfunding campaign. Her neighbor, 19-year-old Roos Verschuur from Vianen, is a victim of "a cowardly deed".

"Because I want my neighbor to be only concerned with the loss of his dear daughter Roos and not to be concerned with money, I ask your help," she says on the website where money is collected.

Financial worries
Roos's father is not financially wide according to the neighbor. “He is single and lived with Roos, to prevent him from getting any more financial worries due to his daughter's unfair death I would like to support him financially by raising money.
Talpa Network
Collection campaigns is for the funeral Roos (19) 45,000 euros is donated so far
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Police have detained another suspect, a 40-year old male. Two of the previously held suspects have been released and are no longer considered involved.

"The Special Interventions Service (DSI) arrested the new suspect at around 3.30 pm at a home in Utrecht. This is a 40-year-old Utrechter. He is suspected of being involved in the shooting incident. His role is being further investigated.

The 23- and 27-year-old co-suspects arrested yesterday have been released. It has not been established that they were involved in the shooting incident and they are no longer suspects in the investigation."
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"For Gökmen Tanis, women are disposable items"

More and more is becoming known about Gökmen Tanis, the main suspect of the attack on the Utrecht tram.

It is no secret that in the Utrecht district of Kanaleneiland he is known as a drug dealer who is 'bat crazy'. The 37-year-old Tanis is someone who can react very aggressively and turn angry out of the blue, from nothing. Recently, in a Starbucks coffee shop in the centre of Utrecht, he went ballistic according to an acquaintance 'because he didn't want to return a pen'. "He was really crazy and used too many drugs. Then he would freak out. I don't know anyone in Kanaleneiland who liked him. He abused addicted women, he gave them drugs so he could sleep with them. He also dumped stolen goods there. He sees women as disposable items."

Tanis has an extensive criminal record and has experience with firearms. In 2013 he was convicted of illegal possession of firearms - a semi-automatic firearm was found during a house raid. He had also shot with this weapon, according to technical research that the NFI had carried out at the time. In its judgment, the court spoke of 'test shooting'.

Tanis does not seem to be an ideologically driven terrorist, according to sources involved in the investigation. Gökmen was not on the list of people who might potentially radicalise," says a source involved in the investigation. He was a criminal, but not an ideologically driven terrorist.

His brother Bilal is known as a fundamentalist and is known to the AIVD, but is not a suspect in the case. The police did raid his house in the Utrecht district Transwijk, according to local residents. The doors of the mother's and another brother's homes in Nieuwegein were also kicked in by the police.

On Monday the police also detained two other men from Utrecht aged 23 and 27. The police were able to arrest them with the help of tracking dogs that had picked up their trail, sources report that are involved in the investigation. The police did not want to reveal much about their role. The two are no big fish in the criminal scene, but are known as drug dealers. They were interrogated in depth by the police on Tuesday about their role in the attack. It is still unclear whether they remain suspected of any involvement. According to the suspects' lawyer, there is no involvement at all.

In any case, Gökmen Tanis remains in prison for the time being. His pre-trial detention will be extended tomorrow or the day after tomorrow by the examining magistrate with a probability bordering on certainty. For the time being, Tanis is held in restriction, meaning he may only have contact with his lawyer. For the time being, the lawyer does not want to say anything about the suspect at all. "I really can't comment and I'm not going to comment", is the only thing the lawyer states.


Gökmen Tanis, whether he was a terrorist or not, went on a rage-infested rampage and murdered three people. He wounded five, three of whom are in critical condition.
FYI I mention that the possession of firearms is restricted in the Netherlands, and he would have needed a permit for certain firearms, and others are totally verboten. I haven't read what kind of weapon he used, nor if he had a permit. Be as it may, it is also not allowed to take your gun on public transport and have it ready to shoot.

I mention the finer print because our hardworking politicians are very concerned about wheter Tanis was a terrorist in the sense of the law or not. For those who died, the definition will not make any difference. For those who are left behind, it is obvious that Tanis terrorized his environment and everyone in and around the tram. It is irrelevant if this is the same terror as meant by the law, the pain is real.

Also very real is the question if we want to continue like this or not. In the last decade,thousands of men like Tanis from cultures that resent the way of life in Europe have been allowed into the country. Some of them legally, others illegally. Some are known to the anti-terror services, others are not. It is common knowledge that the AIVD is not able to monitor all persons on their list.

The question is: Why was a dangerous man like Tanis still here? What does he have to offer our country? Drugs? Theft? Aggression? Rampage? Why hasn't he been sent packing back to Turkey, together with the rest of his fundamentalist family?

Plus a few others.

Just asking. Why has Gökmen Tanis more rights, more protection than a sweet girl like Roos?
Family Islamic tram terrorist Utrecht linked to German-Turkish terror organization

The eldest brother of Gökman Tanis is said to have fought or trained in Chechnya
Terror suspect Gökmen Tanis and his family are associated with the German-Turkish Caliphate state organization. That is what De Telegraaf writes.

Caliphate, also known as "Im Auftrag des Islam" or the Kaplan movement, has many supporters in Germany. In the Netherlands, Utrecht and Oss are seen as places where many followers of Metin Kaplan, the "Caliph of Cologne" live. He received a life sentence from the Turkish judge in 2005 because he wanted to turn that country into an Islamic state.

According to various local residents, Tanis ‟s oldest brother has trained or fought in Chechnya and is alleged to have links with the radical Turkish Caliphate movement, De Telegraaf notes.
Familie islamitische tramterrorist Utrecht gelinkt aan Duits-Turkse terreurorganisatie 'Kalifaatstaa' | ThePostOnline
I am very outraged about this, but it comes as no surprise that there are many people here in Europe who only goal is to lust for
death and destruction.
With open borders, it's easy for them to achieve their mission.
The question is: Why was a dangerous man like Tanis still here? What does he have to offer our country? Drugs? Theft? Aggression? Rampage? Why hasn't he been sent packing back to Turkey, together with the rest of his fundamentalist family?

Plus a few others.

Just asking. Why has Gökmen Tanis more rights, more protection than a sweet girl like Roos?

The answer to that question, IMHO, is that the people of the Netherlands will run the risk of being called every name in the book (racist, Islamophobic, Nazi's, Nationalists, and white supremacists) by other members of the European Union, if they start deporting men like Tanis, and his family.
If following the status quo, and keeping your mouth shut in Europe led to the Holocaust. Then what is doing the same leading to now???
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The answer to that question, IMHO, is that the people of the Netherlands will run the risk of being called every name in the book (racist, Islamophobic, Nazi's, Nationalists, and white supremacists) by other members of the European Union, if they start deporting men like Tanis. and his family.
If following the status quo, and keeping your mouth shut in Europe led to the Holocaust. Then what is doing the same leading to now???
That's true, but I passed that point. Criticism is not the same as racism.
Words are becoming meaningless, when it is used too much and

As a woman I experienced a lot of sexism, growing up.
I didn't then or don't wave now, the sexism card, when someone criticize me.
The answer to that question, IMHO, is that the people of the Netherlands will run the risk of being called every name in the book (racist, Islamophobic, Nazi's, Nationalists, and white supremacists) by other members of the European Union, if they start deporting men like Tanis, and his family.
If following the status quo, and keeping your mouth shut in Europe led to the Holocaust. Then what is doing the same leading to now???

The same and similar questions were asked when Anne Faber was murdered by Michael Panhuis. Why was that evil, twisted man allowed to roam free? No answers have been given and nothing has changed.

I'm off to vote now.... seeya!
On March 16, two days before the attack on the tram, another islamist attack took place in Amsterdam. The media completely missed that one, they made it appear as if it was an "incident" or a quarrel between two salesmen on the market.

Dader steekpartij Albert Cuyp 020 'ernstig geradicaliseerde' moslim, net terug uit Midden-Oosten | ThePostOnline

Last Saturday's stabbing attack in Amsterdam on the Albert Cuyp market, in which two people were seriously injured, was carried out by a seriously radicalised person who had very recently returned to the Netherlands from the Middle East. This is reported by Loonstein law firm, who assists one of the two men who were injured.

According to the lawyer's office, the police were recently warned about this person, as recent as last Wednesday. There were very worrying signals from the man, who works on the market," according to the firm.

Loonstein presents this information because according to the office the case was reported inaccurately. It has been reported that it was a quarrel between neighbours on the market, while according to the lawyer this is not correct. During the stabbing a father and his son, furniture sellers on the market, were very badly injured. The office assists the father.


The father and the son are Jewish.
The father's life was saved by the resolute action of an Amsterdammer of Moroccan descent who was able to stop the arterial bleeding in the father's leg. If that had not happened, the father might not have survived.

According to De Gooi- en Eemlander:
Radicaal pleegde steekpartij in Amsterdam

The perpetrator, owner of a water pipe business, would be Dutch-Egyptian. The father told De Telegraaf that in the past there were irritations on both sides, but that things went better lately.

"But after he had been abroad for six or seven weeks, I believe to Syria or Egypt, he had changed. Much occupied with the Koran, and he suddenly stopped talking to us. He had shaved his head, and did nothing but praying. He suddenly seemed angry with us again," the father told the newspaper.

More about the attack in De Telegraaf:
Waterpijpverkoper draait door op Albert Cuyp

Several residents are angry, because according to them the suspect should not have been allowed to walk around freely at all. "He has been terrorizing the neighbourhood for a long time," says a neighbour next door with anger in his eyes. "Wednesday he threatened another Moroccan neighbor with a knife."

The police - who can't give details or a confirmation about that previous incident when asked - would have visited the man and found a long stab weapon, according to the neighbourhood a sword. "Why didn't they arrest him," the neighbor wonders. "Appie, the man he threatened, did not want to report it. But it was clear that something was about to happen. This man has been causing problems in the neighbourhood for two years now. It was waiting until things went wrong."

Several residents sketch a picture of a man who did not fit in the neighbourhood. "He showed contempt for everyone, allowed himself everything and always wanted to get his way," says a market trader who has just broken off his stand and experienced the chaos. "We all want that. But that's not possible."

They also noticed that the man had recently been away for a longer period of time and had since then only been more involved with his faith. "He often stood in front of or at the entrance of his shop reading in the Koran," a woman says. She lives on the other vside of the street across from the shisha shop. "He also always had a religious cloth around him. I don't know where he has been, but it didn't do him any good."

It is possible that irritation about the market stall in front of the furniture store has caused a dramatic escalation of the latent conflict. Video footage taken by eyewitnesses shows that chairs where thrown during the attack. It is possible that this was done to control the man who repeatedly stabbed his victims.


Sadly, a certain pattern seems to be emerging. How many more of these men are walking around freely and ready to burst into violent action?
On March 16, two days before the attack on the tram, another islamist attack took place in Amsterdam. The media completely missed that one, they made it appear as if it was an "incident" or a quarrel between two salesmen on the market.

Dader steekpartij Albert Cuyp 020 'ernstig geradicaliseerde' moslim, net terug uit Midden-Oosten | ThePostOnline

Last Saturday's stabbing attack in Amsterdam on the Albert Cuyp market, in which two people were seriously injured, was carried out by a seriously radicalised person who had very recently returned to the Netherlands from the Middle East. This is reported by Loonstein law firm, who assists one of the two men who were injured.

According to the lawyer's office, the police were recently warned about this person, as recent as last Wednesday. There were very worrying signals from the man, who works on the market," according to the firm.

Loonstein presents this information because according to the office the case was reported inaccurately. It has been reported that it was a quarrel between neighbours on the market, while according to the lawyer this is not correct. During the stabbing a father and his son, furniture sellers on the market, were very badly injured. The office assists the father.


The father and the son are Jewish.
The father's life was saved by the resolute action of an Amsterdammer of Moroccan descent who was able to stop the arterial bleeding in the father's leg. If that had not happened, the father might not have survived.

According to De Gooi- en Eemlander:
Radicaal pleegde steekpartij in Amsterdam

The perpetrator, owner of a water pipe business, would be Dutch-Egyptian. The father told De Telegraaf that in the past there were irritations on both sides, but that things went better lately.

"But after he had been abroad for six or seven weeks, I believe to Syria or Egypt, he had changed. Much occupied with the Koran, and he suddenly stopped talking to us. He had shaved his head, and did nothing but praying. He suddenly seemed angry with us again," the father told the newspaper.

More about the attack in De Telegraaf:
Waterpijpverkoper draait door op Albert Cuyp

Several residents are angry, because according to them the suspect should not have been allowed to walk around freely at all. "He has been terrorizing the neighbourhood for a long time," says a neighbour next door with anger in his eyes. "Wednesday he threatened another Moroccan neighbor with a knife."

The police - who can't give details or a confirmation about that previous incident when asked - would have visited the man and found a long stab weapon, according to the neighbourhood a sword. "Why didn't they arrest him," the neighbor wonders. "Appie, the man he threatened, did not want to report it. But it was clear that something was about to happen. This man has been causing problems in the neighbourhood for two years now. It was waiting until things went wrong."

Several residents sketch a picture of a man who did not fit in the neighbourhood. "He showed contempt for everyone, allowed himself everything and always wanted to get his way," says a market trader who has just broken off his stand and experienced the chaos. "We all want that. But that's not possible."

They also noticed that the man had recently been away for a longer period of time and had since then only been more involved with his faith. "He often stood in front of or at the entrance of his shop reading in the Koran," a woman says. She lives on the other vside of the street across from the shisha shop. "He also always had a religious cloth around him. I don't know where he has been, but it didn't do him any good."

It is possible that irritation about the market stall in front of the furniture store has caused a dramatic escalation of the latent conflict. Video footage taken by eyewitnesses shows that chairs where thrown during the attack. It is possible that this was done to control the man who repeatedly stabbed his victims.


Sadly, a certain pattern seems to be emerging. How many more of these men are walking around freely and ready to burst into violent action?

I wonde that about the US, too. What does one do about the violent men all over?

I can understand people from war torn nations being messed up. I don’t get all of the mass killers in the US
I wonde that about the US, too. What does one do about the violent men all over?

I can understand people from war torn nations being messed up. I don’t get all of the mass killers in the US

JMHO...Not enough long term care facilities for those who are a danger to society.

In 1955 for every 100,000 US citizens there was 340 psychiatric hospital beds. In 2005 that number had diminished to 17 per 100,000.
There are only 668 psychiatric hospitals in the US.

Deinstitutionalisation - Wikipedia
Mental health facilities number by facility type U.S. 2017 | Survey

The main suspect in a deadly tram shooting in the Dutch city of Utrecht will be charged with offenses including multiple murder or manslaughter with a terrorist intent, prosecutors said Thursday.

Investigations so far into Monday's shooting that left three dead and three seriously injured indicate that the shooter acted alone, prosecutors said in a written statement.
The prosecution office statement adds that investigations are continuing into whether the suspect's actions "flowed from personal problems combined with a radicalized ideology."

The team investigating the shooting will ask a forensic psychiatry and psychology institute to carry out a personality test on the suspect.

Tanis is to appear before an investigating judge on Friday. Such hearings are held behind closed doors.

A 40-year-old man detained Tuesday afternoon is still under investigation to establish "if he possibly had a supporting role, outside the shooting incident," prosecutors said.

Gökmen T. bekent aanslag Utrecht en zegt alleen te hebben gehandeld

Gökmen T. admitted to the attack on a tram in Utrecht last Monday. He claims to have acted alone.

In view of the interest of the investigation, nothing else can be reported about his statement, the Public Prosecution writes in a press release.

The 40-year-old man who was arrested on Tuesday for possible involvement in the attack, has been released from custody. He was arrested because Gökmen T. was found in his house.

"The past few days a thorough investigation has been carried out into whether the man had any involvement in the shooting incident or whether he was in any way helpful in doing so. No evidence was found to support this and the man is therefore no longer a suspect," according to the report.

JMHO...Not enough long term care facilities for those who are a danger to society.

In 1955 for every 100,000 US citizens there was 340 psychiatric hospital beds. In 2005 that number had diminished to 17 per 100,000.
There are only 668 psychiatric hospitals in the US.

Deinstitutionalisation - Wikipedia
Mental health facilities number by facility type U.S. 2017 | Survey
I think a lot of that is because you cannot lock people up unless they are a danger to themselves or others. In the past, anyone could be locked up on the word of one or two doctors.

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