Holland - Multiple people injured in Tram shooting, possible terrorism, Utrecht, 18 March 2019

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Hoofdverdachte aanslag Utrecht opgepakt

"The main suspect of the attack this morning in a tram in the Utrecht neighborhood of Kanaleneiland has been arrested. The news came at the end of a press conference by mayor Van Zanen of Utrecht together with the chief public prosecutor and the Utrecht police chief.

The three were still unable to say anything about the circumstances of the arrest of 37-year-old Gökmen Tanis, who has been confronted with a series of crimes in recent years and who have been kept on a whisk all day [sic Google Translate, actually says 'who was the subject of a police hunt all day' ~ JE].

Nothing is yet known about the motive of the suspect."
Thank goodness they got him.
Perpetrator arrested at portico apartment near Oudenoord 148, about three kilometres from the crime scene and as the crow flies a few hundred metres from Vredenburg. [shopping centre and main Dutch railway station]

It all happened non-dramatically in front of Max's window and he made a video (follow the link for the video):

Max on Twitter


GeenStijl on Twitter

Gemeente Utrecht @GemeenteUtrecht

Gemeente Utrecht on Twitter

Mayor Jan van Zanen: "We extend our sympathy to the families of the victims, the wounded and all the people who were involved in the shooting incident this morning. We hold each other and support those who mourn. #24Oktoberplein #Utrecht (drawing: @Lanaleesvoer)


Nijntje, or Miffy, as she is known abroad, was born and bred in Utrecht.
Is anybody going to complain about a non-biased source now? NYTimes are considered to be clearly biased to the left.
Yes, the NYT is left-biased. I was just hoping for a reliable, fact-based MSM source for the numbers quoted. Thank you.
A friendly reminder that this is a thread about an attack on people on a tram in Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Yes. It is.
So therefore it is probably not the place to suggest that this was an attack on Christianity, when all reports and evidence suggests the target was known to the aggressor.

Utrecht tram shooting suspect arrested after three killed
Police have arrested a man suspected of shooting three people dead and injuring five more on a tram in the Dutch city of Utrecht, apparently in a family dispute.
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Angelique reported the rape by Gökmen Tanis: "He's crazy, I warned the police."

The 47-year-old Angelique is the victim in the rape case of Gökmen Tanis, the man who shot three people in a tram in Utrecht this morning. According to her "his actions of today have nothing to do with faith." He's just crazy, a drug user, you name it. I have warned the police before. He's not a terrorist, but a psychopath.

Angelique went to the police today. "I was shocked when I heard what happened. I immediately called the police. I was terrified, I thought: he'll come after me. I hoped the police would help me, but what happened: they were going to question me if I knew where he was. Me! A victim! I think it's a bloody shame."

Angelique only came home from the police in the evening. At the police station she saw Tanis after he was arrested. Today she also saw a photo of one of the victims of the shooting. "I cried. Three dead...."

Angelique knows Gökmen from the neighborhood, the Utrecht district Kanaleneiland. Until 2017 they hung out with each other. They had known each other for eight years. Angelique does not want to speak of a love affair. She does speak of sex and using coke together.

Angelique describes that they regularly used coke together. She was aware of Gökmens s criminal record. According to her, at a certain point he violated the conditions for his provisional release. Tanis was arrested, but released on 1 March. She says she warned the police "ever so often" how crazy Gökmen can be. "If only they had listened to me."

The rape took place at her home. That was on 11 July 2017. "He came at one o'clock at night and left seven o'clock in the morning. Then he raped me. He also bit and beat me. The night is engraved in my memory, one long nightmare, but then in real life." Tanis would also have threatened to set her house on fire.

A few weeks ago, Tanis stood before the judge pro forma for the rape of Angelique. The case had yet to be dealt with in substance. That should happen next summer.

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Victims of the shooting: a 19-year-old woman from Vianen and a father from Utrecht.

One of the three fatalities of the shooting at the 24 Oktoberplein in Utrecht is a 19-year-young woman from Vianen

At her work, Kwalitaria Delifrance, there was a great sadness about the death of colleague Roos Verschuur. The doors of the snackbar were immediately closed this afternoon when the sad news of her death became known. A note hangs on the door: "Due to a death, we are unfortunately forced to keep the shop closed today'. Victim support has been arranged for the staff."

At Franchise Friendly Concepts, the head office of all the Kwalitarias located above the snackbar in Vianen, a spokesperson says that she doesn't want to make any announcements about the employee out of piety. "It is clear that the death of our employee has hit us very hard. She was only 19. There are really no words for this. We cannot understand this.'' Tomorrow the staff will meet in a private meeting to commemorate Roos.

The Christelijk Gymnasium in Utrecht is also grieving after the shooting. The gun attack killed the father of two pupils. The school, which is located near the 24 Oktoberplein, will remember his death tomorrow. The school management has informed all parents. Victim support is available for pupils. All tests have been cancelled for two days.

The school management writes: "Just after we let all the pupils go home with peace of mind, a horrible message came in. One of the victims is the father of two of our students (in years 4 and 6). We are very deeply affected by this."

The third victim would be a young woman from the Oog in Al district. This district is close to the site of the shooting.


RIP all victims. Prayers for the families.
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A construction worker (20) from Boxtel tried to rescue a young woman in Utrecht: "She had already died when he reached her."

BOXTEL - A 20-year-old man from Boxtel is considered an important eyewitness to the deadly shooting in Utrecht on Monday morning. The construction worker was the first to reach a seriously injured woman who was lying at the rear of the tram. "He was on his way to get a sandwich when he heard shots," his mother tells this newspaper. She is waiting in front of the police station where her son is about to make a statement.

The construction worker from Brabant saw passengers jumping out of the light rail and tried to help a young woman who was laying behind the tram. "But she had already died when he reached her,'' says his mother, who briefly spoke to her son. Probably this would have been the 19-year-old Roos Verschuur from Vianen.

"He is having a very hard time with it. There was blood on his shoes and trousers''. According to his mother, her son has seen everything. "The shooter shot at a red car, pulled the driver out and went off.''

Dozens of people witnessed the attack on the Utrecht express tram. They reluctantly tell their story; often in the knowledge that they may have escaped death.

A 17-year-old from Utrecht was on her way to Utrecht CS with the light rail, when just before the 24 Oktoberplein shots suddenly sounded behind her in the tram. "A few boys hit the emergency brake and we stopped."

The woman the shooter seemed to be aiming for, was sitting a few places behind her. She saw the man jumping out of the tram. The 17-year-old herself stayed behind in the tram. "I didn't want to leave an older woman with mobility problems. Together with the tram driver I waited with her for the police.''

A few hours after the attack the girl leaves the police station at the Utrechtse Paardenveld, where she was brought to with dozens of witnesses. The hunt for the shooter is still in full swing. The young Utrecht woman is greeted by her mother and a number of friends. They comfortingly put their arms around her. "That she had to go through this....'''

During the afternoon, a father and his daughter come to the police station at the Paardenveld. She was sitting in the front part of the tram. According to her father she was too upset to come to the station earlier.

Another witness, Chafika from Utrecht, drove in her car over the Maarten Luther Kinglaan in the direction of the 24 Oktoberplein, when a man attacked several cars. "He waved a pistol and shot at a car in front of me. I thought: Now it's my turn, but he was going in the other direction." She is aware that she was lucky. "I saw that he shot at people trying to help a wounded woman. Terrible.''


~victim Roos,who was killed while trying to protect a woman with a headscarf~

Probably completely innocent passenger who was unlucky that Gökmen came in and wanted to kill his ex-girlfriend or sister-in-law, or both.

At De Wereld Draait Door , Beatrice de Graaf continued to emphasize the terrorism aspect, and indeed there seems to be a strange mix of motives. A combination of honor killings with jihadism and a response to New Zealand, but it is most like a frustrated loser.

A commentator from Utrecht writes: “I have seen him arrested more than once, which was then accompanied by gross insult to the city guards and police officers and always heavily influenced. Then you didn't see him for a while, the assumption was that he was stuck.

But sometimes he was taken by the police twice on the same day. Also finds it strange that no more has come out about him in the media. At the time, he was one of the (many) large nuisance perpetrators in the center of Utrecht. Was always open to use and drink on the stairs of the town hall on the canal opposite the library. ”
Moord Utrecht: slachtoffer Roos; Gökman: bezopen overlastpleger – Misdaadjournalist Hendrik Jan Korterink
Italian reporter Tomas Miglierina from @RSINews reported from Kanaleneiland, Utrecht this Monday. Not all went well.

Tomas Miglierina @TomasBXL


Tomas Miglierina on Twitter

#Utrecht several journalists had their cars smashed and equipment stolen while reporting in Kanaleneiland, including us. All this under the nose of the Dutch police


#Utrecht nothing stolen to us, just the car glass destroyed, but the radio equipment of a colleague was gone. Other people got cameras and lens stolen. Kanaleneiland is obviously an outlaw area: strange people “patroling” the neighborhood around us all the time

#Utrecht sad that in XXI century Europe there are cities with neighborhoods were it is obvious that legality does not apply

#Utrecht All the time we were in Kanaleneiland, we were followed by strange people on their mopeds.
Kanaleneiland looks like Gomorrah on the Rhine (an inhabitant has just told us: here it is like Scampia*)


* Scampia is a maffia ghetto in Naples, Italy.
Nicky uit Boxtel hielp slachtoffer schietpartij Utrecht: 'Ik wist meteen dat ze verlamd was'

Nicky from Boxtel helped a victim of the Utrecht shooting: "I immediately knew she was paralysed."

When Gökmen T. fired bullets at the tram passengers in Utrecht on Monday morning, Nicky van Grinsven (20) from Boxtel was one of the first people to help the victims. "I heard someone shouting, literally a shout that you know someone is in big trouble. That she really needed help."

It was a girl of his age, Nicky estimates. He was working near the 24 Oktoberplein where the tram was standing. "She shouted to me that she felt nothing. That was the sign for me that she was paralyzed. She had a bullet in her back."

When he tried to help her, he heard two shots in a tram. Nicky realized he had to leave. "I pulled that girl behind a car with another guy. When I looked up to keep an eye on the tram, a guy with a long gun got out. He pointed at us and came running towards us. He was ten to fifteen metres away. I ran, he tried to shoot at us. The man shouted Allahu Akbar."

When the coast was safe, he went back to help the girl. "I saw some people standing around her and went straight to the tram to help. I heard a boy saying about a man 'he is still alive'. Then that man breathed his last. He was about seventy years old," the young man from Brabant tells the NOS and Nieuwsuur.

Nicky saw the culprit flee in a red Renault Clio. According to the police that car was stolen. "The car was driven by someone else," Nicky says. Later that day, the police arrested not only Gökmen T. but also a second and third suspect, they are suspected of involvement in the events.

Nicky went back to work and immediately afterwards visited the police station, where he was interrogated by a specialized team. "Among other things about the appearance of the perpetrator. I can still remember his face very well and the clothes he was wearing.

Nicky has another request: "I really want to know how the girl is doing."


Nicky van Grinsven on Dutch tv tonight:

Ooggetuige Utrecht: 'Toen ik bij hem was, blies hij zijn laatste adem uit'

The man starts shooting. "I saw the bullets hit a car window one meter away from me. If it had gone one meter to the right, I would have been hit myself."

According to Van Grinsven, the man shot around and tried to kill several people. He also took a shot at a man in a car. "Just before he did that he shouted Allahoe akbar.

He thinks it took all together about ten minutes. After that the shooter got into a car and drove away. "He probably had an accomplice, who drove after him and when he finished shooting he could hop in. Then he immediately disappeared."

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Nicky has another request: "I really want to know how the girl is doing."




Thanks for sharing that post. The more reminders of how people ARE good, do care, have priorities right, the better.

Today's events were traumatic for this guy, even if he seems so calm and collected. I with him the best. Bystanders are victims too. :(

Nieuwe feiten over verdachte aanslag Utrecht: twee weken geleden zat hij nog vast

New facts about the suspect of the Utrecht attack: two weeks ago he was still in custody

Gökmen T, the 37-year-old man suspected of having committed an attack in Utrecht, was in custody until recently. That is what sources tell the NOS. It has also become clear that the police raided his house in the district of Overvecht this afternoon.

Two weeks ago, T. had to appear before the court for three cases: for bicycle theft, a burglary in a bicycle shop and an interim hearing in a rape case. According to the victim, 47-year-old Angelique, he had been released a few days earlier. He had been detained for six weeks because he had violated certain conditions, she says. After his lawyer had contested this, he was released.

The woman says to AD that she was terrified today that T. would come after her. She used coke with him regularly and they had sex, she says. In the summer of 2017 he is said to have raped her. "He's just crazy, a drug user, you name it. I have warned the police before. He's not a terrorist, but a psychopath," Angelique says to AD.

At the beginning of the afternoon, the police raided a house in Overvecht registered in T.'s name. The images show how a group of the Special Interventions Service storms into the porch where T. is supposed to live. According to the neighbour nobody was found there.

The rape case was not the first time that T. came into contact with the police. Since 2012 he was a suspect in at least nine cases. People from Kanaleneiland, where he lived, describe him as an unstable person who has many problems.

Gökmen T's criminal past.
2012: burglary of a truck
2013: attempted manslaughter, then shot with firearm on flat in Kanaleneiland
2014: shoplifting in Utrecht, spit and threatened a police officer and driving under the influence
2015: window and cell destroyed
2017: rape
2018: bicycle theft and burglary bicycle shop

T.'s acquaintances say that he went further downhill after the divorce from his wife two years ago. In some periods he lived like a pious Muslim, let his beard grow and wore long robes. At other times he would drink.

Sources in Kanaleneiland say that T.'s family belongs to a Salafist sect. Allegedly this is the so-called Caliphate State, which was founded in Germany in the 1990s. It is a banned organisation whose leader has been extradited to Turkey. There he was sentenced to 17.5 years in prison.

T.'s brother in particular is said to be active in that movement. The brother would have been a fighter in Chechnya. On his Facebook page a jihadist flag is shown, with underneath it the text "Kemalists, democrats and seculars are doomed."

The suspect's acquaintances further confirm that T. is one of the men who was featured in a GeenStijl video in 2011. Together with another man he makes remarks about the dress of the reporter of the broadcaster, who they think is too scantily dressed.

The motive for the attack is still unknown. According to the NCTV, a terrorist motive cannot be excluded. Some sources say that it was his ex who he would initially have shot at in the tram, according to others it was a member of his in-laws. The Turkish press agency AA also quotes acquaintances of the man who say it has to do with "family". The police cannot confirm this.

Update Only the main suspect of the Utrecht shooting, Gökmen T., is still detained. Two other suspects who were arrested in the aftermath are now free.

That is what the Utrecht mayor Jan van Zanen reports to the NOS. T. was arrested on Monday. Last night it was announced that a third suspect had been arrested, but according to Van Zanen it was someone who did not stay behind the police ribbon..

At the shooting yesterday, three people were killed and five injured. Van Bree from the Central Netherlands police said he did not yet know whether there was a relationship between the shooter and the victims. "We keep all scenarios open."

In Nieuwsuur, a witness of the shooting said that the perpetrator had called Allahu Akbar. Van Bree told Pauw & Jinek that he could not confirm that. He did not want to say anything about the identity of the victims, although more is becoming clear about them through other channels. One of the three fatalities is a father of three children and a trainer at sports club C.O.V. Desto, the club has announced on its own website. At the high school of two of his children, all tests and deadlines will expire in the coming days. A second victim is a 19-year-old woman from Vianen.

24 Octoberplein released
The police released the area around 24 Oktoberplein in Utrecht around midnight. The tram has driven to a depot and remains available for investigation, the police tweeted. The trams on the section in Utrecht where the shooting took place on Monday will run according to the normal timetable again on Tuesday, reports public transport company U-OV.

The area around the apartment on the Oudenoord where the suspect was arrested yesterday is still closed. Police is present. The emergency hospital at UMC Utrecht has now been closed.

Flags half-mast on government buildings
The flags at government buildings hang half-mast Tuesday after the fatal shooting in a tram in Utrecht. The flag instruction applies to municipalities, provinces and Dutch diplomatic missions abroad.

The royal standard (flag) that is hoisted on the palaces of the Royal House, will be given a black pennant on Tuesday as a sign of mourning.
‘Alleen hoofdverdachte schietpartij Utrecht nog vast’ | TROUW

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