Holland - Multiple people injured in Tram shooting, possible terrorism, Utrecht, 18 March 2019

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Kleve is close to s Heerenberg...my nepfew lives there,in Kleve
German LE and Dutch LE do work very well together.
Utrecht is in the middle of The Netherlands,he can go in all kind of directions..
Hope it doesnt take long,before he is taken down!
True, Dutch police helps German LE all the time as well. They get along very well.

They really are on high alert in Kleve.
Polizei kontrolliert nach Schießerei an deutscher Grenze

Bundespolizei in Trier is also checking at Belgian border preventitively in case he went to Belgium.
Bundespolizei kontrolliert verstärkt an Grenze zu Belgien
MediaTV on Twitter

MediaTV @mediatvnl

Trumanlaan Utrecht: The arrest team of the Special Intervention Service is preparing to raid a house. The building is being watched with cameras and a drone.



12 min ago
What we know about the shooting now

Live updates: Utrecht tram shooting leaves three dead - CNN
A manhunt is underway after a deadly shooting in the Netherlands this morning. Here's what we know now:

The shooting: A gunman opened fire inside a tram in the Dutch city of Utrecht around 10:45 a.m. local time today.
  • The victims: At least three people have died and five are wounded following the shooting, Utrecht Police tweeted.
  • The suspect: Police say Gokmen Tanis, 37, who was born in Turkey, is wanted following the incident; they have asked locals to contact authorities immediately if they see him.
Here's a map of where the shooting happened, and where the search unfolded:

Police supervise extra in Eastern Netherlands due to shooting Utrecht
The police are extra present in a number of strategic locations in the east of the Netherlands, following the events in Utrecht. Among other things, the NS stations of Deventer and Apeldoorn will be monitored by the police this Monday.
Agents are "alert and present at attack-sensitive locations", spokesperson Marloes Ballast describes. ,, Think of stations and houses of faith. More specifically than that, we cannot now declare it. "" In addition to monitoring, the agents are also on the street to reassure any worried citizens.
The police do not say how long the increased preparedness remains in effect, other than that that happens "as long as it is needed." Whether extra manpower was deployed, was unclear Monday afternoon.

In Deventer, photographer Rens Hulman saw, among other things, a policeman posting at the entrance of the station and there were several police vehicles in the area, just like at the Centrum Mosque. Police are also present at the Apeldoorn station; agents wear protective vests. They also drive past the Turkish mosque that is close to the station.

GinoPress news agency sees security at the mosque in Lelystad. The same applies to the station in that place.
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- Condolences to victims
- Thanks to LE
- 3 dead, 5 injured
- It’s not over yet
- Perp not captured, they are still searching for him
- No information about motive
- Highest terror warning 5 valid until 10 pm in Utrecht

- All available LE forces working the case
- At 12:25, the Renault Clio was found
- They searched apartments and found another suspect whom they arrested, but it is not clear if/how he was involved
- It is possible a terror attack was carried out but other motives are also possible. They don’t know yet.
- There may be further suspects. They are still investigating.
- There were several reports of shots fired in Utrecht. Police first had to get an overview and didn’t know if it was one or several crime scenes.
Can we please have a source from non-biased media?

Amnesty International
January 13, 2019
Nigeria: Deadliest Boko Haram attack on Rann leaves at least 60 people murdered
2017- today
Egypt: Government must protect Coptic Christians targeted in string of deadly attacks in North Sinai

January 2019 bombing of two churches during mass
20 dead, over 100 injured
ISIS Bombing of Cathedral in Philippines Shows Group’s Reach Into Asia

I guess MSM is not really interested in what happens to Filipinos or Nigerians.
Hoofdverdachte aanslag Utrecht opgepakt

"The main suspect of the attack this morning in a tram in the Utrecht neighborhood of Kanaleneiland has been arrested. The news came at the end of a press conference by mayor Van Zanen of Utrecht together with the chief public prosecutor and the Utrecht police chief.

The three were still unable to say anything about the circumstances of the arrest of 37-year-old Gökmen Tanis, who has been confronted with a series of crimes in recent years and who have been kept on a whisk all day [sic Google Translate, actually says 'who was the subject of a police hunt all day' ~ JE].

Nothing is yet known about the motive of the suspect."
Politie Utrecht on Twitter

Zoals zojuist gemeld in de persconferentie: Zojuist heeft de politie een man aangehouden op verdenking van betrokkenheid bij de mogelijke aanslag vanmorgen aan het #24oktoberplein in #Utrecht.

As just reported in the press conference: The police have just arrested a man on suspicion of being involved in the possible attack this morning on # 24oktoberplein in #Utrecht.

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