Holly Bobo found deceased, discussion thread *Arrests* #8

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:seeya: Oceanblue - your posts always catch my attention! You too dog.gone...
Hello everyone! LTNS! ;)

I highly doubt it. It seems that particular lawyer is on a fishing expedition. It is quite common though for a defendant to use the defense of SODDI. I have seen many do the same thing before and never could understand why they went that route since they had no evidence to even back up their claims. May be why their clients were convicted since juries want to see evidence to support any allegation. Its easy to try and place the blame on someone else but it takes evidence to prove it. What other defense can they use really though? I guess the other two will go with "I wasn't there defense.'

The other two defense teams seem perfectly satisfied with the discovery they have received which is duplicated among all three defense teams. Believe me if they had discovery showing another suspect they would sing it from the roof tops trying to taint the jury pool since news channels covers a wide range area.

"And that motion was filed by one set of defense attorneys, not the other two, and all of them have received the exact same discovery," said Jennifer Nichols, the lead prosecutor in the Bobo case.

We asked Autry's attorneys if they're having any issues.

"With regards to us, they've been completely cooperative. We have reviewed numerous items with the state of Tennessee, and items that we've wanted to see in addition to the ones we've already seen, they've allowed us to do it, so we've had no problems with that issue with the state," said Michael Scholl, Autry's attorney.

So the ADA is withholding nothing and is actually giving them more discovery than is required. Sounds like the ADA is very confident about these cases to me and is hiding nothing.

Now I am sure the ADA is very aware of who they are going to try to blame and will be ready for them if this does come up.


It is not a fishing expedition because there is nothing to fish for if all discovery has been handed over. It would only fishing expedition if stuff has NOT been handed over, in which case the request is valid.

There is a very large amount of material in the discovery, and the different attorneys would be looking at different things within as it pertains to their own client and the defense they intend to present. The different attorneys are working independently of each other.

In this particular instance the defense while building her case has apparently found references in the discovery to reports that are not included. If they are not there then the prosecution should hand them over instead of stonewalling once again. This is becoming a pattern

Then there is the other more thing, namely statements made by Stowe regarding DNA. Presumably if he made these statements he either knew for a fact that HB's DNA was there, or he had been led to believe that it was there by the investigators (this might actually be what the big fight between Stowe and the TBI was all about - he probably could not get the DNA analysis either). That is pertinent since it would be reasonable to presume that such evidence exists based on what he said, and she does not have that data in the supplied discovery. It is a reasonable request to make, and one that SHOULD made. The other two attorneys are less concerned about the DNA because it is not their client's house and it's presence does not implicate their client directly. It is something that is specific to ZA's case.

There probably is no DNA evidence linking HB to ZA's house (by inference from the motion as reported).
There probably is no DNA evidence linking HB to ZA's house (by inference from the motion as reported).

We can assume there is no DNA evidence because of a defense motion????....is this because every defense motion is 100% valid and always goes in their favor when the judge rules?

We know for sure they have a blonde hair found in ZA's home but do not know yet if it matches HB.
If we want to assume anything about that hair "PROBABLY" it matches since they used it to get an indictment.

You saying DNA evidence being in ZA's home is only important to him alone is pure nonsense.
The prosecution has to tie JA and DA to the kidnapping/murder and if they can't place them at the Bobo home or Holly at theirs or places they frequent ....it is darn sure important for those other 2 defendants as well.


*Also which one of the suspects stated after the discovery was turned over that Holly had been at ZA's house on her own free will a couple days before she was kidnapped...(JA)?
The fact he never said this before he saw the evidence against him hints strongly the prosecution can prove for certain Holly was in ZA's house and once again shows they "PROBABLY" will be using DNA evidence to prove that.

** The reason the blonde hair is "PROBABLY" going to be key piece of evidence is because it was used to get the indictment,The prosecution gets to pick and choose what evidence they use to show guilt against the suspect.Why would they choose a hair that they can't tie the victim to the suspects house.They would have excluded that hair evidence and not risked showing it to the GJ and let them question why it does not match the victim.
We can assume there is no DNA evidence because of a defense motion????....is this because every defense motion is 100% valid and always goes in their favor when the judge rules?

We know for sure they have a blonde hair found in ZA's home but do not know yet if it matches HB.
If we want to assume anything about that hair "PROBABLY" it matches since they used it to get an indictment.

You saying DNA evidence being in ZA's home is only important to him alone is pure nonsense.
The prosecution has to tie JA and DA to the kidnapping/murder and if they can't place them at the Bobo home or Holly at theirs or places they frequent ....it is darn sure important for those other 2 defendants as well.


*Also which one of the suspects stated after the discovery was turned over that Holly had been at ZA's house on her own free will a couple days before she was kidnapped...(JA)?
The fact he never said this before he saw the evidence against him hints strongly the prosecution can prove for certain Holly was in ZA's house and once again shows they "PROBABLY" will be using DNA evidence to prove that.

** The reason the blonde hair is "PROBABLY" going to be key piece of evidence is because it was used to get the indictment,The prosecution gets to pick and choose what evidence they use to show guilt against the suspect.Why would they choose a hair that they can't tie the victim to the suspects house.They would have excluded that hair evidence and not risked showing it to the GJ and let them question why it does not match the victim.


An attorney who makes false representation to a court in the form of a motion claiming that particular evidence was not turned over in discovery when in fact it was, is going to find themselves in trouble pretty quickly. This attorney has no motivation to risk disbarment and destroy her career for no reason, so the fact that she has said this in a motion means that she has not received any reports of DNA evidence showing that HB was in the house. There is no reason to think that she is lying about this. Note that the prosecution did not challenge the claim, so, they also think that there is no report of DNA evidence in the house. If there was evidence to that effect in the discovery they would have said so, and they did not.

Which means that they do not have evidence of HB&#8217;s DNA being found in the house (which includes this hair incidentally). Or, it means that any such evidence has not been turned over in discovery.

The presence of HB&#8217;s DNA in ZA&#8217;s house implicates ZA, it does not implicate the other two because they do not live there. Consequently it cannot be used against them, only ZA. ZA&#8217;s attorney would have been looking specifically for those reports as a result, since any such evidence would be deeply implicating for her client, whereas the attorneys for the other two accused would not care if there was no report. So, she filed a motion about it while they did not.

The indictment was obtained days after the search, which is not enough time for the DNA analysis to have been done and properly analyzed. So they would not have known if it belonged to HB or not at that time.

Remember, this motion specifically talks about DNA evidence from the house, and the fact that the reports are not there even though the DA at the time talked about DNA being found in the house.

The reason ZA&#8217;s attorney is asking for this now is that she does not want to start the trial and have these reports suddenly sprung on her being recently &#8220;discovered&#8221; and &#8220;accidently&#8221; not included in the discovery materials, since then she would not be properly prepared to present a defense. So she is filing this motion now to ensure that the prosecution does not present a surprise &#8220;oops&#8221; during trial. Once she has specifically asked for this evidence, the prosecution cannot suddenly &#8220;find&#8221; it later if they say the evidence does not exist now.

The evidence probably does not exist, but she is just making sure that that is the case.

The question then is why would Stowe have talked about this if it did not exist? That is a good question indeed, and it may be the source of the issue between Stowe and the TBI. He may have been led to believe that such evidence existed, made the claim publically, but was then unable to get the relevant reports himself. That would be why he was suggesting that the TBI was undermining the case by withholding evidence. Now, the TBI may never have claimed that such evidence existed, but Stowe&#8217;s predecessor just assumed that it would exist, and that assumption was transmitted as fact to Stowe when he took office. He would then have asked the TBI to see the reports, only to be told &#8220;What reports?&#8221;. And then things went downhill from that point, since Stowe no longer trusted the TBI and probably told them as much.
My hope is for justice for HB at trial. But as for who says what in interviews and motions between now and then, I've come to the conclusion that it's likely to be mostly hot air, or ignored by the judge, or both.

As a result, I gave up on trying to figure out what was what in this case based on the declarations of the attorneys on both sides. I really can't be sure who is telling the truth at any particular time, and have decided to simply sit out the debate and wait and see what happens at trial.
Ok I have been looking into this case and read back over a lot of the posts here at Websleuths. The thing that stands out to me is the kneeling thing. Has it ever been guessed at WHY they would both be kneeling to talk? Or why the brother didn't find it really odd as to why they'd be kneeling to have a conversation? (Not casting any judgment or suspicion on her brother at all, he's been through enough I'm just wondering if he ever said more about it) As I look deeper into this case I just find out I have more and more questions.

Is there any one theory that is seen as being the most likely scenario? Clearly it's mostly speculation but is it suspected they kidnapped her at random to rape/torture?

I have been looking back through so sorry if these questions have been answered lots of times but I haven't really seen any definitive answers...although I guess there aren't any.

I find it insane how long they have to wait for a trial. Poor Holly's family. I've always been a lurker here on websleuths but this is the first case to really get to me and make me post. So sorry if it seems a little amateur or I'm asking silly questions.
Is there any one theory that is seen as being the most likely scenario? Clearly it's mostly speculation but is it suspected they kidnapped her at random

The most widely accepted theory is that Holly was targeted.

Given the time of morning she was abducted ......suspect had on camouflage (first day of turkey season)...and also the getaway vehicle was parked along the road and they walked thru the woods to get back to the vehicle.It is very hard to make a valid case of this being a random kidnapping.....someone will try though

There are other things as well that point to a premeditated act of kidnapping but are much more speculative.....a guy following Holly and her friend at an event shortly before her abduction.Is one example.

I myself do not find the time line of this trial anything out of the ordinary.....once the DP comes into play that particular trial goes into slow motion.I actually expect more delays before opening statements are heard.
Ok I have been looking into this case and read back over a lot of the posts here at Websleuths. The thing that stands out to me is the kneeling thing. Has it ever been guessed at WHY they would both be kneeling to talk? Or why the brother didn't find it really odd as to why they'd be kneeling to have a conversation? (Not casting any judgment or suspicion on her brother at all, he's been through enough I'm just wondering if he ever said more about it) As I look deeper into this case I just find out I have more and more questions.

Is there any one theory that is seen as being the most likely scenario? Clearly it's mostly speculation but is it suspected they kidnapped her at random to rape/torture?

I have been looking back through so sorry if these questions have been answered lots of times but I haven't really seen any definitive answers...although I guess there aren't any.

I find it insane how long they have to wait for a trial. Poor Holly's family. I've always been a lurker here on websleuths but this is the first case to really get to me and make me post. So sorry if it seems a little amateur or I'm asking silly questions.

There are two options regarding what the brother said he saw.

Option one is that he is not telling what happened. If that is the case, we have no idea what happened to Holly on that day so speculation would be pointless.

Option two is that he is telling us what he saw. There are two parts to that, firstly HB and the "other" kneeling and talking. The brother thought that it was her boyfriend and that they might be breaking up. Which means that the "other" was sufficiently like the boyfriend so as not to arise undue suspicion on the part of the brother. It also means that there must have been some existing discord between HB and the boyfriend, which the brother knew about, otherwise he would not have thought they were breaking up. It is not exactly the first thought that might go through a family members mind in a situation like that UNLESS THEY WERE EXPECTING IT. The second part is the brother seeing the HB and the "other" walking off to the woods. Whoever the "other" was, they must have looked enough like the boyfriend from behind for the brother to think so at the time, and even say so to his mother when she told him to get his gun. Assuming the brother is telling the truth, he saw enough to make him think that the "other" was the boyfriend, so much so that he did not question it at all.

I suspect that this is what the defense is going to say at trial, that this "other" person was actually the boyfriend, and they will present an alternate scenario to the jury. Based on what has happened so far in the process it appears fairly clear that the prosecution does not have direct evidence linking the accused to the crime other than statements made by DA and SA, so an alternate suspect is a viable possibility. We already have some inkling of this in the filing in which the defense claims that there is another potential suspect that is not related to the accused who has not been cleared. They will make the argument that there is reasonable doubt because there is a plausible alternate scenario that would fit with the known facts.

As to random abductions and such theories, IMO the probability that HB knew her abductor and killer is high, and that she was taken for a reason. I do not believe the random or spontaneous abduction theory.
Judge Sets Trial Dates In Holly Bobo Case
Posted: 7:53 AM, Nov 15, 2016 Updated: 2 hours ago

DECATURVILLE, Tenn. - A Decatur County judge has set trial dates for two of the three men charged in the Holly Bobo case.

Jason Autry, along with brothers Zach and Dylan Adams, appeared before Judge C. Creed McGinley in Decatur County for a pre-trial motions hearing Tuesday morning.

The first trial date has been set for April 3, although it's unclear which Adams brother would be tried first. Autry's trial date was set for July 10.
The brother thought she was talking to her boyfriend...and he was kneeling down showing her a turkey since it was the first day of hunting season there. Apparently, there had been some boyfriend/girlfriend issues...probably your normal little spats that happen. He heard what he thought was the two of them having some type of argument or serious discussion.
Certainly in hindsight, he wishes he would have looked more closely. But at the time, it makes sense that this was his line of thinking.
May I say that I have never forgotten Holly Bobo. Her case, from day one, was riveting and heartbreaking. It has been complex and convoluted and messy. At times difficult and hard to follow and frustrating, this case still can be broken down to one thing. Holly is gone. Someone...or several someones...took her and killed her. I want them punished to the maximum penalty the law will allow. We may not find out all the intricate details that, at one time, I was insistent to know.
Right now, I just want justice for her. I will never forget her. May God bring continuing comfort to her family...especially during the holidays this year.
Hey Everybody.


LTNS Sorry for the long absence, but RL and health issues have kept me away. Had to stop by and check in on "my cases". Slowly, but surely, I will get to all of them.
Glad to see so many familiar faces that are still here for Holly. Ecstatic that trial dates have finally been announced. :happydance:
Working towards being a proper :websleuther: once again.
As to random abductions and such theories, IMO the probability that HB knew her abductor and killer is high, and that she was taken for a reason. I do not believe the random or spontaneous abduction theory.

On 9/13/2015 you posted this....

"I don't agree that Holly was the target, since there is no reason or history to support that. It is far more probable that someone else was the target and she was at the wrong place at the wrong time.....Tugela"

Here is the link to that section of the thread where you argued at length that she was just a victim who was in the wrong place at the wrong time while leaving her house to go to school early in the morning.


I am not in any way trying to restart an argument but very curious what has now changed your mind that she was targeted....since I know of no evidence released during that time that would change a persons solid stance on this subject.
A judge announced in court on Wednesday that Zach Adams will face murder charges in connection with the disappearance and murder of Holly Bob.

Judge Creed McGinley said Zach Adams' trial will be held April 3 in nearby Hardin County.

His brother, Dylan Adams, is also charged in the case.

The third defendant, Jason Autry, is set to face trial in July.

The men are accused of kidnapping, raping and killing the 20-year-old nursing student.

Stay with Channel 4 and WSMV.com for updates on this story.
"This case takes absolutely priority," Judge McGigley added

Thank you so much for that stupid statement. A guaranteed appeal if anyone is convicted which will be a miracle.
Can't wait for April 3, the wait must be unbearable for Karen and Dana Bobo.
I wish Foxfire could be with us for the trials.


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