Holly Bobo, missing from TN 2014 discussion #4 ***ARRESTS***

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Disagree. Prosecutors are too worried about their conviction rates to file charges without first being confident they can obtain a conviction. Failing to convict has some blowback on them as well in the form of losing their job. I would imagine this is even more so in high profile cases such as this. They aren't going to all of a sudden file charges all these years later just to get the pressure off their back or to get a pat on the back. That argument might hold more water if it was done way back when, when the talk of the A-Train first started.

And I don't think anyone is blindly trusting these were good arrests. First, they were good arrests or they wouldn't have been signed off on when arrest warrants were sought. Second, they wouldn't have gotten past a grand jury if they weren't good arrests. Now will they result in convictions? Only time will tell. Until then, I don't see one thing wrong with "sleuthing" any of the arrested or trying to piece together theories/possibilities. That is kind of what we do here. You want to question the arrests...that's fine. Others want to wonder what involvement they may have had with Holly....fine as well.

Dear reedus, May I hug you for this post? Yes, I think I shall.
We do know what they were arrested for, and what was offered in the legal filing as the basis to justify their arrest. Hopefully that's not everything, but it still offers a lot of insight into the core of what's being alleged and why - sometimes from what's there, sometimes from what's not.

And yet it's likely just a fraction of what LE and the Prosecutor know. It gives us a base line of how much information they have.
Disagree. Prosecutors are too worried about their conviction rates to file charges without first being confident they can obtain a conviction. Failing to convict has some blowback on them as well in the form of losing their job. I would imagine this is even more so in high profile cases such as this. They aren't going to all of a sudden file charges all these years later just to get the pressure off their back or to get a pat on the back. That argument might hold more water if it was done way back when, when the talk of the A-Train first started.

And I don't think anyone is blindly trusting these were good arrests. First, they were good arrests or they wouldn't have been signed off on when arrest warrants were sought. Second, they wouldn't have gotten past a grand jury if they weren't good arrests. Now will they result in convictions? Only time will tell. Until then, I don't see one thing wrong with "sleuthing" any of the arrested or trying to piece together theories/possibilities. That is kind of what we do here. You want to question the arrests...that's fine. Others want to wonder what involvement they may have had with Holly....fine as well.

If I am not mistaken I dont think Grand Juries were used for the arrests of the Pearcy brothers. Werent they only used to arrest some of the A-train?
If I am not mistaken I dont think Grand Juries were used for the arrests of the Pearcy brothers. Werent they only used to arrest some of the A-train?

If not a grand jury, I would imagine some sort of preliminary hearing. Or it hasn't happened yet. Or it was waived by the defendants. Unless Tennessee is different, all criminal charges have those safeguards in place to ensure people aren't just being charged without some basis.
I went back to see when we first learned of the P's arrest and its interesting that we learned about it about the time they were "arraigned" which was around June 10-11th, but the article says they were arrested May 29th. So I suppose they sat in jail until their arraignment which could be standard as I dont know much at all about LE processes.

The more interesting thing to me is that May 29th was the same day that Holly's Ex-BF was arrested for assault and battery.

I wonder if that was just coincidence or if the fight had anything to do with the arrests of the P brothers that same day.

For reference, below is 1 link that talks about the day the Ps were arrested on May 29th.

I cannot imagine...they moved him but the tweets all said Jackson....so I assumed they meant Jackson,Tn until I googled and found out there is a Jackson County in Tn. I think I am gonna tweet some of these folks and see if they will answer.

I tweeted Chris Conte..will post here if he answers.

Jackson (city) TN makes sense. Jackson County TN would not.

The Bobo legal events have been taking place in Henderson County TN, and the county seat (which is where the county courthouse would be) is Lexington. It's a smaller county, population-wise, with about 28,000 people, and its resources (courts, jails, police, etc) would be limited by its small size.

It is ringed by 5 counties: Madison (100,000), Chester (17,000), Hardin (26,000), Decatur (11,000), and Carroll (28,000).

ETA: It also appears that some of this has been in Decatur Co (11,000), county seat Decaturville.

The county immediately adjacent, to the west, is Madison County. It's much more populated than any other county in the area so would have much more resources. It's county seat is Jackson, which is only about a half-hour drive from Lexington, and whose population of 65,000 is more than the entire county pop of any of the counties around it.

Logically, when they run out of space or resources in Lexington, they would routinely move whatever-it-is to Jackson, in Madison County, because it is the big city with big city resources available.

In contrast, Jackson County would be about 4 hours away, on the other side of Nashville, it's also a tiny county (11,000), and there is no logical reason to go there.

ETA: Mark Pearcy was originally arraigned in Decaturville. His attorney is in Jackson (city). They are only an hour drive apart.

She may not have known this person, may never have met him before, but he holds her attention simply by mentioning others or events they knew of.... by catching her off guard, she might have figured he would simply go away if she humored him a bit - like getting rid of a pesky salesman...

But we know she had a very important, can't miss/can't be late exam that morning. Would she really have spent time with a 'pesky salesman' type stranger? Wouldn't she have said, sorry, gotta go?
the words exchanged by Holly and her captor could have been as simple as him trying to draw her away with some story about his buddy or an animal hurt just "over there". Do you have a brown and white shepherd mix? He's hurt just over that way please come quick!
the words exchanged by Holly and her captor could have been as simple as him trying to draw her away with some story about his buddy or an animal hurt just "over there". Do you have a brown and white shepherd mix? He's hurt just over that way please come quick!

Given her time constraints, a stranger and an excuse to "look over here" fits with a 2-3 minute conversation. But I don't think it fits an investment of 15 minutes or so at that time of day.

It's possible that the timeline is wrong and we only have 2-3 minutes in play. But otherwise, it's an extremely odd sequence to try to make sense of, if ZA or JA (people she didn't know well) are the other person and we have a 15-ish minute convo occurring.
Jackson (city) TN makes sense. Jackson County TN would not.

The Bobo legal events have been taking place in Henderson County TN, and the county seat (which is where the county courthouse would be) is Lexington. It's a smaller county, population-wise, with about 28,000 people, and its resources (courts, jails, police, etc) would be limited by its small size.

It is ringed by 5 counties: Madison (100,000), Chester (17,000), Hardin (26,000), Decatur (11,000), and Carroll (28,000).

ETA: It also appears that some of this has been in Decatur Co (11,000), county seat Decaturville.

The county immediately adjacent, to the west, is Madison County. It's much more populated than any other county in the area so would have much more resources. It's county seat is Jackson, which is only about a half-hour drive from Lexington, and whose population of 65,000 is more than the entire county pop of any of the counties around it.

Logically, when they run out of space or resources in Lexington, they would routinely move whatever-it-is to Jackson, in Madison County, because it is the big city with big city resources available.

In contrast, Jackson County would be about 4 hours away, on the other side of Nashville, it's also a tiny county (11,000), and there is no logical reason to go there.

ETA: Mark Pearcy was originally arraigned in Decaturville. His attorney is in Jackson (city). They are only an hour drive apart.

We'll I agree with most of your post. I am 45 minutes from Jackson, Tn I just found it odd that there was no clarification given in any of the tweets on exactly where court today would be held. I realize Jackson County is way up at the top of the state. However, it just made it odd for me that this was never clarified, that's all. IMO. Thanks for the post:seeya:
Thanks for this. It's an interesting angle to think through what's been said.

I've wondered several times about that initial interaction.

The extended time spent there, and the fact there was a conversation, certainly strongly implies she was interacting with someone she knew.

Also, the words that her brother heard her say, "No. Why?" - - those are conversational words, not ones of distress. It's early in the morning, she's on the way out, and yet she's engaging in a talk?

I think her words also give a bit of a hint. She was apparently asked a somewhat routine yes-no question, so easy as to quickly snap off a reply and then ask "why do you ask?" (that's how it appears to me). Again, the routine question to which she provided a simple answer, and then a question in reply, would seem to infer some familiarity.

Did your dad just call you? Have you talked to your boyfriend today? Have you seen your dog this morning? Did your mom tell you I was coming by?

So it makes it seem like either their suspect list is amiss, as neither JA or ZA would seem to fit either the physical profile or the relational profile, or, there is at least one other key participant in this stuff that is still to be identified.

My opinions only, no facts here:

Quoting from the wonderful counter-culture movie THEY LIVE, "we have one who can see".
But we know she had a very important, can't miss/can't be late exam that morning. Would she really have spent time with a 'pesky salesman' type stranger? Wouldn't she have said, sorry, gotta go?

All the more reason why I'm curious about this strange fact in the case (the 15-minute conversation)..

If the man was a scary, menacing type, I think she might have spent time taking as so not to tic him off....... he also may have been saying something that held attention ... Of course I don't know what transpired - and what I was really trying to figure out is the timing of her scream - when did it take place during the 15-minute "conversation".... If at the beginning versus at the end....
If this is the case of someone obsessed with her and wanting to convince her to leave with him - I don't think he would have done something initially (assuming blood droplets came from knife cut), only when he realizes she isn't going off with him, then he gets violent.
If it's someone she does not know, then he may have done something to her right away, and kept talking to her telling her to go with him or else...

Will any of it make a difference at trail time?
I would think defense my try to say she went willingly (of course I do not believe that)...

Not knowing how strong the evidence is, and if it's only enough to indicate her death, but nothing to show what took place; I think defense will say it was accidental, or manslaughter - that she went willingly, was not kidnapped, and then something happened unintentional...

The video tape mentioned becomes extremely important then... as well as eye witnesses.
I am glad the neighbor at least heard the scream(s) since that is additional evidence she did not go with her own free will. I am expecting that the neighbor will be asked to testify what she heard.

The scream(s) were obviously significant because it concerned her enough to call the mom at school and interrupt her work. I am thinking multiple screams and loud and blood curdling type screams. At some point when Holly knew it was a bad situation she most likely resisted resulting in the screams. Whether right at the beginning or during the walk into the woods we do not know.

I have also been thinking about the ones in jail and out of jail who may testify against others. I have also been thinking about the media interviews that a couple of the jailed persons made that sounded like a note to others that they have not told anything to LE yet.

It leads me to believe that the whole group made some sort of pact to never ever say anything to LE because they most likely felt they got rid of all the evidence so that it can never be proven they did anything. What they did not count on was a couple of them making deals to get a better deal for themselves.

It is so critical that LE obtains good evidence in this case. I have a feeling a lot of it will be witness statements and unfortunately most of the witnesses who will testify may have credibility issues. If LE can obtain consistent stories from some of them then that may help their case. If there are a lot of conflicting statements then the jury will have a hard time believing them.

I just hope LE is able to obtain the right kind of evidence to prove who did what and ensure they can get proper convictions of the right people.
The way it seems right now, I am afraid that some people may be flat out lying to either keep themselves out of trouble, get revenge on some others, or get a better deal for themselves. I also think its possible that in the P arrests that the witness may have just been mistaken what they thought they saw + heard. Too many people look and sound similar so unless LE has possession of the alleged tape, that part of the case will be very tough to prove IMO.

IMO, Consistency amongst witness statements will be critical as well as any other solid physical evidence will be critical in this case. I wish LE the best of luck because it seems like this case is going to be a tough one.
i have to believe there is some type of evidence to collaborate what this witness is saying... otherwise i could walk in there and say Santa Claus did this or that and LE would be chasing after him... so i would think there is more to this then someone just SAYING this is what i saw ... there is alot that we dont know but LE would be stupid to charge ppl with something based solely off what one person is willing to testify to.. jmo
can someone please tell me where this 15 minute conversation comes from? a link maybe that outlines that is how long some alleged conversation between Holly and her Captor lasted? Please and thank you.

I know it has been discussed from day one almost that some sort of exchange took place. This week is the first time I am hearing the time frame 15 minutes attached to it.

It this information factual? If so link please.

If this is speculation based on what members suspect given the timeline as described by the witness Clint Bobo, then please, say that it is speculation based on the statements of Clint about the timeline that morning.

No snark intended. But I have been trying to follow closely here and somehow I missed that it was a fact that Holly and her captor exchanged 15 minutes of small talk before she was taken.
can someone please tell me where this 15 minute conversation comes from? a link maybe that outlines that is how long some alleged conversation between Holly and her Captor lasted? Please and thank you.

I know it has been discussed from day one almost that some sort of exchange took place. This week is the first time I am hearing the time frame 15 minutes attached to it.

It this information factual? If so link please.

If this is speculation based on what members suspect given the timeline as described by the witness Clint Bobo, then please, say that it is speculation based on the statements of Clint about the timeline that morning.

No snark intended. But I have been trying to follow closely here and somehow I missed that it was a fact that Holly and her captor exchanged 15 minutes of small talk before she was taken.

I have never heard of a 15 minute conversation either...but I do know approx. 15-20 minutes elapsed between the time Holly ended her phone conversation and walked out the door and the time that Clint saw her walking into the woods with the abductor. During part of that time, Clint was not yet awake. Even so, a neighbor heard a scream....and then Clint woke up to their dog barking. Around that time he began to look out the windows trying to see why the dog was putting up such a fuss. The timeline gets messy and a bit confusing here...but at some point Clint hears and sees what he thinks is Holly's boyfriend kneeling with her in the carport/garage area. He hears their voices. During this time a phone call or two takes place between Clint and his mom...and that is when Clint sees Holly entering the woods with the perp.

Those minutes are crucial....15-20 minutes. A huge amount of time for an abduction. Never heard of a perp taking so long.

I have long surmised that Holly thought she could perhaps get out of the situation if she walked along and tried to reason with the abductor. Otherwise, she would have kicked and screamed like crazy hoping Clint would come to her rescue.
i have to believe there is some type of evidence to collaborate what this witness is saying... otherwise i could walk in there and say Santa Claus did this or that and LE would be chasing after him... so i would think there is more to this then someone just SAYING this is what i saw ... there is alot that we dont know but LE would be stupid to charge ppl with something based solely off what one person is willing to testify to.. jmo

The only thing that would collaborate the witness is the actual video, and it's pretty obvious LE doesn't have it. I'm pretty sure they can arrest on just the word of a witness. Getting it to trial (if a judge doesn't dismiss it), and getting a conviction is another story.
Vinelink finally updated:

MP is in Madison County:

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Offender Details
Offender ID:
Date of Birth:

Custody Status:
In Custody
Location of Offender:
Madison County Sheriff's Department
can someone please tell me where this 15 minute conversation comes from? a link maybe that outlines that is how long some alleged conversation between Holly and her Captor lasted? Please and thank you.

I know it has been discussed from day one almost that some sort of exchange took place. This week is the first time I am hearing the time frame 15 minutes attached to it.

It this information factual? If so link please.

If this is speculation based on what members suspect given the timeline as described by the witness Clint Bobo, then please, say that it is speculation based on the statements of Clint about the timeline that morning.

No snark intended. But I have been trying to follow closely here and somehow I missed that it was a fact that Holly and her captor exchanged 15 minutes of small talk before she was taken.

There is no link. Not just that, but most of those times are approximations. Cell records are easy enough to solidify some of the times, but others, there's no way someone can pin point it to the minute. So no, a 15 minute conversation is just speculation/sleuthing.
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