Holly Bobo's Remains Have Been Identified

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
That would imply that the body was out in the open, and not "in a hole" as per their witness tampering allegation. They are claiming, indirectly through their secondary charges, that the body was buried. So, finding the body in the open would contradict that.

Is that going to present a problem? Without a body how could they claim it was buried? tia
That would imply that the body was out in the open, and not "in a hole" as per their witness tampering allegation. They are claiming, indirectly through their secondary charges, that the body was buried. So, finding the body in the open would contradict that.

Is that going to present a problem? Without a body how could they claim it was buried? tia
<BBM for Focus>

Likely a shallow grave, imo. Scavenger activity or flash flooding over the past 3+ years may explain the scattered remains. The DC Sheriff said the remains location was in a valley, off a logging road, about 300 yards from the cell tower. Since the body farm folks (anthropologists) from the UT Knoxville have been brought in on the investigation. I am confident that they will find answers to everyone's questions; where the remains originated, etc.. imo
There is 'A New Forensics Tool; "LABRADOR" : 'New Alpha Dog in Human Remains Detection' - 'Advanced Sensor for Detecting Clandestine Graves'. Invented by Arpad Vass, Ph.D.

Forensics: Dr. Arpad Vass discusses "Forensics"
<sniped & BBM - read more>

Dr. Arpad A. Vass is a senior research scientist at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. He earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from Virginia Polytechnic University and State University in 1981, is Board certified in Clinical Pathology, has a Master of Science degree in Forensic Science and received a Ph.D in Forensic Anthropology from the University of Tennessee(Knoxville) in 1991.

He is an expert in human decomposition and developed four novel methods to determine the post-mortem interval which are currently used world-wide.

He is an instructor at the National Forensic Academy and has assisted law enforcement on numerous homicide investigations. One of his current interests is developing new technology to help locate clandestine graves by the use of odor mortis.
In this case they have already charged suspects and have passed a deadline to turn over evidence in discovery. So "not wanting the suspect to know what they have" is not a reason since their suspect has a right to access the evidence.

That is true but it still has no correlation to the public and media knowing these things.

Plus it is also obvious that these two suspects aren't the only ones they have in their radar.

Even though two have been arrested and charged this still IS a very active ongoing investigation.
They do it all the time now Shef.

I don't know when or how this trend got started where they seem to believe that the public has no right to know anything. They keep everybody as dumbed down as possible, refuse to answer the most basic questions at press conferences, and won't share vital information with the public that most likely would help solve the crime faster.

This "Us against Them" mentality that has developed in LE the last few years needs to come to an end.

drag drag... dust dust... getting onto my soapbox...

Except we actually don't have a right to know anything. The public records law in Tennessee specifically exempts current criminal investigations. I'm as nosy as the next person but I would rather be in the dark than give a perp the heads' up that they need to destroy some evidence that hasn't been located yet. On the Erin Corwin link, her family has elected to remain in the dark on the details of the investigation because they would rather the person be convicted than have details and perhaps say something they shouldn't. As much as I want the details (and I really really do!), I certainly don't have more right to know anything than they do.

Plus, when too much information comes out, it gives the defense a stage to spin spin spin, lie lie lie, a la Cindy Anthony, and totally poison any potential jury pool. The press is desperate to be read, watched, listened to and, because of that, they will line up to interview anyone and everyone and turn it into a circus. And circus trials rarely end with convictions.

Finally, whether LE are competent or not (and I think the vast majority are competent, dedicated professionals), people who come temporarily into the scope of an investigation and are later found to be completely innocent of any wrong doing have a right not to have their lives destroyed because I want to know all the gory details.
Jessica Ridgeway is the first case that comes to mind. Kudos to LE in that little girl's case. Without them releasing most everything they had, her killer might still be out and among us. The wooden cross necklace could have been kept a secret...but they put it on the line and asked the public for help in identifying it. Lo and behold, the killer's own mom called and turned him in.

Obviously, there are exceptions and that is an excellent one. But, if she had never seen it, the killer could have destroyed it and that would have been that.
That would imply that the body was out in the open, and not "in a hole" as per their witness tampering allegation. They are claiming, indirectly through their secondary charges, that the body was buried. So, finding the body in the open would contradict that.

It could, but "varmints" do dig things up. When we buried a pet of ours, we had to put a big rock over it, to keep it from being dug up. Unless she was buried fairly deep, it's entirely possible that erosion and varmints uncovered any grave.

Did someone say earlier that she was found very near where SA said she would be? Did I dream that?
a shallow grave that was over time dug up by scavenging animals and exposed after several years of flooding to the area could also explain remains that were not "in a hole".
Thanks Peli. I found on the white pages an address for Shayne. Yellow Springs Rd. Now to map it...
This sentence captured my attention as I thought they were looking for the closeness to ZA, maybe I missed something.

The skull was found near a home that Austin had moved into just two days before Bobo disappeared.


:seeya: Hi Peliman,

I don't think you missed anything at all ... I was wondering IF there would be any connection to Austin, as he is BFF with ZA and JA ... but maybe not BFF's anymore since Austin had that "immunity deal" -- which is still "up in the air" ...

Interesting though ...

WN Twitter:

Will Nunley @willnunley · 5m

The District Attorney is now speaking.

Will Nunley @willnunley · 4m

D.A. The death penalty is still under consideration. The family will assist with decision.

Will Nunley @willnunley · 4m

D.A. The time for action is upon us.

Will Nunley @willnunley · 3m

D.A.: We want to make sure that no one 'escapes the net'. #Hollybobo

Will Nunley @willnunley · 3m

D.A.: We think their is someone else out there that we need to get a hold of. #HollyBobo #Developing

Will Nunley @willnunley · 2m

"We love you Karen, Clint, Dana" an audience member remarks as the family departs.

Will Nunley @willnunley · 1m

D.A.: It is time to do our jobs. We will see that justice is provided to this family.

I am behind in my reading of this thread... So I apologize if this has been addressed...

But... I am really, really curious who else LE thinks are involved... And will be arrested...

I am behind in my reading of this thread... So I apologize if this has been addressed...

But... I am really, really curious who else LE thinks are involved... And will be arrested...


:seeya: Hi IHNC,

LE is :silenced: as to who else is involved and/or may be arrested.

You may want to check out the latest thread here on the Arrests that have been made so far, and those with pending charges:


Yes, it is a little complicated because there are so many perps, and these perps are in :jail: on other charges as well as they have extensive criminal/drug records.

But I hope this helps !
I come up with about 3 miles from where Holly's remains were found and SA's address in the white pages. It's on the route you would take to and from ZA's.


eta, moved it to the tower and it's 3.5 miles

Hey Dr.Know good to see you again, I'd been wondering and hope all is well. Not far at all from Austins dwelling, another piece of the puzzle starts coming together. I'm sure the DA will explore it with Austins attorney.

The wagons are circling.
:seeya: Hi IHNC,

LE is :silenced: as to who else is involved and/or may be arrested.

You may want to check out the latest thread here on the Arrests that have been made so far, and those with pending charges:


Yes, it is a little complicated because there are so many perps, and these perps are in :jail: on other charges as well as they have extensive criminal/drug records.

But I hope this helps !

Thanks Dog.Gone!

I have been trying to keep up with the other discussion thread since the arrests...

Seems like there are a whole gang of soulless perps involved...:(

drag drag... dust dust... getting onto my soapbox...

Except we actually don't have a right to know anything. The public records law in Tennessee specifically exempts current criminal investigations. I'm as nosy as the next person but I would rather be in the dark than give a perp the heads' up that they need to destroy some evidence that hasn't been located yet. On the Erin Corwin link, her family has elected to remain in the dark on the details of the investigation because they would rather the person be convicted than have details and perhaps say something they shouldn't. As much as I want the details (and I really really do!), I certainly don't have more right to know anything than they do.

Plus, when too much information comes out, it gives the defense a stage to spin spin spin, lie lie lie, a la Cindy Anthony, and totally poison any potential jury pool. The press is desperate to be read, watched, listened to and, because of that, they will line up to interview anyone and everyone and turn it into a circus. And circus trials rarely end with convictions.

Finally, whether LE are competent or not (and I think the vast majority are competent, dedicated professionals), people who come temporarily into the scope of an investigation and are later found to be completely innocent of any wrong doing have a right not to have their lives destroyed because I want to know all the gory details.

BBM. Exactly right. In addition, there are often specific strategies used in releasing and withholding information. If you follow a case from start to finish, in hindsight it's often very interesting to track what information was released, and when. This withheld information is often useful in determining involvement. If everyone knows everything, as is our desire sometimes, then how would they recognize a false confession or framed individual as opposed to someone legitimately involved?

Also, sometimes releasing information will cause people to pinpoint their focus on what's been released, and apply a filter to their clue awareness, which leads to a blindness to new information which they may wrongfully discount as unrelated. It's something we have to fight against in SAR. As a broad example, just because we were briefed that Subject A was wearing blue jeans and a white shirt, does not necessarily mean that's what we'll find Subject A wearing.

It's easy to judge LE from outside the case without the relevant information.

Also, previous posts have discussed why the searchers weren't brought back after the inclement weather. A lot of factors go into that decision as well. In my area, that call is usually made by local law enforcement, perhaps with some assistance/encouragement from trained SAR personnel. Some of the factors that might come into play are probability of a find, probability of a live find, potential hazards to volunteers, availability of volunteers, lack of specific leads, and incoming results from other avenues of investigation. Many volunteer searchers have day jobs, and can't just be available indefinitely, as much as we'd like to.

As a searcher, it can be frustrating knowing that a subject, alive or not, is out there somewhere and having a willingness to search. But there's a system and a science to it, and we abide by it, responding when we can and doing our best.
Jessica Ridgeway is the first case that comes to mind. Kudos to LE in that little girl's case. Without them releasing most everything they had, her killer might still be out and among us. The wooden cross necklace could have been kept a secret...but they put it on the line and asked the public for help in identifying it. Lo and behold, the killer's own mom called and turned him in.

This was, in my mind, a very significant detail in Jessica's case. Many of the details were kept secret up until the case went to trial, but with the cross it was significant because it had been placed inside little Jessica's body. I may be hard pressed to find the links now, but there were 2 things that spoke volumes to profilers. One was the cross and the other was the backpack and it's contents/ placement. The contents of the back pack were not revealed to the public at all but it contained her urine soaked clothes and her glasses., not her jacket. These facts indicated that Jessica was no longer alive but LE kept that information to themselves and only revealed the location of it. At the time LE had updated her information to say for the public not to focus on what she was wearing but rather the gap in her teeth. I remember thinking at the time that was significant but I didn't know why. The DNA on/in it matched the DNA of the previous assault and LE did not make that known.
The cross, however spoke of someone who was making a statement - with it, he not only defiled his victim, but he also defiled the very symbol of his phony Christianity. Both of those actions on the part of Austin Sigg were an attempt to taunt Law Enforcement because he thought he was smarter.
IMO LE is very good at determining what details will hurt and what details will harm the case. The uniqueness of that cross made it necessary to ask the public and I remember a Christian website that I frequent had posted the pictures asking all Christians if they recognized it. When I Google searched the images I discovered It was related to Jessica.

IMO the back pack discovery was made public because it was a citizen who discovered it but they released no details about it.

In Holly's case, IMO, we only heard about the skull because it was 2 citizens who discovered it. We still do not know what evidence was discovered in the searches that was so convincing to the Bobo family to finally accept that Holly was deceased and to LE that they were confident enough to bring M-1 charges without a body. Whether it was the soil with evidence of decomp, or SA knew she had been buried but did not know she was moved later, or blood evidence, but there is more that LE has not revealed and I feel that is designed to not taint the jury pool.

In Jessica's case, at trial when affidavits were released, the tower dumps and subsequent affidavits revealed the suspect's pings at the different crime scenes, the DNA was something that shocked him because he thought he took care of that. And the cross, well Austin Sigg was faced with a mountain of evidence and had no choice but a guilty plea or a no-lo.

I believe that we will see similar mountains of evidence in the cases involving Holly but there just were not any details that the public could have helped with.

ETA I can still find some links but most are no longer active.



I have been reading on WS about this case since the beginning. I can remember seeing the missing flyers around town. I live about 50 miles from where Holly is from. This whole case breaks my heart. How can anyone be so cold and callus? I thank God that her remains have been found, atleast the Bobo's can give her proper burial now. I hoped for a better outcome earlier on, but as time went by, I knew it wouldn't be. My thoughts and prayers go out to the Bobo family and friends. I hope that that they throw the book as these evil persons. Death would be to easy. Let them be placed in the middle of inmates, no solitary or protection.
I have been reading on WS about this case since the beginning. I can remember seeing the missing flyers around town. I live about 50 miles from where Holly is from. This whole case breaks my heart. How can anyone be so cold and callus? I thank God that her remains have been found, atleast the Bobo's can give her proper burial now. I hoped for a better outcome earlier on, but as time went by, I knew it wouldn't be. My thoughts and prayers go out to the Bobo family and friends. I hope that that they throw the book as these evil persons. Death would be to easy. Let them be placed in the middle of inmates, no solitary or protection.

:seeya: Hello and Welcome, Amykate ! Great First Post !

:welcome2: :wagon:

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