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Can anyone see the second hundred in the "More Photos" link? It's not working for me. The fact that TH isn't in any of the first hundred does stand out, the other 3 parents are in some of the pics.

edit: I see them now.

Don't see why Terri would be in photos on a trip Kyron took with mom and stepdad. I did notice that in most photos taken at his dad and stepmom's, terri appeared to be the one behind the camera.
wait.. what is this?
Is this a cover over the back of the truck??

Appears to be. We don't know whose truck it is, though.
Thanks for finding and posting that. I might not be seeing it, but where does it say they're meeting with reporters tomorrow?

The feeling I can't shake from the videos and now the pictures is that maybe LE aren't quite as sure as some of us thought.

But of course, very much hoping I'm wrong.

Kyron Horman's family released new video and 200 photos of the missing boy Thursday, one day ahead of a scheduled interview with members of the media.
The 7-year-old's biological parents, Kaine Horman and Desiree Young, are expected to meet with reporters Friday morning. The child's stepmother, Terri Moulton Horman, will not be present.
Appears to be. We don't know whose truck it is, though.

The photo is not taken at their home, so it could be on anyone's vehicle. Someone might recognize if it was taken at DY's home perhaps???

Wow well worth a visit ...although I could only find 101 on the web site and not 200 as implied.

Beautiful mom! Gorgeous kid! Adorable dog in Medford. Several shots of both dads loving their parenting duties...the step-brother is smiling radiantly

But wait...I didn't see any of the SM

Interesting after publishing the photos of the SM looking haggard last Friday...this is followed by a pic of Kyron on the front cover of People...ironically the best "fit body" issue ...a superb photo of a very glamorous bio mom on Monday, along with her heart-jerking letter to Kyron and now ...101 great pics of everyone but the Sm.

Maybe she will be included in the missing 99 pics.

Maybe these photos are being released by "the family" after a vote of 3 -1!
The photo is not taken at their home, so it could be on anyone's vehicle. Someone might recognize if it was taken at DY's home perhaps???
True that. Doesn't look like kyron's neighborhood for sure.

Just had a thought: does this mean mom and stepdad might own a truck????


Desiree is really pretty,from these pics Kyron is a beautiful happy little boy and has a very full life.I don't understand what has happened.But the main thing I'm not getting is why the media released those videos with other children in them.A child has been taken,LE says isolated,but would parents actually give permission if they don't know.Or is this newspaper just releasing pics and videos without getting permissions and being clueless.I don't care if LE told me for sure it was an acquaintance of Kyron's,there's other wackos out there looking at these things.I would never give my permission.
That looks like a camping tent to put over the back of a pickup to sleep in.
Sorry, not to draw this out but am I the only person who can't see the line about the PC tomorrow? This is the article i get:

PORTLAND, Ore. -- Kyron Horman's family released new video and 200 photos of the missing boy Thursday.
Slideshow: View Kyron Horman Photos | More Photos
Kyron, a second-grader at Skyline Elementary School, vanished after attending a morning science fair on June 4 where he presented a project about red-eyed tree frogs.
Multnomah County deputies said Terri Moulton Horman was the last person to see Kyron and included her photograph on a questionnaire handed out to Skyline parents. She is associated with the case, deputies said, but has not been named a person of interest.
Kyron's disappearance ignited one of the biggest search efforts in Oregon's history -- a massive ground-search operation that involved more than 40 law enforcement agencies and hundreds of searchers.
Detectives have remained tight-lipped about the case, which was classified as a criminal investigation in mid-June, in the face of rampant speculation about what happened to Kyron.
So far, deputies haven't identified anyone as a suspect in the case.

ETA: Looks like the article was updated at 2:17. Shame, was hoping for the press conference...
the text that said they were speaking to the media tomorrow has poofed
One tidbit I noticed in the photos is that several of the photos of Kyron with his bioDad appear to be taken BY bioDad (arm and lens angle). Don't know that it means anything whatsoever, but it's just something I noticed. BioDad appears to be very happy in all the photos (as do bioMom and stepDad).
"The 7-year-old's biological parents, Kaine Horman and Desiree Young, are expected to meet with reporters Friday morning. The child's stepmother, Terri Moulton Horman, will not be present."

Odd. Maybe they're just taking her out of the limelight so people don't focus on her so much...

ETA: TY won't be there, either? Hm. Maybe the plan is to take both stepparents out of the equation for now...
Can anyone see the second hundred in the "More Photos" link? It's not working for me. The fact that TH isn't in any of the first hundred does stand out, the other 3 parents are in some of the pics.

Hi Chili Fries! Have you found the second hundred photos yet? I can't seem to find anything beyond the first hundred either. I'll keep looking...
There is just no way I'm going to watch videos of Kyron. Maybe after he's found and someone is brought to justice, I could watch as a tribute to him or something. I already think he's heartbreakingly adorable; I just couldn't possibly hear his voice at this point or see him moving around in life. I still haven't gotten over Sandra Cantu skipping.
My favorite is him in the phone booth. and the leaves. too cute.

My heart goes out to all four parents. I can't imagine how devastated they are over this :(
There is just no way I'm going to watch videos of Kyron. Maybe after he's found and someone is brought to justice, I could watch as a tribute to him or something. I already think he's heartbreakingly adorable; I just couldn't possibly hear his voice at this point or see him moving around in life. I still haven't gotten over Sandra Cantu skipping.

When I was watching the news, they made a point of referring to being able to hear Kyron's voice.

Other than keeping the case in the forefront of the news (the local Al Gore sex scandal seemed to have take over at least momentarily), could there be a reason to specifically release video as opposed to still pics? Make him more "real"? A hint that they believe him to be alive and these details would make it easier for a stranger to recognize him if he has been disguised in any way?

Just the thoughts wandering through my brain...

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