Hope Sykes arrested 1/20/2010

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anyone know what happens when they get out and don't pay the fine? Do they go back to jail to work off the fine? Or does time served cover the fine?:waitasec:

I think in the "Hope gets 15 years" (something to that effect) thread, there's a post by CN2Souls that says she will probably have to work while she's in prison to pay her fine.
above it says she plead no contest.....how come the court docket says entered a plea of not guilty?

She changed her "not guilty" plea to "no contest. I included the parts of the court record pertaining to her entry of pleas and put the explanation in red.

2010-02-18 17 ARR ENT PLEA OF NOT GUILTY - PRE TRIAL SET 03/31/2010

(At the arraignment she entered a plea of "not guilty.)


(First appearance entered plea of "not guilty" and requested jury trial.)


(Pre-trial hearing she withdrew her plea of "not guilty" and changed her plea to "no contest."


(Same pre-trial hearing, the court accepted her plea of "no contest" ,she waived her right to a "pre-sentencie investigative report" (report prepared by probation agent re" defendant's background/character) and the court set date of sentencing
If the judge did overrule a plea agreement in Hope's case it may only strengthen their resolve to go to a full blown trial and not plea to anything knowing the judge could easily reject it before sentencing.

If this was done because of Hope's actions on that phone call to mom, just imagine what he could review in that respect when it comes to Misty!

If any of them do come forward with info on Haleigh, somewhere along the line they will have to offer reduced charges on the drugs or this might scare the lot of them into more silence after finding out what happened today to their cohort.

I bet visits/phone calls from everyone now will be a lot more restrained.

Anyone know who the next one in the group is due for court? The sentencing in that case will go a long way towards telling how this whole druggie gang is going to be dealt with. If the next one in line is given a stiff sentence then the rest of them better start packing for the big house....for a looooong stay.

Thank you, TA. Regarding the parts I bolded, maybe we can take from this that LE and the judge are on the same page, and LE isn't concerned about getting RC, MC, or TC to talk in exchange for a plea deal of their own at this point.

It would appear that TC already has, so he might be a little nervous today.
As someone said earlier, to accept her plea, she and the attorney would have gone over the agreement, step by step, and she would have signed it. That plea agreement probably included "no grounds for appeal".

If she didn't understand, it's her fault for not listening and paying attention, instead of copping that attitude of hers that she knew better than anyone else. Sometimes life's lessons are tough.

I wonder if it was her attitude or her attorney that caused her to choose her plea. From the pictures, she looks surprised at her sentence!
IMO, I think Misty and Ron are going to have much longer sentences since they both had more charges against them.

Tommy may get the same as Hope....IMO

Hopefully this will be an eye opener for Misty and she will start flappin' those lips!!

If this doesn't open their eyes, I don't know what will. Guess Misty can give up her dreams of an ankle bracelet, werk release or "drug court." I suspect a lot of homes in Satsuma have "for rent" signs posted today as the suppliers are probably getting out of town. I am thrilled at the [unusual person's] sentence. The drugs she helped sell or score could have killed someone's kid.
Yes she (all inmates) will have to work in prison at $5.00 a day to pay on her fine, (This is in the State of Florida) they do not take monies given to you from outside sources.
That was put VERY mildly! I think Tommy is TOAST!!! Doesn't he have the longest record of them all???

That's gonna be close between Tommy and Ron. But, Ron has drug priors and Tommy doesn't and there are, IIRC, NO felony convictions for either so I don't know.

I don't think any of them are gonna get the youthful offender deal. JMO.
Thank you, TA. Regarding the parts I bolded, maybe we can take from this that LE and the judge are on the same page, and LE isn't concerned about getting RC, MC, or TC to talk in exchange for a plea deal of their own at this point.

It would appear that TC already has, so he might be a little nervous today.

I am confused by this talk of a plea deal. Wouldn't it be worse to be convicted of aiding in the death of a person or disposal of a body? Why would they give up information. They surely would not offer them no prison time, would they? Just doesn't make sense to me. But, maybe I am missing something that has been reported.
Thanks HH! I thought Tommy had been convicted of a crime before now.
Could she appeal? I don't see why not.

Could she appeal on grounds of ineffectual counsel? I haven't seen that this attn. did anything that would warrant an appeal on those grounds.

As a poster pointed out back in the thread she was required to initial the paperwork for her plea. She isn't mentally or intellectually challenged (meaning she doesn't appear to be in a psychotic episode or have too low or an IQ to understand) in such a way that would keep her from saying that she does not understand any part of the process and request that it be explained to her.

Could she appeal her sentence? sure. But IMHO not on the grounds listed above.

IMHO what cooked her goose so to speak was the recorded call. No remorse.

IMHO she got the sentence she deserved and the court is not prosecuting her because of Haleigh. They are prosecuted her and sentenced her for her own actions.

Off Topic:
RC sure hid his face behind his hands when they played that tape (according to picture description) If I edit out the dirty words I can only imagine he was thinking to himself "She cooked her own goose with that one".

I do have thoughts on MC but will take them to the other thread.

She commited the crime as an adult. She has priors. The judge only gave her the mandatory minimum. She needs to count her blessings and get herself together because IIRC another poster said she was facing 30. Minimum sentence, although quite a bit of time, is still the minimum. She got lucky.

ETA: I'm sorry if I might read a bit harsh in wording today. I'm not thinking harsh lol. It's all said within my head calmly. I am taking allergy meds for allergy migraine and it effects how my thoughts come out of my fingers! :)
I don't think we'll see any more at all on Hope. The case is completed and she is entitled to whatever privacy any other sentenced criminal gets. I would think the sunshine law no longer applies as she has been sentenced.
I think in the "Hope gets 15 years" (something to that effect) thread, there's a post by CN2Souls that says she will probably have to work while she's in prison to pay her fine.

Prison isn't jail. In jail, they can sit there and do nothing. In prison, everyone has a job and they get paid for it, but it's only change. The pay will go toward the fine, probably after a set amount, and like someone said, any money they get from the outside will be added to the fines when their account has a certain amount in it.

I learned this in a criminal justice course I had in college when I was contemplating law school.

A Florida resident said in that state, donated money from the outside isn't taken from their account to pay toward the fine. I do think it could be applied if the prisoner gives permission. IDK Different things in different states.
Hope gets 15 years and is not eligible for the youthful offender program given her priors--but Misty has no priors so she would be eligible for that program. Misty just might NOT be sweating bullets right now. :waitasec:

One of these articles has a few comments from Judge LaRue - those comments basically said the youthful offender program was for kids who get drug into drugs by their peers. He also noted her 3 Jan 2010 arrest for possession.

In the UC tapes, does Misty look like someone was making her buy and sell drugs ? If a judge doesn't see it is possible for Hope to get drug into this mess, how is any judge going to see that in Misty after watching her make phone calls, give the UC instructions of where to go, where to let them out and where to pick them up ? From Judge LaRue's comments and a few chioce video tapes of Misty from jail combined with 8 counts - youthful offender is a pipe dream for Misty. If this is how Hope ended up for riding along basically, Misty, Ron, and Tommy are toast, as is Donna Brock. Game over.
Wow. That Judge just sent a LOUD AND CLEAR message that he is not messing around with these guys. Usually, a defendant pleads "no contest" to get a reduced sentence. I cannot remember ever hearing of a defendant pleading "no contest" and getting the full sentence.

The prosecutor DID play the recorded phone call she had with her mom. :woohoo:
In the grand scheme of things, with some of them, I don't think it's going to matter what their sentences are going to be for the drug charges since they will probably be up on murder charges and could very well get the death penalty. Just my opinion.
Noooooo Passionflower! Don't do it. Last time one was close to this bunch, it wound up in a mailbox in terrible shape!

:waitasec: Which mod once said "I enjoyed laughing while I deleted your posts"? No need to answer. I'm leaving this post up. :floorlaugh:
I might add that for those members considering dieting........a fridge magnet with any of these players on it, would werk wonders.

I'm gonna get me one of them photo luggage tags with RC's pic on it - when they try to charge me for my suitcase, I'll show 'em the pic and say, "don't you know who this is?".
Hope's been in front of a judge four times within the past year and has used the no contest before. She knows darn well what that means.

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