How Are You Going To Watch Trial ? Live Feed & Smart Phone Info

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I'm going to have to watch it live stream any time I'm out in the field and follow it on here otherwise. Right now I was checking to see if Fox had any of their webcams outside the courthouse but no...yet at least.

ETA: Or is my worplace blocking it: My site shows two mobile cams; one in the office and one of a boom operator.
Oh the joys of being a SAHM :) I'll just have to figure out how to keep the house clean, the kitties happy, meals prepared, and make it appear like I've actually accomplished something when DH gets home!

Is the greatest website on earth ready?

YES WE ARE THE WEBSLEUTHS!.. a commenter..LOL...but... cant wait :D
Skyfire is a $2.99 app that wonderful WS'rs directed me to. It is a workaround for no flash player. I have it working great on my iPad. Believe it works on the iPhone too.

You guys are way too advanced for me! I don't even have a cell phone :)
I plan to watch online but will have InSession on the big screen for better viewing. When they cut to a commercial i just turn up my laptop volume. I'm usually up by 7 so can get a bit done before the start of the day. Don't forget there are breaks so finishing touches can be done then. Errands and supper prep i will do at the lunch break. One can sit and sort thru drawers etc. while watching/listening and will appear that we have really accomplished some mundane taks LOL
I can't believe what I did today. I always listen with headphones so I can hear very clearly. But obviously sitting all day isn't going to bode well for my diabetes or my butt! So I sent DH to Best Buy today to buy me a new set of speakers :) I'll have it running in my bedroom and living room when I'm home. I promised myself to use my arm and ankle weights if I find myself sitting too long :)

Oh, the things I'm planning for this case -- color me crazy!



I'm thinking about moving my old lazy boy recliner in with my computer....daughers not happy that I have claimed the computer for the duration...they keep asking how long will it last...tell them the optimistic version....8 weeks...reality version ????????? ( I know how the DT works )
I fortunately ( seriously it WAS a good thing!) lost my job at the end of March. SOO sad <insert sarcasm here>. Fortuantley due to my <unusal pedofile> ex-husband who makes a fortune and since the state won't convict him since it happened in another state he has to give me a nice sum in child support and alimony. I will be home for the duration of the trial and be able to help summarize for everyone unable to watch, I'll take good notes for you all with times on video to check for the highlights!

As an aside to what was mentioned earlier I'm working on making it a FEDERAL LAW that the States don't have their hands tied when it comes to crimes against children. I would appreciate any support I can get in getting this bill passed. It will be presented to congress by next January. I will also be trying to implement "Hannah's law" which would make sex offenders be MADE to register if they have admitted in court in front of a judge, signed a confession and also told Child and youth services under oth that they did do this. This is my mission.
cout me in on any support for your activism... also.. bless you for what you have gone through
Can someone tell me what time, this all starts. I have to work, but I hope I can catch opening statements for I have to leave.
Skyfire is a $2.99 app that wonderful WS'rs directed me to. It is a workaround for no flash player. I have it working great on my iPad. Believe it works on the iPhone too.

So worth the money for an iphone, I am finally able to watch the livestream.
The good news: The opening statements are going to be on my birthday. :woohoo: :partyguy:
More good news: I'm going to the beach until Wednesday. :sunshine:
The bad news: No internet at the beach :noooo: :pullhair:
I'll have to catch up when I get back. :silly:

Hey it's my sister's bday too! Happy Birthday!
I'm allowed to go on the internet at work as long as my work is finished. The problem is that the office is too small to allow me to use sound. :sigh:
do you have long hair? if not grow yours out or get a wig and wear wireless earbuds! :great:
I'll have to watch on IS even though it pains me that there will be commercials and that they cut out at 3pm to switch to The Worlds Wildest Police Videos (clearly more important :( ) I'll have to catch up on the rest at night when DH gets home.
Just thinking back to watching all of this unfold 3 years ago when I was single and living at home with my parents, watching NG every night. Now I'm married with a baby and another on the way. What a difference 3 years make!
Anyone of our Canadian friends know if we are able to get a TV feed of the trial here in Canada (Vancouver)?

I've been watching the "reflector" feed online which has been very good, but I will need to record some of the trial as I cannot sit in front of t

Hello Neighbour! (note the spelling!) Fellow Vancouverite here - I watch reflector also, but WFTV has been very good about recording the trial and putting them up on their news site very promptly so if I miss anything, that's where I go...
I'm not up-to-date with technology! I have a desktop computer that's located in a bedroom turned home office. Hubby has his desk in here and I have my computer desk, printers, etc. A couple of years ago I bought a small 13-inch tv for the office. So I can be online with the tv about 5 feet from the computer.

I will be online with one of the online streaming links - my favorite here in my post, will be on WS, and will have the TV on either HLN or Tru-TV.

The only issue I have is that my computer is older and has only 1 gig of memory. When my anti-virus (Avira) kicks in for it's daily scan at noon here on the west coast (3:00 in Orlando) my computer is slow going from one page of a WS thread to another or in posting to a thread. My preferred browser is FireFox, but I'm told it's a resource hog, so I'm going to see what happens if I switch to IE when my anti-virus is running tomorrow and see if that helps.

Yes, I know, I need to update and I'm planning on doing so very soon. It's been so long since I've shopped for a new computer, I don't know what to look for. Do I want another desktop or a laptop? I'm intrigued by the IPad, but don't know enough about them. Does an IPad replace a computer?

No Leila, not if you need data capabilities. You are better off with the Blackberry Playbook just released.

I have a 14 YO that I just know won't be happy if I'm at the computer all day. Wants to join the gym, go swimming, the lot. I'm all for it, just as long as I can figure out how to tape the sessions. I don't have IS on my cable (too expensive), but if it's a choice I have to make, I'll choose my son anytime over ICA. She should have thought the same, eh?


bbm... AMEN MEL!:rocker:
I'm not against IS, I watch it-- but I will admit that Jean C. and Vinnie P. are already on my last nerve! :floorlaugh:
I don't watch it and they are on my last nerve as well! ((after reading what you guys are saying that they are saying
Will InSession (IS) really be cutting out at 3:00 pm? Are they kidding? Having been on many a jury, I know court activity usually is over at about 3:30, latest 4:00 pm (at least in my state). Won't IS hang in there for an additional 30 to 60 minutes so we can hear each day's full activities?

This case will be the most-viewed case of the century. InSession, we need to see and hear the entire day's activities each day in this trial. Please extend your schedule.

I work at home on my computer, which is catty corner to my TV, making it possible to listen as I work and occasionally look at TV to see what's happening in the courtroom. I hope not to miss a word of the entire trial. Do you hear me, InSession? :innocent:
I'm a gonna watch it on the net (whichever link is working at the time) with about 800ish of my closest friends.
I'll be here double tabbing on the net or if I have to go out into the world my trusty android will feed me my cnn live and my tapatalk will give my my websleuths. Ahhh, tech.

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