How do you feel about Misty

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Misty was hanging out with individuals that were "WAY" too old for her. She should have been around kids closer to her age group. She was a kid living in an adult world. She lacked maturity, intelligence and experience to be accountable for her actions.

She was and should be held accountable for her actions.A lot of people, myself included had to grow up quick and take care of ourselves.My mom was manic depressive before they knew what it was and received no meds or care untill she was sobbing not eating then they would have her taken to the hospital for months getting electro shock treatments that were midevil,During those Months ,I was more or less in charge of myself from the age of about 9.So as far as a kid living in an adult world thats no excuse for how she turned out.I even had to budget and shop for food.Misty lacked any ambition to make a better life for herself.She went to whatever guy who took her in exchange for sex,probably hoping to pop out babies and work the system.To bad her parents got away with their robbing ,stealing , and drugging lifestyle and I can almost guarantee they worked the system .Most of the people who are in prison , probably had it just as rough as Misty or worse.Should they all be let out running the streets?People need to be held accountable for their actions.
I feel bad for Misty, but I feel worse for Haleigh.
I'll tell ya what.

I think many things, but here's a thought I've had...

I hope she learns to read & write, gets out, and writes her story. Misty's story should be required viewing in FL High School Health Classes. Yup. Especially these sentencing hearings. Her story is a goldmine in real-life lessons for teen abstinence - for ALL SORTS of things teens should abstain from. heh. Talk about skeered straight! Maybe she has a future as a teen advocate? She'd be a great Oprah/Dr. Phil/Dr. Drew/Tyra/AndersonCooper/LarryKing interview - wouldn't she?
as a victim of abuse as a young defenseless teen I can see how Misty became who she is, but since I didn't respond to hardships in childhood by making some of the deplorable choices she has, I cannot sympathize with the abuse excuse.

Life is rarely perfect for all and unfortunately for many it is very tough and yet many people facing that upbringing become wonderful, compassionate, contributing citizens.

In other words, I can relate to the lost girl she became with sympathy, but I cannot cut her any special consideration for it in light of my belief that she is extremely involved in Haleigh's disappearance.
Being raised by a mentally ill drug addicted mother who probably didn't know how old I was at many points in time (she hadn't spoken to me in ten years before she died and when I went to ICU when she was dying she actually stuck with the grudge match and told the nurse she didn't have a daughter so they turned me away), but my point being I have the GREATEST of empathy for the situation Misty was born into.

She had no control over the that hand. It put her the horrible position to be sexually and physically abused by those around (understand that at an intimate level and what it does to you as a person as well) her.

Then add on the additional layer which I think sealed her fate of repeating the cycle (which is the part of the equation I didn't get personally) of being uneducated and either doing nothing to change that or being unable to.

I feel bad for Misty as a person. I feel bad for Casey Anthony and what she was dealt with for a mother and that she never unraveled her life from Cindy's dysfunction.

But once Misty CHOSE to be a stepmother in role or in label and let her dysfunction spill on to the children in her circle of influence my willingness to absolve her of 1% of responsibility for the outcome flies right out the window. I think Haleigh died at her hands intentionally or unintentionally. Probably unintentionally as far as being dead, but Misty is selfish and most likely put her own desires ahead of Haleigh's wellbeing (as all drug taking parental figures do) and Haleigh paid the price.

Misty continues to be selfish in refusing to let Haleigh be buried in a loving manner and let this case be solved. I don't feel bad for her that she is in prison on a drug charge. She made her bed. I understand how she got there, but it doesn't absolve her.

I bet Lisa Croslin had a horrible mother too. I can empathize with her for that portion of her life, it absolves her of nothing when you look at the path of destruction she has left around her.

So I feel great pity for Misty, but not to a degree that I think she should be anywhere besides prison. I wish great strength for the other young women of her generation that are on the cusp of making the decisions to unravel their inherited dysfunction or diving into to repeat the cycle. It is a hard road to navigate.
Thank you impatientredhead, for so aptly articulating my thoughts about Misty in a much better way than I myself was able to.

Here ya go..............

Ronald Cummings to spend 15 years in prison

September 24, 2010
By Dana Treen
PALATKA — Ronald Cummings will spend 15 years in prison for taking part in a string of drug deals selling prescription pills.

Ronald Cummings, didn't comment to the judge in the 15-min hearing.

Neves, told the court her son was a good man and father who had made bad decisions.

Judge Terry LaRue didn't comment on the case other than to impose sentences of 15 years apiece on two counts and three years on a third count to run concurrently. He was also fined $250,000.

Ronald Cummings was the only person involved in the case to get a plea deal.

Terry Shoemaker, said he thought Ronald's willingness to testify in any cases involving Haleigh's disappearance or the drug cases played a role in the state's willingness to make a deal.
My device wont open the link dangit.

Ok Im reading to catch up and maybe Im a doofus... or both.:) Can someone help me understand the details of Ronald's sentencing?

Iow, so he did get a plea deal?

If so, is the 15 year sentence the result of that deal? (in that, was the 15 yrs Ron's/his atty's goal in pursuing the deal?)

Versus what, I wonder. How long would the sentence have likely been without a plea deal?

Somehow I thought he simply got the minimum for that county....

- - or was that, in itself, part of "the deal?" (getting the minimum versus not)

Sorry I sound like a maroon. [tm Bug Bunny] Im just confused. Tia :-)

(Oh... and and pain-in-the-heiny part 2, what does the deal require him to do?)

My device wont open the link dangit.

Ok Im reading to catch up and maybe Im a doofus... or both.:) Can someone help me understand the details of Ronald's sentencing?

Iow, so he did get a plea deal?

If so, is the 15 year sentence the result of that deal? (in that, was the 15 yrs Ron's/his atty's goal in pursuing the deal?)

Versus what, I wonder. How long would the sentence have likely been without a plea deal?

Somehow I thought he simply got the minimum for that county....

- - or was that, in itself, part of "the deal?" (getting the minimum versus not)

Sorry I sound like a maroon. [tm Bug Bunny] Im just confused. Tia :-)

(Oh... and and pain-in-the-heiny part 2, what does the deal require him to do?)


Ron had two charges with 25-year minimum mandatory. He got both charges dropped as result of a plea deal. Remaining charges were two with 15 years minimum each, and one with 3 years minimum. He got the minimum on all charges for a total of 33 years, to be served concurrently. Without his plea deal that dropped Ron's two most serious charges, Ron would have been sentenced to 25 years for each of those charges.

Fifteen years in prison was what Ron and Shoemaker were going for. They both knew he would not get less, and I believe they both knew he would not get more (though the Judge had the discretion to sentence Ron to the max of 30 years on each of those remaining charges, or to sentence consecutive terms rather than concurrent.)

ETA: Ron's part of the deal is to testify in court if Haleigh's case ever goes to trial. He's also required to truthfully answer all questions from the SA about the night Haleigh went missing, and possibly about other things.

Second edit when I remembered two charges were not reduced, but dropped completely.,2933,491368,00.html

VAN SUSTEREN: Marie, do you know of any problems in that home?

GRIFFIS: In the past, Haleigh and Junior have told us that, you know, they've been hit and stuff like that, but up to this point, everything was fine.

GRIFFIS: I have never officially been introduced to her. I saw her in Ronald's car one weekend when we took Haleigh and Junior back to their dad on a Sunday, and she was sitting in the car. And I don't know who she is, never spoke to her. All I know is Haleigh and Junior told me that they liked her, that she was nice to them.

SHEFFIELD: No, I don't. I've talked to her. She seemed like a really nice
person, but I've never sat down and had a conversation with her. And the kids

VAN SUSTEREN: Marie, I don't mean to...told me that...

SHEFFIELD: ... They loved her.

my question would be who was doing the hitting ? and if it was mc why did they love her and say she was nice to them?,2933,491368,00.html

VAN SUSTEREN: Marie, do you know of any problems in that home?

GRIFFIS: In the past, Haleigh and Junior have told us that, you know, they've been hit and stuff like that, but up to this point, everything was fine.

GRIFFIS: I have never officially been introduced to her. I saw her in Ronald's car one weekend when we took Haleigh and Junior back to their dad on a Sunday, and she was sitting in the car. And I don't know who she is, never spoke to her. All I know is Haleigh and Junior told me that they liked her, that she was nice to them.

SHEFFIELD: No, I don't. I've talked to her. She seemed like a really nice
person, but I've never sat down and had a conversation with her. And the kids

VAN SUSTEREN: Marie, I don't mean to...told me that...

SHEFFIELD: ... They loved her.

my question would be who was doing the hitting ? and if it was mc why did they love her and say she was nice to them?

good question!! May I jump in here with my :twocents:??

Kids are pretty savy...They know who likes them. ANd who just tolerates them... It is very TELLING to me that somebody would take Haleigh and Jr.. to where Misty was..and beg her to come babysit them...and she would...Kids would not even want to get out the car and go up to the door...if they didn't like the person.

With Misty on the news awhile back..(sorry no link) maybe last year...would tell how how Haleigh liked her...

No doubt tho, these kids were a handful, as kids are, ...but they liked it sounds like they had a good relationship with her....

Misty is young enough herself, to be "playful" with kids that age...and they possibly did have fun with her...and if you have fun with kids...they DO like you.

I had posted some comments awhile back, that Misty , IMO, doesn't displays/shows/.........any grief/remorse/ might see from someone that murdered a little girl...Misty has no trouble looking at the camera...

It is just not my this time...that she murdered Haleigh out of jealously, spite, anger....She WANTED to be a part of Ron's family...and care for them all....imo....
my :twocents:
good question!! May I jump in here with my :twocents:??

Kids are pretty savy...They know who likes them. ANd who just tolerates them... It is very TELLING to me that somebody would take Haleigh and Jr.. to where Misty was..and beg her to come babysit them...and she would...Kids would not even want to get out the car and go up to the door...if they didn't like the person.

With Misty on the news awhile back..(sorry no link) maybe last year...would tell how how Haleigh liked her...

No doubt tho, these kids were a handful, as kids are, ...but they liked it sounds like they had a good relationship with her....

Misty is young enough herself, to be "playful" with kids that age...and they possibly did have fun with her...and if you have fun with kids...they DO like you.

I had posted some comments awhile back, that Misty , IMO, doesn't displays/shows/.........any grief/remorse/ might see from someone that murdered a little girl...Misty has no trouble looking at the camera...

It is just not my this time...that she murdered Haleigh out of jealously, spite, anger....She WANTED to be a part of Ron's family...and care for them all....imo....
my :twocents:
I've never thought that jealousy played a part in this...anger maybe. But you're right about kids. 1 of my earlist memories is my twin & me being dropped of at a horrible babysitter's. We were about 3-4, & we told our mom that she & her grown son were really mean, but she didn't believe us. He used to pick on us ,taunt us, shove us around, & when we'd cry, they both laughed at us. hateful people, & we hated going there.
I've never thought that jealousy played a part in this...anger maybe. But you're right about kids. 1 of my earlist memories is my twin & me being dropped of at a horrible babysitter's. We were about 3-4, & we told our mom that she & her grown son were really mean, but she didn't believe us. He used to pick on us ,taunt us, shove us around, & when we'd cry, they both laughed at us. hateful people, & we hated going there.

Yes....I had a childhood experience with a babysitter I didn't like either...Her kids were allowed to take my stuff away, bully me and make me cry as they were older than me....I hated going there too.......

Then later my aunt babysat me and she used to have fun with me, books, games...she was always my favorite aunt...I loved being with her..

My device wont open the link dangit.

Ok Im reading to catch up and maybe Im a doofus... or both.:) Can someone help me understand the details of Ronald's sentencing?

Iow, so he did get a plea deal?

If so, is the 15 year sentence the result of that deal? (in that, was the 15 yrs Ron's/his atty's goal in pursuing the deal?)

Versus what, I wonder. How long would the sentence have likely been without a plea deal?

Somehow I thought he simply got the minimum for that county....

- - or was that, in itself, part of "the deal?" (getting the minimum versus not)

Sorry I sound like a maroon. [tm Bug Bunny] Im just confused. Tia :-)

(Oh... and and pain-in-the-heiny part 2, what does the deal require him to do?)


Ron has to tell the truth (cough, cough) about anything the DA may ask him. And the big one: If in the future Haleigh's case comes to trial, Ron has to testify about anything that he knows. He has to be truthful.

How does that work for you? I personally think it sucks to be given a deal on a Maybe in the future, If it comes to trial, sorta testimony...............:waitasec:

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