How do you feel about the memorial service planned for Caylee?

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How do you feel about the memorial service planned for Caylee?

  • I think it is okay to have one without the family's blessings.

    Votes: 283 56.4%
  • I think the family should have the final say in any memorial, formal or not.

    Votes: 130 25.9%
  • I have no idea what to think.

    Votes: 89 17.7%

  • Total voters
While I can understand why complete strangers would want to hold a prayer vigil for lil Caylee, a Memorial should only be held by the family. Sorry folks, but this is a ploy for publicity. I mean - RG is the one saying the prayers while LP is organizing it? Doesnt anyone else smell publicity hounds??? I say beware of wolves in sheeps clothing. I just keep waiting to see who gets the better movie/book deal - LP or RG. LP is always after the publicity, and RG is an actor (very convincing isnt he?). My bets are on RG....

This whole thing is turning into a circus..........this is not about Caylee anymore - its about who can be on NG more, who can generate publicity more... it sickens me.

Respectfully, I disagree with you. I also feel you have as much right to state your opinion as any one else.

I don't know RG, I don't know if I would want to know him but I believe he loves Caylee, he misses her, he believes she is in heaven and I'm sure like many other adults in Caylee's life, he may wonder if he should have done more when she was alive to insure nothing like this ever happened to her. His prayers this morning made me weep.

The Padilla's didn't turn this into a circus, the tents were up and tickets sold long before they were on the scene. LE warned George in their interview what they were going to get if Cindy didn't pipe down. What she gets she has brought on herself. I wonder if there were no cameras around yesterday if she would have showed up, surrounded by her 'peeps'? Or why she didn't just give him a call.

I believe LP was taken advantage of, he knew it the day he handed over $50K then was told, 'Oh btw, you can't speak to KC'. The whole name of his game had been take her home, give her a bath and a meal then I'll talk with her and we'll figure this mess out. JB waited until the cash was on the table before he piped in 'stay away from KC'. LP could have revoked bond that very day, but he showed JB how to be a gentleman, he revised his game plan and started trying to figure another way to find the 'kidnappers'. I felt right then LP was making a commitment to Caylee and the A's, he would do anything in his power to bring Caylee home. He's right when he says he's old fashioned, he keeps his word even when everyone around him has lied through their teeth to him. He was a knight in armor to the A's when they wanted KC out of jail and wanted Caylee found. Once their game plan changed, they expected him to get out of their way and return to California, quietly. Too bad Cindy didn't realize sooner she couldn't bully LP and get away with it, I think she has met her match.

LP was a big enough man to state on camera he shouldn't have called his little service a memorial and with as much support as he has offered the A family, I wish one of them would have been decent enough to show up for Caylee. LE and LP so far have been Caylee's strongest advocates. I hope Lennie can stay and see the search through till Caylee is brought home. Regardless of who plans the service, or what it's called, it should be all about Caylee.
and funds to aid in their "search"..which IMO is a biggie.
Don't forget the lists of names and addresses of people who donated are worth a lot of money to sell to other charities. Big moneymaker to own those lists. The lists are considered an asset of the charity.
You could be right, but if LE and/or the FBI do not want it released, LP wouldn't just blurt that out.. I really don't believe he knows that for a fact. I think he just likes the attention..

I do not think he is truly in this for Caylee..I never did..From the beginning he wanted to make a name for himself.. It worked..

I dunno. He already HAD one of the biggest names in bounty hunting.
I think that families are often not of the same blood. "Families," of sorts, have come together over this wronged baby. And, families, blood or not, do need to grieve. So we agree, in ways.

Many people on these lists believe in heaven. In their belief system, Caylee is perfectly safe, now. I beleve in reincarnation. In my belief system, her next life will be better.

In either case, Caylee is now safer than she has ever been, and is in a condition of perfect love and comfort.

But what is the rush to have a memorial for her? She can't be unkilled any more than the bell can be unrung. Let time pass so that healing can take place and then have memorials. Nothing good comes from justifying actions because someone else behaved badly.

Rush? She died five months ago.
Of course a memorial service is an affront to the family. It is also true that the family is an affront to the public, a public devoted to this child. Call that a push and move on to whether the memorial honors the brief life of Caylee. I believe that it is past time this were done.

If we really abhor sacrilege of the dead, if we remove bodies from the field of battle for a reason, if we enact laws against desecration of a corpse to protect it, then we need to acknowledge Caylee's time on earth and remember her, mindful of HER spirit.
Caylee was a child full of love and she gave it generously. How heartening for her spirit to see and to know that her loving ways were recognised and that our hearts are full whenever we think of her.

Enduring love to you, Caylee. Always and forever!

For once, today watching the service, I feel that finally someone stood for Caylee and Caylee only, and that was Mr. Grund. It was heartfelt when he stated that he was here for 2 people, the Lord, and Caylee.
I agree with his words, and know from the bottom of my heart that he loved her so dearly, not many can admit to crying for themselves.
This was a great thing Mr. Grund did, and I respect him much more than ever.
I would like to see her buried with love and dignity, but I think today's events and even the emotions on this thread show that LP hosting a memorial service is not going to bring about a dignified outcome. Even if you accept he has absolutely pure intentions for doing so, which many don't, but putting it as a given it will still result in a media circus/madhouse/Cindy flipout and the people who want to pay their respects feeling disrupted, distracted, etc...

Someone of a more neutral party should handle the event. Have it in a church, not at a suspected but not confirmed dumping site, and have the ability to speak well in public and say this is for Caylee, this is for the people who have been touched by her, this is an opportunity for them to express how she has touched them, say good bye if that is what they feel they need to do, for them to celebrate her life if that is what they would like to do, and for them to pray for her well being if that is what they need to do. This could be done in a beautiful gracious manner.

And with 3000 people online watching Cindy flip out, and more of us commenting on it, we should be able to arrange it instead of fighting about it.

She'd immediatley attack any "neutral" who tried to do this. Like she has everybody else, who has tried to assist.
I do not believe that if a trial had concluded and Casey was convicted of murdering a dead Caylee, that under those circumstances Cindy would have behaved any differently. Casey would still be a good mother, Caylee would be sighted during the post-murder-conviction memorial service, and lest I forget, LE planned this from day one.

That's just me, though.

I agree. Look what CA is saying about DNA evidence! She's a nurse. She knows about DNA.
I was saying that the incest thing was a lie!!! I do not believe it one bit!!! If you want to believe it, or consider it, that's your opinion! I think that for him to go on national tv and say something like that, which has never been confirmed, validated, just rumored up, how could this family not hate this man!!! I can't stand him for that!!!

I do NOT believe he is in it for Caylee at all! He wants to spite this family..and they know it

I am fond of LP, but I WOULD like to shake him til his teeth rattle, re: that.

I DO however, believe that he is in it for Caylee. I have seen him choke up. I have not seen that from the family. He has grandkids, and my guess is that he dotes on them.

He came to Or-lahn-do to SUPPORT the As, and did so, until he saw the evidence, and the family's attempts to obstruct the investigation.
Oh you think? I have a slight incling that there may be some reasonable doubt brought up that she is deceased at all !

mtDNA. Hair with the death stripe. Decomp fluids in the trunk. Mother's refusal to call LE. Stall of family, by mother for 31 days.

Nope! No doubt. I wish there was!
Respectfully, I disagree with you. I also feel you have as much right to state your opinion as any one else.

The Padilla's didn't turn this into a circus, the tents were up and tickets sold long before they were on the scene. LE warned George in their interview what they were going to get if Cindy didn't pipe down. What she gets she has brought on herself. I wonder if there were no cameras around yesterday if she would have showed up, surrounded by her 'peeps'? Or why she didn't just give him a call.

I believe LP was taken advantage of, he knew it the day he handed over $50K then was told, 'Oh btw, you can't speak to KC'. The whole name of his game had been take her home, give her a bath and a meal then I'll talk with her and we'll figure this mess out. JB waited until the cash was on the table before he piped in 'stay away from KC'. LP could have revoked bond that very day, but he showed JB how to be a gentleman, he revised his game plan and started trying to figure another way to find the 'kidnappers'. I felt right then LP was making a commitment to Caylee and the A's, he would do anything in his power to bring Caylee home. He's right when he says he's old fashioned, he keeps his word even when everyone around him has lied through their teeth to him. He was a knight in armor to the A's when they wanted KC out of jail and wanted Caylee found. Once their game plan changed, they expected him to get out of their way and return to California, quietly. Too bad Cindy didn't realize sooner she couldn't bully LP and get away with it, I think she has met her match.

LP was a big enough man to state on camera he shouldn't have called his little service a memorial and with as much support as he has offered the A family, I wish one of them would have been decent enough to show up for Caylee. LE and LP so far have been Caylee's strongest advocates. I hope Lennie can stay and see the search through till Caylee is brought home. Regardless of who plans the service, or what it's called, it should be all about Caylee.

I LOVE YOUR POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OF ALL THE POST I HAVE READ SO FAR THIS BY FAR SAYS RIGHT ON!!:clap::clap::clap::clap:
How can LP do this to Caylee? Never again will I watch anything with him in it. What right does he have to decide to have a memorial for that baby girl? He wants the spotlight. He took over the search Tim had, he is taking over with his memorial.

OK, you're right he shouldn't have called it a memorial, he even stated this before the service started. But seriously who has more right to hold a prayer service for Caylee? The man who bailed her mom out of jail so he could search for her or the family who has done everything in their power to assure she is never found.

As for taking anything away from Tim? I was beginning to think LP had decided not to participate in the search, because I hadn't heard a peep out of him all weekend, until Tim pulled the plug. Should we have waited for the A's to pick up the torch? LP did the right thing again. He said, 'I have an idea', then he opened up his wallet (again) and paid for the search to continue. At this point it's his money, I believe he has the right to look anywhere he wants. He also hasn't said boo against Tim or TES (that I know of) regarding them pulling out. So why should anyone bad mouth him for trying to find this sweet baby girl, when her own family has done nothing to help bring her home. If not him, who?
Court of Law.... Not public opinion !

Court of law is what incarcerated KC.

Like it, or not, people are entitled to opinions. And, many of them have seen the forensic evidence.

However, KC will be found guilty, or not, and sentenced, or not, by a court of law.
But CA is human too.. He has hurt them so much by his words.. He has said some pretty bad things (remember, incest?)..I just know that I would despise him so much if I were her, and it would be a SLAP in the face for him to hold a memorial for her.. THE FIRST MEMORIAL?? All others were "vigils"..It is so inappropriate, IMO!

Yes, and they've hurt the entire investigation.

I guess everybody got hurt. Caylee, most of all.
But CA is human too.. He has hurt them so much by his words.. He has said some pretty bad things (remember, incest?)..I just know that I would despise him so much if I were her, and it would be a SLAP in the face for him to hold a memorial for her.. THE FIRST MEMORIAL?? All others were "vigils"..It is so inappropriate, IMO!

I agree that LP may have said something that were hurtful, but don't feel a lick sorry for her after she called Tim a drunk who feels guilty about his own daughters death.
When you do and say bad things, it comes back to you a hundred fold, just maybe CA's own hands slapped her back.
LP is searching and that's good, but he went into the family home and was defending Casey at first. So many different things have been said since on national television. To have a memorial is in memory of a person who is dead and for LP to host it and invite Rev. Grund who hates Cindy and George to preach or pray at Blanchard Park where it's said to the world that is where Caylee was dumped is what is not appropriate IMO. Things like this could make Casey even more stubborn and never talk or tell anything, not that she is ever very likely to anyway. It also keeps George and Cindy so torn up that all they want to do is defend themselves and Casey instead of getting to the point of truth.

GA and CA started lying immediateley after the FIRST call to 911. KC refused to speak even BEFORE that.

At that time, there WAS no LP, no Rev. G, no protestors, no media, no NG, no TM, no anybody "attacking" them at all.

I'm afraid you can't blame that family's behaviors on anybody but them. They are disliked because of their lies, obstructions, and enabling of their felonious daughter. It's that simple. NO one has lied as much as has this family. Nor has anyone else tried to obstruct the investigation. From day one.

This is all just one big giant Circus & LP is the ringleader

2 days before they began the search he was adament & convnced & led us all to believe that Caylee would be found near the Airport.

He said ...."I'm telling you that's where the body is"

How did we end up under that tree at Blanchard Park ?

I'm not buying the story about the Female bodyguard seeing the cross photo for the first time yesterday....

Something is "Rotten in Denmark"

Agree re: the circus. I think there is a toss-up for ringleader between CA and KC.

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