How far would you go to protect a kidnapper?

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I would have gone to LE immediately, told them what was happening, and followed their advise on what needs to be done in order to get my child back.
Considering the fact that the longer a child is away from home, the more danger she is likely to be in, I wouldn't go to ANY length to "protect a kidnapper."

In a bona fide kidnapping situation, I simply do not believe that compliance with the kidnapper has ever had a good outcome.

I would do everything within my power--including IMMEDIATELY notifying LE---if something were to happen to a child of mine.

I would be on the phone to LE so fast my butt would catch fire.

if they killed my baby for it...I would still blame myself, what mother would have no guilt NO MATTER WHAT, whether they were blameworthy or NOT....but them having my baby? outlook not good anyways. at least with LE involved there is that chance. dont think there is much chance if you keep your mouth shut.

and by the way, I wouldnt do it in the fake patsy ramsey sense, calling all my friends and priests and crap. I would call 911 and tell them the complete situation, the need to be subtle, etc....
who in their RIGHT minds would trust a KIDNAPPER? /CRIMNAL ! ! !
they are LAW BREAKERS>>>>
their word... , . . . are you k i d d i n g .... me ???
their WORD is WORTH NOTHING ! ! !
You must find a child in as Quick of time... as possible...
John Walsh, Tim Miller, Mr Klaas..... Ask those Parents....
Kiddnappers are Bad....
Kidnappers are up to no good! T h e y .... Have NO REASON to
be good an honest....... they L I E !!!

* H * E * L * L * O ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
wake up and smell the Coffee !!!!!

Kiddnappers are NOT our Friends !!!

God Bless!
Put yourself in the kidnappers shoes, if this was "really" what happened and she was alive at some point after July 16th she would not longer be by now and they would be fleeing from this like mad. Nothing would hold me back from telling LE about them, prior or after. If I was a millionaire and there was some real ransome I would obviously seek the advise of an attorney because it could turn ugly once you did turn it over to LE but apparently this is not the case here, and these supposed kidnappers just want to keep her. (If this were a real situation that occured that is.)

In other words if they had demands I amy try and meet them prior to LE, otherwise LE would emmediately be informed. Casey was given no demands, just a script!
Oh, I forgot...with all the media, no Anthony has pleaded with an alleged kidnapper (alleged because they apparently give kidnappers a bad name)

Kidnappers never try to trade Caylee for $250,000 reward? I guess INSANE kidnappers are involved, yet Casey willing goes to jail in order to protect these nuts?
Casey has the FBI on this case, They testified at her GJ and Cindy has been in touch with them, according to her August 4th interview.

**NO WAY** they would have a kidnapper abduct Caylee and Casey would sit in jail for ONE MINUTE.

Devil's advocate: suppose Caylee was kidnapped. Flash back to the photos of Casey in Fusion? Is that what you would do, knowing your precious baby was kidnapped?

One step further...if you were Cindy, and the evil kidnappers were watching your every move....would you "SHOP AROUND" an interview?

I feel as if I have been slapped into reality. Last night on NG, we learned, for sure, that JH had no kids. There was no ZG. He never dated a ZG and one never watched his child. KC was never trying to be a family with JH. (She was sleeping with TonE). ZG never watched Caylee. It's all a lie. No kidnappers at all.

Last night on NG LP also said, let's not forget that when he himself and Rick approached CA and LA in regards to this very fact that their response was that "it was another different Jeffery Hopkins with a son named Zach. Casey knows 2 JH's" OMG the entire family are strangers from the truth!!! Complete and utter madness. :mad:
At this point if there was even one shredd of truth to the notion that Caylee is alive and with some unknown kidnapper. Don't you think the FBI and LE have way more resourses available than your average PI or your parents to find your missing child?

I totally agree with this. Even if (and that's a big if) what Casey said was true in the beginning - her child was kidnapped, she was given a script, her family is in danger if she speaks to LE - at the point that the police got involved on July 15th/16th, thats when I would have started talking...well, I would have started talking to LE the day my child was taken, but thats a different argument.

as has been said before, Casey's actions/non-actions during the time from June 15th to July 15th are what convince me she did something to Caylee. As I mentioned to my hubby last night, the fact that she did not tell one person in her circle of friends/family that caylee was missing seals it for me. Even if she didn't want to go to LE, she surely would have gone to LA, TL to be her saviour. I just hope they eventually find the body for the sake of the grandparents getting in touch with reality.
Are you kidding? I'd be camped out at the cop shop, telling them SO much that they'd send someone for socks and duct tape.

I would DEMAND the FBI the SECOND we hit the 24 hour mark.

WHO are the kidnapping experts, with the best resources in the world? The FBI.

Even if we accepted KC's wild tales, there is no reason, whatever, to trust the word of a criminal.

It's like the cop interview question, "If a gunman told you to give him your gun, or he'll kill your partner, would you do it?" The right answer is "no."
I know I would tell at least one person, if my child were missing. Plus, everyone who knows me would be able to tell by looking at my demeanor that I was scared or in trouble. I would kill anyone who hurt my child, and wouldn't trust that they would be telling me the truth anyway. Who believes kidnappers? There is no ransom request, as in all of the movies.
Also, the fact that Kc has never been an upstanding person in any way, shape or form, lends me to believe that she is lying to save herself. A person who lies about their life, job, nanny and steals from everyone dear to her shows that she is not one to protect her family. The fact of all of the fights at that household and the dysfunction, leading to police calls for many years to that house, indicates problems. I have never called 911. I don't think most people regularly call 911 unless they are in abusive households.
I have never lied about working, or stolen from the people I love( OR ANYONE ELSE).
KC's reputation has made this difficult for any rational , good human to believe she is acting in the best interest of anyone but her own lying self.
It would be interesting for an expert on cults to investigate this family, because the only time I have ever seen such mass delusions are in cults, where women end up letting their children be harmed in the name of someone else. Cults are always protective of each others members to the point of lunacy.
I would love to believe that we are wrong and that Caylee is OK.
I think....
perhaps KC might have had a plan with some one... or even
several people....
Take Caylee... to help me punish my MOM... for being mad at
me for stealing my Grandmothers $ $ MONEY $ $ $ ~~~~
Take Caylee........ later....
there will be a REWARD $ $ $ we can share the MONEY>>>>


No one wants to claim the Reward $ $ $MONEY>>..

THE * * * * TRUNK * * * * OF THE WHITE CAR * * * *


KC Never Told the TRUTH ! ! !
Their are No Kidnappers ~~~~~ No Babysitter !!!!!

If it is NOT TRUE ~~~~~
THE F B I ~~~~~~ has gone NUTS accusing the Mother ! ! !

Now get real...

Never trust a stranger..... "KIDNAPPER " ! ! !

Simple ANSWER: DIAL 911
better to be safe ~~~~~ S A F E ~~~~~ than ~~~SORRY ! ! !

if the child shows up...... COPS are happy !!!!
No one
gets mad.......

LIKE KC REALLY Obeyed other LAWS>>>>
she Obeys KIDNAPPERS ! ! ????

I'm ranting...... and I can't S T O P !!!!!
sorry !

I would have immediately turned over any information I had.

I wouldn't talk to my local police, I would demand the FBI be called in and I would deal with them. I would do everything they asked me to do. I would beg and plead daily to every media outlet.
HA, HA.. you are right like KC ever followed any laws, and only follows the laws of a kidnapper!
Well, people don't protect kidnappers. Has there ever been a case where a kidnapped child was not reported immediately? ever? I haven't been able to find one.
The ONLY reason a parent would have to refuse the FBI in a kidnapping case would be if said parent was implicated.
Funny- My MIL and I were just talking about this...
She thinks "Maybe" Caylee is alive and hidden some where, or Caylee was "given/sold" to someone. It would explain the lack of tears and all the lies. If it was all to protect Caylee. Except, now is the time, there are enough people involved to protect Caylee, but if she "gave her up/sold" her then maybe Casey is just to scared to talk?
The only logical reason for protecting a kidnapper is to protect yourself and your family. So, just playing along here. This is all theoretical, but I think the story Baez and Casey may put out at trial is going to be one of two things:

1. Caylee was kidnapped by organized criminals to force Casey to do something. They threatened Casey and her entire family with death if she went to law enforcement. Just to show Casey they were serious, they killed Caylee and put her in the trunk of Casey's car or alternatively, they killed someone else and put them in the trunk of Casey's car along with blood and hair from Caylee. Even if Casey turned in the kidnapper, the police could never arrest EVERYONE in the organized crime group. So she and her family would still die.

2. Caylee's biological father, who happens to be in organized crime, kidnapped Caylee. He has her and plans to raise her himself. He has threatened Casey and her entire family with death if she tells the truth. He stuck a dead body in Casey's car along with some of Caylee's blood and hair to frame Casey and get her permanently out of the picture. Casey discovered it when it started to smell. She got rid of the body but is afraid to turn this man in because he is in a large organized crime group. There is no way the police could arrest all of them. If she turned him in, Casey and her entire family would wind up dead.

Now, the only thing illogical about this is that if this really is the case, Casey should be able to tell the police or FBI what is going on and she and her whole family could go into witness protection immediately and Caylee could be searched for by professionals. UNLESS...(duh, duh, duh, da!) the kidnapper's crime organization has people in the police and FBI - they are corrupt and they cannot be trusted either.
I'm just curious. Let's play devil's advocate and assume for the sake of this thread that Caylee was, in fact, kidnapped and KC is protecting her family and Caylee by taking the fall.

I keep on waiting for KC to break down and finally tell all. She waited and kept everyone from LE on the edge of their seats when she went to Universal and walked boldly right straight to the office that was never hers. Ballsy!

How far would you let a scenario like that go before you just trusted LE and gave them all of the information. EVEN if it was the Mafia. EVEN if they had threatened to kill you and/or your family. How far?

Would you let a grand jury indict you on a murder 1 charge?
Would you keep your mouth shut, even while in protective custody?

If either of my children were kidnapped, I would move both Heaven and Earth to get them back. I would absolutely (no pun intended) trust LE, FBI, whatever it took to get them back.
The only logical reason for protecting a kidnapper is to protect yourself and your family. So, just playing along here. This is all theoretical, but I think the story Baez and Casey may put out at trial is going to be one of two things:

1. Caylee was kidnapped by organized criminals to force Casey to do something. They threatened Casey and her entire family with death if she went to law enforcement. Just to show Casey they were serious, they killed Caylee and put her in the trunk of Casey's car or alternatively, they killed someone else and put them in the trunk of Casey's car along with blood and hair from Caylee. Even if Casey turned in the kidnapper, the police could never arrest EVERYONE in the organized crime group. So she and her family would still die.

2. Caylee's biological father, who happens to be in organized crime, kidnapped Caylee. He has her and plans to raise her himself. He has threatened Casey and her entire family with death if she tells the truth. He stuck a dead body in Casey's car along with some of Caylee's blood and hair to frame Casey and get her permanently out of the picture. Casey discovered it when it started to smell. She got rid of the body but is afraid to turn this man in because he is in a large organized crime group. There is no way the police could arrest all of them. If she turned him in, Casey and her entire family would wind up dead.

Now, the only thing illogical about this is that if this really is the case, Casey should be able to tell the police or FBI what is going on and she and her whole family could go into witness protection immediately and Caylee could be searched for by professionals. UNLESS...(duh, duh, duh, da!) the kidnapper's crime organization has people in the police and FBI - they are corrupt and they cannot be trusted either.

Love the theme music.. :)
who in their RIGHT minds would trust a KIDNAPPER? /CRIMNAL ! ! !
they are LAW BREAKERS>>>>
their word... , . . . are you k i d d i n g .... me ???
their WORD is WORTH NOTHING ! ! !
You must find a child in as Quick of time... as possible...
John Walsh, Tim Miller, Mr Klaas..... Ask those Parents....
Kiddnappers are Bad....
Kidnappers are up to no good! T h e y .... Have NO REASON to
be good an honest....... they L I E !!!

* H * E * L * L * O ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
wake up and smell the Coffee !!!!!

Kiddnappers are NOT our Friends !!!

God Bless!

:clap: Well put. I would trust LE & FBI way before I did a criminal. Most criminals are stupid & leave a clue somewhere. You also gotta ask yourself why anyone like the MAFIA would kidnap a kid.........Anthony's have no money & if it were drug related they just would have offed KC and left her in the street as a msg. Why would you kidnap a kid & keep it a secret if you wanted to send a message??:behindbar

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