How is the Defense Spending the Taxpayer's Money?

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I would like to know if this investigator has any other clients or is making a living off of investigating things for this case.

I guess PI Lyons should be grateful that KC is indigent and he is getting paid by the JAC...cuz if he was waiting for Baez to pay him, well, let's just say, he'd be waiting until He!! froze over. :crazy:
Am I crazy or isn't this an awful lot of money? In all seriousness, shouldn't the first installment of 200 k have paid for Baez's whole job here?

Bold mine.

Key words here are: Baez's whole else does he afford those expensive suits, shoes, briefcase, and pocket squares! :)

None of that 200K went to anyone other than Jose Be Good.
The defense has billed the state $80,000 so far — and been reimbursed $49,000, Bob Kealing reported this afternoon. (That means charges of $31,000 are pending.) Anthony is charged with first-degree murder in the death of her daughter, Caylee. Her trial is scheduled to start in May.

Kealing broke down some of the costs:
$30,000 went for investigative costs,
$17,000 for experts,
$10,000 on court reporting and transcription.

And there’s more: Kealing reported that her defense team wants money for 300 additional investigative hours, which would come to $12,000. WFTV-Channel 9 explained that the defense wants private investigator Jeremy Lyons to do those 300 hours at $40 per hour. “The defense says Lyons would be going through new evidence submitted by the state and looking into the prosecution’s witness list,” anchor Bob Opsahl said.
I finally got an answer from my "acquaintance" at the JAC. I am sorry it took so long.

Regarding the PI billing for his time at the hearings......if he is employed by the defense team...HE CAN IN FACT be paid to sit there and do NOTHING. They did not mention any cap on hours. Me thinks that his "time" is part of the request for additional hours.

IMO we need a serious overhaul of the indigent for costs budget.

For clarification....I did NOT tell this person which case I was referring to nor did I disclose that I follow this and other cases....I only asked a "hypothetical question". I didn't want to hear about JB complaining that his team was being disparaged by the JAC. So I took it upon myself to THWART that complaint. Why??? Because I have ethics.
Bold mine.

Key words here are: Baez's whole else does he afford those expensive suits, shoes, briefcase, and pocket squares! :)

None of that 200K went to anyone other than Jose Be Good.

don't forget the New Ipad and accessories
Well it's none of my business and all that because I'm not a Florida taxpayer or even American, but, imo, HHJP needs to close the wallet.
Personally, I don't think JAC should reimburse any PI who called TES searchers, claiming to be from Orange County Court House. I believe that would involve the JAC in facilitating a crime.
Personally, I don't think JAC should reimburse any PI who called TES searchers, claiming to be from Orange County Court House. I believe that would involve the JAC in facilitating a crime.

And then continued to call searchers after being "repeatedly" told they did not search on Suburban.EVER.
I hope HHJBP asks for a more detailed justification than what I read in this motion.
I wonder if he's standing in line to get the NEW one out today???

Nah...he probably sent the PI to do it and told him to look for witnesses in line. HaHa

Well I hope that lineup isn't too long - he needs to bustle up to the court clerks office and get Dr. Spitz's report in! :floorlaugh:

Thanks to Muzikman :rocker:, here is Baez's latest motion for more investigative hours.

"4. Since the telephonic hearing on January 24, 2011, the State has filed an additional three Notice of Provision of Supplemental Discovery, and one Supplemental State Witness List.".....

The one Supplemental State Witness List filed on Feb 10, 2011, contains ONE new witness - Julie Davis - TES searcher with a cadaver dog.

Most of the State witnesses have been known to the Defense for a long time and the Defense has already had years to "investigate" most of the 340 State witnesses.
Well it's none of my business and all that because I'm not a Florida taxpayer or even American, but, imo, HHJP needs to close the wallet.

Oh no he needs to give them exactly what they need to insure a fair and reasonable trial... BUT before he gives them one more taxpayer dime he needs to insist on a full and complete detailed accounting of all expenses to date.
I don't know but I am positive that he is doing some creative accounting and moving funds around as needed ... not that he does any accounting of hours, expenses, etc anyway.

I'd love an accounting of that $275,000 and where that really went -- that is a lot of money when the bulk of the work has been only done recently and has only racked up ~$80,000 ... 30% of what was previously spent.

It still knocks me for a loop that he was not made to account for how he blew through that 300k. It is simply DISGRACEFUL that Casey was declared indigent without a full accounting of that money. ... estigation
----2011.03.10 Defense Motion for Additional Hours of Investigation----

1. On Jan.24th the Court approved a cap of 300 in-state investigative hours for the above referenced case.

---well, that's a "kinda/sorta" baez-----what judgeP's Order said was: ... 0Hours.pdf
--Order Addressing Motions for Approval of Investigative Hours (01/31/2011)--

judgeP: " To clarify. In addition to the 106.2 hrs. previously incurred, ( b/c baez was over already when he came begging in Jan. ) an additional 193.8 hrs. for investigative services is approved , and may be incurred for a total of 300 hrs."

2. Currently, the defense has submitted 269.20 in-state investigative hours to the JAC, which have been approved.

---is that another 269.20?? (when baez only had 193.8 to work with?)

3. Without a new order, the JAC cannot approve additional in-state investigative hours, and the defense must stop any further investigations.

---if the 269.20 are "new" since jan.24th-----then baez is once again over already by 75.4 hrs.

---if not-----then what's he crying about, having to "STOP" any further investigations-----he would still have 30.8 hrs. for his investigators to drive around aimlessly/look up phone numbers/& harrass people...

4. Since the Jan.24th hearing the State has filed an additional three Notice of Provision of Supplemental Discovery, and one Supplemental State Witness List. This does not include the 9650 pages and the 340 State witnnesses the defense must continue to investigate in order to be ready for trial.

---ummm, what's "an additional three Notice"?

---does not include WHAT 9650 pages?? ( we already know those don't include the "an additional three Notice" ones...)

----STILL investigating the 340 state witnesses?? seriously ?! they've had those names forever...

5.Trial starts in less than 2 months.Therefore in the interest of judicial economy, the defense is respectfully requesting an additional 300 hrs. for in-state investigative services to continue the investigation of the state's discovery, which as illustrated above, continues to be on-going until further notice by this Court.

---the state's discovery-----"continues to be on-going until further notice by this Court".

---are they suggesting the judge insist that the state quit supplying discovery??

---as LDB said recently "We will provide discovery up to the day OF trial, AND throughout trial, if that's when we get it. Are we going to quit doing our jobs?? NO."

Wherefore the defendant prays that this Honorable Court to enter an Order for additional hours of investigation and for such other further relief as this Court deems just and equitable.

---"enter an Order for additional hours----and for such other further relief..."

---whoa----the Motion is FOR additional hours, what's this "and for such other further relief" that they sneak in/speak of???
It still knocks me for a loop that he was not made to account for how he blew through that 300k. It is simply DISGRACEFUL that Casey was declared indigent without a full accounting of that money.
..i wonder if he ever will be held to account for those $$'s ?? was $345, correct?

..$200,000 from ABC ( or as baez would say "The American Broadcasting Corporation".)
..$70,000 from DePaul , andrea lyon's clinic
..$70,000 from Todd Malacuso , former member of defense
..$5000 from "anonymous donor".
Obviously if ABC would not have given JB that $200,000 for Caylee's pictures this trial would have been over and done with by now. JB complains about SA releasing more evidence but if the trial took place last year this evidence would not have been necessary to investigate because the trial would have been over by now. It seems the longer they are taking the more and more evidence that surfaces. jmo

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