How is This affecting you, your kids and your family?

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This case has certainly become an obsession with me. Saying good morning to you guys. Going to work and listening to WFTV and popping up the picture when no one is looking. Coming home turning on HLN, reading the post of the day and news article. Then comes Saturday. What did i get done in the past 2 Saturdays? Not much of anything because here I am again. Like I said, it has become an obsession and is a topic of talk everyday. But I must add I like being here with you all.:loveyou:

I really should of posted this in the thread 'You know your addicted to this case when'
But all of the above does effect my family. This case takes up a lot of my time. Time that I should be spending with them. Thankfully they understand that I won't stop until the Fat Lady Sings..but then again there might be another precious one that captures my heart
From day one my daughter has seen me on an emotional roller coaster because of this case. I have felt an incredible connection to Caylee because she looks so much like my daughter did at that age. Also, it hits so close to home because I too was a 19 yr. old party girl who had no intentions of becoming pregnant. Neither her father or I had the maturity level to become parents at that time. We freaked, we panicked & we seriously considered adoption. The difference is that my parents (WONDERFUL parents) told me that I had 7 months to grow up. They said that from the second my child was conceived, it was no longer about me. Tough for a spoiled teenager to hear, but I needed to. My daughter and I bonded before she was ever born & I fell head over heals in love with being a mommy. My ex husband and I needed my parents help for about 6 months, not just financially. My parents taught us how to be parents. They didn't let us lay around the house without jobs, or babysit all the time so we could go out and party. We became mommy & daddy. We have always been brutally honest with my daughter as to how she was unplanned...but NEVER unwanted. Maybe that was a mistake because when she heard the news of the test results, she ran to me & hugged me saying, "Oh my god mommy, that could have been us. Thank you so much for wanting to be my mom. How did Caylee's life turn out so different? If her mom didn't want her, why didn't she just leave?" I was in tears because it was something that I never expected my daughter to have to think about. She is 13 now but wise beyond her years. How do you explain to a young girl that there was MUCH more going on here than a teenager who became pregnant unexpectedly? :cry::cry:

Thank you so much for sharing. :)

I don't know know to explain this case. It's unbelievable! Except to say that I've always told my kids that there are people in the world who are selfish and don't care about anyone else. Some being so selfish they will actually murder anyone who is in their way. I hope this makes some sort of sense.

As for how it's affecting me and my life? I am constantly behind with important things I have to do and behind with my housework, medical appts., important paperwork since my Dad passed, usually making quick dinners, shut the ringer off on my phone during the trial. Why? Cause I have to see justice for Caylee to the very end! I've been following since this started and it's just so incredibly sad!

Great topic/thread! :)
In 2008 I was very obsessed. My family couldn't have cared less and actually my husband would say things like not NG again. I took a break from NG and keeping up with doc dumps etc because personally for me, it was all spelled out and we just needed to wait for trial.

Fast forward to now, I'm obsessed! Hubby says things like bombshell tonight!! LOL He also asks everyday when he gets home from work what happened with Casey Anthony! I made him stay home the other day until after the August 14th video was shown just becasue until that point, he wasn't "sold" on guilty and really couldn't believe ICA was this unbelieveable liar...well...he's on board now!
I think my husband has been very supportive because I do tend to talk about it every single day.When he calls me during the day he asks me what is going on with the trial.He knows I have waited for justice for Caylee.

Oh,and I always make sure there is cold beer in the fridge.
My kids are all grown, but for the past 3-years I have had to indulge my addiction to this case in secret. The hubby didn't understand my addiction. Well he was in a good mood and decided to watch opening statements - now he's hooked. He cried during CA's testimony and now discusses the case with me at length. I never discussed the case with my friends or other family but suddenly everyone is talking about it! My folks, who live in another state, had their friends from Florida stay with them last week. Their friends live on the same block as the Anthony family residence. So now my parents are addicted. My girlfriend calls me daily about the case and she doesn't watch television! She tapes all the news shows now so she can watch the trial. Even my grandchildren have seen the news clips, which I really hate it when that happens, and my 4-yr old g-son asked who ICA was. I told him a she was a mommy accused of hurting her little girl and he said "why would she do that nana?" and I told him I didn't know, that no one understood, and that is why she is on television. Well he shrugged and went off to play like a 4-yr old.

This trial has affected me terribly. I so badly want to see justice served.
This case has certainly become an obsession with me. Saying good morning to you guys. Going to work and listening to WFTV and popping up the picture when no one is looking. Coming home turning on HLN, reading the post of the day and news article. Then comes Saturday. What did i get done in the past 2 Saturdays? Not much of anything because here I am again. Like I said, it has become an obsession and is a topic of talk everyday. But I must add I like being here with you all.:loveyou:

BBM: Ricki you make such a great point. For the past 3-years I have made such wonderful friends on WS. A lot has happened to me in the past 3-years and WS has been here for me. Kind words on difficult days, understanding and sympathetic ears for difficult times. Most importantly I have found kindred spirits here on WS who have similar backgrounds, life stories, current situations, it goes on and on............this case took me from lurkdom to actively participating in threads. So for all the negative impact ICA has had, joining WS because of a precious little girl named Caylee has changed my life forever as well in a postive way.
My husband pokes fun at me for following this case. When he sees me with my laptop, he asks if I'm websleuthing, again! If I say yes, he lets me be. He knows that I'm engrossed in this if I'm on here.

He couldn't believe when I watched all the hearings. He almost watched one with me until he realized it wasn't the trial, just preliminary stuff.

This morning, when he saw me watching it on HLN, plus on my laptop, and posting at the same time, he rolled his eyes and asked, "when is this going to be over?"

Then he sat down, and watched it with me. To the end! AND analyzed it along with me. Even cursing the inopportune times that HLN cut away for commercials. :floorlaugh:
I am in the process of getting my house ready to put on the market. I've lived here for 32 years, so you can imagine the amount of stuff to take care of.

Because of the trial, the following things have been compromised or not attended to at all:

~Realtor rescheduled.
~Packing at a minimum.
~Window washing postponed.
~Painting has been put off.
~Cleaning non-existent.
~Mowing and weeding into the night.
~Phone calls not returned, or kept VERY short.
~Bills paid a little late.
~Laundry stacking up.
~Social life nil.
~Plants rather neglected.
~Dogs off schedule.

There's more, but since I'm watching video reruns, I can't concentrate enough to recount them. :loser:
If I'm watching on my laptop and he comes into the room, I close the top and tend to whatever he wants, or go and play with him, make him a snack, etc.

Bravo for you!

Your son is lucky to have a Mom who will close the screen and put it on hold for his needs/wants.

The trial has definitely caused some interruption in our lives. My 89 year old mother gets impatient because she wants to go somewhere and i am glued to the computer, naturally she's bored and not happy. I have explained alot of this to her, her comment was, "i hate her, I would have strangled her". Caseys lucky my mother wasn't her mother.
Hubby is up to date and interested.
My 21 yr old, im's me all day to compare notes, shes completely into the trial. The one thing she said in the beginning, "You will always know where my little girl (when she has one) is at all times, I promise."
The trial isn't affecting my family. We're watching it as we can, but no more than we normally have the TV going. We're mainly trying to figure out why she did it and how someone can tell so many lies without confessing even with detectives yelling. It's pretty scary. I have gotten a little less sleep at times because of trying to wake up to watch first thing in the mornings. I'm not too comfortable letting an almost 10 & 12 year old know what we're watching, this is the first murder televised thing I've ever let them know about, and they are aware and can't understand why she didn't just leave the baby with the grandparents. My grandson was a lot younger when Caylee went missing and heard it on the tv before we could change it, but I didn't let him know what it was about at that time.
I was coming home at night and reading thru both trial threads (morning/afternoon) on my laptop. However, my husband and 16 yr old started giving me a hard time about being on the computer so much. So... the last two nights I just printed out the threads and brought them home to read in a binder. Yeah it was about 600 pages but they can't say I'm addicted to my computer!! lol Thank goodness I am off on weekends and can at least follow the Saturday thread as it happens!:crazy:
My daughter is grown and out of the house so no affect there. My cat, however, doesn't get the attention he is accustomed to.

I followed this case daily from the beginning but I had to step away because it was tearing me up. I have come back with the start of the trial. I am on the computer more than I should be--my house isn't as clean as it was and I am barely keeping up with other chores. But little Caylee grabbed my heart back in 2008 and even though I had to step away, I have never stopped praying for justice for her.

I also pray for justice for Gabriel, Adji, Haleigh, Kyron, Hailey...the list goes on.
My family rolls their eyes. They think this stuff is too dark and I should focus on the more pleasant side of life.
I have an interest in true crime- but there's nothing dark about it. I just like to see when the bad guy gets stopped in his/her tracks.

I have managed to influence one good friend to watch and now she is more enthralled then I am, if that's even possible. :crazy:
:floorlaugh: :clap: :takeabow: funniest post I've read! Thank you!

I am in the process of getting my house ready to put on the market. I've lived here for 32 years, so you can imagine the amount of stuff to take care of.

Because of the trial, the following things have been compromised or not attended to at all:

~Realtor rescheduled.
~Packing at a minimum.
~Window washing postponed.
~Painting has been put off.
~Cleaning non-existent.
~Mowing and weeding into the night.
~Phone calls not returned, or kept VERY short.
~Bills paid a little late.
~Laundry stacking up.
~Social life nil.
~Plants rather neglected.
~Dogs off schedule.

There's more, but since I'm watching video reruns, I can't concentrate enough to recount them. :loser:
I couldn't get DD to sleep the other night. I tried reading a story, and guided relaxation....but still no signs of sleepiness. She hopped into my bed and I put the trial on to watch. JB was at the podium droning on and on, and no kidding- within 2 minutes DD was out like a light!

Thanks JB!!
Family? Oh~snap! I haven't fed them in weeks. I'm in trubble!
j/k~ they are 18 & 45 and had 3 years to prepare!
Just told them I would be sequestered ... my civic duty.
they will be glad when this issue over .

I was on bedrest for 5 months with my son... at least I can still cook and clean! lol
I love reading everyone's stories.
I follow the trial in segments. Sometimes catching up at night when everyone's asleep. I don't sit here all day non-stop--It makes me stiff. :D So I take it in shifts. :rocker:

Fortunately, my gang is all grown up. Most have moved out and it's so much easier to follow a case like this.

OMG when both Peterson trials were going on I was stuck to the computer like glue. The fam was lucky they got fed and had clean clothes. ;)

I will be here everyday tho, I want to see Justice for Caylee.
Well I have called in sick a few times only to get asked by my boss the next day " so whats happening in the trial" lol

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