How is This affecting you, your kids and your family?

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DNA Solves
Even before I arrived here in 2005, I was following many cases, a few being Darlie Routier, Danielle Van Dam/David Westerfield Trial, Andrea Yates, and Laci and Conner/Scott Peterson Trial. I also, living near Chicago, Illinois, have done too much research on the Browns Chicken Massacre, and Kathleeen Savio/Stacy Peterson/Drew Peterson Trial to come up. Those cases nearly tore me apart.

I told myself in 2008 that I would not follow this trial of Casey Anthony. I only glanced at threads. Especially the days they were in court for filing motions. However, on the day of opening statements, I found myself on WS chat, and live feed. Work permitting, I caught a good portion of testimony so far.

This trial is so different to me, because of the lack of a defense attorney with brain cells. Jose Baez frustrates me beyond belief. I find myself of medium intelligence, and every time the DT team speaks ...:banghead:

In this case, it is quite obvious that Casey would have been the only one that did this. Without a "Nanny", that leaves Casey. Cindy and George, while creating this monster, loved their granddaughter.

I think about my own parents when I was "18" and pregnant. I married, and am still with him over twenty years later. Once we hit 21, we had a 3 year old daughter too. We hit the clubs too, the bars, the casino boats. My parents never made us feel, "guilty". They would always say, "You guys work hard all week. Bring us Alyssa, go out, and pick her up tomorrow." They never tried to keep us from going out, or anything. After a few years of going out, it got old, and we would rather be home anyway. At age 38, almost 39, I don't remember the last time we went out.

I think Cindy and George's only fault was to coddle and appease Casey for years, and then allow her to use Caylee as leverage. Look how Cindy begged Casey not to punish her by keeping her grandbaby from her.

Now as I watch, I try to figure her motive. I know and accept that I might never know. How long was Casey using chloroform on Caylee? Did she finally figure out how to make it, and it was too much for her daughter to handle? Was that why she didn't just come forward in the beginning.. cause the autopsy would have shown cause of death??

One last thought. I always believed Laci died in her pool. She was very pregnant, and would be unable to fight Scott. Why not for a "sociopath", to call 911 after he killed her and say she "must have drowned in the pool"? I think that's the common factor with most of the cases with murdered children. They want to push away all the blame off themselves, because that would tarnish everyone's view of them.

This trial affects me differently, because there is no doubt Casey did it. I can only take deep breaths, and hope to make light on why.
Just wanted to say Howdy to all my WS friends!!! :seeya:

I am so obsessed with this trial that I hardly take time to post here. I watch it on tv, on my cell phone and on my laptop. I also watch the HLN 5pm report and Nancy Grace. By the end of the day, I am zapped. *faint* lol

Like other posters, I clean, cook, etc. during commercial breaks & court recesses. I had to run to the grocery store today and HATED being away from the "action".

I was wondering today....when the jury goes into deliberations, will one of the Orlando stations send out a text or something when they've reached a verdict? I don't want to miss that AT ALL!
Wasn't sure where this post really fits, but I have to share what happened when 7 yr old DD was watching some of the trial with me (same one who fell asleep listening to JB LoL)

We'd just come home from a psychologist appt and her h/work is to be a detective about her feelings. She thinks that's the most BORING detective work ever!

So when she sat down and looked at the trial taking place, I explained how important detective work is, and how the courtroom works. (prosecution role, defense role, judges role, jury's rule, evidence etc)

She asked 'who is this about?'. I said 'You remember mummy being on the computer all the time about Caylee, don't you'?
She couldn't, so I googled Caylee Anthony images to 'refresh her memory'.

Looking at the various images, out of nowhere she said 'maybe if we look at her t-shirts she's wearing there might be a clue.'
In shock, I asked how she knew that. She shrugged and said 'well if they find the clothes she was wearing, there might be evidence'.
I said ' Did you know that is one of the bits of evidence that is really, really important in this case? And you figured that out all by yourself?'

We were watching the bit about google searches, and when she heard the search terms, (I explained chloroform as a poison) she said 'she definitely killed her.'
She went on to say that they should check for fingerprints on the computer to see if Caylees mummy did the searches. Then she said 'oh, hang on, maybe she wiped the computer down to get rid of her fingerprints'.
Then she asked if there was any hair. I told her that Caylee's skeleton still had some hair with it. She said 'But what about her mum? They need to 'examine' (OMG) the hair for poison and they need to test her mums hair to see if there was any of it where Caylees body was found.'
OH-Em-Gee! she understand trace evidence????
(By this stage I had no doubt that at 7 yrs old, DD is smarter than JB)

Detective work over, we watched the videos of Caylee with her great grandfather, and singing 'you are my sunshine'.
'She's such a nice little girl mummy.She's not naughty and she's even worried about her papa!! I just don't understand why her mummy killed her. Why was her mummy so bad to her when she was such a sweet little girl?'

Forget a jury of peers- she's already 100% guilty in DD's eyes. And if a 7 yr old can see it, I have no doubt the jury will too.

ETA: the funny thing about this is DD has an anxiety disorder. She has panic attacks about school, using public toilets and a whole bunch of other things, yet she is fascinated by true crime.When she got home from school this afternoon, she said 'are you going to watch the trial again tonight'?
I jokingly rolled my eyes and said 'what do you think'?
She got so excited and said "Yay! Can I watch I watch it with you again? It's the same one about Caylee, right? Please, please, please?????"
So I put on a bit of the wftv video. I pointed to LDB and said 'Do you remember who she is? Is she part of the defense or prosecution?"
"Prosecution"! She said without skipping a beat. :woohoo:

I'm thinking that in 20 yrs time DD might just be the Oz version of LDB.
Same here, I now have custody of my grandson:) Watching Cindy & George made me face a lot of the same isues with my own adult child.I stoped putting up with the lies and decite and took a stand, no way was I going to let what happened to Caylee happen to my grandchild. I call him my little red headed freckle face front toothless blessing, he calls me Mom:) He is safe, happy and loved so very much.We are so blessed to have him.
I would like to know just how many grandparents here are raising grandchildren. It would be nice to have a place here where Grandparents could get together and talk, get advice and share.

Same here - my youngest child was originally my grandson, but he has been mine for almost ten years and I did most of the care prior to that. I am his mom now, but it was a very difficult process legally and emotionally. I am beyond blessed to have my wonderful child. I would love a place here where Grandparents could get together and talk. Maybe downstairs?
Same here - my youngest child was originally my grandson, but he has been mine for almost ten years and I did most of the care prior to that. I am his mom now, but it was a very difficult process legally and emotionally. I am beyond blessed to have my wonderful child. I would love a place here where Grandparents could get together and talk. Maybe downstairs?

I just want to applaud all you Grandparents that are taking on the tough job of raising your child's child. I know that it must be so difficult to be in that position. I wanted you to know, from someone whose Grandparents saved her life....we the children thank you!!!!!!!!!!:rocker:
My daughter is so smart. She just said 'If casey didn't want to look after Caylee anymore, why didn't she just put her up for adoption'?
She thinks ICA should not get the death penalty, but she should spend the rest of her life in jail thinking about the bad things she did....she said that they shouldn't give her apples and other fruit either (LOL)

She also thinks that the shackles should include a collar around her neck. :floorlaugh:

As mature as her insight is, it was so sweet when she said "do they get to brush their teeth in jail?' I said 'yes'.
Her reply was that they shouldn't let them brush their teeth, so their teeth fall out and they won't get a visit from the tooth fairy.
My kids are at the age where hopefully potential employers will soon be looking to hire them. I often preach to them about FB postings/privacy setting/etc. Over the weekend we celebrated a birthday. I'd forgotten about the family pic my daughter took with her phone. She showed it to me yesterday and asked:

"Permission to publish?"
First, let me say how much I have enjoyed all the stories. It has been a joy to read all your posts. Some have been so sad, others inspirational and then someone throws in an hysterical one. I have been having trouble sleeping (it's 2:55am EST) and this started with jury selection. Hmmmmmmm, doesn't take a genius to figure out that the trial is making me alittle anxious. Reading this thread, I think will help me fall asleep in a few minutes. Only because it has brought me some sort of clarity. I see positives coming from this.

I am so inspired by all the members that have taken this horrible situation and used it to make positive changes in the lives of children in your families. I don't have the words to describe how moved I am. It's as if this precious little 2 year old empowered grandmas, grandpas, aunts and uncles all over the country to speak up and intervene. I applaud all of you.

I have been struggling with this case for several years. I have struggled to find the positives in all of this. It's the negatives of this case that keep me from sleeping. During this week I was able to come up with one positive...all of the scientists, drs, etc. that are testifying are great role models for kids today. I am a former high school teacher and I was really excited to see how influential the main players, Dr. G, LBD, JA, the police officers, the investigators could be for teenagers. These are the people that kids should have posters on their walls for. Plus this case, I think will inspire kids to go into public service.

Then I read this thread. And I knew, one of the most positive things to come out of Caylee's death is the awareness of families to watch over the small ones. To do whatever is necessary to insure that the children in your family will come first. Providing a healthier environment so they become emotionally healthy adults.

I am so proud to know you all. I am thankful that I can come on this website and find answers, vent and keep informed. I feel blessed to have stumbled onto this website back when Caylee was first reported missing. This case has been so disturbing and I really value the opportunity to discuss it with others who want justice for Caylee.

On a lighter life has changed....I'm not cleaning the house, walking the dog (I open the door and she runs out and does her business in complete violation of our HOA rules). I'm not cooking. And JB frustrates me so much that I will run up to the grocery to buy the classic sized bag of mini Reeses cups to eat while I watch him humiliate himself. None of my friends, family or neighbors have seen me and they all know why. They can call me if they have any questions about the case and I will get back to them.

But, the biggest thing that has changed since the trial....the amount of time and money spent on internet shopping. I have really saved money. Oh, and I have cut back on renting movies. The saving money is good, so I can pay for the new laptop I bought to follow this website while watching the trial on tv. I couldn't see the tv from my desktop in my office, so I needed a computer that could travel with me around the house while the trial was on.

Some would say it's rediculous the amount of time and energy I have put into following this case. But, how could you not take an interest, when you see that sweet little face?

So, good night, everyone. I'm going to sleep now. And I will sleep better because of this thread.

My kids are all out of the house and my hubby is a retired cop. He just shakes his head. He doesn't understand anyone's interest in crime. He has seen too many dead kids close up. One of his cases, a baby shaken to death, haunts him still.

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