How long will the JA jury deliberate?

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How long will Jodi's jury deliberate?

  • Less than four hours

    Votes: 98 16.7%
  • One day

    Votes: 201 34.2%
  • Two days to a week

    Votes: 277 47.2%
  • Longer than a week

    Votes: 11 1.9%

  • Total voters
I think they will come to a decision on Friday, but wait until Monday to announce it. Are they going to be sequestered over the weekend? I know they can't deliberate because there is no security at the Courthouse on weekends. If they are sequestered, I look for a late Friday verdict. I also am expecting some shenanigans from the DT which would mean the jury won't get the case before Monday.
I voted less than 4 hours to find Jodi Arias guilty of 1st degree murder.
One day..We will know the verdict before the evening news..I think this jury is ready to go home..They took this trial very seriously. I have not seen a more dedicated jury.. IMO If it takes longer than three days I will start to think the state may have a problem; however, I think Juan will bring it home in his rebuttal and closing.. IMO

I'm justa Juan-a be :woohoo:

If the jury was beginning it's deliberations on a Thursday or Friday, I'd agree they'd be very eager to finish it up and go home. However, since they're beginning on a Monday, they will take their time that first day and have a very thorough discussion of the case. After all, they've been unable to speak about it this whole time and look how much time we all have used discussing it.

So I say a verdict will come late Tuesday or mid day Wednesday.
4 hours to one day is the most reasonable deliberation period for a murder case but I won't be surprised if they spend more time to go over evidences.
I think they will have to take longer than a day so no one can scream "Unfair! they didn't really think about it." Although, if I were any of them, I'd want to be out in four hours.
I think it is going to take longer ....I think that they are going to carefully going to go over every detail of the jurors instructions and with the more recent motions by the defense, it is quite possible that the case is not going to be so cut and dry. That is my guess anyway.
I really hope that is some sort of inside joke...They certinally love trials so much so that i don;t think there will ever be a jury even involved. check back in a few years this case will still be going on her mom will just about be taking the stand id say in april 2016 her father to follow in 2017 his familly hasn't even been told thier taking the stand in 2020 there will be a break so jody can have her child we know now was fatherd by the prosecuer another year or 2 so she can breast feed PFFFFFFFFT any you wanna talk about that the jury will do by then it won't be occupied by human beings but computer robots that have been downloaded in this case for homicide thats the time frame for this trial ...

Ok, which one of us is stoned right now? :floorlaugh: I read and re-read your post and well..I better go drink my coffee and try again. It must be that damn fog making it hard to figure out what this post is all about ;)

Oh yeah, as far as deliberations I say 1-2 days. I think this jury will very carefully go over all of the evidence so that'll take time. Jmo.
At this point I can't imagine there is anything left anyone could say to make anyone believe self defense. I think it will be a quick decision.
Faster than an emu can run from King St. to George St. in Sydney!
Hopefully this doesn't sound like a dumb question...but is the jury allowed to take a vote right off the bat before discussing all the testimony and so forth? If that happens it could be over in less than 5 minutes.
Respectfully Snipped

I'm sure they are allowed to take a vote right away. If I were them, I'd want to do that to see where everyone stands. But even if they all vote for guilt, I think they'd want to discuss the case, anyway, since they haven't been allowed to for 4 long months. Also, it probably wouldn't 'look good' if they came out with a verdict in 5 minutes. lol. I'm sure the Defense would jump all over that.

Nurmi will probably take all day Friday just to say good morning to the Jury. So, we can count on him rambling on and on for as long as the Judge will allow. If the Jury starts to deliberate on Monday, I'm guessing they will come back no later than Friday. Like most of us here, they must be sick and tired of hearing about JA and are ready to get back to their lives. As crazy as it seems, there are probably a few brain dead Jurors who won't want a Murder One verdict, so it will take the others at least a few days to convince the hold-outs. I'll take a guess and say they'll have a Murder One verdict by Thursday morning.
I really hope that is some sort of inside joke...They certinally love trials so much so that i don;t think there will ever be a jury even involved. check back in a few years this case will still be going on her mom will just about be taking the stand id say in april 2016 her father to follow in 2017 his familly hasn't even been told thier taking the stand in 2020 there will be a break so jody can have her child we know now was fatherd by the prosecuer another year or 2 so she can breast feed PFFFFFFFFT any you wanna talk about that the jury will do by then it won't be occupied by human beings but computer robots that have been downloaded in this case for homicide thats the time frame for this trial ...

Respectfully Snipped

I'm sure they are allowed to take a vote right away. If I were them, I'd want to do that to see where everyone stands. But even if they all vote for guilt, I think they'd want to discuss the case, anyway, since they haven't been allowed to for 4 long months. Also, it probably wouldn't 'look good' if they came out with a verdict in 5 minutes. lol. I'm sure the Defense would jump all over that.

Nurmi will probably take all day Friday just to say good morning to the Jury. So, we can count on him rambling on and on for as long as the Judge will allow. If the Jury starts to deliberate on Monday, I'm guessing they will come back no later than Friday. Like most of us here, they must be sick and tired of hearing about JA and are ready to get back to their lives. As crazy as it seems, there are probably a few brain dead Jurors who won't want a Murder One verdict, so it will take the others at least a few days to convince the hold-outs. I'll take a guess and say they'll have a Murder One verdict by Thursday morning.

Very well said.
I'm getting up at the crackers on Monday just in case .. I've got a feeling it won't even be half a day after watching Juan's closing :thud:
Honestly, I think if it takes more than a day for them to reach their decision, it's not going to be 1st degree murder. I can't imagine why they would need more than a few hours, truth be told.
I believe an hour or so for 1st degree. I think they will need a few hours or more to discus the penalty. Death is a difficult choice and this jury will need to TALK. Smart day at least.
They don't discuss the penalty now, that's done separately.

Hmmmm, Plumeria, deleted her tweets, huh?! I missed that. How 'bout dat? I love it!!

Did she instruct her proxy tweeter to do it, or did her proxy tweeter get paranoid and do it without asking the permission of her lowness? Verrrry interesting.
It's entirely possible Nurmi/Wilmott attempted to rein her in and ordered Jodi's tweets deleted.
Friday May 3rd... No deliberations over the weekend...restart Monday

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Not unless Juan finishes today. Nurmi could go on forever. They may not get the case until Monday.
Two Days to a week was my vote.
Three days.
I'm trying to think of my primary reason...
While I'm thinking of that ^ this verdict is going to take a huge emotional toll on these jurors.
I guess my primary reason would be that I feel there may be one or two jurors that may be leaning toward one of the lesser charges.
That "case in Florida" matter how I try, I can't come to terms with it.
I want an M1 verdict but I'm hesitant. Sorry.

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